Hi everyone,
I found some more web sites that reference (John) Jean Zoltan Szili research on the "An Electronic Circuit to Free Energy" that was posted earlier in this thread http://www.energeticforum.com/60495-post611.html the only difference is a "Part 4"
Jean Szili -- Zero Point Energy extraction circuit
An Electronic Circuit to Free Energy
I don't know if there is much more than this ....
I found some more web sites that reference (John) Jean Zoltan Szili research on the "An Electronic Circuit to Free Energy" that was posted earlier in this thread http://www.energeticforum.com/60495-post611.html the only difference is a "Part 4"
Jean Szili -- Zero Point Energy extraction circuit
An Electronic Circuit to Free Energy
The Electronic Circuit with Free Energy of Mr Zoltan Szili
J.L. Naudin
“This circuit is quite simple seemingly, but to succeed in making it function, it should be taken Draconian precautions. It is true, that it functions at a relatively low frequency of 20 kilocycles. On the other hand, the signal of the generator of impulse must be a signal square, positive, with a boarding time of 10 nanoseconds of 0 volts to + 5 volts.
The simulation indicates very clearly, which if the boarding time of the square signal is slower than 10 nanoseconds, the extraction very quickly decreases and is cancelled completely between 50 and 100 nanoseconds.
Simulation also shows that a stray capacity, at the point of connection of the transistor (M1), inductance (L1) and the resistance of exit (R1) of a value of 100 picofarads towards the mass, completely destroyed the extraction (this capacity of 100 picofarads perhaps capacity of a probe of oscilloscope).
Parasitic inductances can also prevent the extraction, if it exceeds 10 microHenries.
For the assembly of the circuit, it is necessary to minimize the loops, as if the circuit operates at 25 MHz
In fact the element of extraction is the toroidal ferrite of inductance (L1). “
Diagram and measurements
“Not need for an oscilloscope to prove it on unit: it is enough to measure 2 currents ex: between the ground and R2 resistance, and between the ground and R1 resistance”
Further information at March 10, 2005
Here answers and some councils given by Mr. Zoltan Szili
The number of turns: 40
The diameter of the wire: 0.3 mm or more.
The core is of form annular and square section (5 mm X 7 mm). Dia ext.: 20 mm.; Diam. int: 10 mm; Épaisseur: 7 mm.
The sectional surface specified by ferroxcube is 0.336 cm square. (AREA = 0.336)
The course of the magnetic field is 4.36 cm (PATH = 4.36). Effective circumference for the magnetic field.
The annular form ensures, that the magnetic field is closed again. Very important (GAP = 0).
The magnetic permeability of ferrite 3E5 is 8000.
The electrical current in the reel must be 15 to 20 my minimum to be close to magnetic saturation.
It is the nonlinearity which makes it possible to extract from the free energy.
Very important: The circuit must be built like a circuit of 25 MHz. (ferromagnetic resonance is between 20 MHz and 10 GHz)
Transistor DNMOS FET must be IRF510.
Other ferrites have few chances to function.
(FERROXCUBE TX20/10/7 with magnetic permeability of 3E5) was announced like difficult to find, certain suppliers the proposer in France by 1500 parts, even to 1 euro one, that done a little too many expenditure for a small assembly.
The Electronic Circuit with Free Energy of Mr Zoltan Szili
J.L. Naudin
“This circuit is quite simple seemingly, but to succeed in making it function, it should be taken Draconian precautions. It is true, that it functions at a relatively low frequency of 20 kilocycles. On the other hand, the signal of the generator of impulse must be a signal square, positive, with a boarding time of 10 nanoseconds of 0 volts to + 5 volts.
The simulation indicates very clearly, which if the boarding time of the square signal is slower than 10 nanoseconds, the extraction very quickly decreases and is cancelled completely between 50 and 100 nanoseconds.
Simulation also shows that a stray capacity, at the point of connection of the transistor (M1), inductance (L1) and the resistance of exit (R1) of a value of 100 picofarads towards the mass, completely destroyed the extraction (this capacity of 100 picofarads perhaps capacity of a probe of oscilloscope).
Parasitic inductances can also prevent the extraction, if it exceeds 10 microHenries.
For the assembly of the circuit, it is necessary to minimize the loops, as if the circuit operates at 25 MHz
In fact the element of extraction is the toroidal ferrite of inductance (L1). “
Diagram and measurements
“Not need for an oscilloscope to prove it on unit: it is enough to measure 2 currents ex: between the ground and R2 resistance, and between the ground and R1 resistance”
Further information at March 10, 2005
Here answers and some councils given by Mr. Zoltan Szili
The number of turns: 40
The diameter of the wire: 0.3 mm or more.
The core is of form annular and square section (5 mm X 7 mm). Dia ext.: 20 mm.; Diam. int: 10 mm; Épaisseur: 7 mm.
The sectional surface specified by ferroxcube is 0.336 cm square. (AREA = 0.336)
The course of the magnetic field is 4.36 cm (PATH = 4.36). Effective circumference for the magnetic field.
The annular form ensures, that the magnetic field is closed again. Very important (GAP = 0).
The magnetic permeability of ferrite 3E5 is 8000.
The electrical current in the reel must be 15 to 20 my minimum to be close to magnetic saturation.
It is the nonlinearity which makes it possible to extract from the free energy.
Very important: The circuit must be built like a circuit of 25 MHz. (ferromagnetic resonance is between 20 MHz and 10 GHz)
Transistor DNMOS FET must be IRF510.
Other ferrites have few chances to function.
(FERROXCUBE TX20/10/7 with magnetic permeability of 3E5) was announced like difficult to find, certain suppliers the proposer in France by 1500 parts, even to 1 euro one, that done a little too many expenditure for a small assembly.
