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COP 17 Heater | Rosemary Ainslie

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  • witsend
    MIKE - Glad to read that you're holding back on tests until you've found out more about the arm. Let us know please.

    BTW check your skype messages.
    Last edited by witsend; 12-20-2009, 02:24 PM.

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  • Michael John Nunnerley
    I think I have found something

    Hi all and to billwarner9997

    I have been playing around with different transformers on the STEAP and with a very small torroid 1:1 isolating trans: I am getting more energy on the secoundary than the primary as I can see it.

    The first thing is as I get it into resonance the voltage on the secoundary is some 40% more than the primary, why is this, it is a 1:1? Why is this possible, the transfer should be par unless there is energy being sucked in inbetween the two windings, it is the only explination I have, unless Harvey can explain this as a normal occurance.

    If I can measure say the current draw for a bulb placed on both sides then I can calculate the gain. This is going to be difficult on the primary as we have two phases. The voltage I measure accross the two phases, but how would I measure the current? I think there would be some phasing relation with the current, would I need to measure the current on both sides of the connection to a bulb.

    If I put a rectifier before the bulb then maybe we can do this as the two phases would become one, Harvey what do you think of this Idea? Naturally I would put the same rectifier on the secoundary as well. From the measurements it can be calculated the difference between primary and secoundary.

    Now the other thing that is happening is we have a natural feed back, pump action in this circuit which raises up the voltage to some significant levels and this is where the value of the caps in the circuit are all important. The two diodes are blocking the flow back to the battery and feeding back into the circuit, and so it goes on.

    Even with the diodes I can have very elevated voltages at the mosfet, some 10 times the supply voltage. This is what I wanted to show in the video but was cut by youtube I will try and do this again.

    I have posted the diagram again below with the cap size change which should be 0.1mf not 1mf as shown. This is where the charge pump action takes place and so these caps are very important that they should be right, not to say that 0.1mf is the best, experimenting will show this, they should be high voltage low mf and of good quality such as MKP. May be 0.01mf would be better.

    Well would appreciate some input into these thoughts of mine, as before I start playing again, I would like to see if this problem with my arms gets better, it is a little concerning at the moment not knowing what it is.

    Attached Files

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  • Harvey
    Originally posted by billwarner9997 View Post
    Wow! Just completed reading all 3305 posts. Better tnen a Tom Clancy novel. Congratulations to Rosemary,Fuzzy, Harvey and everyone else who contributed. I can see the movie now....Meryl Streep as Rosemary, Robert Redford as Harvey and David McCallum as Fuzzy.....

    Harvey: Since resonance is such a big factor of Rosemary's circuit, have you looked at Don Smith's circuit for scaling up (P. Kelly - Free Energy Guide Chapter 3 page 45 - released for anyone to duplicat)? He claims over 100KW from a $200 circuit using hardly anything for input.

    Edit: Maybe $500..

    Thank you for taking the time to read the thread, your a better man than I in this regard as I know there are posts back there that I didn't take the time to read. I wish I could say that I've looked into Don Smiths work, but honestly my attention to it has been very superficial. It is a sad thing that they didn't just go into manufacturing them - Harbor Freight and Home Depot sell GenSets for right about that price ($500) and there are a lot of us who would rather buy a system with no moving parts and no gasoline instead of what I have in my garage. It seems Don has certainly had sufficient time to begin manufacturing and it seems odd that with all the years and seminars that someone hasn't latched on to that technology and run with it. One thing I've learned over the years is that the human mind can only process a finite quantity of thought processes in a 24 hour period. Personally I don't have the ambition or time to substantiate Dons work, perhaps other readers here would like to give it a go.


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  • Harvey
    Hi Gotoluc, sorry to hear of the funeral, I offer my condolences.

    As can be shown here on wikipedia for capacitors, we can find the energy stored in a capacitor if we know the voltage and capacitance. That link would also help Rosemary sort out some of the particulars surrounding the charge storage facilitated by these devices. We find a relationship where the capacitance equals the charge divided by the voltage. This could be rewritten as charge equals capacitance times voltage. In your case Q would equal 1755 Coulombs of charge. Here is a handy calculator for finding the charge and energy stored. In your case you would have about 11,846J stored up in there (you'll probably want to charge that up through a current limiting resistor to keep from blowing fuses )

    The question is, how does that compare to the energy consumed in a typical 1 hour test like test #13? Well, this calculator helps us identify the 1.3W AVG that was measured during that one hour test as 4,680J; less than half of what you can store in your capacitor bank. Additionally, an earlier calculation I did showed the energy stored in the magnetic field of the inductor at any given period was less than 20 µJ IIRC. So if we afford the time for the stored energy to properly return to its source you should get similar results.

