Hi Rosie, thanks for posting, this is suppression in another sense, and its perfect for the non profit org's records, we have been saying for over 5 years that we need our own R and D center that can act for validation and for the education/advancement of the faculties/PUBLIC.
Research and Development
This response is what we expected and its is not for nothing, we have the first stages of our R and D center that will be run form the GEET school Australia, i am not sure if you head of Paul Pantone and the GEET technology, Rosie there are many engineers like you as you know that are suffering the same fate. Not any more. Soon ill be announcing the plans for the GEET school Australia run by Panacea which will help/show case other FE technologies in the same GENRE. All non profit.
The work the forum is doing with Dr Stiffler and this circuit will help this effort immensely, not to mention Jib's etc. Help is on the way, thank you for getting these record Rosie they help my job. HELP is on the way.
No announcement yet.
COP 17 Heater | Rosemary Ainslie
This topic is closed.
This is a sticky topic.
Hi Rosemary, I wouldn't worry about it. An analogy would be like a peace activist going to a war rally. Until these groups, institutions, clubs, government and the like are filled with folks that want peace, I wouldn't rely on them for what you seek.
peace love light
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Paper Title: Counter Electromotive Force Enables Overunity Results In Electric Systems
We regret to advise you that the Reviewing Committee is unable
to accept the subject paper for publication as a PES Transactions paper even with possible revisions.
Enclosed please find the comments of the reviewers that should
serve to explain the recommendation of the reviewing committee.
I hope you will find the explanations satisfactory. Although we
could not accept this paper, we hope that you will consider
Transactions on Power Delivery for other papers in the future.
We thank you for your continued interest in the Power Engineering Society.
Comments to the author:
Reviewer: 1
Comments to the Author
Please try to find the power supplied or absorbed by the 555 switching circuit part.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Reza Iravani
Editor in Chief
Transactions on Power Delivery
Just for the record. We've now got the distinction of a second rejection this time from an IEEE journal. Note the highlighted comments. It seems that mainstream will not consider this argument under any circumstances whatsever.
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Originally posted by FuzzyTomCat View PostHi everyone,
Some of you like myself may be in need of, or more of the "International Rectifier" IRFPG50 and may have found it difficult to find at a reasonable cost and a supplier in the USA.
Electronic Component Distributors - Resistor & Capacitor Distributors - Obsolete Electronic Components - Discrete Semiconductor Distributors - Integrated Circuit Distributors - Quest Components
Quest Components, Inc. 250 Turnbull Canyon Road Industry, CA 91745
Part Number Search Results IRFPG50
530 available
These are at $1.95 US each there is a minimum order of $25.00 US , so .......
that is a Quantity of (13) with instant 5% rebate and shipping for $30.58 US delivered ..... not bad ..... cheaper than the last ones
For those members that have posted on this thread "ONLY" I will be willing to get rid of a few IRFPG50 to those in need for "REAL" replications because there is some expensive items .... at cost + USPS Mailing, please PM me
Best Regards,
EDIT: Just had another look, apparently they will ship only via UPS to europe, so only of benefit to you yanks!Last edited by sprocket; 08-18-2009, 03:04 AM.
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Hi jas_bir77, thanks for the information. Too bad there are no more copies, hmm I wonder who may have bought them all up.
peace love light
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Hi everyone,
Some of you like myself may be in need of, or more of the "International Rectifier" IRFPG50 and may have found it difficult to find at a reasonable cost and a supplier in the USA.
Electronic Component Distributors - Resistor & Capacitor Distributors - Obsolete Electronic Components - Discrete Semiconductor Distributors - Integrated Circuit Distributors - Quest Components
Quest Components, Inc. 250 Turnbull Canyon Road Industry, CA 91745
Part Number Search Results IRFPG50
530 available
These are at $1.95 US each there is a minimum order of $25.00 US , so .......
that is a Quantity of (13) with instant 5% rebate and shipping for $30.58 US delivered ..... not bad ..... cheaper than the last ones
For those members that have posted on this thread "ONLY" I will be willing to get rid of a few IRFPG50 to those in need for "REAL" replications because there is some expensive items .... at cost + USPS Mailing, please PM me
Best Regards,
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Thermo Motor Generator
Originally posted by SkyWatcher View PostHi jas_bir77, do you know the name of the book Robert Adams wrote, thanks.
Luc, I'm going to post my reply to you in your recirculating emf thread.
peace love light
Please note that this publication has sold out and is no longer in print. The table of contents and selected articles are published here for reference
.Introduction into Applied Aether Energy Science
.On the Phenomena of Watt less (Current Less) Power
.Aether Energy
.Electrical Energy Generation and the Vital Role Played by Temperature and
.Time Factors When Calculating Machine Performance
.Translocating Potential Gradient to the Motor
.Unity, Zero Point, Over Unity, Over 100% and Various Other Definitions of
.Describing Performance of New Energy Devices
.Aetheric Electrical Technological Science and the Adams Connection
.The Adams Thermo Motor Generator (1)
.Diagrams of Mosfet Calorimeter and Water Heat Power
.Ohms Law
.The Adams Triplex Aetheric Energy Motor Generator
.Input Power Measurement and its Significance in the Adams Technologies
.Revelation of the Myths of 'Unity' and Beyond
.On The Matter of Excess Heat Manifestation
The Energy Metamorphisis
selected articles can be found
Aethmogen - Publications
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And at the risk of confusing all readers more thoroughly - the model's 'take' on current flow is described hereunder in really broad brushstroke.
