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COP 17 Heater | Rosemary Ainslie
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Hi all,
Just a quick update. We're still working on the document for submission. We've been advised to omit reference to the MMRA and reference to authors in the main body of the document. We're still working on this and will post as soon as the document is successfully submitted. Not sure when that will be.
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ROsemary heater
Originally posted by jibbguy View PostHi Guruji,
Just as preliminaries,
Wow you got it built, nice, Congrats m8First, i guess that you should charge up the batts while you are waiting, to around "24V".
What do you mean by no shunt.. Which component specificially, the .25 Ohm "R2", or the 10 Ohm "R3" (the actual heating "resisitive/inductive element"). And, if it is indeed R2 that you "skipped", did you replace it with a wire so there is still a connection between the neg of the batt and the MOSFET?
Do you have access to a Scope, by chance, and/or a digital camera?
Sorry if the questions sound overly simple, it is an old habit not to make assumptions, cause they are often "wrong"I hooked the mosfet wrongly; misunderstood the schematic G and S shorted them
. Only S should be to negative and G to Pot. I became aware today. Tommorow I test it.
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Originally posted by boguslaw View Postare you trying to replicate Richard Willis device from magnacoaster ?
NO, this is something that is similar to Dr. Stiffler and others were working on, ECAT, MEG etc but involves the Rosemary theory which you need to read so as you can understand a little of how it works.
This circuit goes into a self oscillation all of its own when an input frequency is applied, the resulting frequencies (many) circulate in a pump action creating what looks like on a scope (noise) but it is not. According to the Dr. the energy is drawn in between the primary and secoundary of the power coil, at the moment I go along with Rosemary's model.
There are so many things that have been done by people and to be honnest there are few if any that know 100% where this energy comes from, "but it does". There are many names floated about, the lattice, for one, but what is the lattice, again read Rosemary's model and you might find that it fits.
I go along with Dr. Stiffler that it is brought in, but how, the normal electron theory does not seem to or can not be applied. Here in this forum we have proved over cop 1, now what we need to do is to put it to good use
If you can give me a link to the magnacoaster set up then I may be able to say it is similar or not as I have not read anything on this, only heard about it and I have too much to do on my own work.
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Originally posted by Michael John Nunnerley View PostHi Rosemary and Gibbguy
You should be able to see the video, it was recorded, so if you go into livestream, it will be the last recorded, just over 1hr.
Here you will see me light a 240v, 25w bulb, it gets very hot even though it is not to absolute brightness (right at the end of the video). It is straight off the secoundary of the power transformer, AC at about 200v or so under load, this is difficult to measure as it seems to be a very funny AC voltage. For sure I think we have multiple pulses so giving various phases supperimposed on one another (well that is my take on the effect!).
Charging caps is very quick at high voltage and a very low amp draw on the battery (30ma for a charge of 400v on a large 60mf 440v cap in 1sec).
Now as the Dr. said to me, charge a 2FARAD cap and have the circuit self run. My problem is the 2 or more farad cap at over 12v. I am thinking of building one very big cap, but I need a good, cheap and easy design
For those who want to talk to me on skype the name is centraflow.
P.S. after charging the cap bank and short the cap, the noise is increadible and a flame of at least 1cm, nearley cut a screw driver in half
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Originally posted by witsend View PostMike I came back early - our time 8.30 in the hopes of seeing your video. It's off? Not sure what's happening there Mike. This sounds awful. I know only too well that these hack attacks are somehow as abusive as a theft on one's property - which it is. One feels violated.
So sorry you're having problems. We should have discussed this again and in depth before this last attack. I really think the only one of us who can help you is Fuzzy. He's been through some serious attacks before and he knows how to deal with it. I'm just so sorry Mike. Not a happy state of affairs. I feel hopeless - all I can do is commiserate.
Regarding that extra energy - It would be wonderful if you could put it all to work. But again, I'm not the expert here. You guys are pioneering in this field and, frankly, you probably know more than any of us. I know that Fuzzy will also be testing new parameters soon.
I skyped you. But I don't think you're there at the moment.
You should be able to see the video, it was recorded, so if you go into livestream, it will be the last recorded, just over 1hr.
Here you will see me light a 240v, 25w bulb, it gets very hot even though it is not to absolute brightness (right at the end of the video). It is straight off the secoundary of the power transformer, AC at about 200v or so under load, this is difficult to measure as it seems to be a very funny AC voltage. For sure I think we have multiple pulses so giving various phases supperimposed on one another (well that is my take on the effect!).
Charging caps is very quick at high voltage and a very low amp draw on the battery (30ma for a charge of 400v on a large 60mf 440v cap in 1sec).
