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COP 17 Heater | Rosemary Ainslie

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  • mikehingle - you have a way with words. What a pleasure. But we're not quite on the same page. You've explained the ringing. I'm still into the value of the 'spike'. It is my experience that v*i here seems to give the same values as the applied wattage during the on cycle. The difference is that the resistance for the path to flow is greater than the 'on' period as it has to breach the voltage of the battery as well as the diodes and so on.

    Anyway - I loved the explanation of the ringing. I agree. It certainly adds to the heat dissipated.


    • [QUOTE=ashtweth;62931]For Rosie and ALL

      Ash !
      Thanks for the summary. I just joined this discussion group and was reluctant to read the long thread sequence. I trust that you hit all the useful points, which may bring me up to speed.
      Mike Hingle


      • Originally posted by witsend View Post
        mikehingle - you have a way with words. What a pleasure. But we're not quite on the same page. You've explained the ringing. I'm still into the value of the 'spike'. It is my experience that v*i here seems to give the same values as the applied wattage during the on cycle. The difference is that the resistance for the path to flow is greater than the 'on' period as it has to breach the voltage of the battery as well as the diodes and so on.
        Anyway - I loved the explanation of the ringing. I agree. It certainly adds to the heat dissipated.
        Wit !

        Could it be possible that this circuit design, that accommodates the pendulum-like partially sustained ringing of the collapsing magnet field, produces a plasma-like magnetic field energy that has heretobefore unmentioned (not necessarily undiscovered) action upon the elements ???

        see again: Controlled Phase Transition of Metals April 28, 2009
        "Melting Metals Without Heat" using 5% of typical task energy

        Melting Metal Without Heat!" Terry McGrath, Elemetric, LLC
        New technologies are being derived from an unconventional physics model that better explains the mechanisms for elemental, metallic, and biological bonds. Recent patent filings based on Terry's model include semi-conductor films, chemical reaction control, and the low energy method for liquefying metal using only about 5% of the energy required for conventional melting. Terry presents a model and some of the commercial applications associated with this paradigm shift in understanding of bonds and how to manipulate bonds.

        and: Not Brown's Gas - - SG Gas is Not Brown's Gas | Water Ion Technologies

        This plasma-like, forceful magnetic field energy may be able to unlock, ionize, polarize, magnetize or even partially transmute these partially electrically or magnetically conductive elements, releasing energy from the ether, molecular & atomic bonds, ZPE, OU, Atmospheric Energy Pump, cold fusion, hot fusion, collapsing Brown's Gas Vacuum Energy, or what ever you choose to call it.

        see: Right Angle Circuitry - or - AC Electronics for the Alien Minds - SCIENCE HOBBYIST: Right Angle Circuitry

        I don't think that this phonemena can justifiably be explained through conventional EE theory or dogma. I think we must explore the plasma physics lingo. But, since I am not a schooled high-energy partical physics professional, I'd have to "speak in toungues" to be able to explain it.
        You gotta have faith !

        Mike Hingle

        FYI - Hope you find these links useful :
        Black Light Power
        Peter Graneau & Richard Hull / Water Arc
        Graneau Paper on Water Explosions
        Peter Graneau & Richard Hall / Water Arc Gun
        YouTube - Wasser / Water Explosion - Free Energy
        Clouds (How could this relate to our discussion ???)
        YouTube - The Cloud Mystery 2/6
        Magnetic Shield Corporation / Mu Metal Wire
        A-Field Intensifying Coils with Mu Metal
        Used for Amplifying Electrets
        Scroll down to the bottom to Co-Netic AA Wire
        36 gage = 0.0050" = 0.127 mm @ $70.00 / lb ($100.00 minimum)
        22 gage = 0.025" = 0.635 mm @ $47.90 / lb


        • Mike - you've clearly done some serious reference work here. As to your question - it actually does not belong to this thread or indeed to this stage of this development. But, for the record, I think that the electric applications will be outdated pretty quickly. Yes. And yes I'm interested in plasmas as it relates to increased efficiencies.

          In any event I need to check all those references. I'll get back to you.

          Out of interest - where do you come in here. I'm guessing attorney - possibly patent attorney?


          • The following from Mike

            Could it be possible that this circuit design, that accommodates the pendulum-like partially sustained ringing of the collapsing magnet field, produces a plasma-like magnetic field energy that has heretobefore unmentioned (not necessarily undiscovered) action upon the elements?
            If you're asking if this is pointing to an undiscovered force? Not sure. I think it's been identified by astrophysicits.

