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COP 17 Heater | Rosemary Ainslie

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  • Guruji
    Originally posted by jibbguy View Post
    Hi again Guruji,

    i believe the answer is still "no"

    Problem is; you say "inverter"; and if that means what i think it means (passive resistive ladder-style "Voltage Doubler"; and not the actual meaning which is a circuit that gives an AC output derived from a DC source); it is then highly unlikely to work: How can we use "-12V to +12V" as the voltage supply here, when the return goes back to a single 12V battery, and not to "Ground"..? It's an interesting "thought problem", but i can't think of any viable answer without adding Grounds and significant circuit changes that could stop the effect from being seen. Another problem of these passive "Voltage Doublers" is that diodes won't work right with them for many common applications.

    But these batts that are needed don't have to be big car ones; they can be small "garden tractor"-sized ones like Fuzzy and many other folks around here use; and they can at least be gotten fairly cheap compared to their big brothers.
    Hi Jibbguy thanks for response ok it's seems that you have more background in electronics then me. But still I think there are ways to overcome this.
    Maybe isolate two circuits or just using two batteries at least.
    Ok just suggestions.

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  • Michael John Nunnerley

    Hi all

    Here is the update, now 32hrs on and still running. I have posted a photo I have just taken, look at the bottom of the FL, it is totally black and very hot on the + terminal. I think there is too much voltage going through the FL, or is it amperage going into the battery? perhaps Harvey or another can explain this. The circuit seems to be eating the life out of the FL, you would expect this with an old well used FL for the ends to go black.

    I am going to buy a new one at 20w and see what will happen to that. I did notice that the amp draw has gone down in the last 12hrs and so I readjusted the frequency which has brought it back to 0.2amps. The black part is longer on the + connection to the battery, the high voltage return side is a little less, I think you can see it in the photo.

    To try to publicate anything to do with OU, excess energy, energy reduction circuits etc, is a big problem when it is for the scientific community with links to energy suppliers and governments. You will find that they have been for warned not to publicate or they will have their support cut, there seems to be a tight circle here and you need to have a radical within this circle if we are going to get anywhere with a publication.

    Now what we need is a complete dossier on all of these door slamings and go to a credible news paper with the whole story, they might even pay us, which would give us funds to buy new testing equipment etc. May be a radical tabloid like the NEWS OF THE WORLD in the UK, they do not care a ************ as long as it sells news papers.

    So to sum up guard all the communication and put it in a file, the more the better, print off all that you have, along with all the submissions that have been made. I am willing to approach a news paper on behalf of all, I am sure that they will go for it with all the business of global climate change etc.


    I am a big believer in as much documentation as possible, the more paper the bigger the fire, well thats my idea

    Happy new year all


    P.S. back next week
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  • witsend
    Happy New Year And All The Best For 2010

    Hi Ash - can't wait to see the TV number. That would be FANTASTIC. Slowly but surely guys, we're getting these facts out there.

    Then - Mike - thanks for your good wishes for the New Year. And really well done on that test. Would love to see your efforts up on a live link as per Fuzzy's number. It's such a really cool way to present things and no time limits which is the youtube downside. It constantly amazes me what facilities are opened with the internet - especially as this could help our open source research and development. (That's another one for you Fuzzy. LOL) BTW can we have an update on that sore on your arm - in due course?

    And guys, readers, co-authors, members, contributors to this thread and your families and loved ones. ALL THE VERY BEST FOR 2010. So nice to see a new decade open on a new millenium. I shall be doing some serious celebrations at this end of the globe. Let's hope for all the best to further our hard work here. And enjoy your New Year's Eve everyone.

    Here's my wish list. Fuzzy develop a full on broadcast station to further the interests of clean and green. Ash and Andrew dazzle mainstream with all their applied knowledge of the same. Harvey get some serious accreditation and compensation for all his hard work and knowledge of these technologies. Donny get his long awaited academic posting and Steve get awarded for his journalistic skills. Mike to make some serious inroads into applications for his technologies. And Luc get some eqally serious recognition for his experimental genius and perhaps an application? patented or otherwise. And for the rest of us, some realisation of our dearest hopes. My own are so manifold there's no space for a list here. LOL

    And by the way - my resolution is to stop smoking. Scarey stuff.

