definition of energy
Where does the potential come from Poynt? Not the abstract concept of potential, where does it really, really come from and what is it - in the best subatomic analogy you can give, tell me what the potential is?
We are dealing with the study of energetics, which is the study of the movement of potentials, which is only energy when the potential is moving.
The definition of energy is wrong. Energy is the "capacity" to do work? A capacity to do something is a POTENTIAL do to something and that definition says that Energy = Potential.

Potential is the capacity or capability to do work but not actually doing the work.
When potential is put to work and is being dissipated, that is what Energy is.
Potential Energy is the potential for there to be energy but not actually demonstrating anything energetic at all.
There is no such thing as stored energy as energy is the actual movement of potential being put to work.
Even the dictionary definition is profoundly contradictory.
I don't believe this is semantics, it is a matter of having the correct definition of energy and potential and knowing the difference.
Poynt, can you show me one single bit of evidence in the history of mankind that shows there is some increase in the intrinsic properties of a ball's subatomic, atomic or molecular properties while sitting at 20cm compared to at ground level?
It doesn't exist except if they looked they'll find there is less gravitational potential the higher up since it is further from the Earth's mass.
Seeing a ball fall and "release" potential is based 100% on speculation that "there must be" some "stored potential" in the ball at 20cm compared to ground.
Classical thermodynamics is completely based on these little bits of speculation and then they call it a law. That is absurd.
Originally posted by poynt99
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We are dealing with the study of energetics, which is the study of the movement of potentials, which is only energy when the potential is moving.
The definition of energy is wrong. Energy is the "capacity" to do work? A capacity to do something is a POTENTIAL do to something and that definition says that Energy = Potential.

Potential is the capacity or capability to do work but not actually doing the work.
When potential is put to work and is being dissipated, that is what Energy is.
Potential Energy is the potential for there to be energy but not actually demonstrating anything energetic at all.
There is no such thing as stored energy as energy is the actual movement of potential being put to work.
Even the dictionary definition is profoundly contradictory.
I don't believe this is semantics, it is a matter of having the correct definition of energy and potential and knowing the difference.
Poynt, can you show me one single bit of evidence in the history of mankind that shows there is some increase in the intrinsic properties of a ball's subatomic, atomic or molecular properties while sitting at 20cm compared to at ground level?
It doesn't exist except if they looked they'll find there is less gravitational potential the higher up since it is further from the Earth's mass.
Seeing a ball fall and "release" potential is based 100% on speculation that "there must be" some "stored potential" in the ball at 20cm compared to ground.
Classical thermodynamics is completely based on these little bits of speculation and then they call it a law. That is absurd.