Originally posted by poynt99
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Showing negative readings on voltmeter across shunt.
The video I showed you on the meter - well, the gel cell battery CLIMBED IN VOLTAGE OVERNIGHT. As of about 3am this morning, it was at 11.59 and it is now as of noon 11.61! So obviously on the smaller 7ah batt is it able to get charged up better than the bigger flooded cell at these low negative wattage levels. The flooded cell will give extended running time on draw downs compared to the gel but this shows even more in favor that I have shown accurate data - THE BATTERY VOLTAGE INCREASED 0.02 VOLTS OVER 9 HOURS!!!
yOU SAY: "At least that is how I and most folks would treat it." Really? WHILE THE CIRCUIT IS RUNNING SHOWING THE WAVFORM ON THE LOAD OF THE FLUKE? Anyone that believes that is showing different from what I say it is is simply fooling themselves.
Data matches the fact of the BATTERY RECHARGE while BOTH multimeters have shown me -0.000 while the circuit runs AND putting the volt meter across the shunt shows a negative value back and forth with positives but according to you if any negative voltage is shown on it then it must be negative current. We'll see how you backpeddle once again on your word...which has shown to be lacking much integrity so far.
You aren't even prepared to accept or deal results that defeat your own belief system and apparently neither do any of the cynical/skeptics.
This is my last post to you as an anonymous nobody that doesn't have the courage or confidence to put your name or face behind what you think you are talking about. If you post one more message anonymous here, I'll put you on the ignore list and you can simply type messages to yourself - as if there has ever been communication from you anyway - never admittnig anything as all anonymous cynics do.
Do you have enough sense to put these together? battery recharge on gel cell, drop in temp on load, increase in temp on 555 timer and 555 power pot, data from scope that matches the current visible at least in positive values on the amp meters, negative voltage readings on the multimeter, waveforms that correlete to what the circuit doing, etc...
And you appear to have totally been incapable of multiplying 0.001 amps by the battery voltage, lets just say 12.50 for simplicity that equals = 0.0125 watts. I want to see you produce 10C above ambient on a 10 turn 1k pot PLUS up to 8C above ambient on the timer chip, PLUS 1 degree on a mosfet above ambient, PLUS 0.02 incrase in voltage on a battery ALL AT THE EXACT SAME TIME - while ALL the data and visible readings on the multimaters amps and voltages match! CAN YOU DO THIS POYNT99? I think not!
And hoppy's claim of running the circuit too low to be measurable by the amp meter but is still positive! LOL... then if it doesn't show 0.000 then the most postive the amperage could be is 0.0009 amps and that at 12.5 volts about is : 0.01125. MAKE THE HEAT I DID WITH THAT - PLUS RUN A 555 TIMER ON THAT AT 1/100TH OF A WATT PLUS SWITCH THE MOSFEST AND MAKE ALL THAT HEAT!!!
You would accept a multimeter volt reading across the shunt but not what the scope shows. That is so totally amateurish and shows how much of a wannabe debunker you really are with no qualifications to know anything about this circuit operation.
And you have PROVEN THAT YOU DO NOT EVEN KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN NOISE ON A SCOPE AND A REAL SIGNAL! You, from the beginning of this thread, have been wrong almost 100% of the time so far!
Your claim that the Tektronix is not calibrated is WRONG. The dc average I showed even matches the amp meter indication on the positive side!
You try to cover up one thing after another each time you are obviously wrong you go like a little frog from one thing to another never admitting you never knew what you were talking about.
Again, you are on the fast track to becoming the laughing stock of the free energy world - especially by suggesting the use of a volt meter across a shunt! lol Go tell that to any professional that actually knows what they're talking about and they will simply laugh in your face.
According to you, you wouldn't even expect that the volt meter can ever show a negative voltage at all. It can and YOU ARE WRONG.
Also, you said if the amp meters shows 0.000 which I ALRADY SHOWED - even without the negative side, YOU SAID IT WOULD BE THERE IS A NET ZERO CURRENT meaning the machine is running at unity. Then you change your story. How can you honestly look at your own face in the mirror knowing that you aren't honest enough to stick by what you say??? It is far beyond my comprehension.
And you can't even explain my waveforms that are not only at around zero dc voltage but are also symmetrical above and below the ground line. I have shown symmetrical sin above and below and symmetrical triangles, etc... WHAT DOES THAT IN AND OF ITSELF SHOW ABOUT INDUCTIVE LAWS, CHARGING A COIL - ITS IMPEDANCES - RATE OF CHANGE IN THE COLLAPSE AND WHY IS THE COLLAPSE AS SLOW AS THE ON TIME? THAT IN AND OF ITSELF - YOU CANNOT EXPLAIN.
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