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COP 17 Heater | Rosemary Ainslie

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  • gotoluc
    Just noticed that I forgot to mention an important point that .99 mentioned at my Overunity Forum topic (now down as usual) after seeing test 13 video using his cap resistor circuit.

    After seeing the video he wrote something close to this; if there is an OU effect happening with some flyback going back to the feed it would not show up using the cap resistor circuit but it could if it reached and truly affected the Battery Ions to recharge.

    I think that is what gave me the idea to do the test 15 video.

    BTW, the circuit is still running and the batteries are still over 76. volts!!!... to be exact, 76.019vdc and the resistor is still at 67 degrees Celsius. It has been running now for over 3 hours extra from when it was removed from the Capacitor Resistor circuit at 75.877vdc to directly to the batteries without any other changes.

    @Joit, thanks for the positive comment

    Last edited by gotoluc; 08-20-2009, 04:30 AM.

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  • Joit
    I do know it still since a while, and only can confirm it.
    And anyone, who do rebuild it, and get familar with the Circuit maybe can have the same Results.
    But i got 2 bad Batteries, where one only has about 10V, and the other did break down now total.
    But thats a old one, what did stand a longer Time, and then, this happens.
    You can take out the Current what is in there, but you cant recharge it anymore. Got it from a Friend :/

    But when i did play around with the Element, the charge still stays at the same Voltage, beside Heat at the Element.
    Someone could still say, the Batterie keep the Voltage, only the Amps do drop, till its empty, and then the Voltage drops.

    But the 10V from me did even gain 5 Amps at a before and after measurement as i did play around with my big bad Coil.
    It was at beginning just with 5 Amps charged.
    Its anyway assumedly not a save Way for much, to accept Results, when you have bad Tools
    and work with bad Batteries, but i am ok with it, and its definitely not usual.

    And today, i had after a longer resting Time 9,03V, after playing around 9,20V.
    But there are for sure still other Things, what you can do with the Circuit

    Thanks for sharing your Videos Luc.

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  • gotoluc
    Originally posted by witsend View Post
    Luc. Looking good. Which circuit is this? Is the load parallel to the coil? I think the argument is solid but would prefer to hear Poyn'ts opinion on this. Well done Luc. It's only getting better and better.

    I'm just so glad you've got the arrangement on batteries. That was really good thinking. It's easier to prove the effects.
    EDIT BTW What is 'a dough'? And another point. Thank YOU for sharing. I am just so grateful that you post your results here as I'm particularly interested in where you'll take these tests.
    Glad you're enjoying the results

    I attached the circuit below. Yes the load is parallel to the coil but with a diode.

    What is 'a dough'? well that's just my bad spelling it should of been doubt but make it what you want


    Attached Files

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  • witsend
    Originally posted by gotoluc View Post

    Hey, here's a new test. I start the inductor resistor circuit with the cap resistor circuit adjusted to draw the same 25ma till the voltage drop is very stable and pull the feed connections from the caps and connect them directly to the batteries. If the battery voltage starts to rise then the recharge effect is real and valid. Agree

    So I made a new video once again to test this and here it is: YouTube - Effect of Recirculating BEMF to Coil test 15

    I did not stop the circuit after making this video and one hour has gone by. The Resistor is flipping between 67 and 68 degrees Celsius and Battery bank Voltage is still at 76.084 which is far from being at 75.877 and we need to consider that over an hour and a half of extra run time has been added.

    I am convinced that without a dough that Battery Recharging is taking place (when using Batteries) with this circuit.
    Luc. Looking good. Which circuit is this? Is the load parallel to the coil? I think the argument is solid but would prefer to hear Poyn'ts opinion on this. Well done Luc. It's only getting better and better.

    I'm just so glad you've got the arrangement on batteries. That was really good thinking. It's easier to prove the effects.
    EDIT BTW What is 'a dough'? And another point. Thank YOU for sharing. I am just so grateful that you post your results here as I'm particularly interested in where you'll take these tests.
    Last edited by witsend; 08-20-2009, 03:10 AM.

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  • gotoluc

    Hi everyone,

    I just deleted test 15 an 16 video as I have found an error in my calculations and only just noticed it now when testing my new meter. It appears that there is a .25 Volts drop at Capacitor No. 2 then what is actually at the batteries and if we do the calculations we will quickly see that it come to the same difference I measured yesterday at 75.877 with cap circuit to 76.12 direct from batteries.

    So I'm sorry to say but I was wrong and need to withdraw my conclusions.

    I will let you know if I find anything more.


    Hi Rosemary and everyone,

    I believe I have some good news and it's thanks to a suggestion that .99 gave me some weeks ago of using a 2 capacitor and resistor circuit combination to be able to simply and accurately measure amps consumed in a pulse circuit since they are so difficult to measure.

