First basic test protocol again
Here is the basic test protocol the big league requires:
1. Run Ainslie circuit to stable temp at whatever settings you're using.
2. Leave it running on 12v or 24v whatever you're using and continue to monitor results.
3. Put identical resistor on power supply to determine necessary wattage to get to same temp.
4. Put exact resistance on control battery(s) to draw that amount of wattage - you don't have to record heat on control battery draw because you are simply duplicating the wattage requirement draw on that battery. Start recording measurements - there may be 1 hour difference between the start of this test and your experiment but that is ok, just record when you started control test and monitor voltage over time.
5. Stop experiment when battery gets down to X voltage. Stop control when battery gets down to X voltage. Compare time of runs.
6. Recharge both batteries or banks of batteries and swap them. The original control battery now charged, run the experiment on that. And the original experiment battery, run the control on that. Record times and stop when hitting X voltage and compare times.
7. Recharge, swap batteries again and repeat.
After the first time you find required wattage, you don't have to do that for the control anymore. As long as your Ainslie circuit settings are the same, it will get to same temp. Just put the required resistance on control battery to draw pre-determined control wattage.
When recharging and swapping batts back and forth - do it an even number of times so the experiment runs on the same batteries the same amount of times as it runs on the other batteries and so does the control run.
This IS the protocol that is accepted for certifiable test results by major corporation, testing company, etc...
This is the only test I'll be doing while I have the Tektronix loaned to me unless I'm satisfied with the results early on and do other tests.
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COP 17 Heater | Rosemary Ainslie
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MileHigh again, are you mentally retarted?
GET THAT! You dont need to proove us over and over how imbecile you are.
And i dont care if you have an ejaculation when you look at the Spelling.
Well, That Caps are special for you Milehigh, that you do understand ONE TIME, what i try to tell you.
If you still DONT Understand, stop taking Pills for a Hour, maybe that can help you.
And again, for your slow Brain. NOONE NEEDS YOU. GET IT. FINALLY!
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I dont know. Is it a Fault to be nice, when you do Comments, or try to say something?
Seems, some Peoples take that as an Invitation, to mess around with other Peoples, or take the Cherrys like Parasites, like others did say allready.
I try again Milehigh
Noone cares about your Suggestions Estimations or complaining.
Really, Noone cares about, to show you a Proof, or investigate something with or for you.
You would be the last Person on Earth, whom i would show something, or want to have Progress with and i am sure, i am not alone.
Noone needs you here to put your further smarts Comments in here, leave and be quiet,
even with your crap Estimation, 'The Equipment is surely damaged'.
Either you are a Pensioner, what has to much Time, but not the Experience at the Field, or a retarted Teenager Idiot,
and the Idiot here is for sure you, not others, what do the work here.
Again, Noone, absolutly noone needs You here, to show You a Proof, or listen to your Suggestions,
wrap your Mind around that first, before you do anything else.
I am straight.
Just Shut up and leave and put your whole Opinions there, where the Sun dont shines
That is the only Thing you really can help here.
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Quick question(s) - did your group try coils other than iron (copper of example) and did you ever try supplying the input signal from anything other than 555's? Sprocket
Hi sprocket. We did try a variety. I had one inductor wound with six separate windings as a for instance. EDIT Sorry I should add. All such were copper. But I could never actually satisfy my interests here as I had limited budgets and assumed that I'd have to get the optimised shapes designed. Amazed at what's available on the market.
On one ac test we simply introduced a second cycle when the waveform crossed over in antiphase? EDIT Not sure that I've described this properly. What I mean is that we switched at both sides of the sine wave. But personally I preferred the high freqency tests. And no. I've never used anything other than 555's and Fets. So we've had to keep our wattages rather lower than I'd have liked.
EDIT sorry sprocket - I don't think I've answered you. We used also highly inductive resistors which we wound ourselves - on Teflon bases as they were immersed in water. Just so many tests. I've got the data somewhere in storage. Just piles of boring data. Don't actually ever want to see them again. And all a total waste of time. You guys have done more with inductors than I ever have. Goto's test is the closest to what I was trying to get. But I think more can be done with complex interactions of fields. Like Mike's new resistors. Blows me away.
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@witsend - great to see you've decided to stick your head above the parapet (however briefly) again!
It's a travesty the type of 'infestation' that permeates the Over Unity forum - a board that purports to be striving for FE solutions, yet any promising lines of enquiry are allowed to be completely dominated by paid sceptics! Stefan sold out? I sometimes wonder...
Quick question(s) - did your group try coils other than iron (copper of example) and did you ever try supplying the input signal from anything other than 555's?
