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Bedini and Rife technology

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  • #16
    Rife Microscope

    Originally posted by theremart View Post
    There has been a new microscope invented and being used to do rife type research...

    Rife Solved? The Nanoscope and What It Can Do NEW
    Presented by:
    Stanley Truman, an Independent Researcher
    W. Eric Rowley of Conversion technologies International
    Oct 25, 2007

    Insight 2007- Oct 21 - 25, 2007
    Amelia Island Plantation Florida, USA

    Copyrights held by Marketing Technology Service of Kalamazoo, Michigan
    I read about a year ago that a Japanese Camera Manufacturer , I cant remember whether it was Pentax or someone else.
    After I read the cost of it, I lost all Interest. The average experimenter could never afford to buy one even if it was made available.


    • #17
      Just got this info from the Yahoo Rife group...

      This is exciting news. The possibility exists now that we could now tune the rife devices to the level that Rife had with the BX virus.

      Just imagine, what this would mean to have the Rife machine back online with no guess work. Zap bug dead, every time, you could identify all the forms of the virus and then destroy only that bug with the right technique.

      No longer shooting in the dark but directly at the organism.

      From: [] On Behalf Of rife_forum
      Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 8:42 PM
      Subject: [Rife] Re: Question about microscopes.

      Hi Mart,
      it looks like you are referring to Stan Trumann's project to build a new microscope based on the plans of the Rife Microscope. Stan gave a presentation on this at the 2008 Rife Conference.

      Since then, they have been very quiet as to their progress. Maybe someone else here knows more.

      There is however a German made microscope which will do the job.
      It is the Ergonom microscope invented by the German engineer Kurt Olbrich. It can view live viruses and is available now.

      The cancer causing "virus" has been precisely seen and measured. You can read about it here:

      A film was made about cancer research which can be viewed here:
      Symbiosis or Parasitism

      More info can be found at Grayfield Optical Inc - High Resolution Optical Microscopes

      It was initially planned to form a Rife Association to work as an independent group to duplicate Rife's microscope research on behalf of the Rife community. Unfortunately that concept was heavily attacked by some people and not supported by others resulting in that idea being scrapped.

      Instead, a group of Rife practitioners in Germany have now purchased such a microscope in order to carry out that research. Frequencies determined with the microscope will be used with the BioWave (aka ResIWave) frequency devices they have developed.

      The Ergonom microscopes start at about 20000 Euros with 200 nanometer resolution and the price goes up to about 300000 Euros for the better than 100nm optical resolution achievable with the Ergonom 4000.

      You will also find this discussed in the microscope section of the Rife Forum.


      Grayfield Optical Inc - High Resolution Optical Microscopes

      --- In, "Mart Hale" <halemart@...> wrote:
      > Hi all,
      > I have been reading about Rife for some time, and I have the videos "Rife
      > the Rise and Fall of a Scientific Genius" which rocked my world.
      > I have seen videos by John Bedini where he has killed organisims viewable
      > under a microscope. I also have seen one other video on google video of
      > someone demonstrating an organism being destroyed under a microscope.
      > A few months back I read online that there is a new microscope that is
      > out that can see live viruses?
      > I was wondering if anyone has been following this progress of this?
      > I want to know how far we are now in getting close to seeing the BX virus.
      > Thanks.
      See my experiments here...

      You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


      • #18

        I have watched the Rife story video and was quite impressed. A friend of mine
        cured himself of prostate cancer using ESSIAC herbal tea, it is supposed to be
        helpful with other cancers also. The History of Essiac and Rene M. Caisse, Canada's Nurse Recent studies have suggested that high doses of inositol help for lung cancer, as well as adequate
        vitamin B6. These might be helpful for other cancers too. Although, off the topic of Rife, I thought these other approaches might interest someone.



        • #19
          Great news theremart .

          I have some positive result with my radiant circuit. Stingo circuit, without diode, with capacitor in series of the output. My son rarely cough now.


