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  • A scientist[FE scientist] works the resonance

    Groundloop gutoluc and An FE scientist

    YouTube - resonance effects for everyone

    And from another scientist[TRON]

    tank circuit video: resonance and harmonics
    a great video on resonance and oscilloscope signals in a tank circuit
    Make: Online : Short Circuit #2: Frequency multiplication with tank circuits

    Make: Online : Short Circuit #2: Frequency multiplication with tank circuits
    Last edited by RAMSET; 07-20-2009, 02:21 PM.
    If you want to Change the world
    BE that change !!


    • Ramset - I wonder if I could impose on you to desist from giving us links to TK's videos until he is in a position of show us the actual wattage measurements using the instruments to hand.

      All videos - to date - have been somewhat misleading and utterly confusing.

      Thank you


      • blocking

        Originally posted by witsend View Post
        To compound my concerns is the fact that the entire forum was promoted by Stephan, with, one would assume, the intention of promoting the study of free energy. I can no longer access OU.Com. Was he responsible for my not gaining access? And if so, at whose asking and why? Public - to everyone but me? Then too it seems that my emails are being read. How does that happen? Are my phone calls also being monitored?
        I can get into ok.

        I did have emails from some people saying they were blocked from Energetic Forum. I can tell everyone that the blocking isn't done by us. Any blocking had to be done I would imagine at their own country, isp or whatever.
        Aaron Murakami

        Books & Videos
        RPX & MWO


        • Aaron - I only know what's going on there courtesy my neighbour. I can travel anywhere in the world on the internet - but not OU.COM. I also have reason to believe my emails are being read. Not sure about phone monitoring but would expect this is going on as well.


          • misc

            Hi everyone,

            Rosemary mentioned it and so did Joit about the quantum article.

            If the quantum article provides 97% duty cycle, it will still work and the mosfet will self-oscillate, just increase resistance of the gate high enough and it happens.

            I know this has been said that it will still work but I showed on my video turning my duty cycle to 99% and increasing gate resistance caused self-oscillation. When I showed it on the scope, I went through ALL ranges of duty cycle 50-99%, all frequency and all resistance at the gate. So, there is absolutely no question that 97% can do it.

            Therefore, as the article has been published for years, anyone that built it should have been able to get results with that circuit.

            Anyway, need to get a new meter so I can check the resistance of the pots to see what they're at when the mosfet self oscillates. Blew them all u on my Gray circuit except for the meter you saw the voltage on the source battery...but the ohm meter in it is fried.

            I'll report what the resistance of the pots are at when I can.

            I want a bigger inductive resistor and lower shunt resistor. I may have a 3% duty cycle trigger soon. Then, I'll be ready to roll.
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • As you wish

              Ramset - I wonder if I could impose on you to desist from giving us links to TK's videos until he is in a position of show us the actual wattage measurements using the instruments to hand.

              All videos - to date - have been somewhat misleading and utterly confusing.
              Absolutely, consider that done

              I will also PM Stephan[about access ] What is your user name at OU
              wait I just realized you don't have to be a member to viewI will PM him anyway]

              Last edited by RAMSET; 07-20-2009, 07:37 PM.
              If you want to Change the world
              BE that change !!


              • Ramset - abject apologies. I actually watched all the links. They were really interesting. Sorry about being shirty. I thought it was another attack at my own circuit.

                May I add that I am really impressed that TK duplicated gotoluc's experiment. It seems that I may have underestimated his ability to be impartial. Just ask him to apply the same impartiality to my little circuit. It would be a welcome change. The circuit offers nothing new. It just shows a gain on the measurements of energy in/out that classicists can't refute. That's the only reason it's on offer.

                Thank you - and, again, apologies.


                • Hi,
                  i still can access, maybe only some connections are messed ? I hope so.

                  Milehigh sorry, to dont respond to your long Post, but i did mark it, to go back, when i really wanna something proove.
                  This Vid was really just for entertainment, and its clear for me, that it did not show alot, or show some real Power.
                  But at all, it still shows, that all our Explanations are still not the holy Grail.
                  Plus, i was to tired last days, and had no time, and had the Option do redo the whole Thing and make a new Vid 3 Hours, or do something else.
                  I did something else...

                  maybe TK is impartial, and his Efforts to show Proofs been quit big, also, there are surely some usefull things for some, what he do show, even, when i have to comit, i only watched them half. But its his Attitude, and how Things did and do escalate did broke it.
                  And for myself, i dont like it to get my Opinion formed at the beginning from others.
                  For, maybe you click here, its a redirect over a anonymizer, maybe there is really something blocked, when this dont work,
                  otherwise i would say, the Line to you maybe dont work proper at the Moment.
                  I hope, i did not make you nervous about the Storys about the Inventors.
                  It mainly did happen, when they did go public, but not at the Attempts to build something, far as i remember.