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Quotes from Harvey
1. The transformer was most likely an 'isolation transformer', matched windings - does that sound right?
2. Triacs stay on once fired until the current through them drops to a specific level. They are essentially two SCR's back to back and are primarily used for controlling AC power. The gating of these devices requires specific trigger timing if used on AC circuits. Pulsed DC circuits will typically use a single SCR. Back in 1980 we used two SCR's back to back on our Horizontal Bridgeman Grower heating circuits - 480V primaries and 120V 100A secondaries to feed 4 heating zones all controlled by huge SCR's. Now there was some serious induction going on in there, but it never seemed to affect the Gallium Arsenide melts - we just kept growing 'single' crystals 24 hours a day.
Had to look up scr's, then Horizontal bridgeman Growers then Gallium. No limit to my lack of knowledge. Indeed interesting. Especially Gallium.
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Just a quick note on a couple of posts here:
1. The transformer was most likely an 'isolation transformer', matched windings - does that sound right?
2. Triacs stay on once fired until the current through them drops to a specific level. They are essentially two SCR's back to back and are primarily used for controlling AC power. The gating of these devices requires specific trigger timing if used on AC circuits. Pulsed DC circuits will typically use a single SCR. Back in 1980 we used two SCR's back to back on our Horizontal Bridgeman Grower heating circuits - 480V primaries and 120V 100A secondaries to feed 4 heating zones all controlled by huge SCR's. Now there was some serious induction going on in there, but it never seemed to affect the Gallium Arsenide melts - we just kept growing 'single' crystals 24 hours a day.
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Mmm can you say more about the conductor? Was it a standard Transformer, or did it have 2 Windings with same Wiresize?
Cant figure a lot about a Inductor, when its not a standard one.
Edit - Ok leave it, i see .. any possible evenLast edited by Joit; 08-15-2009, 06:07 AM.
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Joit - just quick. We did every possible test - within my budget including transformers and inductors - and from battery and utility supply (through a variac). We've used bridge rectifiers from ac and ac without bridge rectifiers. The only thing we never used are capacitors and what I've just learned about - triacs.
The benefit is always there. The extreme benefit is with resonance.
Always nice to see you around.
EDIT We even did some electroplating. Just remember there is no patent. All that information is also just information in the public domain. It doesn't belong to anyone. 3RD EDIT Sorry Joit - the transformer used was typical with dual windings on a common core. I can't give you more details as I no longer have it. But we always used really thick copper winding.Last edited by witsend; 08-15-2009, 06:08 AM.
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Hey Witsend, good to see you around
Can you tell me, what Transformer you did use at the Patent, was ist only drawing or did you make a Test once with one?
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well to bad, i did see a different, even more at lower AAA Batteries, even when you connect them parallel or in serie.
But a faster Diode is probatly a good Choice, or probatly a Bridgerecifier.
Btw, i see, that there are more Ways in the Doc, to show the Effect.
The headline from the Appclication is harnessing BEMF. So actually, the Proof is done with the charging Test, only a listed Table 'could' be done.
But actually, i dont care to show a Proof or not for some retarted Pseudo Electricans.
Either someone do rebuild it by his own, and proof it, or just leave and be quiet.
Noone cares about it, to proove it for some arm chair Scientists.
IMHO, anyone can apply a Patent for anything, when he want, it is his/her own Problem,
if it does work or not, and they can make Money with it, but noone's else Business.
Just to bad, that such much Peoples do not see, that all Suggestions from this Debunkers
directly lead very obvious and willful into the absolutly wrong Direction, with all her Attempts.
It is like, we got another Drevtoob and Desertphile around us, they are like Flies.
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Guys. am daring a quick recce over a shallow bunker here but I think the brave captain has scored a bulls eye and TK's gone? A big monster defeated by a drunken troll? Strange outcomes in a strange aetheric universe. But here's hoping.
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parallel diodes
Hi Joit,
I've used parallel diodes in the past and I have never seen a benefit (on Bedini circuits for example).
I believe it is because they will never switch at the exact same time so the one that is the first to switch will basically pass everything from my understanding.
I would definitely use a faster diode for sure though.
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Cool Video, Aaron finally a new Idea in there. Nice Done.
Right now i am scared a bit, to touch one more Mosfet lol, i need a short breake.
But since you connect it at the SSG style, hows about to try 5 Diodes parallel, and see what it does.
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Hi Eternal,
The faster diodes will allow a higher voltage spike from faster switching I believe but frequency I think would be the same.
When zooming in, there is ringing within ringing and I have measured some activity over 5 MHz.
Anyway, the oscillations, can be from 10's of kHz to 200+ kHz.
Right now, my test running is at 134kHz.
Duty cycle on timer set to 20.9% and 2.403kHz.
Oscillation goes much faster.
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