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COP 17 Heater | Rosemary Ainslie

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  • Great work Fuzzy. We really appreciate the streams m8

    When you were first starting out in the first 3 mins or so, were you tweaking the pots by hand? It suddenly jumped in both amplitude and F at one point and i was wondering if that was when you found a sweet spot? Because the change looked quite dramatic.


    • Originally posted by jibbguy View Post
      Great work Fuzzy. We really appreciate the streams m8

      When you were first starting out in the first 3 mins or so, were you tweaking the pots by hand? It suddenly jumped in both amplitude and F at one point and i was wondering if that was when you found a sweet spot? Because the change looked quite dramatic.
      Hi Jib,

      Thanks, the January 9 run was starting from scratch so yes, that's what the process I go through using the various screen divisions for fine tuning, and it took about three minutes.

      Best Regards,
      Open Source Experimentalist
      Open Source Research and Development


      • Outstanding mate Thanks a lot for the detail Fuzzy. The ease at which it stays there is nothing sort of astonishing, @ALL Andrew and still ironing out bugs we can get it but now have to figure how to keep it there, it can be done look at it right there.

        @ Fuzz Thanks to you and Harvey/Rose we are tuning and hope to have more data to follow, all hints and data is updated in the uni doc for all guys


        • Open Source Research And Development

          Hi Fuzzy,

          Just to put on record your extraordinary talents in experimental physics. That you found this 'preferred' oscillation is extraordinary in the first instance. And you show us how to get there which is very much appreciated. It is clearly a waveform that - when seen - would, under most applications - be factored out of circuitry.

          We are all aware of the extraordinarily long hours that you've applied here Fuzzy and deeply in your debt. It speaks, not only to your considerable talents but to your dedication to advance this type of technology. I would put on record that I'll always 'tune in' on your live broadcasts and look forward to other types of demonstrations which I hope are en route.

          Thank you very much for everything. It's quite an amazing thing that you've done here on every level of expertise and your generosity and the time that invested has been considerable. I've said it before. Where would we be without you? Don't actually want to go there. it would have been sad, at best. I personally owe you Fuzzy - big time - on so many levels. I hope you'll get some real benefit and acknowledgement for these efforts. Certainly I'm satisfied that our readers and members are really congniscant of these facts and of your experimental excellence.

          Last edited by witsend; 01-13-2010, 10:03 AM. Reason: highlights and headlines


          • Where can I find scopeshots of this harmonic oscillation which caused OU ? I'm sorry to ask that but I lost context in the middle of this thread no mention the longest thread on

            witsend , Can you sum all investigations in short sentences ? Do you have such comment prepared for ordinary people and press conferences ?

            Is heater element a source of radiation of which part is "reflected" back and converted to additional electrical energy ? (kind of positive feedback loop)

            All of you have done incredibly HUGE amount of work, I'm really impressed.


            • Resistors

              Hi guys about the 1/8w resistors can one do 1/4w instead?


              • Hi Guruji,

                Yes, you can always go "up" in Watt rating, going "down" is where you risk possibly burning it up because it isn't hefty enough to take the current.


                • Resistors

                  Originally posted by jibbguy View Post
                  Hi Guruji,

                  Yes, you can always go "up" in Watt rating, going "down" is where you risk possibly burning it up because it isn't hefty enough to take the current.
                  Thanks Jibbguy about that 110ohm resistor I could not find it. Which is best near ohm resistor 120ohm or 100ohm for circuit?


                  • Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
                    Where can I find scopeshots of this harmonic oscillation which caused OU ? I'm sorry to ask that but I lost context in the middle of this thread no mention the longest thread on

                    witsend , Can you sum all investigations in short sentences ? Do you have such comment prepared for ordinary people and press conferences ?

