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COP 17 Heater | Rosemary Ainslie

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  • Thanks Rosemary. I used to work for the European Patent Office actually. Only as an interim via an agency though, so I still get to pay my income taxes.

    Once this proves to work as claimed in the application, I may be of use to get this further out there. It is my (hereby decided) policy though to try and involve an open source inventor, to not use a good thing for something the inventor would consider a bad cause. That's the moral intellectual property or whatever we should call it.
    I paid quite a bit to heat my 1930 appartment last winter, it would be nice to get something more efficient going.


    • Originally posted by TinselKoala View Post
      "Rosemary says that it “works” with many different transistors."

      Except, of course, the ones that TinselKoala uses!!!

      IRFP450--long turn-off time

      and, just for grins, BU508A--an expensive experiment, I couldn't get the smoke back in...

      I would call that a bad bad Transistor Karma
      Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


      • Originally posted by Groundloop View Post

        I have designed a experimental PCB for the RA circuit. The component values
        are as in the papers but people can change the values if they want different duty cycle or oscillator frequency. I will be building this circuit later on (I'm on vacation right now) and will report back when done. I will be having 23 extra
        PCB's to give away for free, to anybody that want one. But, you must wait
        until after my vacation. My hope is that this will inspire people to actually test
        this circuit in their own setting.

        The Eagle CAD (from Cadsoft) design files can be downloaded here:

        Index of /ufoufoufoufo

        Thanks to Rosemary Ainslie for providing the information for free.

        Best regards,
        Groundloop from Norway.
        Groundloop my friend

        it is nice to see you at the Energetic Forum and as always your willingness and generosity to help everyone.

        I would be grateful in receiving one PC board

        For all who don't know Groundloop, he is an exceptional researcher from the OU Forum. Energetic can only gain with his participation.



        • Rosemary,

          Thanks for the positive words. :-)


          I think it will be smart to send most of the PCB to you since most builders
          is from the US anyway. Then you can mail PCB to others. Postal cost for
          sending a letter to US from Norway is more than a single PCB costs me.
          Do you think that this is OK for you? I will compensate you for your costs
          by adding some other electronics in the parcel to you.

          It will take some time, though. I will not have the PCB's until last
          week of August.

          Nice to see you on this forum. :-)



          • We've tested on Tektronix which in SA costs upwards of R250 000.00 and got the same results. We also went to the trouble of getting a calibration certificate for all the instruments that we used.
            - what a pitty that I don't have such a scope, because I have tested this circuit with 10$ multimeter and overlooked all the free energy

            But the actual final proof of the pudding is in comparing the draw down rate in controls. The control - in the test result depleted within the time that the test batteries hardly showed a drop.
            - instead of setting the same amperage (of which one is artificially doubled) - better set the same temperature output on both sets (including transistors into equation) – you will see exactly the same state of discharge of both batteries.

            …you need do nothing more than sum the voltages, divide it by the number of samples, and then do the analysis as mentioned. There is always a clear and evident gain.
            - I don’t fully understand how you do your calculations, but please remember, that during the second phase voltage is negative – but amperage is still positive (unless it changes


            • Originally posted by Groundloop View Post

              Thanks for the positive words. :-)


              I think it will be smart to send most of the PCB to you since most builders
              is from the US anyway. Then you can mail PCB to others. Postal cost for
              sending a letter to US from Norway is more than a single PCB costs me.
              Do you think that this is OK for you? I will compensate you for your costs
              by adding some other electronics in the parcel to you.

              It will take some time, though. I will not have the PCB's until last
              week of August.

              Nice to see you on this forum. :-)

              Yes Groundloop, I would be happy to help out and no need to compensate me since you have done so much for me already

              But before you go through the trouble and expense please make sure you have enough requests.

              Thank you my friend



              • I've realised that I need to explain why I reference the patent at all? It's because I need disclose the extent of the patent. In other words it defines what MAY NOT BE PATENTED EVER. And for those interested in this - I have, on record, written invitation to register the patent at the end of the period of publication. Indeed I was twice invited to register, the one prior to its lapse and the other, notwithstanding the expiry period - after it had lapsed. Both letters are on record. The patent was indeed approved, in every particular, else I would not have been invited to register.

