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COP 17 Heater | Rosemary Ainslie

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  • Harvey
    Hi Poynt99,

    Yes, I am interested in your results, specifically all the energy flowing through the upper ideal switch compared to the power dissipated in the inductor only.

    I would like to consider an inductive tungsten filament as the inductor - you should be able to model that as a single device with a parallel resonant cap across it. The desired target resonant frequency should be 448KHz (ring frequency) and the charge / discharge time set for maximum magnetic saturation of the filament.

    The result should be an extremely efficient incandescent light source where the majority of the energy is converted to upper frequency light and very little is converted to heat.

    I've sort of leap-frogged here straight to a market item based on the Ainslie Theory - whether or not a real device exceeds the expected projections in efficiency would be a clue as to whether her theory has validity or not.

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  • Joit
    Originally posted by poynt99 View Post
    Stop playing with the Falstad toy and use a real simulator (nice oxymoron ).

    It comes from one or more of the following:

    1) mis-interpretation
    2) mis-calculation
    3) mis-use
    4) program error

    I did a similar test with the same values, and all the input and output Joules cancel as expected. Will post shots if requested.


    Or a Program Error in your Non-OU-Proof secure Program?

    But when calculations come from TK, then i am sure, they are mis-calculated.

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  • poynt99
    Originally posted by Harvey View Post
    Haven't ordered the parts yet.

    Have been playing around with the cheap Falstad Circuit Simulator (fun little program, but not near as accurate as the Spice simulator built into my Protel Program).
    Stop playing with the Falstad toy and use a real simulator (nice oxymoron ).

    Where does the apparent gain come from?
    It comes from one or more of the following:

    1) mis-interpretation
    2) mis-calculation
    3) mis-use
    4) program error

    I did a similar test with the same values, and all the input and output Joules cancel as expected. Will post shots if requested.

    Last edited by poynt99; 08-12-2009, 06:57 PM.

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  • Joit
    that looks indeed good, and maybe, it helps someone, to get a logic.

    Unfortunatly, this here is not the Area of Expertise from this 'Experts' what we did got here,
    Therefor the Judgement they did and do is worth NOTHING.
    And i think at last, someone else need to do a Estimation, but,
    even to calculate produced Heat at certain Circumstances seems is a Problem in this incredible Science we got right now.

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  • Aaron
    battery gets recharged

    Ok everyone, finally with the Tektronix, I can see good detail that I couldn't see clearly before. Here is a shot of one single pulse scoping directly across the battery.

    What do you see? The battery voltage is at 25.00 volts (pretty close).

    The dip in the 25v battery voltage line is the drop in voltage when the mosfet switches on and this is expected of course.

    Then, when the mosfet switches off, the inductive spike goes through the roof and pushes this battery bank to over 40 volts on that pulse. And this is WITHOUT the fly back didoe across the load. The top of the screen is 40 volts at this range and it is OFF THE CHART. I have gotten over 55 volt pulses to the battery (the voltage the battery actually sees).

    Anyone with experience on all the radiant chargers knows EXACTLY the significance of this! This takes a SERIOUS CURRENT PUNCH to do this. Actually, this is the first time I have seen the battery get punched to these levels - TWICE the battery voltage?

    Now, that is the voltage that the pulse drops down to when it hits the battery. From 24 volts in, the inductive spikes are actually over 800 volts! That is OVER 30 times the input voltage! It can be clearly seen across the load.

    And then you see the ringdown and most of it is getting the battery to get punched above the battery voltage meaning the battery is absolutely getting hit with some good punches!

    I think it is clear that any claims that the spike can't get to the battery and that the spike is insignificant, etc... are all completely laughable at this point. I already saw this on drawdown tests but this is just icing on the cake.

    And, we haven't even gotten to the oscillations yet...
    Last edited by Aaron; 08-12-2009, 05:39 PM.

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  • Aaron
    Tektronix TDS 3054C

    Thank you Tektronix and Lisa for letting us use your equipment for our tests! Amazing that you (Lisa) went to high school 15 minutes from my house. Synchronicity at its finest!

    Here is a picture of this incredible machine. We'll only be using a fraction of the capability but at least we can say we're using one of the finest pieces of measuring equipment in the industry so our data will be rock solid!