    You will probably need to have your capacitor bank and battery in parallel until the system is tuned and stable, then you can disconnect the battery from the circuit and monitor the capacitor performance.

    One thing to note here, the original tests done in South Africa and Glen's tests, used 24V with this resistor configuration. While Glen was able to keep the circuit functioning with a combined voltage near 12V (each battery about 6V IIRC), he stated that it could be very difficult to initiate the preferred mode of oscillation at such a low supply voltage.

    While we know the heat being produced by the circuit exceeds the energy consumed by the battery, we cannot over look losses in the system by RF emission and resistive losses in the FET and CSR. These losses are not recoverable because they represent an immediate internal compensation for the imbalance present across them without a secondary event that can be easily converted and routed back to the battery. When the gains provided by the magnetic interaction of the inductor exceed the total circuit resistive losses, the system will become regenerative and that is a worthy goal. Until that time, we will always expect an eventual decay at the source. I do wonder though, if we begin extracting energy out of Rosemary's hidden field without putting it back, what impact this may have on greater systems already in place that are not currently understood.

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  • witsend
    Luc, hi, Always nice to see you there. But your post is alreadly over 3 hours old. I'm a bit slow here but am getting back into diurnal sleep patterns. LOL. Rediscovering the benefits of sunlight for my bad eyesight and am learning to identify my friends and neighbours again. Have been somewhat reclusive these past 5 months.

    Regarding your question about capacitors, I need Fuzzy or Harvey to answer this. I have no idea at all. I am told that a cap is able to store 'pure charge' but I have no idea what this is. My concern would be that it would take a current flow and convert it into voltage. In which case it's also doing exactly what the resistor did - but without the benefit of all that material to kick those extra zipons, or charge or whatever, back into play. I simply can't get my head around it. So in principle I would be doubtful - but I'm less than knowledgeable on such matters. And, on the other hand, if a cap actually does store and then deliver precisely as much energy as has first been stored and delivered - then it may be exactly what is required. But I understand there are AC and DC caps, and - abject apologies here - but confusion abounds.

    In either case, I have great faith in the instincts of you experimentalists. It's something that comes from a 'hands on' association with the apparatus and from your own observations. I'm reasonably satisfied that you guys are now the actual experts here. Thus far I haven't seen Fuzzy use a cap. But he's also using a DC supply. Perhaps a cap is needed for higher numbers?

    But, whichever way you want to take it, rest assured - and I'm sure I speak for everyone - we'd love to see the results. I have no end of faith in your talents here Luc and am invariably blown away by the impeccable standards you apply to your testing. No end of talent there and widely acknowledged by us all.
    Last edited by witsend; 12-20-2009, 05:26 AM.

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  • gotoluc
    Originally posted by Michael John Nunnerley View Post

    I hope Luc has now got his working, I posted the incorrect values of c2 and c3 they should be 0.1mf not 1mf, sorry about that
    Hi Michael and all,

    I was out of town for a couple of days to a Funeral.

    I just got back now (Saturday night) and hopefully tomorrow will be able to re-test your circuit with the 0.1uf cap values.

    I'll post if I get results like yours or recontact you if I don't.

    Here's hopping it works.

    @Rosemary, I also just received the Five 650 Farad @ 2.7vdc Ultracapacitors. Connecting them in series will give me 130 Farad @ 13.5vdc. I Hopping to test these on your circuit while collecting the flyback of the resistor to see if they can more efficently store the resistor flyback energy then a lead acid battery. It should also make energy calculations much easier since we are dealing with capacitive values.

    I wouldn't mind hearing what others think of this idea or add your test suggestions.


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  • witsend
    the sky is not the limit

    Originally posted by billwarner9997 View Post
    Wow! Just completed reading all 3305 posts. Better tnen a Tom Clancy novel. Congratulations to Rosemary,Fuzzy, Harvey and everyone else who contributed. I can see the movie now....Meryl Streep as Rosemary, Robert Redford as Harvey and David McCallum as Fuzzy.....
    Thanks for the good wishes here billwarner9997. It's been great fun - but you're right - not without it's challenges. LOL . I think we've proved that open source is about as good as it gets to hone and test some extraordinary principles. And the guys here have taken up the experimental challenge with skill and flair of the artists that they are. Blown away - repeatedly - especially when I remember how close this was to failure. Thank you FUZZY. I've said it all and will bore you all with the repetition. It's been a TRIP - second to none - and amazingly fruitful in it's consequences. I'm now relaxing to see where Mike, Luc et al - take this. Definitely stratospheric. And that's the new challenge. Golly. It never seems to stop. Hopefully it never will.