                Hope that clarifies things.
                Last edited by witsend; 07-09-2009, 10:02 AM. Reason: fuller clarification


                • henieck - I am blown away at the quality of your reporting. And when I think that you're explaining all this in a second language - the jaw drops. Really amazing. But it's a complex report and I'm going to try and deal with this in a separate post. I'm just quoting what I think are the salient features in your report. Yet again, it's very well written and really comprehensive. You are a real challenge to me henieck - because you're clearly a seeker and you are determined to find the answer to our claims of overunity in the spirit which is best. EXPERIMENTAL PROOF.

                  By varying adjustable resistor I found that the flyback gains the most when I have minimal setting on the variable resistor, so only the value of protective resistor 510Ohms which I had in place from different application was left between timer and transistor.
                  I take it that you're saying the best gains on a low duty cycle?

                  In this setup I have noticed that when the flyback diode is connected back to battery – than amperage almost doubles comparing to the situation with the diode disconnected. This flyback gain, like Rosemary said, was present in very wide spectrum of frequency and duty cycle except higher frequencies, and was always less then the input value.
                  Is there consensus that when current flows through the diode that the battery is not delivering that energy? The assumption is that the energy through the diode does not come from the battery as the battery is not able to discharge during the OFF period of the duty cycle. In effect the current flow (electrons ) must, therefore, be coming from the inductance in the resistor? This is an important point. I'll get back to it.

                  I'm not sure of the cap measurement but - again - I'll get back to it. The actual frequency is - again - something I'll get back to. And I get it that you tested the battery under mult re-charge conditions to establish the actual watt hour rating at plus/minus 5 hours.

                  There was slightly higher initial voltage (0.16V higher comparing to no flyback example), but the battery was very freshly recharged and I have started the experiment almost immediately. I was one step from proving to myself existence of free energy, so I was excited probably almost as much as Lindemann sitting in self perpetuating lavatory…
                  Only quoting this again because it's just so descriptive. And reference to rise in temperature - is interesting. But there is a real relevance to the fact that the transistor did not get hot.

                  But there is something like information war in energy field – and judging form examples of legendary Howard Johnson, who was supposed to invent permanent magnet “perpetum mobile”, but who didn’t have any turning device in his workshop; form Rosemary’s example and probably others – I am getting more skeptical about this free energy thing. Does anybody know any other device which is a bit more promising than that one, worth of duplicating? Seriously, there is so much to dig through, that perhaps somebody could help with this – what happened to magnetic Vankel idea, water fuel cell, Bedini’s motors or other. Is any of that successful? Can anybody generate any “free” E? or everybody is generating free E but nobody mysteriously can close the loop

                  Again - I'm simply quoting this because it's so articulate and heartfelt. We do have a positive answer here henieck. And, unless I die first, I'm going to try and explain it.

                  In the final conclusion - the circuit, thanks to the diode, circulates the same energy twice. Ampmeter shows almost double value of what really is dissipated as heat. In the end of the multi hour exercise, the total sum of Joules which went through the meter is ridiculously high – nearly double of what is really available in the battery (determined in the previously conducted controlled discharge) – therefore it may give the false impression that battery is not discharging that quickly. (so many amps went through but the battery still keeps strong . Moreover, during operation without the flyback diode the transistor gets hot. During operation with that diode connected back to the battery - the transistor does not get that hot. That energy is being “moved” to, and finally turned into heat in the coil – what may give another faulty impression, that not only we have battery charging – but also the same extra energy which charges the battery, also somehow rises up the coil’s temperature
                  OK. This will be my starting point. I'll answer all these points, or try to answer all these points in the next post.

                  I hope I didn’t kill this very promising thread and people will check by themselves how much of free energy it generates and find playing with this idiotic circuit interesting and intellectually deeply rewarding… Just don’t take too big battery like 50Ah for one mosfet, because full and undeniable evaluation will take many days. I hope someone will throw, that for sure I have made the mistake, not Rosemary, and took all the truly free energy as circulated twice – and many people will get excited again…
                  Not Rosemary? I think I may be able to explain this? Will you at least let me try?


                  • henieck - I think the problem of what makes 'current flow' goes to the heart of this problem. But at this stage - all I am asking is this. Does your battery discharge energy during that period of the duty cycle when the switch is closed? In other words the 'spike' - is it a result of more energy coming from the battery? (Sorry I posted instead of preview. This looks edited - but it isn't.)

