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COP 17 Heater | Rosemary Ainslie

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  • FuzzyTomCat
    IRFPG50 - International Rectifier

    Hi everyone,
    I received my shipment from Quest Components, Inc. Electronic Component Distributors - Resistor & Capacitor Distributors - Obsolete Electronic Components - Discrete Semiconductor Distributors - Integrated Circuit Distributors - Quest Components of the IRFPG50 - International Rectifier 1000V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a TO-247AC package. ( this is not a Vishay )

    A great deal @ $1.95 plus shipping even though there is a minimum order of $25.00 I cant complain ( got thirteen keeping six ). To all the members that requested one of these for $3.00 US at Cost including mailing fee, I will be sending them out Saturday via the United States Post Office ..... I still have (4) without homes so don't be shy, holler and one can be yours just PM me !!

    The other item that has been elusive is the 10 OHM 100 Watt wire wound resister but I was able to find one at "Surplus Sales of Nebraska" Surplus Sales of Nebraska - Wire Wound Resistors - 10 Ohm to 16.9 Ohm its a (RWF) FR100-10 for the low price of $9.00 shipping was $7.00 for about $80.00 of various part I got from them ...... great prices, nice folks !!

    I hope this helps anyone trying to make a replication


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  • gotoluc
    Hi all,

    here is the status at this time in a video update.

    Link to Video:YouTube - Effect of Recirculating BEMF to Coil test 15


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  • Aaron
    Ainslie Wireless Resonant control of lamp and pc resetting

    In between doing some draw down tests and experimenting with optimum tuning methods, I found a duty cycle and frequency that I can use to turn a lamp off and on from 8 feet away with the Ainslie circuit.

    From the same distance, it has also reset my computer multiple times to the point that it was very annoying - that mostly happened when in this particular resonant frequency when I touched the inductive resistor or mosfet. Sometimes it reset the computer like a full warm reboot and sometimes it would simply reset it to hibernation mode without a full reset - weird.

    Anyway, here is the vid:
    YouTube - Ainslie Wireless Resonance

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  • witsend
    Hi Luc - no problem. Personally I cannot understand why Poynt requires a R10 Ohm between those caps. I would have thought that would distort the values? Bu as always - am open to correction. Poynt? If you read this? And, by the way, nice to see you back with your critical input.

    Still think you make very elegant arguments through your test setups and look forward to the next.

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  • gotoluc

    Hi everyone,

    I just deleted test 15 an 16 video as I have found an error in my calculations and only just noticed it now when testing my new meter. It appears that there is a .25 Volts drop at Capacitor No. 2 then what is actually at the batteries and if we do the calculations we will quickly see that it come to the same difference I measured yesterday at 75.877 with cap circuit to 76.12 direct from batteries.

    So I'm sorry to say but I was wrong and need to withdraw my conclusions.

    I will let you know if I find anything more.


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  • Joit
    Originally posted by gmeat View Post
    Is anybody else having a problem trying to download Luc's latest video #16 or is it just on my end .

    Its removed by User

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  • gmeat
    Is anybody else having a problem trying to download Luc's latest video #16 or is it just on my end .


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  • gotoluc

    Hi everyone,

    I just deleted test 15 an 16 video as I have found an error in my calculations and only just noticed it now when testing my new meter. It appears that there is a .25 Volts drop at Capacitor No. 2 then what is actually at the batteries and if we do the calculations we will quickly see that it come to the same difference I measured yesterday at 75.877 with cap circuit to 76.12 direct from batteries.

    So I'm sorry to say but I was wrong and need to withdraw my conclusions.

    I will let you know if I find anything more.

    Last edited by gotoluc; 08-20-2009, 11:17 PM.

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  • FuzzyTomCat
    Originally posted by gotoluc View Post
    Please read my topic to know .99's conclusion at this point:

    Hi Luc,

    Keep up the great work and videos !!!

    I still have some extra Mosfets (4) that don't have a home yet if you or other members need one PM me, they are being delivered today from "Crest" via UPS and will send out member requests Friday or Saturday using USPS.

    Best Regards,

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  • Harvey
    Received shipment late yesterday. Have to finish another project, but hopefully later today or tomorrow I can start evaluating the circuit.

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  • gotoluc
    Please read my topic to know .99's conclusion at this point:


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  • gotoluc
    Hi all,

    Oververunity Forum is back on so I copied .99 actual post below and here is the link to the topic if you want to read the posts: Effects of Recirculating BEMF to Coil

    Posted by .99 and I agree 100%

    Hi Luc.

    Was wondering, are you measuring battery voltage across the batteries or across C2?

    Any inductive kickback occurring will go back into C2 just as well as it would go back into the batteries, but any recharging effect that may add to the battery charge due to ion flow would be lost, if in fact this OU effect did occur.