Now as the Dr. said to me, charge a 2FARAD cap and have the circuit self run. My problem is the 2 or more farad cap at over 12v. I am thinking of building one very big cap, but I need a good, cheap and easy design
For those who want to talk to me on skype the name is centraflow.
P.S. after charging the cap bank and short the cap, the noise is increadible and a flame of at least 1cm, nearley cut a screw driver in half
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Hi Mike, great work m8! But i am sorry to hear about your other problems.
As an interim solution until a viable replacement comes along, do you think larger & higher amp hour rated lead-acid batts would help there in these cases of "too much return energy"? Maybe even truck "high cranking amp" models verses the usual desired marine-style "Deep Cycles"?
In terms of "cost" and "availability", SLA's would still be the ideal for the home researchers, if they can still allow for better efficiency figures. The bigger sized "exotics" can still be darned pricey (although in a few years when EV's hit the market in strength, they should lower considerably).
For an Instititute or University who is looking to replicate this though.. they could afford them and to try several types for best results. Maybe this is already happening, lol? Lets hope so, and that we get to hear of the results (...that would only be fair).
Lol, but that particular kind of "issue" is one we can deal with
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Mike I came back early - our time 8.30 in the hopes of seeing your video. It's off? Not sure what's happening there Mike. This sounds awful. I know only too well that these hack attacks are somehow as abusive as a theft on one's property - which it is. One feels violated.
So sorry you're having problems. We should have discussed this again and in depth before this last attack. I really think the only one of us who can help you is Fuzzy. He's been through some serious attacks before and he knows how to deal with it. I'm just so sorry Mike. Not a happy state of affairs. I feel hopeless - all I can do is commiserate.
Regarding that extra energy - It would be wonderful if you could put it all to work. But again, I'm not the expert here. You guys are pioneering in this field and, frankly, you probably know more than any of us. I know that Fuzzy will also be testing new parameters soon.
I skyped you. But I don't think you're there at the moment.Last edited by witsend; 01-17-2010, 06:55 PM.
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Just a point that I have found. To maintain a battery at its max voltage (potencial) the load can not be greater than the battery ability to transform and absorb the return energy, whatever the return power. I have found that you can return more power than the battery can transform, but, the excess energy is lost, I do not know where, but it IS LOST!!!!!
If we are to have a good energy extraction and maintain the input, we have to look at a different buffer for that energy other than a battery (lead acid).
What we need is an accumulator and convertor of energy, anybody have GOOD suggestions as to what we can use? May be the latest lithion iron batteries would be best as they charge very very quickly (10min). The quicker a battery absorbs the energy the better. Or as I have found, we can use caps. I can fill 60mf 440v caps in micro secounds and blow a 240v 60w bulb. So a circuit to extract the energy from the cap at 50-60Hz when the pulse to the cap is at 0v would I think do the job, can someone design a circuit for this. Harvey? just a thought.
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IT is recorded
Originally posted by witsend View PostMike - so sorry to have missed this. Crashed out there and missed the Skype message. Do hope there'll be a rerun.
I am having again problems after doing this, I am pulling my hair out here but I will not let this stop me. I will be away for this next week as I have various meetings and another exhibition to do.
I will keep you informed as much as possible, I will have my portable computor with me and in the hotel i can log in.
Can you believe the intrusion I am suffering at the moment, I can't, it is like something out of James Bond movies!!!!!!!!! Please in some form or other save all you can of my posts, videos, streaming etc.
It has taken me more than 4hrs to connect again on the internet!!!!
I have cleaned my hard disk, what a waste of time, they will do what ever they want, who ever they are, I AM FURIOUSE, ALTO. I will fight to the END, and I am ARMED so beware.
What we are doing is in it's infance at the moment, I suppose they think they can snub this before we get too far advanced. Paranoid, may be, but until it happens to you, you do not realise how real it is.
I will keep you posted as much as possible
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Originally posted by Michael John Nunnerley View Post
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Hi Guruji,
Just as preliminaries,
Wow you got it built, nice, Congrats m8First, i guess that you should charge up the batts while you are waiting, to around "24V".
What do you mean by no shunt.. Which component specificially, the .25 Ohm "R2", or the 10 Ohm "R3" (the actual heating "resisitive/inductive element"). And, if it is indeed R2 that you "skipped", did you replace it with a wire so there is still a connection between the neg of the batt and the MOSFET?
Do you have access to a Scope, by chance, and/or a digital camera?
Sorry if the questions sound overly simple, it is an old habit not to make assumptions, cause they are often "wrong"
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circuit testing
Hi guys today I've built this circuit but no heat came out. Maybe because of my 24v batteries cause they are a bit low 18v. I did not use a shunt either as a guy told me.
Any help please?
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I am connected on livestream but I have been put on hold, but it is recording so you can see later I hope. I have many problems like this at the moment
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