                    IF it's coming from the battery then your point is valid. But, by the same token - if it's not coming from the battery where does it come from? So really to answer this we need to go back to basics. According to Inductive Laws - we're taught. Changing electric fields induce magnetic fields. Changing magnetic fields induce electric fields. That's not open to question. We know this. Then the ON cycle from the battery enables current to flow through the circuit. During that flow, which is instantaneously evident throughout the circuit - that same flow establishes a voltage across the load resistor. And, as Donovan pointed out, the rate of flow is determined by the level of voltage measured across the load resistor. The two are directly proportional and measurable in terms of know classical measurement. So measure that voltage - square that value and then divide it by the Ohms value of the resistor - v^2/r - to determine the actual wattage delivered by the battery during this ON period. Again. We now have the actual measure of the energy delivered by the battery.

                    During the OFF cycle - when the switch is open - the battery is effectively disconnected from the circuit. It allows no further flow of current from the battery. NO MORE ENERGY. Whatever now happens on the circuit is not the result of more energy from the battery. And in the final analysis we are trying to evaluate the amount of energy that is coming from the battery. So - we all know there's an immediate spike - as you rightly pointed out - followed by some ringing until the duty cycle either defaults to zero or moves into the next cycle - depending on the frequency of that duty cycle. So what actually happens to cause that spike?

                    My take - which is strictly in terms of Inductive Laws is this. The potential difference from the battery supply source is disconnected. The current flow from the battery is 'stopped' - instantaneously. The voltage across the load collapses. The voltage is simply a measure of the magnetic fields that were first extruded as a result of that current flow. These fields collapse to zero. The measure of that collapse is equal to the applied voltage during the previous ON cycle and also a reasonably exact measure of the energy first applied by the battery. These collapsing fields are simply magnetic fields changing in time. A changing magnetic field induces an electric field. Now the inductor becomes a supplier of energy. In effect the resistor becomes its own energy source.

                    It, these changing magnetic fields, induce a reverse voltage across the resistor equal to the product of the voltage over time that was first applied by the battery. The time to manifest that voltage is reduced. So it gains in voltage what it loses in time to manifest that voltage. Hence the level of voltage which is far greater than the level of voltage applied during the ON time. But the actual energy delivered is some small fraction less than the ON time. The ringing that follows this event - is the continual and gradual discharge of that energy in ever smaller increments until ALL the energy delivered during the ON time is dissipated or discharged during this OFF time.

                    SO. If your ammeter is showing a doubling of the current then your actual question should be - where does that 'doubled' current come from? It has NOT come from the battery - not in terms of classical analysis and not in terms of my definition of current flow. And the next question is - where does it go? If it results in a 'doubled' discharge of amperage from the battery - then there is no gain. But how could it have come from the battery? The battery delivers a monodirectional current flow. It cannot recharge from this cycle. But configure a simple test and you WILL see a recharge cycle.

                    Here's the test. Yet again, apologies for the repetition. Find a second battery. Attach the negative rail ONLY to this second battery. Put the diode to the positive terminal of that second battery. And watch the battery recharge. At the same time watch the temperature over the load resistor. That wont change. And the battery will recharge.

                    I think I've covered it all and will post. Hopefully it'll stick. I keep losing posts.
                    Last edited by witsend; 07-09-2009, 08:28 AM.


                    • henieck's conclusion.

                      In the final conclusion - the circuit, thanks to the diode, circulates the same energy twice.
                      How can this be? It first heats the resistor and then heats it again. Or does it simply go back to the battery to recharge this? Or neither? And how can energy conform to any conservation law at all if it is first dissipated and then recycled? Aren't you arguing our point here?

                      Ammeter shows almost double value of what really is dissipated as heat.
                      That doubled value? Again, does that come from the battery? And the fact is that even you saw an increase in the temperature over the resistor. Nor could you contradict an evident rise in battery voltage - albeit intermittent. I would not expect a four fold or any increase in the heat dissipated unless you had that resonating frequency. But I would expect an over unity result.

                      In the end of the multi hour exercise, the total sum of Joules which went through the meter is ridiculously high – nearly double of what is really available in the battery (determined in the previously conducted controlled discharge) – therefore it may give the false impression that battery is not discharging that quickly
                      Please explain why this is an erroneous impression. If, indeed, the energy dissipated exceeded the watt hour rating of your battery then I would have concluded that there's a gain.