    Model: Tektronix TDS 3054C (click for details on the specs)

    TDS3054C 500 MHz 5.0 GS/s 10 k 4



    Digital real-time sampling Accurately capture signals with at least 5x oversampling. Digital phosphor display Quickly capture and visualize glitches and infrequent events with a high waveform capture rate and intensity-graded display. Advanced triggering Capture digital signal anomalies with runt, glitch, rise/fall-time, and setup/hold violation triggers. Dedicated front-panel controls Spend less time learning and more time on the task at hand with front-panel controls. Front-panel USB host port Quickly store and transfer your waveforms. PC connectivity Simply transfer, analyze and document results with NI LabVIEW SignalExpress™ TE and Tektronix OpenChoice® Desktop software. Just 5.9 inches (149 mm) deep Free up valuable bench space. Battery pack (optional) Work where you need to with up to three hours of portable battery operation. Application modules (optional) Transform your oscilloscope into a specialized instrument for limit testing, telecom mask testing, and video troubleshooting.-------------------------

    Oscilloscope Selection Chart
    Oscilloscope selection made easy. Use this quick reference chart to learn and compare the key specifications of Tektronix oscilloscopes, ranging from 100 MHz to 1 GHz bandwidth.
    Improve Benchtop Test Productivity with NI LabVIEW SignalExpress™ TE and Tektronix Instrumentation Webinar
    Tektronix and National Instruments have teamed together to provide you some tips and tools for simplifying signal acquisition, test setup and analysis with easy-to-use software. Demos include: USB plug-n-play connectivity, one-click data logging, real-time analysis and project documentation.
    Pocket Guide to Digital Storage Oscilloscopes
    This pocket-sized guide explains fundamental test and measurement concepts, including how an oscilloscope works and tips for capturing your signal.
    View All Application Notes

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  • Aaron

    Thanks EastCoastWilly,

    That's exactly what I use on my laptop! Works perfect for me.

    As a general note to everyone, I included the shunt dc voltage as well as the load RMS (measuring directly across the load - NOT using the common ground). You can simply record these and see what, if any, correlation there is to the actual outcome of draw down tests between experiment and control.

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  • eastcoastwilly
    Everyone can download OpenOffice 3 it's one of the best pieces of software available on the net with almost flawless compatibility with the commercial Office Suites. It might be a tad slow but is quite awesome.

    OpenOffice 3

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  • Aaron
    test data logging sheet

    Hi Everyone,

    Here is an Excel spreadsheet data sheet (blank) anyone can use to record their basic info.

    Ainslie circuit data log sheet (xls format)

    If you don't have a spreadsheet program, you can just print this graphic:

    Any ideas of anything that should be on there?
    The storage scope will be logging the other data.

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  • Harvey
    Haven't ordered the parts yet.

    Have been playing around with the cheap Falstad Circuit Simulator (fun little program, but not near as accurate as the Spice simulator built into my Protel Program)

    At any rate, I wanted to demonstrate what the power looked like on a charged inductor that suddenly loses all of the paths for energy flow. At the beginning of the charge cycle we have a large electric field across the inductor, but as it charges that field diminishes and becomes traded for a magnetic field and eventually the voltage across the inductor drops to a minimum. Falstad aknowledges that his mathematical model cannot handle pure inductors and must be modeled with a resistance. But it evidently cannot handle the real world situation of a charged inductor that suddenly has nowhere for the energy to go either - it errors out with a convergence error. So, I decided to fix the problem by setting up an LCR tank and evaluating the power involved in the ringdown. Poynt99 and Miles High can no doubt do a much better job at modeling this and providing the mathematical explanation of the power envelope.

    The following pics represent snapshots during a single charge / discharge cycle of 400ms. I charged the LCR circuit for 200ms and then alllowed it to ringdown for 200ms. Each pic has a scope readout as follows:
    Left: Voltage (green) across and Current (yellow) through the inductor only
    Middle: Power for the Inductor Only
    Right: Current for the 250 milliohm resistor.

    The number in the top left of each readout is the maximum for that view. I do not have a number for the inductor current, but we do have the voltage and power, so the current could be calculated. This really is just a graphical over view anyway.