                    Is heater element a source of radiation of which part is "reflected" back and converted to additional electrical energy ? (kind of positive feedback loop)

                    All of you have done incredibly HUGE amount of work, I'm really impressed.
                    Hi boguslaw. Sorry I missed this. The easiest way to find that harmonic? which I assume you're looking for - is probably the scribd document. I'll see if I can post a link.

                    Open Source Evaluation of Power Transients Generated to Improve Performance Coefficient of Resistive Heating Systems

                    Hope that's it. In any event the paper has all the test links and there's ample shots of the waveforms. You'll see the harmonic in the pattern overlying the oscillations.
                    Last edited by witsend; 01-14-2010, 07:07 PM. Reason: Added the link


                    • Hi Guruji,

                      Hard to say, possibly it would make no serious change either way speaking generally, but to be sure of that it would have to be determined only by empirical testing ONCE it was first working. As we stated earlier, its always best to get it working as designed first before changes are made... Since this circuit is NOT the easiest one on this forum to get going for a "beginner"... You will want to eliminate all possibilities when trouble shooting it should the need arise.

                      You can also use two resistors in Parallel to come up a needed resistance... For instance two "220 Ohms" in parallel have a combined ohms of "110"; and other than taking up more room, it USUALLY doesn't matter as far as the circuit is concerned (although in some "trickier" circumstances it can due to stray capacitance and other issues of solder, longer leads, etc).

                      basic electronics
                      Last edited by jibbguy; 01-14-2010, 07:32 PM.


                      • resistors

                        Originally posted by jibbguy View Post
                        Hi Guruji,

                        Hard to say, possibly it would make no serious change either way speaking generally, but to be sure of that it would have to be determined only by empirical testing ONCE it was first working. As we stated earlier, its always best to get it working as designed first before changes are made... Since this circuit is NOT the easiest one on this forum to get going for a "beginner"... You will want to eliminate all possibilities when trouble shooting it should the need arise.

                        You can also use two resistors in Parallel to come up a needed resistance... For instance two "220 Ohms" in parallel have a combined ohms of "110"; and other than taking up more room, it USUALLY doesn't matter as far as the circuit is concerned (although in some "trickier" circumstances it can due to stray capacitance and other issues of solder, longer leads, etc).

                        basic electronics
                        Hi Jibbguy thanks yes I should do that.


                        • Update

                          Hi all

                          This is just to give you an update on what I have been doing.

                          I have been looking into the powering of a bigger load, 25watt, 240v lamp and yes I can light it. I hope to put up a livestream today if I can get some time between family etc.(centraflowsystems).

                          Though I can light the load, there are some strange things happening, it creates a lot more heat than if the bulb was lit in a normal way with 240v mains! The other thing is that I light it on the negative return to the battery, the positive is not as bright and draws more amperage. The other leg of the bulb is to battery negative in which case the battery is seeing a voltage of over 200volts as it is connected in series with the battery.

                          The other thing which is of concern is that the problem I have with my arm has returned with force and as so I am at this stage putting it down to a radiation burn. It has now spread to many parts of my body, so please be careful if any one tries this.

                          I will publish the final circuit for this, but only when I am at a point that I need help to move this foreward to another level. The thing is if, depending of tuning, I increase the load the amp draw goes down, take out the load (open circuit) the amp draw goes up. This is more noticed with a resistive load.

                          I have tried different transformers on the output, all will go into a self resonance, some work better than others, but even a 1:1 will generate a very high voltage on the output.

                          Will post the link when I am about to go on air



                          • Hello Michael

                            Your new setup sounds really interesting but, I'm more concerned about that arm and whats happening to the rest of you. I dont want to bring up the word conspiracy if you know what I mean but please find a specialist who can help you! If it is a radiation burn than you need to halt what your doing until you know more. Please take care of yourself we need you healthy.



                            • going live

                              Hi all

                              Now live link Centraflow Systems - live streaming video powered by Livestream



                              • I am connected on livestream but I have been put on hold, but it is recording so you can see later I hope. I have many problems like this at the moment