                      (so many amps went through but the battery still keeps strong . Moreover, during operation without the flyback diode the transistor gets hot. During operation with that diode connected back to the battery - the transistor does not get that hot. That energy is being “moved” to, and finally turned into heat in the coil – what may give another faulty impression, that not only we have battery charging – but also the same extra energy which charges the battery, also somehow rises up the coil’s temperature
                      Again henieck. If the energy that was previously lost in the transistor is now being transferred to the load resistor - would than not suggest that the extra energy was there - but simply overlooked?

                      My own conclusion is that you're actually measuring a gain. But before I can show you this I need to ascertain something. Is there some classical reference that precludes energy coming from the inductor or the inductive components of a resistor. To the best of my knowledge there is not?

                      Your ammeter is not able to show a reverse current flow. It only gives a product of all the current in the system. You need to establish how much energy first came from the battery and how much then came from the resistor. The sum of the two relates to the actual battery draw down rate as the energy from the resistor is returned to the battery.


                      • disinformation spreaders indeed

                        Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                        @ debunkers and disinformation spreaders

                        The extra work on the off cycle here is really common sense and I'm amazed at what an issue it is for anyone to accept this. For anyone that doesn't buy it, go pull the fuses out of all your surge protectors and put in a hard wire, turn your home power off and on at the breaker box a few times and see if there is any usable work in what the magnetic fields give up AFTER the power is turned off.

                        It takes WORK to fry an appliance or anything else plugged into the wall from a surge which happens AFTER the power is turned off.
                        - that is right, but it doesn't mean that to make manifest this surge didn't cost anything energetically. It takes WORK to produce this phenomenon...


                        • henieck, as a final point - you've got the apparatus at hand. Just measure the applied voltage from the battery across the load resistor. You will see that it conforms in all aspects to Ohms Law. There is no extra energy applied by the battery to store those fields that then collapse.

                          I think that's enough to go on with. But I see that - at its root - I'll have to convince you that current flow may be better explained by my little zipons.

                          I think the only barrier that you have at seeing the gain is psychological. Your report indeed appears to show that gain. EDIT Glad to see your on line. I hope you'll address some of these points.
                          Last edited by witsend; 07-09-2009, 09:25 AM.


                          • Originally posted by witsend View Post
                            henieck - I am blown away at the quality of your reporting. And when I think that you're explaining all this in a second language - the jaw drops.
                            - thanks, I find it difficult to use tenses in English, because in my native language there are only three. If I repeat any errors please let me know- because without the feedback from the “environment” there is no way to learn.

                            You are a real challenge to me henieck - because you're clearly a seeker and you are determined to find the answer to our claims of overunity in the spirit which is best. EXPERIMENTAL PROOF.
                            - that is right, and I am grateful that somebody like you fully disclosed the “free energy zipon technology” and was willing to answer few additional questions – so it was possible attempt to replicate the experiment.

                            By varying adjustable resistor I found that the flyback gains the most when I have minimal setting on the variable resistor, so only the value of protective resistor 510Ohms which I had in place from different application was left between timer and transistor.
                            I take it that you're saying the best gains on a low duty cycle?
                            - no, it was just about the technicalities of the mosfet’s gate input I had. Unimportant really, but I have included as many details about my setup as possible.

                            In this setup I have noticed that when the flyback diode is connected back to battery – than amperage almost doubles comparing to the situation with the diode disconnected. This flyback gain, like Rosemary said, was present in very wide spectrum of frequency and duty cycle except higher frequencies, and was always less then the input value.
                            Is there consensus that when current flows through the diode that the battery is not delivering that energy?
                            - this I can’t be entirely sure of, because I don’t know the exact timing of all the phenomenon taking place in this circuit – but to my understanding that is basically right, although there is at least possibility of some overlapping in certain conditions – I imagine.

