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  • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
    Do the video, I want to see it.
    I'm confused

    You want to see my video yet you've put me on your ignore list?

    I'm amazed



    • Originally posted by poynt99 View Post
      Voltage across a coil being pulsed at its resonant frequency. Frequency = 400kHz. Period = 2.5us. Pulse width = 0.6us. Supply = 150VDC. L = 50uH. Rinductor = 10 Ohm:

      Thanks for the picture. My question is this? Did your simulator also use a 50% duty cycle and did it generate the second half of the waveform while the supply source was disconnected? Surely you've simply shown some form of a a DC to AC converter? I was hoping you'd replicate all the parameters in Aaron's test before you came up with the sample waveform.

      If you indeed duplicated Aaron's parameters let me apologise in advance. If you did not - which I might add I am reasonably certain is the case - then you are clearly skewing the facts to support a bias.

      And what have you to say about Aaron's video now? He did - indeed - use a voltmeter as required by you. Where Poynt do you acknowledge this? Where is your gratitude? Personally I think that Aaron is showing the most extraordinary tolerance in allowing you to post on his thread at all. And may I say - this is the first recommendation for this - but I think the time has come that we talk to you long distance. While we need mainstream representation I think Harvey and Fuzzy more than qualify. Your own 'mainstream' comes with a determined refusal to acknowledge the hard effort that Aaron has gone to to accommodate your concerns. And a persistent refusal to acknowledge the data presented having accommmodated this. I have looked at - what is it - about 7 subsequent posts and not one 'thank you Aaron' or 'OK even the voltmeter shows a negative voltage' or 'indeed I was wrong' or - better still 'Golly not only a negative voltage value but a battery recharge to prove it'. It's too bad Poynt and rather less than the integrity required by a Mounty.

      I would add that your invitation to Tektronix representatives to 'join' this debate is done in extraordirnarily bad taste. We are depending on Tektronix data here. To involve their experts in any capacity other than technical would be to possibly put the test objects at question and the loan at risk. I trust that David will see this and your own transparent attempts to sabotage his required objectivity. You fight 'dirty' Poynt. All those punches are below the belt.


      • Hi everyone,

        I thought that I would acquire a 555 timer similar to the one that Aaron purchased at a Radio Shack a standard part for them a "555CN" a Texas Instrument NE555N but in the package it's printed on the part a NE555P ...... strange ??

        I have tried a NTE Electronics Inc #NTE955M a direct replacement for a NE555N and the spikes were ok they were the first set of photos I posted of just the oscillating IRFPG50 Mosfet, but it's not the right 555 timer.

        The second and third sets of photos I posted the last set being the test I did was with a "Fairchild" NE555N printed on the 555 timer, this is the same manufactures 555 that had mysteriously became a smoke bomb earlier on my "NEW" bread board.

        I placed the NE555P manufactured by Texas Instrument and sold by Radio Shack in ........ and guess what "SPIKES" big ones and lots of them across both shunts ....... Hummmmm ........ maybe its magnifing glass time to see exactly what Aaron may have as a 555 timer, as Harvey seems to indicate "there is a big difference" ......... Meowza I guess !!

        The other thing I noticed is the 10 ohm load wire wound resistor Aaron is using a 100 watt 96uH and mine is no where near that the manufacture is a "Memcor" FR100 10ohm, and maybe around 22 to 24uH quite a impedance difference.

        Well it's back to knob twisten time .......

        Open Source Experimentalist
        Open Source Research and Development


        • Tektronix TDS3054C

          Thank you Lisa and Tektronix for extending the loan period! It has been a priceless tool in acquiring data in such a highly refined way! The data that the TDS3054C has provided correlates strongly with all the empirical evidence of temperature differences and various battery charging effects, etc...

          It has been an incredible example of high quality your company is known for. I hope this paves the way to inspire experimenters, researchers and developers into investing in the kind of equipment that is necessary to show highly refined data of our circuit performance.

          This is sure to help many people that are professional and advanced in this field and this should especially help beginners and amateurs that have been relying on digital volt meter readings to determine current sensing resistor current passage. Much praise to your brilliant technology with its data capturing ability and such a high resolution! Thank you!