    In test 12 video:YouTube - Effect of Recirculating BEMF to Coil test 12 I demonstrated that we can create a magnetic field while creating heat from a resistor using the coils flyback for about the same cost of energy then the resistor directly connected to the pulse circuit. The method I used to tune the duty cycle in each circuit to have a comparative load test is I used the voltage drop on the batteries. However .99 pointed out that that may not give a fair comparative result and suggested I use his previously suggested 2 capacitor and resistor circuit and use the voltage measured across the resistor as a way to tune the duty cycle between each circuit test. I agreed to put the cap resistor circuit together and re-test which is test 13 video: YouTube - Effect of Recirculating BEMF to Coil test 13

    After doing test 13 I noticed that even though I used the cap circuit to calibate to the same draw between each test circuit I noticed that the battery voltage drop ended up to exactly the same on each circuit. So I wrote this message to .99

    I think the way I was calibrating the duty cycle in test 12 using the battery bank voltage drop between each circuit was accurate enough and a fair comparative since we can clearly see that the voltage drop is exactly the same between each test using the cap resistor method. Would you not agree?... and if we can get the resistor to heat to a higher temperature with the identical voltage drop as with the cap resistor circuit that can only support that some of the energy is making it way back to the batteries and giving them a recharge.

    When I wrote that message I got this idea.

    Hey, here's a new test. I start the inductor resistor circuit with the cap resistor circuit adjusted to draw the same 25ma till the voltage drop is very stable and pull the feed connections from the caps and connect them directly to the batteries. If the battery voltage starts to rise then the recharge effect is real and valid. Agree

    So I made a new video once again to test this and here it is: YouTube - Effect of Recirculating BEMF to Coil test 15

    I did not stop the circuit after making this video and one hour has gone by. The Resistor is flipping between 67 and 68 degrees Celsius and Battery bank Voltage is still at 76.084 which is far from being at 75.877 and we need to consider that over an hour and a half of extra run time has been added.

    I am convinced that without a dough that Battery Recharging is taking place (when using Batteries) with this circuit.

    Thank you Rosemary for all you time and sharing.

    Last edited by gotoluc; 08-20-2009, 11:21 PM.

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  • witsend
    Re the Mizzel Effect - I've managed to attach and suspend up to four opposing ferrite bar magnets attached by opposing poles. Not for long. But have done this. My take is that the fields force an opposing path through the juxtaposed magnets - thereby describing two figure 8's through and around the magnets.

    Another really interesting effect. Take a base of aluminum or some such - preferably cut into a circular shape. But leave a hollow in the centre. Then attach ferrite or somesuch bar (thin and tubular) magnets on both surfaces of the plate. Magnets need to be secured with cotton or some such and need to be positioned flat and radially from the centre and around. All magnets positioned so that north is in the centre, say and south at the boudaries of the plate. As many as possible to fit the plate - but some symmetrical balance to their positioning and numbers both above and below. Just to keep the balance. Then suspend the arrangement from the centre of the plate with cotton. Double the cotton to ensure that the thread bias is not responsible for the result. It generates a powerful spin and the 'rest' state only achieved when the thread becomes absurdly 'tight' wrapping up against itself.

    EDIT Just in case anyone gets to test this. Make sure that the closeness of the magnets is such that it covers the most of the plate. The more the better. the theoretical 'build' of these upwards in increasing layers with decreasing numbers should approximate the shape of a 'sphere' and that too - would be an interesting arrangement with a like, or an 'antipolar' field at the centre.
    Last edited by witsend; 08-26-2009, 02:26 AM. Reason: deleted a point

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  • Harvey
    Originally posted by boguslaw View Post

    Can you explain according to your model interaction of two magnets put close facing the same pole one to another ? Why there is repulsion here ?
    Can you explain according to your model what is happening if small magnet is inside a one pole of huge magnet?
    Hi boguslaw, do you mean like this?

    YouTube - The Mizzel Effect

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  • witsend
    Boguslaw - I'm sure it's fine. We're waiting for Aaron's test to be run so I can't see an objection. Love to hear the concept.

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  • boguslaw
    Originally posted by witsend View Post
    Hi Mark. Had my first laugh of the day. Golly. If there's an outside chance that I can get something wrong I do. It's a talent I have. Apologies to boguslaw if this is the case. At least it gave me a chance to rabbit on about magnets. Still laughing here. There's not that much of the day left but am definitely feeling better.