                            …what happened to magnetic Vankel idea, water fuel cell, Bedini’s motors or other. Is any of that successful? Can anybody generate any “free” E? or everybody is generating free E but nobody mysteriously can close the loop [/I][/B]
                            Again - I'm simply quoting this because it's so articulate and heartfelt. We do have a positive answer here henieck. And, unless I die first, I'm going to try and explain it.
                            - to me the reality is the ultimate, almighty, god-like authority. No pop, no professor of physics, no Rosemary, no friend – but the reality itself. But in order to understand the reality you have to have the right tools of cognition. Now, suddenly we are talking about philosophy. One has to use his senses, and use logic to interpret the results. That is why I don’t care who specifically is talking (no authority) – but what is the actual message. That is why I listen to you very carefully.

                            In the meantime I am making some additional measurements to check the results from all directions and possible approaches. So I am checking how much work is necessary to make the amount of heat I have observed during switching experiment. So I hooked up a variable power supply to the coil and we will see how all of it matches with the typical, DC approach. Maybe here there will be an anomaly – because so far I have just compared switching with and without the feedback diode. The result was that amount of heat is most probably very comparable in both cases, but I haven’t made the exact measurements yet. For this (the easiest way) in my opinion the transistor and the coil must be placed in one compartment together and not too much power applied so it will not overheat to the point of destroying the transistor. It can be just any container, not necessarily insulated one, just so we can read how high is the temperature inside the box when both transistor and coil works together. Running the experiment with the diode almost all the heat is dissipated in the coil – while when conducted without the diode the switching transistor dissipates great part of energy in the form of heat.

                            Ok, guys, don’t give up. Even debunker henieck said that the amperes meter showed ridiculously high energy. Take it out of the context and run with it… What an irony – I wanted to be an advocate of it…


                            • Apologies for so many consecutive posts but I would very much like to share something that I saw on one of the Discovery programmes aimed at learning more about the human 'mind'. The example was a little girl who was able to get a sweet out of a black box by series of complicated manouvres shown to her by the experimenter. So was a chimpanzee. Both learned the required series of steps. Then the blind was taken off the box and both could see a short cut to the 'steps' needed to get to the sweets. The chimp dispensed with the ritualised extra steps. The little girl did not. She faithfully performed all the steps albeit that ALL were not required. The conclusion was that something in the wiring of all of us requires an excessive respect for prior learning. Clearly the girl was more intelligent. But, notwithstanding the benefit of this IQ, she did not exploit the obvious.

                              It is relevant in this context. We have all relied on our giants in physics to forge the path, so to speak to our understanding in physics. In this, I'm including all of them - from the early Greek classicists to our modern classicists - right up to those giants in quantum physics who effectively 'opened' the actual atom itself to general view. It's an extraordinary history. And it has all concluded and been parcelled into the Laws of the Conservation of Energy. It's an extraordinary feat. It's an achievement that is probably the ultimate pride of the human intellect. It has effectively launched us into our new technological age. And this new age, this new era of discovery, is itself gaining ground on newer and newer dimensions of understanding and application and at pace. Progress is now evident on an exponential and unprecedented basis - so much so that actually leaves the most of all gagging - just trying to keep up.

                              But, like that little girl, learning seems to be a process that is 'hard wired' into us. It is almost as if we 'give up' the need to apply our own logical faculties to a question, and simply rely on those experts who have gone before us. This does not, in any way, mean to imply that we cannot follow that logic that has been forged by those giants. But it is my experience that the actual 'steps of logic' required to find those conclusions - are best understood by experts and those experts are usually academics. Therefore the essence of all that knowledge is encapsulted in our universities and academies throughout the world. And these experts - who have mastered the tedious logic required to advance this learning, fully respect and value that knowledge and, with good reason. They effectively protect it against pollutant counter claims - which is how they view any claims that exceed or confront their Conservation Laws.

                              But this is both the strength and the weakness of science. Science is based on experimental evidence. And Theory must give way to fact. So. If there is evidence of any experiment that flies in the face of those conservation laws - on any rigorous or moral basis, it is probably required that such should be studied. But herein lies the rub. If he finds something that contradicts his logic - then that logic is wrong. And his entire life has been spent in applying that logic. Therefore he is predisposed to ignoring that evidence in favour of his logic. Like the little girl - he must conclude that the evidence of his senses is at fault. Or the presentation of the evidence is at fault. And in no way can his own reasoning, the foundations of logic be at fault. They remain impeachable.