                  For the Timercircuit, i think the same as Aaron, that the Timercircuit need to come into Resonance with the Element, when i did get that right.
                  Therefor, i am still not sure, if a lower Cycle or a higher Cycle is needed,
                  and if the 'Load' this case the Element need a longer ON Time, to push Energy through, or a short Time, and what is better for the Oscillation.
                  Quit not sure about it, and still some strange Things happend by me, when i did do some Tests.
                  And i am still not sure, if its on now or off. As i did do the first Test, it showed a better State for the Batterie at the Short OFF Cycles,
                  Lots Things, still, what do confuse.

                  As i did do the Vid, i had the Pots for (for the understanding, short spikes are OFF) set very low.
                  So, Looong on cycles, had to adjust the Frequency, i think, it was even higher then 2,4khz, and then turned the Pot at the Gate higher.
                  And at a certain Point, the DMM starts to go crazy, as you have seen, i had an input into the Coil, what has something about 26AWG(0,4mm)
                  Source was 12V/2Amp, and it did show 3000V Spikes and even higher, over 4000V, because my DMM did show overload, with a better adjustment.
                  And i still know, such high Spikes can tickle you well also, it isnt like it, they dont have any Power.
                  You can even increase the strenght of a magnetic Field, when the Spike comes at the right Time, and from the same Sourcevoltage.
                  So far to, that they dont have Power.

                  I think even, that best the Frequency depends at the Load, what is at the Mosfet, just sad anyhow, i think, some can have a hard time, without an OSC or a cheap DMM.
                  How they did the Measurements from the Article, i dont know, if it did depends at the Load, and it showed something else, or a measurement error,
                  or just a Typo from the Typographer,
                  what accidently switched the Words 'ON' and 'OFF', i dont know.
                  I leave it as it is, maybe can do once a comparison with different Cycles, but i am ok with as it is.

                  Right now, i only dont have an inductive Resistor or Shunts, to play with, but i think, with other inductive Elements are there sure Possibilities.
                  And well, still got other Work, Days could have sometimes way more Hours.

                  Funny thing, AND DONT READ FURTHER, when you dont have Fantasy,

                  When you compare the OFF and ON time from the Mosfet with your own Steps,
                  so, you do Step by Step, how long is the Moment, you touch with both Legs the Ground,
                  and wich Time is better, touching long Time with both for carring a heavy Load or Short with only one for fast run.

                  Anyway confusing, You do step by Step, your Legs carry a Load, Yourself.
                  Actually, they move a Load through Time and Space, beside, there is a balanced Load over them,
                  what has a different Axis to stay stable as the Direction of moving.
                  Beside, i couldnt figure out, how long both legs are at the Ground for the same Time when you walk, or wich one is better, to carry heavy Load.
                  Last edited by Joit; 07-20-2009, 10:01 PM.
                  Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                  • My dear Joit - your post is delightful. Can hardly understand your experiment - but I take it you're still quarelling with the duty cycle? I must leave it in your capable hands - I have no idea how to advise you.

                    Regarding your warnings? I'm not concerned - except that I can't get into OU.COM and everyone else can. Not that it matters.

                    Regarding TK's objectivity? I'd like to be persuaded that there is any. But that's my opinion. I have no problem if you don't agree. We're not ever meant to agree on everything. Else life would be boring in the extreme.

                    Such a long post Joit. Many thanks. Now I'm going back to read it again and see if I can understand your experimental set up.


                    • A scientist replicates Aarons circuit

                      A nice replication of Aarons circuit

                      YouTube - Electric OU Supplement: Response to Aaron's Lost Triggering Demonstration

                      Aaron is using a much higher driving freq from his 555, and a long duty cycle of 50 percent or more. This, plus the high inductance of that load, results in the inductive ring being a substantial portion of the pulse duration, not just a little spike like at 2.4 kHz drive.
                      So now, you just turn the gate drive down (increase the resistance of that pot) until the scope's trigger is being shown the garbage in the very first little piece of the ringdown. And since the trigger circuit is not so good, or it's set on the wrong coupling, or just because it is a 2-trace scope in "vertical mode" trigger, it can't keep up and the waveform slips past in the time dimension. You can see from the contrast bands that the waveform is nearly the same when it's slipping as when it's caught. Plus, since the mosfet isn't turning fully on before you turn it off and start the ringing, the current draw goes down and the batt voltage goes up.
                      Now turn the gate up or the duty cycle longer. The mosfet turns on fully so the current goes up and the batt voltage goes down. And the scope's trigger sees a cleaner rising portion of the wave and locks it in.

                      This is a lot easier to do on the other scopes. My Philips has rock-solid triggering and no beam chopper stuff to get in the way of the trigger. But I was able to fool the Philips, even at the low 2.4 kHz used by Ainslie, and me (but not Aaron.)

                      Aaron, Steve ,All, please comment
                      Last edited by RAMSET; 07-20-2009, 11:16 PM.
                      If you want to Change the world
                      BE that change !!


