"Test" & Construction Plans next on the agenda?
Not being able to replicate this myself presently, i am just a gadfly. However, if i could suggest some things from observation (aimed at those brave & skilled souls who have replicated despite the absurd constant and loud cries for them not to), i believe it would help get things moving a little faster... And it should help in gaining even more interest (...of the positive kind lol).
Respectfully Submitted Suggestions:
> This has become more of an argument of "for and against" this last couple weeks: Perhaps the thing to do is move ahead with the surety that the "Fors have it".... Those that don't like it can find some salt, and pound it night and day for all it's worth... And contact with naysayers should just cease and be ignored. Anyone who has ever tried to push a project from inception to Market knows, that there is a point where debate is no longer constructive; and continuing with it will only dampen progress. At some point, the new board lay-out has be sent to the Masking Machine, or there will NEVER be a product
Have we reached that point?
> Define the experiment a bit better; mainly by posting a new schematic of what is known to work without too much tweaking, with all component values & part numbers. Note any construction difficulties.
> Define the astable oscillation of the MOSFET and how to achieve it a bit better. Post more and detailed scope shots of what it will look like for the Replicator to compare.
> Define the measurement regime a bit better so it can be reproduced easier as well. These things may seem "repetitious" but imo you can't be too repetitious in these cases. The instrumentation that will be required to do the measurements should be defined as well: From all indications so far it will need a storage scope to do it completely and accurately (although positive results can be seen without one, and temperature measurements can be done, the idea imo would be to document the actual pulse DC voltage and current waveforms and figures as well as the temps, which since this is not a "motor" that does visible work everyone can see, will be critical for eventual acceptance).
> A Test Plan can be posted for following. This will help greatly in gaining acceptance, as the data between replications is more uniform, can be compared, and allows for better analysis to see what varied results will occur with slight variations and "tweaks". Sometimes very interesting phenomena are found this way; though these variations of the theme. Once the above is defined fully, i would gladly help in writing this Test Plan, as i've done it many times for "Beta Testing" new products.
If we have such a "set of plans" for replication, one here who has not yet tried this circuit could then run through the "construction plans" and "test plan" as a check to see how they work in the "R-W".
> When that is successful, then we are ready for the "big-time" (verification with academic witnesses). It may take some time to find one willing to put their reputation on the line, but this can be done by "starting small", with a Community College science/electronics teacher (or a EE PHD who is not an academic), then using their signed deposition to entice a full-blown University Prof to get off their duff and do their bit for Humankind. They can be found. The one will leverage the other, on up the line... Each previous deposition being "rear-end cover" to protect the next. A few of these and we are on the way to total success.
During this time of first gaining academic acceptance, with no offense at all to Rosemary, i would suggest the entire focus be on verifying EMPIRICAL results, with little or no mention of the Theory behind it: We will be more successful with the above imo if we only attempt to foment one revolution at a time
Now i may be premature in my timing, but if we are not ready, then the focus should be on getting there: Crossing the "T's", getting all our ducks to quack at the same time (...coming to consensus and thus firming-up the circuit design), and ignoring the deliberate detractors so real progress can start.
..Or not. They are only suggestions given in the spirit of trying to help in some meager way
Not being able to replicate this myself presently, i am just a gadfly. However, if i could suggest some things from observation (aimed at those brave & skilled souls who have replicated despite the absurd constant and loud cries for them not to), i believe it would help get things moving a little faster... And it should help in gaining even more interest (...of the positive kind lol).
Respectfully Submitted Suggestions:

> This has become more of an argument of "for and against" this last couple weeks: Perhaps the thing to do is move ahead with the surety that the "Fors have it".... Those that don't like it can find some salt, and pound it night and day for all it's worth... And contact with naysayers should just cease and be ignored. Anyone who has ever tried to push a project from inception to Market knows, that there is a point where debate is no longer constructive; and continuing with it will only dampen progress. At some point, the new board lay-out has be sent to the Masking Machine, or there will NEVER be a product

> Define the experiment a bit better; mainly by posting a new schematic of what is known to work without too much tweaking, with all component values & part numbers. Note any construction difficulties.
> Define the astable oscillation of the MOSFET and how to achieve it a bit better. Post more and detailed scope shots of what it will look like for the Replicator to compare.
> Define the measurement regime a bit better so it can be reproduced easier as well. These things may seem "repetitious" but imo you can't be too repetitious in these cases. The instrumentation that will be required to do the measurements should be defined as well: From all indications so far it will need a storage scope to do it completely and accurately (although positive results can be seen without one, and temperature measurements can be done, the idea imo would be to document the actual pulse DC voltage and current waveforms and figures as well as the temps, which since this is not a "motor" that does visible work everyone can see, will be critical for eventual acceptance).
> A Test Plan can be posted for following. This will help greatly in gaining acceptance, as the data between replications is more uniform, can be compared, and allows for better analysis to see what varied results will occur with slight variations and "tweaks". Sometimes very interesting phenomena are found this way; though these variations of the theme. Once the above is defined fully, i would gladly help in writing this Test Plan, as i've done it many times for "Beta Testing" new products.
If we have such a "set of plans" for replication, one here who has not yet tried this circuit could then run through the "construction plans" and "test plan" as a check to see how they work in the "R-W".
> When that is successful, then we are ready for the "big-time" (verification with academic witnesses). It may take some time to find one willing to put their reputation on the line, but this can be done by "starting small", with a Community College science/electronics teacher (or a EE PHD who is not an academic), then using their signed deposition to entice a full-blown University Prof to get off their duff and do their bit for Humankind. They can be found. The one will leverage the other, on up the line... Each previous deposition being "rear-end cover" to protect the next. A few of these and we are on the way to total success.
During this time of first gaining academic acceptance, with no offense at all to Rosemary, i would suggest the entire focus be on verifying EMPIRICAL results, with little or no mention of the Theory behind it: We will be more successful with the above imo if we only attempt to foment one revolution at a time

Now i may be premature in my timing, but if we are not ready, then the focus should be on getting there: Crossing the "T's", getting all our ducks to quack at the same time (...coming to consensus and thus firming-up the circuit design), and ignoring the deliberate detractors so real progress can start.
..Or not. They are only suggestions given in the spirit of trying to help in some meager way