                              For the first time in a long time, and rather fortunately, that underlying logic has been called to question and it is now being openly addressed. There appears to be a need for a new force to explain certain evidence in the spin of galaxies that retains their momentum in defiance of their mass. There are also, confusingly, other paradoxes that variously relate to the wave/particle duality and to the evidence of superluminal communication. This has been proven in the adjustment of paired photons through space - and within the space of no evident time at all. These things are counter-intuitive or to put it as it is, they are illogical. They do not conform to the old school. And they seem to require what is identified, oxymoronically - as dark energy and it's constituent particle - dark matter. A force that is only identified by default on matter that cannot be seen.

                              And this force has been identified for I do not know how many years now, by geniuses such as Tesla and even Bedini. I am not sure how many such people are out there - but it has even been required within the sanctuaries of those academic campuses themselves. This was discovered through the exotic mathematics of our newly emergent string theorists. All point to the existence of an unseen particle that is required to be neutral, and is probably a magnetic dipole. This is also my conclusion. I find that within the constraints of prior learning, which fortunately in my case has not been classical, this is the explanation - the thing - the particle - that 'best fits'. But I also see it as the basis of all the known and evident forces. A sort of full circle. It is the very thing that generates the very forces that are defined by our Laws of Conservation. And its relevance to this thread, and whether right or wrong, the model that I developed also proposes that this is the same force that generates our electric current flow.

                              The simple point of this essay is to propose that current flow may not be the flow of electrons as has been proposed by classicists. If it is not, and if current flow is, in fact, determined by the flow of these magnetic dipoles as suggested, then the proposal is also that it is more fundamental than the nuclear force itself and therefore only requires the conservation of charge. This is the object of the test. And if the test is replicated then it proves the existence of this particle. And if it proves the existence of the particle then we have some means to better use, if not defeat, the forces themselves. Certainly, at its least, it will defeat our Conservation Laws. And this is a good thing provided it also results in the cleaner promotion of all our energy uses. But to get to an understanding of it we should follow the example, not of the little girl, but of the Chimp. We need to use our own logic to increase our own understanding of the subject.


                              • Originally posted by witsend View Post
                                henieck, as a final point - you've got the apparatus at hand. Just measure the applied voltage from the battery across the load resistor. You will see that it conforms in all aspects to Ohms Law.
                                - yes, indeed. That seems to be correct.

                                There is no extra energy applied by the battery to store those fields that then collapse.
                                - this is not true - but it is just my opinion, which both we are trying to change here. The energy to form magnetic field is taken from the battery at the very first moment of applied current. I don’t know, because I don’t have the oscilloscope, if there is any initial surge of power detectable. I can imagine the situation that it may be not present. But there is a current flow. How do you know, how much of it is goes to heat and how much goes to form magnetic field? I know the whole your point is based on the assumption, that zero energy expenditure goes to form the magnetic field, that this is done for free by zipons, but unfortunately this is simply not true, and simple, little Ohm Law exercise you propose doesn't enable us to form such far fetching conclusions like yours. This is false conclusion. Please revise it by different means. Maybe the amount of energy which is transformed into heat is initially diminished until the constant magnetic field is established, and no more energy is required to sustain its presence? Than the current “sees” only resistive part of the coil's characteristics. Just a thought…

                                I'll have to convince you that current flow may be better explained by my little zipons.
                                - I am sorry Rosemary, all I need is not another hallucination or theory – but I must see the undeniable, real results first. I didn’t try to hard to understand your theory, it is complex and I am not into theories, as you know. You say that I am a challenge to you – but I think that the reality is challenging, not me

                                I think the only barrier that you have at seeing the gain is psychological.
                                -yes, the problem as a whole is psychological. I have invested so many years of deceitful lack of education that even when I have the true results in front of my eyes I simply refuse to see it on the conceptual level. I have based my entire career and life experience on unity interpretation and now it is not easy to suddenly admit that all these years I have simply wasted. What I know- I know it so well and it is embedded so deeply, that any contradictory idea induces very unpleasant cognitive dissonance- which I don’t know how to deal with, and don’t want to know how to know. I strive as much as I possibly can to avoid it - so in order to maintain integrity and avoid rebuilding the whole knowledge base and past experiences - I have to distort or delete some parts of the present reality and have to stay within my well known comfort zone. This way I preserve the remnants of my self esteem. I have to deceit myself no matter what, because the possible psychological consequences to me seems to be so hard to deal with. Now, how is it with YOU, Rosemary?