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  • boguslaw
    "When the great truth, accidentally revealed and experimentally confirmed, is fully recognized, that this planet, with all its appalling immensity, is to electric currents virtually no more than a small metal ball and that by virtue of this fact many possibilities, each baffling imagination and of incalculable consequence, are rendered absolutely sure of accomplishment; when the first plant is inaugurated and it is shown that a telegraphic message, almost as secret and non-interferable as a thought, can be transmitted to any terrestrial distance, the sound of the human voice, with all its intonations and inflections faithfully and instantly reproduced at any other point of the globe, the energy of a waterfall made available for supplying light, heat or motive power, anywhere...on sea, or land, or high in the air...humanity will be like an ant heap stirred up with a stick. See the excitement coming!"

    "Cloud born Electric Wavelets To Encircle the Globe: This Is Nicola Tesla's Latest Dream, and the Long Island Hamlet of Wardenclyffe Marvels Thereat," New York Times, 27 March 1904

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  • boguslaw
    Originally posted by witsend View Post
    Boguslaw - I'm sure it's fine. We're waiting for Aaron's test to be run so I can't see an objection. Love to hear the concept.
    Thank you.So,here it is.

    I have been wondering for a long time why we don't see any electrical effects on metallic conductors caused by Earth rotation in it's own magnetic field.
    I knew that Nikola Tesla also investigated that problem.
    I think that the most important question to answer is : is Earth magnetic field rotating in the same speed as Earth rotates ?
    However no matter if Earth magnetic field rotates or not ,we can't see (fortunately) any large current in our small sized electrical devices.
    It's due to frame reference point of view - we are moving with the Earth at the same speed in the same direction.And it seems that it's enough to be in Earth gravitation field area to be in the same frame reference,so we cannot see any electrical events when flying in the plane.The few electrical effects however occur in nature : Aurora Borealis,lightning,St.Elmo's fire.They are known but sometimes caused extraordinary accidents...
    Ok,but back to the theory.

    I believe that all our electrical circuits powered by oscillating currents are not working in vacuum. They are working inside a big , locally weak Earth magnet.When they oscillate, Earth magnetic field also oscillate, but that oscillation do not add any energy to our circuit EXCEPT of few moments.
    In fact it mostly help dissipate energy by generation of EM waves, RF or heat or light whatever frequency circuit is working with.It is all because our circuits are relatively slow in generating and decaying magnetic field around.
    Earth magnetic field accommodate to small magnet which is put inside it, and small magnet around circuit is slowly orientating in Earth magnetic field.Because Earth magnetic field locally is weak we can't see any measurable effects.
    However sometimes we are able to produce magnetic field and immediately after that we withdraw it, MUCH faster then Earth field can fill that space again.We are creating magnetic bubble - a place of different "magnetic pressure", then by very various methods we left it alone without powering it.So far so good, but the same way gas bubbles in mineralized water do not generate excess heat just being produced or collapsed.

    Let's now suppose that Earth magnetic field is really rotating with Earth with the same huge speed.We have now situation similar to cavitation in liquid when bubble collapse generate shock wave.
    Theoretically it's all because of INERTIA. Earth magnetic field is weak but have total energy huge, that total energy has momentum if moving and cannot be stopped immediately.

    The effect obviously need one important factor : circuit must produce such magnetic field which opposes Earth magnetic field or by another way create a magnetic bubble - a spherical area of nullified magnetic field, then it must stop powering it, not just slowly decay energy flow which sustain it , but really STOP as fast as possible.
    For example a DC generator example when is switched on.The accumulation of electrons which tend to free moving on air (between contacts of switch) but stuck on conductor surface generate big magnetic bubble but once all electrons are set up to propagate current that bubble is no more powered and collapse.
    The character of such shock wave I imagine to be as follows: Earth magnetic field is filling that magnetic bubble with inertia causing it to not stop at the centre but accumulate.Then oscillation begin because center accumulation is acting against the still flowing inside field. In fact it can be seen like a small heart beating and enlarging it's area on each pulse, each pulse being slower.The effect around it is like two waves (scalar waves or sound like waves) - one is flowing outside and one is flowing inside .

    Sharp gradient seems not to be the easiest way to generate this effect. The easiest way would be to almost entirely drop interest on electrical features of circuits and pay more attention to WHAT IS GOING AROUND the circuit.
    For example imagine a circuit which generate such magnetic bubble but then cut power to it but rather slowly, however before it does it , just create opposite magnetic field which effectively nullify the bubble much much faster that possible with any mosfet.Hmm... isn't that all those special coils with bifillar windings ? There is much more to investigate but MCT explains why Tesla used short DC pulses.In theory of course ....

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  • poynt99
    Might be of some interest here:


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