          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • 555

            Originally posted by FuzzyTomCat View Post
            I placed the NE555P manufactured by Texas Instrument and sold by Radio Shack in ........ and guess what "SPIKES" big ones and lots of them across both shunts ....... Hummmmm ........ maybe its magnifing glass time to see exactly what Aaron may have as a 555 timer, as Harvey seems to indicate "there is a big difference" ......... Meowza I guess !!
            Pretty cool! I need to get a variety and see what happens.

            The one I'm using is NE555N and it looks like Philips make in small print by the logo. There are numbers J70600A directly under that.
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • Originally posted by Harvey View Post
              I have heard that it is unsafe to walk in the cherry tree grove between four and five o'clock. This is the time when elephants are hiding in the trees waiting to jump down on us. They paint their toenails red to camouflage themselves. Have you ever seen an elephant in a cherry tree? No? See, the camouflage works. But the saddest part of this story relates to the beavers. They cut the birch trees down to make their dams. But after a long day, they must travel through the forest, between four and five o'clock to get home. That's why they have flat tails.

              Golly Harvey - you and Joit have been reading MH and got into a contact rave. The actual facts are this. Elephant's toenail disguise is only needed during a harvest season. At all other times they pretend they're little birds and indulge in an excess twittering.
              Last edited by witsend; 09-01-2009, 08:14 AM. Reason: spelling


              • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                Pretty cool! I need to get a variety and see what happens.

                The one I'm using is NE555N and it looks like Philips make in small print by the logo. There are numbers J70600A directly under that.
                Hi Aaron,

                I just looked at the plastic packaging from Radio Shack the 555CN came in and on the back it says "Product may vary from description" oh boy .... this is good !!!

                Open Source Experimentalist
                Open Source Research and Development


                • Originally posted by witsend View Post
                  Golly Harvey - you and Joit have been reading MH and got into a contact rave. The actual facts are this. Elephant's toenail disguise is only needed during a harvest season. At all other times they pretend they're little birds and indulge in an excess twittering.
                  Of course, but that is only during Winterwood(Don Mclean) - in the spring they must paint them cherry-blossom pink

                  EDIT: I just posted a quick update at the other place:
                  Blog Post
                  Last edited by Harvey; 09-01-2009, 11:01 AM. Reason: typos and added hyperlink
                  "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor


                  • Hi Harvey. I loved the song but sorry you're drawing a blank. I think Aaron has a way of stabilising the waveform but I need him to comment here. Can't reach him at the moment. Hopefully he'll read this.

                    My enduring regret is that I never video'd the test nor the apparatus. But perhaps that's meant? Maybe there's some vagary associated with this that needs to be put into focus. If so, we all clearly missed it - through endless demonstrations. It makes me feel wretched. And the question is then clearly whether or not we mis-measured. It's a distinct possibility if the results were reliant entirely on me. But there was some real expertise associated with these claims and they more than made up for my own lack of it.


                    • Just a small question from a complete newbie Did somebody checked if,when and how circuit is grounded ? Is there any connection to real ground or any thing which may become a source of electrons via displacement current ?
                      In original experiment and in replications....
                      Sorry if that issue was talked over in the past, I only want to give a little ideas to consider. My appreciation for all of you.


                      • Originally posted by witsend View Post
                        Thanks for the picture. My question is this? Did your simulator also use a 50% duty cycle and did it generate the second half of the waveform while the supply source was disconnected? Surely you've simply shown some form of a a DC to AC converter? I was hoping you'd replicate all the parameters in Aaron's test before you came up with the sample waveform.
                        The specs were given in my post that would allow you to calculate the duty cycle. In fact, this particular setting is a duty cycle of 24%. In short, yes the power is only applied 24% of the time, and the circuit once disconnected from power continues to oscillate due to resonance. Sure, call it a DC to AC converter if you wish. Aaron's circuit is very much the same.

                        If you indeed duplicated Aaron's parameters let me apologise in advance. If you did not - which I might add I am reasonably certain is the case - then you are clearly skewing the facts to support a bias.
                        I obliged to show you a shot of a resonating circuit in SPICE, because you asked. There was no other hidden agenda behind it, but you certainly excel at reading them into all my posts.