The battery is connected - it delivers current flow clockwise - the battery is disconnected - energy is regenerated at the resisotr - it delivers current flow anti clockwise.
The polarity of the body diodes permit this variation in current flow. There is no such thing as 'stored' current. Only stored potential difference - again - only in terms of the model. And potential difference is the required ingredient to allow current flow or any exchange of energy at all. In terms of the model - potential difference is a measure of asymmetry. Always useable.
EDIT So if PD is above zero current can flow clockwise - with no impediments. If the PD is below zero current can flow anticlockwise - with no impediments. If it is resonating - current can take its pick in direction as ofen as it likes and override the switch - as required. The trick is to get it to resonate by using inductive coil resistors. Curly wounds? I've heard it described as such.
Edit @Joit - indeed. One needs to stress the potential.
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Regarding battery draw down tests. Here's the thing. All batteries have their own vagaries. And the known chemical interactions at recharge and draw down appear to be a really complex art all of itself.
However, our own tests as defined and required by BP more or less dealt with vagaries by using the following.
- Same battery types in all tests.
- Controls run at the same time as the experimental test.
- Test period defined when one or other of the two tests showed voltage at 'tumble' level - usually at 10 volts or thereby.
- Tests stopped - both tests batteries recharged simultaneously from 1 recharger
- Test battery to control - control battery to test and then a re-run
That way the batteries on both tests are subjected to the same stresses as each other and the weighted benefit to the control rather than to the test. I've learned that it is apparently not good to let the batteries drop below 11 volts. Have no idea why this should be the case. I have never found any degradation of the batteries' watt hour ratings. It may be something to do with what Aaron has suggested that the 'spikes' have some sort of benefit that is not considered mainstream. Whatever the explanation - I have never - before today - realised that it could be considered harmful to run a battery flat and have never found it to be the case. And I have tested batteries just so often.
EDIT Sorry - another point. It is a typical phenomenon on these tests, whether with or without a flyback - to see the test batteries' voltage climb. I think this would be in defiance of Poynt's claim that there is no actual benefit to the 'spike' - or that it's actual return energy to the battery may be insignificant. And Luc's tests also show this battery idosyncracy compared to his controls.
ANOTHER EDIT - And another point. The model requires that 'charge' is wholly conserved. This therefore (edit) 'theoretically' allows for a recovery to a battery's full charge potential. Energy dissipated within the circuit is a secondary event - also in terms of the model.
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That's quite interesting resultsAaron
Going to have to make myself one of your self oscillating circuits to test my coils
Thanks for the update
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Originally posted by SkyWatcher View PostHi jas_bir77, do you know the name of the book Robert Adams wrote, thanks.
Luc, I'm going to post my reply to you in your recirculating emf thread.
peace love light
The Adams book came in two parts - Adams Pulsed Electric Motor Generator Manual and the Adams Manual - Addendum. They were published by an Australian magazine called Nexus. You can still buy them from Nexus.
Try this link
Nexus Magazine - Suppressed/Frontier Science
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Negative voltage at shunt
Did a battery charge test last night and let it run when I went to bed.
Batt 1 is power batt sitting at 13.28 full charge resting.
Batt 2 is charging batt that was beat down and settled at 11.49.
347AM when I started the test, batt 1 came down to 12.88v
and batt 2 went up to 12.86 immediately.
I used very low power just to demo something to myself.
7mv average at the shunt, which is 0.36 watts drawn from the power battery.
348AM - batt 1 @ 12.88 - batt 2 @ 12.86
930AM - batt 1 @ 12.91 - batt 2 @ 12.94
AND from about 348 - I saw the average shunt voltage actually start to drop.
When testing at 122PM, it was a -41.3mv (-0.0413 volts) yes, negative average voltage on shunt for almost 10 hours. You can see it at the
bottom right of the scope. I also have the shunt RMS just for reference. That is more going back to the batteries than what left the batteries.
Not much heat because I was using such lower power but it was to see the battery climb (both of them).
Blue trace is shunt.
Purple trace is battery.
Yellow trace is timer - you can see frequency and duty cycle I'm using for
the test (non oscillating).
Time is set to 40ms so I can get enough samples to see a good average.
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Hi jas_bir77, do you know the name of the book Robert Adams wrote, thanks.
Luc, I'm going to post my reply to you in your recirculating emf thread.
peace love light
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Originally posted by kent_elyue View Post@gotoluc
I've been lurking in this thread almost from the beginning. I'm sorry that you've been harassed by certain individuals. I'm certain you will be vindicated (and, sadly enough, hated all the more) as time goes on. In my experience, the world would almost always sooner harm and exterminate others than question their own beliefs. Thanks for sharing your valuable resources with all of us.
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