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COP 17 Heater | Rosemary Ainslie

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  • Hi Poynt. I now know for a fact that you never sleep.

    Mark DID NOT imply that mainstream is 'wrong'. He only asked why you could not consider that it MAY BE wrong. If you only lock into one perspective then the question is always why you don't also take in the whole view.

    Regarding my hedged bet. I need to get back to you on this. I'm determined for once not to be accused of inventing interpretations. My general language skills are not usually so fraught with error.


    • Originally posted by poynt99 View Post
      The specs were given in my post that would allow you to calculate the duty cycle. In fact, this particular setting is a duty cycle of 24%. In short, yes the power is only applied 24% of the time, and the circuit once disconnected from power continues to oscillate due to resonance.

      There you go Poynt. How does one interpret '...and the circuit once disconnected from power continues to oscillate due to resonance.'?

      I need to get back to the whole of this post but cannot do so until later.


      • Originally posted by witsend View Post
        Hi Poynt. I now know for a fact that you never sleep.

        Mark DID NOT imply that mainstream is 'wrong'. He only asked why you could not consider that it MAY BE wrong. If you only lock into one perspective then the question is always why you don't also take in the whole view.

        Regarding my hedged bet. I need to get back to you on this. I'm determined for once not to be accused of inventing interpretations. My general language skills are not usually so fraught with error.
        But mainstream is wrong - and the real scientists openly admit it. For years they knew that Keppler and Newton did not explain the Precession of the Perihelion of Mercury but they could not explain it. It is noteworthy that a current college textbook on physics states
        Physics is an experimental science. Physicists observe the phenomena of nature and try to find patterns and principles that relate these phenomena. These patterns are called physical theories or, when they are very well established and of broad use, physical laws or principles.
        Young and Freedman - University Physics ISBN 0-536-12971-1 Section 1.1
        - It was sometime later when the 'laws' of planetary motion were amended to include relativistic effects. And today, even though we seem to have a relatively good grip on things, and need to apply these same adjustments to GPS tracking etc, we still get a few What the heck just happened moments. We still do not have all the answers and there are enough anomalous events surrounding Electromagnetism to admit we don't know it all...yet. It takes an open mind to absorb new knowledge and sometimes it involves changing our point of reference.

        "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor


        • Hi Harvey. Another insomniac? Always a pleasure to see you there.

          Regarding the change to known paradigms - Jibbguy gave us a link to Valone? Have you heard of him? I'm bowled over. What a star and what a sweet, sweet guy. But you've probably heard of him. If you haven't then look him up.

          But I agree with you. It's becoming more and more evident that Poynt belongs to an 'old school' of thinking. Sad really because I actually think Poynt's still young - chronologically speaking. And sadder still because he's also clearly very bright. Still. There are those who filtered through the schooling disciplines being actively encouraged not to ask questions. And classical physics can only be upheld if one simply never goes beyond 'learning by rote.'

          There you go Poynt. Tell me how wrong I am.

          By the way Harvey. I've been listening to some very pretty music. We get easier bandwidth during the night here - and was able to listen through without those hideous 'pauses'. Am now a fan. Big time.


          • Originally posted by witsend View Post
            There you go Poynt. How does one interpret '...and the circuit once disconnected from power continues to oscillate due to resonance.'?

            I need to get back to the whole of this post but cannot do so until later.
            One....takes into account ALL of the information in the post and uses their understanding in the art to get the overall picture.

            I can hear already how this will be turned against me again in some way.

            It is a switching circuit and therefore power is periodically disconnected from the coil. It continues to oscillate during these OFF periods due to the nature of resonance. The resonance is fortified periodically at the precise rate of resonance by the switched supply, equating to a 24% duty cycle input pulse.



            • Originally posted by poynt99 View Post
              One....takes into account ALL of the information in the post and uses their understanding in the art to get the overall picture.

              Hi Poynt. In this case 'one' did not take all factors into account. My own bias is that of rather reckless optimism. I keep hoping that you'll turn a corner and join this small band of mere mortals who share some hope for a cleaner greener. I'd even settle for impartial assessment of experimental evidence? Or - how about this? There appears to be some small evidence that at given resonating frequencies - and on a very small scale - that the principles of entropy are reversed on a switching circuit?

              EDIT I might add that I agree with Joit in describing you as a 'slippery guy'.
              Last edited by witsend; 09-02-2009, 06:06 AM.