    As rave says - fingers crossed. Here's hoping.

    Last edited by witsend; 12-31-2009, 07:27 AM. Reason: took out the link. Can't get it right and am not sure what I'm doing wrong

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  • ashtweth
    >For example many articles claiming to demonstrate cold fusion, or catalytic fusion, have been published only to be invalidated by subsequent research.

    Yeah right like the Navy who did cold fusion ? we are working on getting the paper back up guys, plus this response will be fuel for the fire to prove we need a more secure infrastructure , we have the capacity to take Rose's/ALL"s circuit on TV next year, they are not gonna stop the technology form being known regardless.

    More they resist the more they give us merit for our own non profit institution and social reform, Jib has done a great job to illustrate this. More news soon including our Rep.


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  • witsend
    Thanks Jibbs. I've just got a message from the associate editor. Did not seem unduly concerned that it has already been published. LOL. I think I answered him but am not sure. Certainly I tried.

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  • jibbguy
    Hi Rose. I dunno for sure, but judging from that extraordinary email and the unusual comment left by one of the associate editors there which was essentially a boilerplate site disclaimer (...which i have only ever seen once before in the last 2 years there, and is odd considering OEN constantly publishes all manner of highly controversial "truth" articles on 911, UFO Disclosure, you name it).... i would suspect the associate editor got overruled by Rob Kall, the chief editor and site owner and Rob simply posted the article himself without knowing the email was sent. But that is conjecture only.

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  • witsend
    Jibbs - as always - thanks for the kind comments. I'm actually in the middle of a really curious event. The article was published - then I received the following

    Sorry, but we're going to pass on this article. You may NOT resubmit this or post it, even with modifications, as a diary, poll or comment. See our writers guidelines for more info.

    Articles are evaluated by a team of 30+ volunteer editors. We trust and highly value our editors. Any editor abuse by email, comment or diary is cause for banning from the site as a troll.

    You submitted an article titled:

    This article was submitted with category General_News and tags Censorship, Energy, Energy, Energy

    Op Ed News Administrator

    P.S. Your opinion piece fails to prove its point. You assert that the scientific community with its tradition of peer reviewed journals discriminates against ideas that depart from the main stream.

    This does not appear to be the case, in my experience. For example many articles claiming to demonstrate cold fusion, or catalytic fusion, have been published only to be invalidated by subsequent research.

    Maybe the "editorial censorship" you imagine is because your attempted submissions lacked the rigor of science and logic necessary to meet minimum standards for publication, as I am sorry to say the present example does.

    Your Original Submission is attached to this email

    Please do NOT reply to this email; no one will see it.

    If you'd like to reply to the editor, you may click the following link
    to enter a message for the editor:
    OpEdNews - Message Send

    I replied as follows:

    Not sure which editor I'm writing to here. But I'm confused. This article is published and it's already in the top 40 list? The other point is that unlike 'cold fusion' this experimental evidence is replicated and the paper based on that replication.

    Then - the article is not about the model, the experimental evidence nor the paper. Had that been the theme I would have posted a link to our paper. If there are any misrepresentations or inaccuracies in the that paper then it will need to be invalidated by the broad range of academics who read the reviewed papers. It may not be dismissed by academics without review - precisely because the review process is not designed to evaluate the authenticity of a claim any more than you are. That is left to the experts who subscribe to the journals.

    Nor has the article been designed to convince readers for or against a thesis. It was intended to advise our reading public that this technology is emerging and that experimentalists in the art may be accessing a new force pf energy. Just as I believe our academic community are entitled to this information - so I believe our reading public should be made aware that this.

    I was delighted to discover that someone in your editorial department agreed. Else why would it have been published?

    Kindest regards,

    Strange goings on. Jibbs? Can you clarify what gives here? Can it be that the one editor does not know what the other is doing?

    Last edited by witsend; 12-30-2009, 10:34 PM.

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  • jibbguy
    Very nice article, Rose: Great work!