    BTW. Mike, Harvey has pointed out that that burn on your arm is the reason you went to your doctor in the first instance. I was possibly being way too flippant. You need to keep us updated here Michael and I hope that this comes right. I'm now more than a little alarmed.

    2nd edit. BTW Bill, I've seen some of Don's videos. Just some residual concern that he gives us a black box. I'd far rather see the actual technology - the more so as I'm not sure how reasonable it is to patent the technology. And I'd then be more inclined to trust his numbers for the upgrade applications. As it is I'd prefer to rest on Harvey's advices here. I think he's doing some research into the math.
    Last edited by witsend; 12-19-2009, 04:21 AM.

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  • jibbguy
    Good job reading the thread!

    I'm thinking the movie should maybe be more along the lines of "Laurence of Arabia", a historical account & epic. "Rosemary of South Africa" ; with David Lean as the director.. A story detailing her taking on the entire corrupt "Ottoman Empire" of the mainstream scientific community, with only her trusty band of ruffians and a couple weapons of "mass paradigm destruction" from Tektronix

    Too bad Sidney Greenstreet and Peter Lorre passed on years ago, they could represent the forum "skeptics" in the piece, hehehe.

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  • billwarner9997

    Wow! Just completed reading all 3305 posts. Better tnen a Tom Clancy novel. Congratulations to Rosemary,Fuzzy, Harvey and everyone else who contributed. I can see the movie now....Meryl Streep as Rosemary, Robert Redford as Harvey and David McCallum as Fuzzy.....

    Harvey: Since resonance is such a big factor of Rosemary's circuit, have you looked at Don Smith's circuit for scaling up (P. Kelly - Free Energy Guide Chapter 3 page 45 - released for anyone to duplicat)? He claims over 100KW from a $200 circuit using hardly anything for input.

    Edit: Maybe $500..
    Last edited by billwarner9997; 12-19-2009, 01:26 AM.

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  • FuzzyTomCat
    Hi lanenal,

    Here is the link Aaron has set up for a additional location for the IEEE paper "Open Source Evaluation of Power Transients Generated to Improve Performance Coefficient of Resistive Heating Systems" that was submitted for a possible publication.

    Originally posted by Aaron View Post
    It is still up there on scribd for download. It is also in this forum - check my posts about a week ago or maybe more. Not too long ago.
    Originally posted by Aaron View Post


    "This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible."

    It's required by .....

    8.1.9 Electronic Information Dissemination

    B. Electronic Preprints. Upon submitting an article to the IEEE for review and possible publication, the author must add the following notice to the first screen of any of his/her previously posted electronic preprint versions of the paper:

    "This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible."

    When IEEE accepts the work for publication, the author must add the IEEE copyright notice shown in Section 8.1.9A above to any previously posted electronic versions of the particular paper submitted and provide IEEE with the electronic address (URL, ftp address, etc.) of the primary electronic posting.

    When IEEE publishes the work, the author must replace the previous electronic version of the accepted paper with either (1) the full citation to the IEEE work or (2) the IEEE-published version, including the IEEE copyright notice and full citation. Prior or revised versions of the paper must not be represented as the published version.

    Scribd Publication -
    Open Source Evaluation of Power Transients Generated to Improve Performance Coefficient of Resistive Heating Systems


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  • Harvey
    Hi Mike,

    I've seen this type of rash in more than one case. In one case an associate was measuring temperatures of compost and exposed his skin to it inadvertently. His rash itched and was sore and was a bacterial attack. The other case I have seen relates to radiation poisoning. The crusted pockets are similar to those I have seen caused by an X-Ray machine malfunction. The red blotches are reminiscent of the rashes caused by fallout as seen on fishermen who came in from the Sea after the attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. So, they could be RF burns.

    They could also be a form of shingles. A latent manifestation of the chickenpox caused by the Varicella-Zoster Virus which I have been told is quite painful.

    What ever the case, I hope you exercise caution and get a definitive conclusion from your doctor. You may want to get a microwave leak detector and keep it nearby if you intend to continue testing without an answer.