    50ms into the charge cycle:
    Larger Pic

    199ms into charge cycle, just before opening the switches:
    (Note that the inductor current cannot exceed the 250 milliohm series resistor current)
    Larger Pic

    291ms into the overall cycle, 91ms into the discharge cycle:
    (Note the current shelf for the 250 milliohm resistor when the ringing begins, and the 468 Watts of ringdown power during this period)
    Larger Pic

    403ms - End of Cycle - Simulator Stopped:
    Larger Pic

    Notwithstanding the initial 1.8A capacitor current spike, if we were to take the 800ma of current as a flat line (worst case scenario) and multiply it by the source voltage (striked power here- thx TK) for the 200ms duration we find that we draw 3.84 Watt Seconds out of our source. Now, if we evaluate loosely, the inductor power from 468 Watts down to zero (which it didn't quite reach) over the next 200ms, we end up with 33.08 Watt Seconds. [(468 / 2) *.707 * 0.2]

    Where does the apparent gain come from?
    Last edited by Harvey; 08-12-2009, 10:10 AM. Reason: Should multiply voltage, not power

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  • gotoluc
    Originally posted by witsend View Post
    Guys - this is my last post on this thread.

    And Luc - don't stop with your tests. You need to check the draw down rate at your battery terminals. I think you've got gains there.

    I'll be watching this development with great interest.
    Thank you Rosemary for your amazing participation to date

    It is very rare to get the one who has made a discovery to participate as you have

    I understand how difficult it can be to have all the different dynamics that have been going on here and elsewhere on ones mind.

    To everyone:

    When someone freely offers an experiment and report that shows to go against the established EE understanding, it should be understood that real physical and flexible experiments are needed for one to be able to investigate all possibilities. Even if one fails ... who is at fault ... you would be best to withdraw yourself! ... then to criticize your failure

    Thank you Rosemary for your amazing support

    and to All

    Last edited by gotoluc; 08-11-2009, 09:36 PM.

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  • Joit
    Aaron i did try now a adjustable Pot there, rated at 50pF i think,
    Anyhow, i cant measure it well, its a old one, but i think, i did buy it once for 50pf, what i did remember.
    It gives a very small Duty cycle, and a frequency at 2500-20khz
    Still not the best for now, and i only did few small Tests with a fast build.
    But otherwise, i dont find a lot 3,3nF rated Caps, maybe film capacitors,
    so i am guessing, they been 33nF.
    And that is still a big different between my 30pf and a 33nF.

    witsend. Lol, what shall i say, maybe i did see it coming?
    Maybe its another lession for you, for, what we dont need in Life, but get anyway.
    Dont feel hurted, its anyhow normal, when Opinions hit at eachother, that it goes easy personally.
    And it doesnt mean, when one thinks, he can easly disproove it, that others will stop and still do belive at the Idea and do progress.
    I did see this Flames so often anywhere at the Internet around, but i learned, just to simple dont care about this Guys,
    its her Problem, when they cant find anything or cannot fix it and maybe just picking at Typos in Lines, to moan about 100?Pages long.
    Action replaces 1000 Words.
    Internet is a weird place for that anyway, because this viritually World is kind different for anyone.

    But anyway, when All would only listen to conventional Theories, such Forums like here or would not exist.
    And they surely not still exist, because all Peoples there are stupid, or have lack of Electronics, or only believe at Miracles.
    but its easy for the Debunker to disproove most Things, otherwise, the OU Prize would have been taken few Times.
    But if you compare all the Theories outside, then there Statements look plain pretty ridicoulus.
    Quantumtheory is even not conform with theory of relativity.

    Someone dropped today a Link for Grand Unified Field Theory from Nassim Haramein.

    Its something for long evenings, i made it till part 10. but very interesting.

    Edit- Err yes, now, the low Cap gives a long Duty Cycle. lol.
    Last edited by Joit; 08-11-2009, 07:13 PM.

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  • Michael John Nunnerley
    Originally posted by witsend View Post
    Guys - this is my last post on this thread. I'm afraid I'm not able to withstand the 'death by a thousand cuts' that's been my unfortunate diet from TK et al. Quite apart from which there's now such serious invasion of all my means of communication that it's best that I desist. It's just too tedious to deal with.