                        And what have you to say about Aaron's video now? He did - indeed - use a voltmeter as required by you. Where Poynt do you acknowledge this? Where is your gratitude? Personally I think that Aaron is showing the most extraordinary tolerance in allowing you to post on his thread at all. And may I say - this is the first recommendation for this - but I think the time has come that we talk to you long distance. While we need mainstream representation I think Harvey and Fuzzy more than qualify. Your own 'mainstream' comes with a determined refusal to acknowledge the hard effort that Aaron has gone to to accommodate your concerns. And a persistent refusal to acknowledge the data presented having accommmodated this. I have looked at - what is it - about 7 subsequent posts and not one 'thank you Aaron' or 'OK even the voltmeter shows a negative voltage' or 'indeed I was wrong' or - better still 'Golly not only a negative voltage value but a battery recharge to prove it'. It's too bad Poynt and rather less than the integrity required by a Mounty.
                        Aaron has not shown anything convincing imo (including the scope display) that indicates net mean current in the shunt is negative. The analysis I did on the shunt data clearly shows that the negative indication is marginal at best and could be the result of the many "odd" samples present and slight offset in the scope, not to mention noise. Using -5.4mV net voltage on the shunt as a definitive indicator of net mean current is analogous to combining a fly poop with an elephant terd and saying that the pile has fly poop in it.

                        I would add that your invitation to Tektronix representatives to 'join' this debate is done in extraordirnarily bad taste. We are depending on Tektronix data here. To involve their experts in any capacity other than technical would be to possibly put the test objects at question and the loan at risk. I trust that David will see this and your own transparent attempts to sabotage his required objectivity. You fight 'dirty' Poynt. All those punches are below the belt.
                        Why do you say this? The impression here is that you are afraid of any outside expertise, particularly from the scope manufacturer, who I am certain would like to know and see for themselves their scope defying the very laws they are built from.

                        Last edited by poynt99; 09-01-2009, 03:58 PM. Reason: DC to AC


                        • Criminy, this is getting plain absurd...

                          For one thing, a tech support person has a hundred duties, they are NOT Consultants. The first thing you will hear is"

                          "... Eh, did you have a specific question??"

                          If you don't (and you don't...), the next thing you hear will be *click*.


                          • Hello 99

                            I have no trouble admitting that most of the people posting on this thread are light years ahead of me in this field.

                            It appears to me that you are unwilling to except the fact that this circuit is displaying something unusual. Every time you try to explain in your excepted theory what is happening Aaron is able to show you pretty amazing proof of the contrary.

                            Why is it so hard for you even consider the fact that mainstream maybe wrong? And why wont you just build the circuit and do your own testing? You obviously are intrigued with the circuits operation yet you are only willing to use a simulator. It doesn't make any sense to me. You appear to have plenty of time on your hands, just what is holding you back?

                            This is true science at its best!


                            • Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
                              Did somebody check if,when and how circuit is grounded ? Is there any connection to real ground or any thing which may become a source of electrons via displacement current ?
                              In original experiment and in replications....
                              Boguslaw - a good question. This circuit was only run off batteries. The scope sometimes grounded - sometimes not - depending on the locale. But it's a good point. Perhaps Fuzzy - someone? could comment. Would this change anything?


                              • Hi Mark.

                                Every time you try to explain in your excepted theory what is happening Aaron is able to show you pretty amazing proof of the contrary.
                                Respectfully, if you admittedly are not qualified to make such an assessment, what are you basing this on? It can only be quantified as an opinion if you can not technically explain or argue the point.

                                As I stated, I've not seen any evidence, amazing or otherwise that can be categorized as proof of anything, other than the results are pointing towards a no-go.

                                Stealing words from my good friend Harvey, stating that "-0.000" and "-5.4mV" is proof of a negative net current is indeed making a mountain out of a mole hill.

                                I do not have a lot of time on my hands, but foolishly perhaps, I seem to be expending a lot of it here, apparently in vain.

                                I do not need to build the circuit, but I may, just to appease all the requests. I will do my other video first however.

                                On the flip-side Mark, why can you not accept the possibility that mainstream is correct here?

                                Last edited by poynt99; 09-01-2009, 05:43 PM.