    Health first, research second.

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  • Aaron

    Originally posted by lanenal View Post
    It seems has been filtered out by our govt and I can't get this paper. Could someboy upload it into the forum also? Thanks!
    It is still up there on scribd for download. It is also in this forum - check my posts about a week ago or maybe more. Not too long ago.

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  • lanenal
    unable to access this link

    Originally posted by witsend View Post
    Guys - am doing some shameless spamming here but I think Fuzzy' publication merits it and I'd quite like this on each page - until Fuzzy withdraws it - as required.

    Open Source Evaluation of Power Transients Generated to Improve Performance Coefficient of Resistive Heating Systems

    Thank you Fuzzy, Harvey, Andrew, Donny, Steve and last but by no means least Ashtweth - FOR ALL THIS HARD WORK.

    It seems has been filtered out by our govt and I can't get this paper. Could someboy upload it into the forum also? Thanks!

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  • Aaron
    3 things

    Originally posted by Radiant_Science View Post
    So, every pulse creates not only magnetism and heat in the coils, but, as the pulse collapses the BEMF is re-routed back across the "filter capacitor" for an increase in voltage, if only for a moment.

    You need to realize something common about many OU devices..."Resistance"
    The "negative energy", "Orgone", "Pure Voltage/Poynting Flow"...whatever you wanna call it, increases power with higher resistance loads.

    Things like gas discharges, avalanching energy cascades, spark gaps, mechanical switches, extreme gradient shifts, and high speed collisions (atomic scale) will prove to be most promising when trying to achieve COP>1
    The capacitor recycling method works and is similar to what I did here to
    keep this oscillator self running. I initially charge the front side cap (instead
    of having a battery). Then I remove the charge, and it keeps going. I do
    have a simple earth ground rod that I'm using and it keeps all the pressures
    balanced. Input goes down, then climbs up to a happy medium and stays
    YouTube - Self Running Bedini Oscillator
    I tried it with this heater circuit with mixed results. There are really a lot
    of possibilities of using capacitors in this circuit. But if the front side power
    supply sees the recovery capacitor, then the recovery will be sabotaged.

    With capacitance discharges. If you connect the positive and dump the
    cap by switching the negative side and have increased resistance there
    at the negative point, you will amplify the negative energy. With positive
    connected, the destination ALREADY has the positive potential sitting it in
    and doesn't have to get there. So it is just an extension of the diode that
    the cap is acting like. The e-amp effect seems to be very real because I
    always had stronger battery charging effect by switching on the negative
    with the inverted circuits and having a resistor there at that point.
    I see that it is completely true that a positive potential is dissipated by
    resistance but a negative potential is amplified by resistance. The
    experiments show this to be the most likely case every single time.

    The link I put in this post is a great walk through for anyone for ionization
    by collision.

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  • witsend
    Caution - Handle With Care

    Originally posted by Michael John Nunnerley View Post
    Hi all again

    forgot to mention something that has happened to me and as of yet I do not know if it has a relation or not with the experiments that I am doing.

    Here is a photo of my arm that I have just taken.

    I was at my doctors this morning and as she went to touch my arm there was a load bang and a 1cm spark from my arm to her finger, to say the least she was shocked, pun intended

    Well we will see what they find of this and I will keep you posted.

    Hello Mike. I've heard people being described as a 'live wire'. Never realised it was literal. Either that or you're really, REALLY attracted to your doctor? LOL . The analogies go on and on. Burned out, burnt by love, burnt by life's experiences, the 'spark' of interest. Endless really. I have a sort of 'sparky' love hate relationship with my keyboard - that bites me every now and again. I've learned wear rubber soled shoes before I get too busy here. But I have never heard of static being responsible for third degree burns. THAT IS JUST SO STRANGE. I think it's highly probable that you've become a kind human capacitor. Golly. In which case you can be accurately descibed as fully charged and live. I think you need to carry a written warning around your neck. LIVE - HANDLE AT YOUR OWN RISK. or just print a hazard warning on your shirt. It would help. Golly.

    Your test results look amazing but I'm a plodder here Mike. Be very grateful for a schematic or a link to one - if you've got the time.

    BTW Many, many thanks for the video. Interesting that youtube's doing editing there. I also had endless difficulty with the upload of a proton diagram - eventually cracked it by keeping the video down to about 40 seconds flat - and it then 'took'.
    Last edited by witsend; 12-17-2009, 08:26 PM.

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