            New technologies are being derived from an unconventional physics model that better explains the mechanisms for elemental, metallic, and biological bonds.
            Not sure if it's referencing my model. But I doubt it. But yes. My model would enable this extraordinary 'decoupling' of what I refer to as atomic bonds.

            Where can I find a copy of Terry's model. I'd like to explore if there are similarities. Or is this secret?

            This plasma-like, forceful magnetic field energy may be able to unlock, ionize, polarize, magnetize or even partially transmute these partially electrically or magnetically conductive elements, releasing energy from the ether, molecular & atomic bonds, ZPE, OU, Atmospheric Energy Pump, cold fusion, hot fusion, collapsing Brown's Gas Vacuum Energy, or what ever you choose to call it.
            Indeed - in terms of my model this is not open to question.

            I don't think that this phonemena can justifiably be explained through conventional EE theory or dogma. I think we must explore the plasma physics lingo. But, since I am not a schooled high-energy partical physics professional, I'd have to "speak in toungues" to be able to explain it.
            You gotta have faith

            Mike i'm not familiar with any work outside my field model. But I am not at all surprised that these phenomena are evident. I'm just surprised that it was found without an understanding of that model. Clearly Terry's in in synch. In any event. The trend will, eventually be towards finding ways of applying magnetic fields directly to magnetic fields - I think. But like you - I have to talk in tongues to make my model understandable. Which is why no-one enjoying reasonable faculties of logic and language can wrap their mind around my explanations.

            Again - how can I get a copy of his model?


            • another edit. I've just seen you're new to the forum. Welcome by the way. Delighted that we've got someone who's au fait with this effect. I'd love to know how it applies to plasmas - and I love your concept of the new age karate chop voltage.[/QUOTE]

              Wit !

              I had to search & find through the thread to see what you meant by "New Age physics". (The 'New Age' physics claims that the energy is delivered from the source. It generates an extruded magnetic field throughout the circuit components. When the switch is closed, these stored fields re-generate a second cycle of energy that is then used in the system.)

              By now, after reading my previous comments, you probably realize that I don't limit my understanding & explainations to only the "New Age Physics". Many others, as you can see from my references, are also discovering the work potential of nature's provided plasma-like high energy, rapidly collapsing magnetic fields.

              My understanding is that we really can't come even close to creating these fields, we can only open the door to let these natural fields come through. Can we produce a rising energy pulse with a spike voltage energy that is equivalent to the released energy witnessed & measured by the collapsing magnetic field energy ??? Not with current EE theory & electronics that I am aware of. We can only provide appropriately tailored electronic circuitry to open the gate !!!

              Now we must focus on how to safely & practically put this free energy to work. Having a background in Bio-ElectroMagnetics, I suggest that we 1st start off learning about the cold fusion rather than hot fusion research.
              This strategy may help keep us from fusing to our experiments !
              This may sound con-fusing, but at least it's not con-fision.

              Thank you again,
              Mike Hingle
              Bio-ElectroMagnetic Integrations
              Assuring Electromagnetism in Harmony with Biology


              • From Wit :
                Mike i'm not familiar with any work outside my field model. But I am not at all surprised that these phenomena are evident. I'm just surprised that it was found without an understanding of that model. Clearly Terry's in in synch. In any event. The trend will, eventually be towards finding ways of applying magnetic fields directly to magnetic fields - I think. But like you - I have to talk in tongues to make my model understandable. Which is why no-one enjoying reasonable faculties of logic and language can wrap their mind around my explanations.

                Again - how can I get a copy of his model?[/QUOTE]
                - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                Controlled Phase Transition of Metals (April 28,2009)
                Full Text
                United States Patent: 7524385

                Enjoy !
                Mike Hingle

                What is your "field model" & explaination ???


                • Controlled Phase Transition of Metals (April 28,2009)
                  Full Text
                  United States Patent: 7524385

                  Sorry I'm struggling here. I've read this already and can't see the theory in support of it. Is there anything else?

                  My model is somewhere in this thread. Can someone point it out? You're welcome to try and understand it - but if you do, it'll be a first. I think there's a link at the start of this thread. Way way back.

                  Let me know what you think.

                  EDIT - Incidentally that explanation is a lot of bogus nonsense and would not accommodate the effect that he claims. Just a lot of drivel.
                  Last edited by witsend; 07-31-2009, 06:03 PM.


