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COP 17 Heater | Rosemary Ainslie

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  • Harvey
    Originally posted by witsend View Post
    Harvey - I'm a little embarrassed to ask this - but are those effects mainstream - or not? I sincerely believe that - if they are - then there is nothing new introduced by my model. If they're not mainstream - then why not - if the effect is so easily replicable.

    I'm afraid I'm not up with current science and all it's applications

    EDIT. Joit, so nice to see you're always there.
    Yes, inductive heaters are very mainstream and directly tied to the frequency of the inductive oscillation. It is explained away using eddy currents and skin effects but the net result is a clear conversion of energy from one electromagnetic frequency to another (or literally others, pl.) both in the visible and in the invisible spectrum. It should be noted that the 'Ice' in the second video is probably not water but some other frozen solution and much of the light seemed to be reflecting off the inside of the coils rather than from the ice itself.

    This experimenter gives an interesting analysis on the topic: EDIT: (started the post 3 hours ago and had to deal with interuptions - Thanx Joit for getting in there quicker )
    High Frequency Induction Heating

    The question we are trying to answer is whether or not some of the photonic energy released in your circuit is derived from the release of structural tension in the inductive resistor itself at the expense of its integrity. If the effect were to diminish over long term tests then that may be an indicator of this being the case. On the other hand, if it continues to perform undeterred by time then we must consider that the energy arrives from elsewhere into the open system.

    Last edited by Harvey; 08-06-2009, 02:10 AM.

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  • poynt99
    Originally posted by Aaron View Post
    Poynt obviously believes that Ohms's law is flawed and nobody should believe in it by bringing up more distractions. The "shunt" resistor indicates the current flowing. What is the source of that current? The resistor?

    Obviously it is the battery delivering that current.

    Oh well, it is pointless to argue with mindless obfuscation.
    Here is the question again:

    Is the current the same magnitude and direction in the battery and shunt at all times or do the two currents vary from each other?
    A "YES the currents are the same" or "NO the currents differ" answer would be appreciated, as I don't think that is too much to ask.


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  • Aaron

    Originally posted by MileHigh View Post
    Aaron's proposed methodology for measuring the output power by measuring the voltage across the coil-resistor and using v-squared/R was wrong.
    I didn't take into account inductance and power factor.

    No more distractions from you.

    If you know what is input from the battery, you can find the required wattage to make the same temp. That input compared to the necessary wattage to run at the same temp is over 1.0 COP.

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  • Aaron

    Originally posted by Harvey View Post
    But that DC reading is really the flat line in between the spikes.
    The flatline is zero volts. Are you saying the DC reading of a positive voltage is a positive voltage of zero volts?

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  • Aaron
    shunt current

    Originally posted by witsend View Post
    Poynt - how would you determine current flow back through a battery? This is precisely the poynt where new age and classical part company. But if you're asking does the voltage across the battery correspond to voltage across the shunt - of course. How could they be different?
    Poynt obviously believes that Ohms's law is flawed and nobody should believe in it by bringing up more distractions. The "shunt" resistor indicates the current flowing. What is the source of that current? The resistor?

    Obviously it is the battery delivering that current.

    Oh well, it is pointless to argue with mindless obfuscation.

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  • Aaron

    Originally posted by MileHigh View Post

    > Because you ask what the frequency would be, it indicates you don't understand resonant circuits.

    There is no need to be like that, it's like Peter trying to claim that .99 and Cloxxki were useless because of a statement they made about pulse charger effeciency. You know that I could say a lot of things about resonance if I wanted to.
    You have no idea what you're talking about. You don't realize every circuit will have it's own resonant frequency and harmonics of these frequencies. Therefore, asking such a thing DOES indicate, you have ZERO qualifications to even ask what you're asking because it is outside of your experience.

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  • SkyWatcher
    Hi folks, hi Mikehingle, nice video link on the corporation called the federal reserve and its ink paper monopoly, at least its a start to educate the masses in regard to these fake debt slave systems.
    Hi Joit, I understand all the suppression that has taken place over history and it stinks, but lets try and keep an open mind that the flood gates will break and humanity will have there unlimited excess energy devices. The winds have changed my friend.
    Now something about the Rosemary circuit. Of course I have been testing different things with this circuit and I notice something that hasn't been highlighted is what Gotoluc showed in his circuit when the diode is attached, the frequency and or duty cycle settings have to be right or when the diode is attached the input amps increase as if the collapsing field is interfering with the applied input pulses. So it seems when this is right that the expanding and collapsing fields work with each other maybe close to resonance. So I am saying that if the amps increase with the diode compared to the input amps without the diode then we are probably not near resonance and may be a simple indicator to know if we are close. The only issue in my mind is the ring down of the coil and how this interacts with each pulse, still it seems the timing must be right to create harmony between the input pulses and the ringing or resonance or with the diode input increases. Let me know if this makes any sense.
    peace love light

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  • poynt99
    Originally posted by Harvey View Post
    Thank you for proving my point.
    You've proved something, but not your own point I assure you that.