              • I've been thinking a bit on the aperiodic action that I have observed and that is described in the Heater Experiment White Paper. I have tried to keep in mind Aaron's demonstration regarding the removal of the timer from the effect. In looking at a Reactance Nomograph I see that a few things can converge in one point. Frequency, inductance, capacitance and resistance all seem to converge right around 200KHz if the capacitance is around 100nF. This would be a series capacitance that allows the positive spike energy of the collapsing magnetic field to 'pass through' the gate layer into the timer chip output to ground. Like wise, if the timer is off, then ground energy can flow back the other way during the negative portion of the spike, but the body diode facilitates this in an easier fashion. The question then is whether or not this creates a charge pump on the gate that initiates a turn on of the HEXFET - apparently so. We all have seen now that the timer is in an off time while the oscillation fires repeatedly. On my rig, these are full scale oscillations pulling real current through the circuit with full shut off and resultant ringdown.

                Theoretically, a circuit could be devised that once triggered would self run consisting only of the load resistor, the IRFPG50 and a feedback loop to the gate that would go into oscillation and stay there. That is a future approach.

                For now, I have been trying to focus on why Rosemary was able to get such high heating values. My calculations indicate that the load resistor should have had an inductance of 14.11 micro Henries. But the lower stated value indicates that something is different from the norm. Perhaps the dimensions are not exact. Be that as it may, 10- 25 uH inductance is still in the same general circle of convergence. Where these things all converge is a point of pure resonance because the impedance is matched as well as the reactance. When this occurs, it makes it look like an unimpeded path for energy to flow through. It would seem that Rosemary's circuit was able to maximize the ringing amplitude and capitalize on the dissipation while keeping the net battery current through the 'shunt' below 1.2W. Part of this could be due to high voltage low current pass through in the gate to timer circuit which may not have been included in her figures. I still need to calculate how much of that could have existed and evaluate the phasing to see if it would have pumped the resonance or not.

                Given that Rosemary's resistor has more surface area than mine, I would expect mine to heat up as fast or faster under the same conditions. It is clear that my inductance is not the same and therefore is not able to reproduce exactly the type of oscillation she has experienced. I have calculated from her values that the resistor was probably made from NiCrC material of 20AWG in order to be around 10 Ohms with the structure stated. But I cannot resolve the inductance - nearly half of what is expected.

                My inductive resistor calculates to 18μH and I still need to aquire a meter or build a Maxwell Bridge to actually measure it.

                One of the clues to the resonance is the resistance lowering of the gate pot. This is stated in the paper, shown in Aaron's work and observed by the other experimenters including myself. In my case the resistance is at the end of the pot, near zero. The oscillation is observed to occur at the time that the gate is dropped low by the timer with a less resistive path to ground. Just as the IRFPG50 turns off and the inductive collapse occurs, the primary spike rebounds and is clipped by the body diode. The inductor does not see anything less than the voltage drop across that diode where it joins the drain, but it drives the current associated with that portion of its field through that ground line and the battery. At this instant in time, the inductor is acting as a power source and it gives its energy (less dissipation) back to the battery during that portion of the ring. On the upswing of the next ring cycle we have current that was flowing from the battery negative into the body diode and through the inductor in the opposite direction is now stopping, turning around and attempting to go back the other way - but the diode says no, and the HEXFET says no, and this momentum has no where to go. But if the frequency is just right, and the capacitance is just right, we can get a narrow band of that energy to pass through the drain-gate capacitance, through the timer transistor to ground, and this charges that drain-gate capacitor in the sense that it depletes it on the gate side enough that on the down swing it could pull enough charge carriers to itself to turn on the device. And once that happens, it's cyclic until the timer re-fires and changes the landscape.

                So, in theory, if we can get all the impedances to match in the resonant portion of the circuit, we may be able to boost the performance and get the type of heating Rosemary did with 3.7% duty cycle and 2.5KHz - hopefully.

                "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor


                • Harvey - if it's any comfort TK also struggled to get heat to the resistor. He eventually achieved this at a 3% on duty cycle. He never did a detailed power analysis so am not sure of the actual results he achieved. But he assured us it was not OU. But he also appeared to do this with an oscillating frequency.


                  • Originally posted by witsend View Post
                    Hi Harvey. Another insomniac? Always a pleasure to see you there.

                    Regarding the change to known paradigms - Jibbguy gave us a link to Valone? Have you heard of him? I'm bowled over. What a star and what a sweet, sweet guy. But you've probably heard of him. If you haven't then look him up.