                  • Originally posted by witsend View Post
                    Mike - you've clearly done some serious reference work here. As to your question - it actually does not belong to this thread or indeed to this stage of this development. But, for the record, I think that the electric applications will be outdated pretty quickly. Yes. And yes I'm interested in plasmas as it relates to increased efficiencies.

                    In any event I need to check all those references. I'll get back to you.

                    Out of interest - where do you come in here. I'm guessing attorney - possibly patent attorney?
                    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                    No, I don't like attorneys. I think they are mostly a bunch of pompous, & useless thieving idiots. The "Missing 13th Amendment" to the US Constitution barred attorneys from obtaining public office.
                    The Missing 13th Amendment

                    Now, >70% of our federal congressional representatives are attorneys, who don't have a science background. How can you intelligently & fairly make decisions about our God given natural resources if you don't have a science background ???
                    Cheers !
                    Mike Hingle


                    • It almost seems that the thoughts are shifting from electrical resonance to mechanical viberations, much like a set of vocal cords producing a high pitch that shatters a glass.
                      Might this be an effect that Tesla was working with, when he shook the buildings in NY ? and claimed he could split the earth.

                      I have followed this thread from the point just before Rosemary came on board, it moves at such a fast pace I can barely keep up.

                      A question, but I'll ask in another post. It will relate to the transition of energy to mechanical, rather than battery charging.



                      • Hi RonL - welcome to the thread. Your analogy to high pitch glass shattering - is actually very good. It's proof of resonance and it's resonance that I think is going to crack the old paradigm and get it to shift.

                        Aaron - in fact all of us - tend to approve of change. But I agree - it's moving quite quickly.

                        Look forward to your contributions.


                        • Flywheel Effect

                          New to the forum, hello to all.
                          I discovered the terms Tank Circuit and Flywheel Effect, in a text book about electronic engineering, I'm more into mechanics of things and have considered for many years how to improve on efficiency and not leave the wasted energy that has become such an accepted standard.

                          Considering the solonoid that has a plunger rod, my question is, would it be possible to use the setup of a rod operating with two coils?
                          As in my mind the coils are cycled and as one energizes, the other is collapsing. Would this collapse in one coil aid the magnetic pull of the other coil ? if it would then the rod can be designed to do several functions, two of which would be generating electricity, generating and moving heat by air compression.

                          This is hand in hand with Rosemary's circuit, and the answer to the collapsing field might be critical.




                          • From Wit :

                            EDIT - Incidentally that explanation is a lot of bogus nonsense and would not accommodate the effect that he claims. Just a lot of drivel.[/QUOTE]
                            - - - - - - - - - - - -
                            Actually, his system does work as conservatively explained. His explanation is cleverly lacking, because he was probably advised by "Attorneys" to do so.


                            • Originally posted by mikehingle View Post
                              From Wit :

                              EDIT - Incidentally that explanation is a lot of bogus nonsense and would not accommodate the effect that he claims. Just a lot of drivel.
                              - - - - - - - - - - - -
                              Actually, his system does work as conservatively explained. His explanation is cleverly lacking, because he was probably advised by "Attorneys" to do so.[/QUOTE]
                              I've no doubt it works.


                              • rational response

                                Originally posted by Hoppy View Post
                                why this has invoked such a harsh response from you.
                                It isn't a harsh response. It is a very rational response to the fact that your comments of no more out than in continuously is a deterrent to the purpose and mission of this thread.

                                Would you go to a football game, sit in the crowd of Dallas Cowboy fans or any other team and start cheering for the other team? How long do you think you'll last there? Not very long, they'll pick you up and carry you out.

                                If you went to someone's church and sat amongst the people and started telling them their belief system is wrong. You'll also be carried out.

                                I think you get the point that is is incredibly disrespectful and very irrational.

                                What is the point of joining a Over 17 COP thread to point out how it is impossible? If you don't believe it is possible, how are you contributing anything that moves us forward?

                                If you want to comment on FACTS, that is fine but keep your opinions of over 1.0 COP systems to yourself (in this thread). And opinions about not being able to get over 1.0 COP in this system is an opinion. Not only does this circuit have the ability to have over 1.0 COP, it is REQUIRED.

                                This may help you understand what a non-equilibrium system is:
                                Last edited by Aaron; 07-31-2009, 09:07 PM.
                                Aaron Murakami

                                Books & Videos
                                RPX & MWO

