Well guys hello first of all, first time engaging in this kind of stuff so not any good at it yet, found the schematics Aaron posted in 2007, it were the simplest one I could find. Was looking for parts for a while while, apparently there's only 1 (one) electronic components shop in the country and not an easy one to find either, also deficit on high gauge copper wire, well in short I got everything, worked for hours launched it and nothing, and I can't even lay my finger on what can be wrong. Only difference I made in circuit was that I inserted 1k logarithmic pot instead of resistor. And also my soldering iron wires melted so no solder used at all, everything is just hooked up, can't do any better atm. Also almost forgot to mention. The coil is not exactly perfectly wound because I really couldn't get hold of right direction of winding so I just did it and after I was done I tested with battery and compass, it so happened that bottom wires need to be connected to + in order to create north pole at magnet side. And just on a sidenote, I'm using giant a** nicads 12v pack to test this thing so tell me if that could be a problem.
I used
2N3055 transistor
1N4148 diode
1K logarithmic pot
.25 and .28 sq. mm. copper wires
welding rods as a coil core
ceramic magnets
skate wheel for rotor.
Will be thankful for any help or any attempt at it.
I used
2N3055 transistor
1N4148 diode
1K logarithmic pot
.25 and .28 sq. mm. copper wires
welding rods as a coil core
ceramic magnets
skate wheel for rotor.
Will be thankful for any help or any attempt at it.