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  • Michael John Nunnerley
    Oh I forgot to mention that the secound phasing transformer is in parallel with the first along wth another cap. The outlets are not together, I have a transformer with two separate 0-12v coils, so each phasing transformer has its own power coil on one transformer. The secoundary of that transformer is normally 240v, this goes to the FWBR. I did measure some 1200vDC off the bridge without load and will light a 240v 60w lamp to about one third lit.

    I do hope we are getting somewhere here


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  • Michael John Nunnerley
    good and bad news

    Hi all

    May I take this opertunity to wish all a happy and prosperous new year, and hope this 2010 will be the year for new renewable energy.

    Well that said, the bad news, my DMM is dead, I left it on a running experiment and it died, I don't think it liked the high pulsed voltage accross my battery.

    The good news is that I have a 7w FL running on this system now for 20 hours and it is still running at full light and drawing in total .2amp at 12v that is the total circuit which = 2.4w in. Now wth my DMM dead I cannot give you a voltage on the battery, but 4.2ah bat divided by 0.2a = 21hrs max. I am going to leave it running untill tomorrow when I go away for the new year.

    I will post here tomorrow morning if it is still running. It is recharging the battery at the same time. Here is a photo of it running, note how bright the FL is and note that I have built a new STEAP circuit with two phasing transformers, I now, it seems, that I have more power.

    The closed loop is done from the secoundary of the transformer to FWBR with the + out going to a 24v bulb and then to the + of the battery. The - goes to one terminal of the FL and the other terminal of the FL to the - of the battery.

    To tune the circuit, I do so so as the 24v bulb is just out, no glow at all. this gives me full light on the FL.

    Now if I disconnect the FL the current draw goes up to .5A so with this you have to put a load to keep the amps down low.

    Perhaps someone knows why this is?

    Keep you posted and if all goes well I will put it on Livestream when I come back in the new year, which will be monday.

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  • witsend
    apologies for consecutive posts but I just want to post this link. My son signed me up to OPED and submitted that article. Golly. By the way the title was changed. It should have read - 'there's a light in the darkness' Riff Raff ....who is also one of my very, very favourite celluloid and extraterrestrial characters. Just sorry he didn't get mention. LOL

    There you go Jibbs. I am proudly following in the wake of your example. Such fun.


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  • witsend
    Hi Guys,

    This is a link from Ash. I think it's interesting and apposite - on just so many levels. The guy was a victim of some really brutal censorship and died in prison in 1957.

    YouTube - Wilhelm Reich and the Orgone Energy

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  • jibbguy
    Hi again Guruji,

    i believe the answer is still "no"

    Problem is; you say "inverter"; and if that means what i think it means (passive resistive ladder-style "Voltage Doubler"; and not the actual meaning which is a circuit that gives an AC output derived from a DC source); it is then highly unlikely to work: How can we use "-12V to +12V" as the voltage supply here, when the return goes back to a single 12V battery, and not to "Ground"..? It's an interesting "thought problem", but i can't think of any viable answer without adding Grounds and significant circuit changes that could stop the effect from being seen. Another problem of these passive "Voltage Doublers" is that diodes won't work right with them for many common applications.

    But these batts that are needed don't have to be big car ones; they can be small "garden tractor"-sized ones like Fuzzy and many other folks around here use; and they can at least be gotten fairly cheap compared to their big brothers.

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  • FuzzyTomCat
    Originally posted by Guruji View Post
    Hi guys anyone did manage to use one 12v battery only to this circuit using an inverter to the 24v side?
    Hi Guruji,

    I think you may be defeating the effect of return voltage by inverting the DC voltage to AC, the IRFPG50 Mosfet is only rated at 1000 volts ( International Rectifier - IRFPG50 HEXFET® Power MOSFET ) and using 24 VDC battery source and a prototype 32mm diameter load resistor the mosfet drain voltage is over 500 volts. If using a prototype 76mm diameter load resistor the mosfet drain voltage is over 800 volts, nearing the voltage limitations of this "Avalanche" rated mosfet and any standard equipment to monitor the mosfet drain voltage.

    The other problem is any inverter would have to withstand return voltage spikes from the prototype load resistor from 60 to 100 volts using a 24 VDC Battery Bank power supply.


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  • Guruji
    one 12v battery only

    Hi guys anyone did manage to use one 12v battery only to this circuit using an inverter to the 24v side?

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