I was thinking about building a Bedini SSG, something like he had in EFTV #2 with that "dual floor" setup (small one on top of big one), but only one of them. Anyway, my question isn't so much to do with the details of building this SSG (those will come soon enough).
I was considering building this modified Kromrey Converter and attach it as the mechanical load on a Bedini SSG wheel (instead of using a fan). I noticed that the 4-magnet, 4-phase Kromrey has an asymmetrical magnetic field. I also noted from the video that Bedini's Kromrey cogged and was noisy. I came up with the idea to add two additional "horse-shoe" magnets to even out this asymmetry and to hopefully provide a little more balance to the rotation.
I'm not sure if this asymmetry is necessary in the design of the Kromrey or if my 6-magnet (6-phase) mod below would operate:
Can I get some feedback on this idea? Has anyone built a Kromrey to operate as the mech load to an SSG? Do the Kromrey and/or SSG have the ability to take lets say 1 100% (positive) charged X Amp-hour battery and charge N (where N>1) 0-20% charged Y (where Y>=X) Amp-hour batteries to 100%? And can you, after a rest period, use these 'charged' batteries to power a resistive load? Can you cycle out one of these charged batteries out to use as an input to the SSG after this wait period?
If one were to charge and deplete a bank of batteries, where one rotated the input battery and allowed rest periods before loading, will one be able to (save for mechanical or chemical breakdown) end up with a never ending pool of electricity?
I was considering building this modified Kromrey Converter and attach it as the mechanical load on a Bedini SSG wheel (instead of using a fan). I noticed that the 4-magnet, 4-phase Kromrey has an asymmetrical magnetic field. I also noted from the video that Bedini's Kromrey cogged and was noisy. I came up with the idea to add two additional "horse-shoe" magnets to even out this asymmetry and to hopefully provide a little more balance to the rotation.
I'm not sure if this asymmetry is necessary in the design of the Kromrey or if my 6-magnet (6-phase) mod below would operate:
Can I get some feedback on this idea? Has anyone built a Kromrey to operate as the mech load to an SSG? Do the Kromrey and/or SSG have the ability to take lets say 1 100% (positive) charged X Amp-hour battery and charge N (where N>1) 0-20% charged Y (where Y>=X) Amp-hour batteries to 100%? And can you, after a rest period, use these 'charged' batteries to power a resistive load? Can you cycle out one of these charged batteries out to use as an input to the SSG after this wait period?
If one were to charge and deplete a bank of batteries, where one rotated the input battery and allowed rest periods before loading, will one be able to (save for mechanical or chemical breakdown) end up with a never ending pool of electricity?