    You're not suggesting that the coil/resistor is induction heating itself are you?

    Last edited by poynt99; 08-06-2009, 01:44 AM.

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  • Joit
    Thanks again witsend, sometimes its better to stay back, as to get all time involved. it saves some Nerves.

    About the Heater, here is a Link to a common Build, as i think it is.
    There is a schematic too, where it shows, they work with Caps and a Tank Circuit, to seems, get a certain Frequency.
    Not sure, how much Spikes are involed there.
    Usual they dont use Timers there or Spikes, but a lot of Amperes, the bills pay anyway her Boss.
    But i was once about, to build something like this, just, getting the Parts all time is some difficult.

    MikeHingle, yep, i could figure, what possibilities there would be, when you could make supermagnets,
    but, unfortunatly, i dont have a lab or a big Shack, where i could build all this nice things.
    I only have a small shack, where i have to live in. Lol.

    About the Spikes, i found once, how you can control the Bemf better.
    But it still depnds on direction of Winding from the Coils, and at the Diode., D1 there.
    I did make the Experiment with a Rotor, where you can directly see the Results.
    I did not do it with a Transformer, or any other Things, i got mainly no Time for that.
    But its a fact, that they are stronger, when you get them at a certain Time,
    at other Moments they are more Weak.
    I cant even say, if it has something to do with the Direction of the Magnetfield, what is right now there, or only the Timing, but i think, its both.
    Btw, the Rotor at the Picture has 4 NS, the lower one is wrong.
    And there is another Thread, where someone collected with a Coil around a Rotor the BEMF, and found out, it is higher at a certain Degree around the Rotor, but i lost the Link.

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  • witsend
    Originally posted by mikehingle View Post
    Rosemary !

    I didn't say that OU systems are widely marketed.
    I was referring to induction heating systems in general.

    ...And, especially not using these PWMs power supplies
    just to liberate the incredible amount of forceful,
    capacitor-like discharge of magnetic power from the coils,
    that we can make available to do abundantly more work
    thanks to the energy harnessed in the collapsing magnetic field.

    Cheers !
    Mike Hingle
    PS: We could use a little more joking around here. Here's a good one :
    MSNBC *** Federal Reserve As A Ponzi Scheme, An Inside Job
    YouTube - Federal Reserve is a Ponzi scheme, an inside job
    Thanks Mike. I get it. And I agree. We definitely need some light relief.

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  • mikehingle
    Rosemary !

    I didn't say that OU systems are widely marketed.
    I was referring to induction heating systems in general.

    As far as I know, the industry has not adopted the new
    more efficient pulse powered systems.
    Especially not utilizing the more efficient PWMs
    which can charge coils in the most efficient way,
    consuming the least amount of energy.

    And, especially not using these PWMs power supplies
    just to liberate the incredible amount of forceful,
    capacitor-like discharge of magnetic power from the coils,
    that we can make available to do abundantly more work
    thanks to the energy harnessed in the collapsing magnetic field.

    Cheers !
    Mike Hingle
    PS: We could use a little more joking around here. Here's a good one :
    MSNBC *** Federal Reserve As A Ponzi Scheme, An Inside Job
    YouTube - Federal Reserve is a Ponzi scheme, an inside job

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  • witsend
    Originally posted by mikehingle View Post
    Rosemary !

    Those old conventional systems don't yet take full advantage of the various new
    "Collapsing Magnetic Field" reactor designs, which do work with COPs > 1.

    Cheers !
    Mike Hingle
    So. There's my question. Why then if OU is so widely marketed is it not also widely accepted as a fact?

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  • mikehingle
    Rosemary !

    Yes, those effects of induction heating are "mainstream",
    i.e. already DOC approved & widely marketed, but usually with COPs of < 1.

    Those old conventional systems don't yet take full advantage of the various new
    "Collapsing Magnetic Field" reactor designs, which do work with COPs > 1.

    Cheers !
    Mike Hingle

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  • Aaron

    Originally posted by Hoppy View Post

    Could you please show a scope shot taken between pin 3 and ground of the 555.

    Remember when you said you had experiments on your bench? Go take a picture of your own FIRST, post it here and I'll tell you if it looks anything like mine.

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  • mikehingle
    Joit !
    Can you imagine the numerous applications from utilizing magnetized iron,
    which has been heated & then allowed to cool in the presence of a strong
    steady-state magnetic field ??? The resulting magnets have 4 to 5 times
    higher strength & higher temperature tolerances, because a greater number
    of magnetic domains in the molecular matrix of the iron were allowed to be
    formed & fixed (held in place), than the number of domiains that are normally
    set from the conventional method of just momentarily shocking the magnetic
    material with high amps. Here's the company with the recent patent on this
    process :
    A Novel Technique for the Enhancement of Coercivity in High Energy Permanent Magnets--Advanced Materials Corporation

    Cheers !
    Mike Hingle

    A Simple Process to Manufacture Grain Aligned Permanent Magnets

    Advanced Materials Corporation
    Advanced Materials Corporation
    Last edited by mikehingle; 08-06-2009, 12:04 AM.

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