    But I think all that I've done is to point to yet another use of this energy. And I do think it's sourced from magnetic fields. Nothing to do with electrons that I can see - albeit this may be counter mainstream.

    The thing is that this energy can be liberated through fire, electricity or simply through resonance. All the new developments into switching are actually only exploring resonance. And, in my humble opinion, this is will become a kind of art form. Just remember this analogy. Your average radio station can beam out signals at a given strength and can be listened to by 1 person or millions. Does not drain more energy from the source.

    The other thing - it can also become dangerous if it's used to power at a distance. The fields are everywhere. Better to simply put energy back to the grid where possible until there's some way found of generating power with magnet on magnet interactions. It's probably the only safe way to do it. Else we'll be 'fried from a distance'. God forbid the military use this. There's just so much FE just everywhere.

    Then too. The trick is in resonance - and it's best to let the system tell you what resonance. Don't impose a duty cycle. Just watch the ratios of battey draw down to power out. I think Aaron will be giving guides here.

    And yes. I think that we're seeing the dawning of something really interesting. Let's hope we're equal to it's potential. Good luck with tests - for those that are testing. I'm going to bunker down for a bit. Many thanks to all those who gave me support and all those who are 'pressing on pressing on'. And Luc - don't stop with your tests. You need to check the draw down rate at your battery terminals. I think you've got gains there. And Joit. What can I say? Always my best posts. I hope we'll get Hoppy back to the fold.

    I'll be watching this development with great interest.
    Rose I think you are right, resonance in one form or other, rules the world, when I say rules the world, THINK ABOUT IT IN A BROAD WAY, even arguement is a type of resonance, it keeps coming back!!!!!!!!!

    You are welcome on the thread I have set up and you know we can communicate by other means, the problem for me in august is family commitments so my time is a bit thin on the ground.

    Peter knows what I specialise in and have kept a bit low key due to hasel.

    Free energy is there, it is all around us, it is just finding, usually by accident, as in many cases as the current learning in the taught form is so dominating and tunnel feed.

    Speak to you soon


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  • Mark
    Rosemary, I hope your not serious! Your last post on this thread? Please don't give TK that power over you.

    We will all be sad to see you go. Let me give you a little advice. Quit going over to! Don't let your curiosity of TK's nonsense get the best of you. I understand how you feel but don't let him win. Just don't read his debunking thread!

    I hope you reconsider and we hear from you soon.

    My best to you

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  • witsend
    Guys - this is my last post on this thread. I'm afraid I'm not able to withstand the 'death by a thousand cuts' that's been my unfortunate diet from TK et al. Quite apart from which there's now such serious invasion of all my means of communication that it's best that I desist. It's just too tedious to deal with.

    But I think all that I've done is to point to yet another use of this energy. And I do think it's sourced from magnetic fields. Nothing to do with electrons that I can see - albeit this may be counter mainstream.

    The thing is that this energy can be liberated through fire, electricity or simply through resonance. All the new developments into switching are actually only exploring resonance. And, in my humble opinion, this is will become a kind of art form. Just remember this analogy. Your average radio station can beam out signals at a given strength and can be listened to by 1 person or millions. Does not drain more energy from the source.

    The other thing - it can also become dangerous if it's used to power at a distance. The fields are everywhere. Better to simply put energy back to the grid where possible until there's some way found of generating power with magnet on magnet interactions. It's probably the only safe way to do it. Else we'll be 'fried from a distance'. God forbid the military use this. There's just so much FE just everywhere.

    Then too. The trick is in resonance - and it's best to let the system tell you what resonance. Don't impose a duty cycle. Just watch the ratios of battey draw down to power out. I think Aaron will be giving guides here.

    And yes. I think that we're seeing the dawning of something really interesting. Let's hope we're equal to it's potential. Good luck with tests - for those that are testing. I'm going to bunker down for a bit. Many thanks to all those who gave me support and all those who are 'pressing on pressing on'. And Luc - don't stop with your tests. You need to check the draw down rate at your battery terminals. I think you've got gains there. And Joit. What can I say? Always my best posts. I hope we'll get Hoppy back to the fold.

    I'll be watching this development with great interest.
    Last edited by witsend; 08-12-2009, 07:54 AM. Reason: correction

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