          • #20
            RE: circuit

            Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
            Great news theremart .

            I have some positive result with my radiant circuit. Stingo circuit, without diode, with capacitor in series of the output. My son rarely cough now.

            Is this just a coil, or how do you use this to treat your son?

            See my experiments here...

            You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


            • #21
              Originally posted by theremart View Post

              Is this just a coil, or how do you use this to treat your son?

              each hand on each pulsed coil end. The simplest version is imhotep self oscillating relay where you put both hand to each coil end. Although because I use 3V source, I use stingo instead and I can adjust the strength and usually set it just bellow tickle feel.

              I rarely need to do it again now, but recently I add 1uF/250V capacitor in series with the hand.


              • #22
                I remember I went to an electronic components store downtown one time, looking for some Germanium diodes.

                I started a conversation with the fellow who worked there and he said at one point that he had people come and buy the same diodes and use them in a circuit to cure cancer.

                When I asked him why he did not ask the person for the circuit and how they use the Germanium diodes, he gave me one of those dumbfound looks. Some people are just too short sighted, heh.

                I know it's kinda off topic, but just came to mind after seeing those 20,000-300,000E microscopes. WTF !!
                Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


                • #23
                  I wouldn't ignore such kind of information. Thanks for the info. That surely have some reason.

                  I currently investigating this based from suggestion from friend, and observe some different feel:

                  I would try germanium for real, but unfortunately the one I have have do not prevent current flow and may end up give different result.

                  I also found difference between my circuit on meter or feel observation.

                  I would use the top one for Tesla electric sauna like treatment. The bottom one for Beck/Clark zapper like treatment.


                  • #24
                    Black Salve,its already cured an "incurable cancer"proof is at
                    Doctors are Dangerous



                    • #25
                      SCIO - Rife module question

                      Hi All,

                      Can you explain me how Rife module on the Therapy section works. I could not figure out how to enter certain Rife frequency and start the zapping.

                      Please help


                      • #26
                        Gary Wade and Rife Frequencies ...

                        Originally posted by sykavy View Post
                        I was looking at John Bedini's website My Work on Rife
                        Is there anyone making this stuff?
                        My brother-in-law has been told he has terminal liver cancer and I would be interested in contacting someone who really has the technology that works.
                        Any info ?
                        Gary Wade, a physicist, makes a unit by commission agreement, which puts out audio frequencies by sweeping the whole range in hopes of blindly hitting whatever resonant frequency is that of the pathogen/s infecting its host and thus shattering them.

                        2008, and 2127 +/- 1-2 Hz, are the resonant frequencies of the two cancer viruses studied by Rife back in his day.

                        So, I went to Online Tone Generator - Free, Simple and Easy to Use. and downloaded their triangle wave forms for these six frequencies and created a few files to playback these tones. I burn a DVD disc and pop it into my TV DVD player and turn up the volume and listen for as long as I can tolerate. Then I get a mild headache followed by a sore throat detox reaction and wait a few days before going at it again. Headphones may not be advantageous since the whole body should be subjected to these tones. The ideal would be to broadcast this from a radio station and then count the days until the station loses its FCC license.

                        Rife Cancer Tones Playlist - set your media player to auto-repeat (endless loop)

              ,The Royal Rife Story, Royal Rife-In His Own Words
                        Last edited by Vinyasi; 02-20-2015, 07:47 PM. Reason: edited link


                        • #27
                          Large scale geographic influence of radio broadcast frequencies...

                          Originally posted by Vinyasi View Post
                          Gary Wade, a physicist, makes a unit by commission agreement, which puts out audio frequencies by sweeping the whole range in hopes of blindly hitting whatever resonant frequency is that of the pathogen/s infecting its host and thus shattering them.

                          2008, and 2127 +/- 1-2 Hz, are the resonant frequencies of the two cancer viruses studied by Rife back in his day.