                    But I agree with you. It's becoming more and more evident that Poynt belongs to an 'old school' of thinking. Sad really because I actually think Poynt's still young - chronologically speaking. And sadder still because he's also clearly very bright. Still. There are those who filtered through the schooling disciplines being actively encouraged not to ask questions. And classical physics can only be upheld if one simply never goes beyond 'learning by rote.'

                    There you go Poynt. Tell me how wrong I am.

                    By the way Harvey. I've been listening to some very pretty music. We get easier bandwidth during the night here - and was able to listen through without those hideous 'pauses'. Am now a fan. Big time.
                    I'm more like a zombie these days. I've heard of Valone but haven't read his work yet. 10-4 on those hideous pauses. I've been a fan ever since American Pie. I bought a tape many years ago with that on it and it also had Winterwood - I had never heard it anywhere before that.

                    I have to remind myself to refresh the page periodically and check my Private Messages
                    "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor


                    • Hi everyone,

                      Her is some new scope shots of the "Ainslie-Murakami Negative Dominant Waveform Generator" wave forms -

                      Channel 1 - ground is on battery negative side of 0.24 ohm shunt and probe is at 555 negative rail side of shunt. [ Bottom A trace ]

                      Channel 2 - ground is on battery negative side of 0.25 ohm shunt and probe is at mosfet source side of shunt. [ Top B trace ]
                      The 0.25 ohm shunt replaces the 1 ohm shunt.

                      The 555 timer - Texas Instrument NE555P

                      Battery - YUASA 12 Volt / Gel Lead Acid / NP7-12 7.0 Ah ( NOTE: wet cell required in circuit diagram )

                      I need now a "wet cell" lead acid battery and a better or more accurate method to measure current/voltage losses and/or gains, but it's looking favorable ....

                      Open Source Experimentalist
                      Open Source Research and Development


                      • Originally posted by witsend View Post
                        Harvey - if it's any comfort TK also struggled to get heat to the resistor. He eventually achieved this at a 3% on duty cycle. He never did a detailed power analysis so am not sure of the actual results he achieved. But he assured us it was not OU. But he also appeared to do this with an oscillating frequency.

                        IIRC, TK made a wild assumption that the 3.7% related to an always on output level being turned of 3.7% of the time and that all ties back to his claim that the circuit was not adjustable in the prescribed ranges for the values given. I knew by looking at the circuit that those 50K pots would give plenty of adjustment room provided the proper caps were used. And I could tell quickly that one of the caps seemed erroneous to the operation of the circuit - if you note in Aaron's modified versions, that cap has been reduced to .001μF. It's the one on the drain pin - completely uncessary and probably intended as a noise decoupling - I'd have to talk with the tech on that one.

                        At any rate, the heat I see TK generating is all about increased on time and his 'spikey' comments do not address the nature of your original works that were specifically designed to self resonate. The implications of the specificity in your original documentation run much deeper than the superficial lab-play presented by TK as mere entertainment. In his case, he doesn't set his hand to something without already knowing the end result he intends to produce. His primary motivation is to boost his own ego by proving he knows more than the average experimenter while he deludes himself into believing he is helping others learn. The overtone of his vernacular and sarcastic tone expose his true motives. I have had recent dialog with him in the Steorn forum that amounts to the same treatment - no real help, just the typical sardonic humor with a slap in the face on the side. So, in short, don't read to much validity in his 'work' - it's 90% showmanship, 8% misdirection and about 1% reality - that last part is left over for Heisenberg.

                        Regarding Glens Scope shots, I am curious about the spacing. The pulses seem to be grouped and alternate in the timer ripple. I am interested in why they are timed as they are, 2 space 2 space 2 space etc.

                        "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor


                        • Hi Fuzzy. It's all looking really good. Hopefully you'll get hold of the detailed measuring instruments you need here.


                          • Originally posted by Harvey View Post

                            At any rate, the heat I see TK generating is all about increased on time and his 'spikey' comments do not address the nature of your original works that were specifically designed to self resonate. The implications of the specificity in your original documentation run much deeper than the superficial lab-play presented by TK as mere entertainment. In his case, he doesn't set his hand to something without already knowing the end result he intends to produce. His primary motivation is to boost his own ego by proving he knows more than the average experimenter while he deludes himself into believing he is helping others learn. The overtone of his vernacular and sarcastic tone expose his true motives. I have had recent dialog with him in the Steorn forum that amounts to the same treatment - no real help, just the typical sardonic humor with a slap in the face on the side. So, in short, don't read to much validity in his 'work' - it's 90% showmanship, 8% misdirection and about 1% reality - that last part is left over for Heisenberg.

