Regarding the designing and winding of your own coils, I found this fantastic resource in my web-travels yesterday. It's easy to understand, and it simplifies the mystery behind induction, wire length, core type, and much, much more.
Coils and transformers
I've been lurking in this thread almost from the beginning. I'm sorry that you've been harassed by certain individuals. I'm certain you will be vindicated (and, sadly enough, hated all the more) as time goes on. In my experience, the world would almost always sooner harm and exterminate others than question their own beliefs. Thanks for sharing your valuable resources with all of us.
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COP 17 Heater | Rosemary Ainslie
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Adams 1 megawatt M/G
hi all
this info might help us in understanding and developing this tech further.
robert adams had in 1990 developed machines which delivered cop>1 w.r.t heating water much much more efficiently way over cop>17.he had also written a book explaining this phenomena.
an eg of one of his machine.
Adams 1 megawatt M/G
Mass :20 kilo's
Input Power :zero
Colorimetrically Measured :infinite
Efficiency :infinite
Mass per Horsepower : unknown as of yet.
link: Aethmogen - Australian Adams Motor - Part 1
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thanks for your posts... I do agree with what you are sharing. I'm familiar with the Newman motor. I think if the motor uses a permanent magnet as rotor it may not impede on the coil if the switch timing is correct.
This prior video I made: YouTube - Effect of Recirculating BEMF to Coil test 7 demonstrates my one pound 2" Neo magnet levitating 15mm off the coil (work) as the 22 Ohm resistor is heating to 109 degrees Celsius using a 200 vdc input at a 5% duty cycle.
you're right! this setup is close to your owndidn't see it until you pointed it out.
So you think the resistor maybe affected by close proximity of the main coilthat should be easy enough to test.
I did see your topic on this effect and I'll post my new experiments there also. I'm going to rewind that spool of wire so to get maximum Inductance. It's far from being ideal the way it is shipped on the spool.
This link: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?a...0;attach=37267 is a program I found that calculates best spool or coil geometry for an inductance value. If you or anyone else know of another program that would work from a fixed wire length to give max inductance please let me know as that would be easier to use.
LucLast edited by gotoluc; 08-16-2009, 03:48 PM.
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Hi Luc
Good vid: I think you are getting a similar effect as I have been getting in the Two element BEMF set up.
You have the resistor element sitting on top of the coil and as so there must be a capacitive element between the coil and resistor, so there is a type of tank circuit here which is dumping bemf into the resistor.
Look on my thread and maybe we can talk about this a little more.
Did you take a temp: reading on the coil before and after?
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Hi again, one more thing. Not sure if your familiar with Joseph Newman's work, but using a very large coil, at some point I think you may see an output that exceeds the results of not using a coil. In Newman's book it shows ohm's law formulas and such can predict input accurately, but the predicted output results fall apart in a big way when large coils are used. And when I say fall apart, I mean the measured output results are way over COP>1.0. Something to think about.
peace love light
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Hi folks, I would not give the noise makers any more attention than they've already had. There are things that if ignored will just go away and some other things will go away also, yet stubbornly so.
Hi Luc, as others have said in regard to using a coils magnetic field, it has to be used in a non-impeding manner and as far as a motor, the only one I know is Peter L.'s attraction motor. And as far as solid state, a regular transformer doesn't seem a likely candidate. It would have to be something that does not reflect a magnetic field back to cancel the primary field as you may already know. There has to be a solid state method that can use the field without reflection, just wish I could think of one, maybe someone has an idea out there and can share it. By the way Luc, your efforts in all this is great.
peace love light
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Thanks Rosemary
I'm going to call it a night now at 2am or should I say morning
I may have a simpler video demo tomorrow to help better understand.
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Hi Luc, Thanks very much for the video. Finally managed to see it through. I see the point you're making. It is indeed interesting.
edit. Good stuff Luc. I know how exhausting these things are. If it's any comfort I've been up since 2.am. At least we're sharing the same date at the moment. Have a good rest.Last edited by witsend; 08-16-2009, 06:11 AM.
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I only see this spineless Hypocrite dress his Lies into a new Dress,
and another Example of a first Class Sycophant.
Tk tried it, at last, but not sure, if that, what he found out, is worth him one Cent.
But no matter, they would had trampled it down, and still probatly will, when the Results do not serve them.
This, especially Guys like MH, do noone serve.
They are like a Pest, let them show, what her Integrity is.
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Hi everyone,
I tried to replicate my test 12 video using a capacitor instead of the battery to try to understand why there was so much difference between the two tests (11 and 12) and I found out that one of my 3 batteries is defective and that was the main cause of the huge difference. So I deleted test 12 video so not to mislead anyone. Anyways, I'm replacing it with the one below.
This video demonstrates that a Resistor can attain the same amount of heat connected directly (no Coil) to the pulse circuit then connected to the inductive kickback side of a coil. Both tests were tuned to use the same amount of energy from the Series battery bank.
What I find interesting is, you would think that by adding a coil it would make it less efficient but it seems to be as efficient as without the coil.
So where am I going with this!... well, if we add a coil in the circuit and it cost nothing, and we can still produce the same amount of heat that's good! since the the coil could be doing work, like turning a motor and then the inductive kickback will keep the hot water tank hot or something of that kind.