                          So, I went to Online Tone Generator - Free, Simple and Easy to Use. and downloaded their triangle wave forms for these six frequencies and created a few files to playback these tones. I burn a DVD disc and pop it into my TV DVD player and turn up the volume and listen for as long as I can tolerate. Then I get a mild headache followed by a sore throat detox reaction and wait a few days before going at it again. Headphones may not be advantageous since the whole body should be subjected to these tones. The ideal would be to broadcast this from a radio station and then count the days until the station loses its FCC license.

                          Rife Cancer Tones Playlist - set your media player to auto-repeat (endless loop)

                ,The Royal Rife Story, Royal Rife-In His Own Words
                          UNDERGROUND RIFE RADIO

                          Since radio broadcast need not be received by a radio for these frequencies to beneficially impact any creature within close range of the station's antenna, it pays to be a ham radio operator and do good for one's local community!

                          Of course, you're all familiar with the facet of resonance? And that it doesn't matter what medium these frequencies are broadcast in, be they: sonic and mechanical vibrations, electromagnetic radio antenna broadcast or electromagnetic vacuum or partial vacuum tubes of specialized gases, or the use of an optical or magnetic medium of broadcast, or the use of semi-exotic (by conventional standards of) electrostatic broadcast reminiscent of Tesla's and Eric's wireless transmission systems, etc. Just so long as the exact frequency of each pathogen target is used for a very short period of time and the diseased area of the creature's body be irradiated with the appropriate frequency.

                          These pathogens are delicate creatures - as virulent as they may be, unlike the flexible structural integrity of healthy cellular tissue. All it takes is the right frequency to shatter them, or arrest them, leaving the healthy tissue alone apart from a mild massage!
                          Last edited by Vinyasi; 02-20-2015, 07:47 PM. Reason: added electrostatic broadcast of rife frequencies


                          • #28
                            Referencing tone and clandestine antennas...

                            Originally posted by Vinyasi View Post
                            Since radio broadcast need not be received by a radio for these frequencies to beneficially impact any creature within close range of the station's antenna, it pays to be a ham radio operator and do good for one's local community!

                            Of course, you're all familiar with the facet of resonance? And that it doesn't matter what medium these frequencies are broadcast in, be they: sonic and mechanical vibrations, electromagnetic radio antenna broadcast or electromagnetic vacuum or partial vacuum tubes of specialized gases, or the use of an optical or magnetic medium of broadcast, etc. Just so long as the exact frequency of each pathogen target is used for a very short period of time and the diseased area of the creature's body be irradiated with the appropriate frequency.

                            These pathogens are delicate creatures - as virulent as they may be, unlike the flexible structural integrity of healthy cellular tissue. All it takes is the right frequency to shatter them, or arrest them, leaving the healthy tissue alone apart from a mild massage!
                            Since the Schumann resonance is a good referencing tone below ten cycles per second, and since these pathogenic tones are above the dividing line between relaxation frequencies below ten cycles per second and heightened alertness (and stress inducing) frequencies above ten cycles per second, it may be a good idea to broadcast 7.83Hz most of the time and sporadically interject a pathogenic frequency for very short duration.

                            And since nobody necessarily wants to erect an aerial and 'stick out' in his/her neighborhood, maybe it could be possible to utilize trees as broadcast antennas along the lines of direct coupling via Major-General George Owen Squier's receiver antennas? Or else, along the lines of loose coupling via ...

                            A Tree Antenna for the 600 Meter Band


                            • #29
                              An interesting sweep tone generator...

                              Tinnitus Treatment Sound Therapy - Tone generator & Tuner | AudioNotch


                              • #30
                                Healing through sound

                                Related to Rife but uses sound freqs. This lady has brought sound healing down to a science.

                                Here is link to interview for background:


                                Here is link to her site:

                                Sound Health Options

                                Her work really needs its own thread. Right now I am too busy to do it. Maybe this post will stir interest?