                            Golly Harvey. A rare intolerance here. Perhaps the reference was no comfort at all. Anyway - it probably wasn't intended but when motives are exposed so succinctly - well. You've got to laugh. There's something of the comic in it afterall. Usually I just have some really painful memories over an extended 2 month period. Perhaps I'll eventually grow calluses over the scars. What's hard to admit is that I'm still at sea and never quite recovered. Who knows. Maybe with time.


                            • Test Plan?

                              Question for Debate:

                              Are we at the point here yet where a formal Test Plan will be of help with recording the results of testing this circuit/effect? Considering the several Replications going on now, and the increased number that will be happening in the future?

                              I am a big believer in Test Plans; and hope to see them in wide use in our Open Source Energy genre as a means of gaining credibility for the future.

                              In the industry, we used them every time a new version of firmware came out, to do "Beta Testing" before Release... As every electronics manufacturing company i know of does. Sometimes these tests stopped flawed Releases dead in their tracks, and sent them back to the engineers with a big red "F" and "See me after class" written on them . But more often, they found minor "Unexpected Features" that were then quickly fixed, and the testing started all over again (as our products NEVER had any "bugs" lol).

                              > Test Plans help folks who are geographically separated to all be on the same page.

                              > In these cases of widespread, independent experimental work, structured Test Plan results also allow for later detailed analysis, that can be correlated back to make deductions about the small differences in the Replicators' circuits ; to eventually gain a better overall understanding of just what is happening with the effects by making comparisons of "differences in circuit vs. differences in results".

                              > They provide focus for moving ahead, by adding structure to something that can be very complex and easily get sidetracked or confused.

                              > And they act as a strong message to the world that we know what we are doing, that this all deserves to be taken "seriously" (i guarantee that those who want to see this project fail, WILL NOT be happy to see this being done hehehe, it makes their jobs much harder ).... That the results were solidly collected in a repeatable manner using accepted principals of engineering and science: Lol even, and especially, if the results themselves do not follow "accepted norms"!

                              But the time may not yet be right at the moment, as such a Plan needs a good and solid definition before being created in order to be fully useful and credible. and there may yet me much to learn here.

                              In this way it is much like creating a "help desk" database form, or some similar software form designed for data input and later data mining: Many hours are going to be eventually put into filling out the forms by folks, and results analysis used for making important decisions in the future: So ALL the pertinent data needs to be collected, and in such a way that it can be easily gotten back out again... So getting such a form right from the start is obviously the most important part. I'm not sure we have all the answers yet (we may never lol), or more specifically, enough yet to reasonably create a proper Plan.

                              Since i've done this before, i could help with creating the structure and many of the points, and measurement requirements. Yet it will have to be done in consultation with one or more of our brave & fell Warriors in the "trenches" (Replicators), as this is the only way to possibly get it right


                              • Originally posted by witsend View Post
                                Re the Mizzel Effect - I've managed to attach and suspend up to four opposing ferrite bar magnets attached by opposing poles. Not for long. But have done this. My take is that the fields force an opposing path through the juxtaposed magnets - thereby describing two figure 8's through and around the magnets.

                                Another really interesting effect. Take a base of aluminum or some such - preferably cut into a circular shape. But leave a hollow in the centre. Then attach ferrite or somesuch bar (thin and tubular) magnets on both surfaces of the plate. Magnets need to be secured with cotton or some such and need to be positioned flat and radially from the centre and around. All magnets positioned so that north is in the centre, say and south at the boudaries of the plate. As many as possible to fit the plate - but some symmetrical balance to their positioning and numbers both above and below. Just to keep the balance. Then suspend the arrangement from the centre of the plate with cotton. Double the cotton to ensure that the thread bias is not responsible for the result. It generates a powerful spin and the 'rest' state only achieved when the thread becomes absurdly 'tight' wrapping up against itself.

                                EDIT Just in case anyone gets to test this. Make sure that the closeness of the magnets is such that it covers the most of the plate. The more the better. the theoretical 'build' of these upwards in increasing layers with decreasing numbers should approximate the shape of a 'sphere' and that too - would be an interesting arrangement with a like, or an 'antipolar' field at the centre.
                                Sorry that so late, but do you have a picture of arrangement of magnets ? I found it extremely interesting.