                      • Hi Aaron,

                        In regards to variable duty cycle/on time I have a schematic here that drives a TL494 PWM and allows for complete control of pulse width and frequency, as well as dead time, which may or may not be needed in this case. Anyway, it will directly trigger a mosfet from the output, or it can be sent through an opto coupler and the output transistor can drive the fet or transistor etc.

                        Will go up to 600kHz plus by simply changing the cap off pin 5. Lower the value for higher frequency.

                        Pulse width can be varied from 0 on time, to 100%, I think it would be perfect for this circuit.

                        If you are interested I can email it to you, I need to check with the author who gave it to me whether he is happy for it to be posted in the thread, I dont think he will mind at all, but best to be sure.

                        Anyway let me know if you are interested and whether you can source the TL494 locally, I will check with the author in the mean time.

                        "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson


                        • Ramset for a quick reply from me.
                          I did try to replicate it now, what i did at the Vid, and i couldnt,
                          maybe i still did not arrange it right now, because i did change all again.

                          Anyway, Arron did use a 10K Pot at the Gate?
                          He mentinoned, that maybe a 1k is enough, for the Gate Pot.
                          Seems for me anyhow, the 100Ohm Resistor at the Article is to low,
                          for wich Reason ever, maybe its was a different Element.

                          And my other Thinking, that the Shunt and the Resistor must match in a Way too.

                          Thats what i had at my Setup.
                          Plus ->Timer - 50kPot - Gate Transistor
                          Plus -> 600Ohm/10WPot - Coil - Drain - Source - 5kPot - Minus.

                          Where the 50K was very low set.
                          The 600Ohm should replace for me the Resistor at the Circuit, what is around the 24 V Batt.
                          The 5k Pot and the Coil was for the Shunt other Side.
                          Now i have actually 5 Pots, 2 at the Timer, 1 for the Gate, and 2 at the 24V Circuit.

                          Maybe he can get it into Oscillation when he use a higher Pot, otherwise, i can only think of, that he put some more Pots into the Circuit from the recover Part in Serie
                          and try to match the Parts to eachother.

                          But thats just in case, he has nothing else to do, as to play with it.

                          Edit And not to forget about the Flyback-diode.
                          Last edited by Joit; 07-21-2009, 01:08 AM.
                          Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                          • Aaron - just for the record. My neighbour is now also blind to OU.COM. Guess that's the last hope for the immediate future.

                            Puts paid to any accidental disconection. And TK is apparently on record as requiring this. Can I ask that someone on that forum look into it? TK has gone on record as preferring the disconnect. I'd be very grateful.


                            • disconnect

                              I asked TK Since it is his thread to look into it
                              He said something to the effect Rosemary's a big girl she can do it herself.and how can she get banned or no read ,she is not even a member
                              I will PM Stephan, I will be Amazed If it is the problem TK has pissed off many members in O.U. much much much worse than what caused a ban here [but I have never seen him wrong and not admit it]
                              Stephan is very tolerant
                              Last edited by RAMSET; 07-21-2009, 01:36 AM.
                              If you want to Change the world
                              BE that change !!


                              • OU.COM'S intended test

                                Anyway - as best I understand it. They are going to do a repeat test of mine and Gotoluc's experiment for validation purposes. Jibbguys advices regarding preferred instrumentation is being ignored and they, apparently, are using - going to use - have used? - a Clarke-Hess meter. This is just a really fancy ammeter - and has no capability of separating returning current from delivered current which is the theme on both experiments. This is, notwithstanding the availability of some perfectly good Fluke Scope meters and better - being readily available.

                                For the record. The question at the heart of my modest experiment goes to a simple known law in physics - the well known inductive laws. You will notice that all OU claims are related to switching circuits that generate a second cycle of back electromotive or counter electromotive force, back to the system. The argument for the classicist has always been that this energy is first delivered by the supply and then stored. The switch is closed. The stored energy then gets used. The result therefore is zero extra being introduced.

                                The 'new age' physics claims that the energy is delivered from the source. It generates an extruded magnetic field throughout the circuit components. When the switch is closed, these stored fields re-generate a second cycle of energy that is then used in the system.

                                The only way to prove this conclusively is to apply all tests to an independant supply source. The most reliable is a battery supply source as there is no need for any contact to any extraneous grid supply which then confuses the argument.

                                But to actually test how much was delivered and how much was returned needs an analysis of the 'spike' or the returning energy - evident in all such cycles. The measurement apparatus intended, or has been or is being used, whichever is appropriate - will ignore what is returned and what is delivered and will show an equal amount of energy on both the input and output of the circuit. So I am asking, in advance, that you discount any such results. And I would ask Jibbguy. if you wouldn't mind, to please address this question, again, on that forum. They will be obliged to respect your knowledge on this matter as it is incontestable.

                                As the matter is of some considerable importance I would be glad if you could help us out.

                                Last edited by witsend; 07-21-2009, 01:38 AM. Reason: heading