    EDIT just adding this because I'm monopolising posts here but GOOD NEWS. Stefan has personally signed me up to OU.Com. So am now a member. Many thanks Stefan and thanks to Fuzzy - I think - for enabling this. Actually have just checked. It seems the party's officially over. No point in posting there anymore.
    You got it right.My understanding of magnetic field of magnets are quite similar and similarly I'm not an expert.I see magnetic field as a orientated flow of waves in ether or particles of ether (though I dislike particles at all ,interference pattern with complex rotation of waves should explain existence or particles as wave packets of ether, ether thus could be explained as ambient field of chaotic scalar waves)

    The thing I completely not understand is why once it's told us that two magnetic fields can occupy the same space independently, and at another place that fields of two magnets interact with each other.
    I have a little concept I would like to present for all of you but I'm not sure if it's not offtopic here.I call it MCT , magnetic cavitation theory...
    Last edited by boguslaw; 08-19-2009, 08:35 PM. Reason: flatten

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  • witsend
    Originally posted by Mark View Post
    Hi Witsend

    I maybe wrong but I think what Boguslaw means is that you can stick a smaller magnet to a larger one even when the poles facing each other are the same.
    Hi Mark. Had my first laugh of the day. Golly. If there's an outside chance that I can get something wrong I do. It's a talent I have. Apologies to boguslaw if this is the case. At least it gave me a chance to rabbit on about magnets. Still laughing here. There's not that much of the day left but am definitely feeling better.

    EDIT just adding this because I'm monopolising posts here but GOOD NEWS. Stefan has personally signed me up to OU.Com. So am now a member. Many thanks Stefan and thanks to Fuzzy - I think - for enabling this. Actually have just checked. It seems the party's officially over. No point in posting there anymore.
    Last edited by witsend; 08-19-2009, 05:26 PM.

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  • Mark
    Hi Witsend

    I maybe wrong but I think what Boguslaw means is that you can stick a smaller magnet to a larger one even when the poles facing each other are the same.

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  • witsend
    Originally posted by quantumuppercut View Post
    Have you read the theory by Edward Leedskalnin? You always remind me of him.
    No. Never heard of him. I'll google and see what comes up. Thanks quantumuppercut.

    Saw only one reference but was very detailed. Very interesting -especially his perpetual motion arrangement. There are similarities. But I can't accommodate monopoles - anywhere. But what an interesting character. I shall definitely study this more. Many thanks for this.
    Last edited by witsend; 08-19-2009, 03:38 PM.

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  • quantumuppercut
    Originally posted by witsend View Post
    Hi boguslaw. My model proposes that the fields of magnetic dipoles circle the boundaries of permanent magnets travelling in a justified direction - north to south. They then complete the circle inside the body of the magnet south to north. They maintain the smooth field effect because they are able to share a path through space and they align their charges - north to south - in structured fields. If they encounter 'like charge' from another magnet then their path is constrained to that space depending on the juxtaposition of the second magnet. I've got a feeling this complies to classical theory - except that classical does not attribute the field to the existence of those magnetic dipolar particles.

    One magnet inside another? That's really interesting. I have never seen this but would speculate that it would adjust its position - depending on the space available inside that magnet.

    But - like you - I'm no expert. Interestingly I share your ideas that resonance is a kind of miracle of nature.

    Have you read the theory by Edward Leedskalnin? You always remind me of him.

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  • witsend
    boguslaw - by the way - if one needed to test that arrangement of magnets the primary 'holding' magnet would need to be cast with a hollow to accomodate the second magnet. And to test it - one would need to cut the primary in half and secure the second with some kind of brass or aluminium bar arrangement and then just explore the different positions of the second magnet's polarites inside the primary magnet. Personally I think the arrangement of a sphere in the holding magnet would not comply to the generalised field effect that these magnetic dipoles move to. But it's possibly close. I think a toroid would be more appropriate as a holding magnet. But it would be a way of getting close to studying the interactive effect of two magnetic dipoles.

    edit. By the way - it's a very good question. Magnetic interfacing is my entire obsession.
    Last edited by witsend; 08-19-2009, 01:36 PM.

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  • witsend
    Originally posted by boguslaw View Post

    Can you explain according to your model interaction of two magnets put close facing the same pole one to another ? Why there is repulsion here ?
    Can you explain according to your model what is happening if small magnet is inside a one pole of huge magnet?
    Hi boguslaw. My model proposes that the fields of magnetic dipoles circle the boundaries of permanent magnets travelling in a justified direction - north to south. They then complete the circle inside the body of the magnet south to north. They maintain the smooth field effect because they are able to share a path through space and they align their charges - north to south - in structured fields. If they encounter 'like charge' from another magnet then their path is constrained to that space depending on the juxtaposition of the second magnet. I've got a feeling this complies to classical theory - except that classical does not attribute the field to the existence of those magnetic dipolar particles.

    One magnet inside another? That's really interesting. I have never seen this but would speculate that it would adjust its position - depending on the space available inside that magnet.

    But - like you - I'm no expert. Interestingly I share your ideas that resonance is a kind of miracle of nature.
    Last edited by witsend; 08-19-2009, 01:04 PM.

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