Just sharing... let me know what you think.
Video Link: YouTube - Effect of Recirculating BEMF to Coil test 12
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where we're at
Guys - here's my summation, for what it's worth.
I think it's clear that TK's criticisms were far from baseless. He has a sort of predatory nose for weakness. And he homed in on my own with the skill of a hound on the chase. To review these - the jury is still out there on the error in the quantum switching circuit - but the probability is in favour of TK being right. The reference to the Fluke 199C was quite simply skewed and should have referenced a Fluke 123. There was an entire dearth of waveforms for reference. The patent itself was indeed referenced as a patent instead of a patent application. There was the confusion as to which circuit was being tested and then the ongoing debate regarding the need or otherwise of the diode. Then, in truth, even the extent of support from my accreditors is thin. It is only sanctioned on the basis that these effects need academic evaluation. It says nothing about the effects themselves. All these points are valid. I trust they can be explained, if not excused, on the basis of my poor experimental aptitudes - an entire derth of expertise in the art and a certain naive hope that the accreditors would, at its least help me promote this.
I can only tell it as it is. I submitted the quantum article, subsequently replaced by the IET paper to my blog - thinking that it would probably just stay there - for the record and probably to be forgotten. I had no idea of these forums. My children then alerted me to the one in the Naked Scientists. I also assumed that this was the only such - dedicated to discussion of new inventions or new hypotheses. My lack of knowledge in most things is evident. But as this relates to the internet it, is abysimal. And I acknowledge this with regret. So. When I found these two new forums were indeed evaluating my circuit as I had hoped, I also discovered - to my horror - that on the one it was being considered as a fraudulent and wilfull misrepresentation of the fact. It seemed that I was accused of somehow deliberately perpetrating these facts as a hoax or as an attempt to gain notoriety, fame, riches, something?
I hope, that by now, those more discerning readers amongst you will know that this is simply not true. I have no desire to be personally associated with any financial or personal benefit from this study. Far sooner would I have others see what I am seeing and take it where it needs to go. I am entirely disqualified from any serious representation myself as my want of skills in the art is lacking whether it be on the description of the model or the circuit that I trust will prove the model. I only want the model understood. That is my only interest. It has a logic that is seductive and persuasive and has held me spellbound for a decade. If anyone can see what I am seeing I am satisfied that they will then also see the enormity of that vision. The model is not casual. It details precisely how to 'break those symmetries' that I cannot myself fully and experimentally describe. I see it best with patterns. But there must surely be someone out there with the required skills to explain it so that mainstream can at least understand it.
My quarrel with TK is only that his method of 'testing' seemed also to require an assassination of my character. As this was orchestrated behind his own ability to hide his public identity from view - I consider it unfair. In any event, it's a gross abuse of my rights to deny me a fair trial. He summonsed, prosecuted and then judged me. And his judgement was unkind.
The test itself. Just a brief reference here. It seems that the waveform is so much more elusive than I realised. Of course I can now also see why it has eluded detection but I am only realising this latterly. But once this is better managed and easier to read - then I am satisfied that it will be replicated widely and easily. Then, hopefully, a final miracle that someone better qualified than me can look where I'm pointing and do this vision of mine better justice. It's awfully presumptuous of me to say this, but the model is absolutely right in every particular. It just needs someone to patiently unravel my poor explanations and then promote it.
And a final note for TK. On a personal level I'd actually be sorry if you gave up the exercise just yet. I feel it's your right to know the truth or otherwise of my claims as well as anyone the more so as it has cost you just so much time. I apologise for my rudeness to you - but I simply needed to defend myself against some unwarranted criticisms. I find, as a rule, that I can speak more clearly, when I'm not also being throttled and kicked.Last edited by witsend; 08-17-2009, 07:55 AM. Reason: spelling of derth to dearth - think the latter may be English?
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Just to sad, that this Things happens over and over again.
And for this few Things, what they have to say, well, mostly it is said beside.
And dont worry, witsend, you dont miss any of this Things what they have to say. Its almost that, what noone needs.
Most knowledge of all these Things seems more, are splitted into so much Areas of Science,
that one Person maybe even can'nt put them together. But maybe that is the Intention of the Industry,
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Gosh. Civil war at OU.com. Our brave captain has got hold of that thread and is systematically unravelling it. What a champion. All that double edged swordsmanship. And also a bard. I'm in awe.
And Joit holding the attack from home ground. Such fun.Last edited by witsend; 08-16-2009, 05:58 AM.
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i know such Guys are waste of Time only, but its going to far, when he discredit Work, others Works, Persons, her Equipment at a large Scale
and insulte our Mind with showing us his lack of understanding, how things have to be.
When i would be a Mod over there, i would kick him at the first Place.
He can go into the JT Thread or anywhere else there, and go on with bother them with his exact Measurements.
Then he will see, how much they appreciate him.
What absolutly not goes into my Head, why such Persons dont know, when it s enough.
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Joit , don't bother, m8.... It's a waste of time with that guy... And perhaps that is the whole point of that thread anyway.
Kinda reminds me of an old saying, if i can remember it right...
"You can lead a bore to culture, but you can't make them think".
Er, or something like that
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