Hi All,
Yesterday I ran my 8 filar SG for about 14 hours. I used a marine battery for the run and a RV battery for the charge. The run battery was at 12.8 and the RV battery was at 12.06. At the end of the 14 hours my RV battery was up at 12.32 in the marine battery was down at 12.06. In the system I used a Dump circuit dumping about 1 AMP of current every second.
It would seem to charge rate is less than satisfactory with my current set up any comments tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Yesterday I ran my 8 filar SG for about 14 hours. I used a marine battery for the run and a RV battery for the charge. The run battery was at 12.8 and the RV battery was at 12.06. At the end of the 14 hours my RV battery was up at 12.32 in the marine battery was down at 12.06. In the system I used a Dump circuit dumping about 1 AMP of current every second.
It would seem to charge rate is less than satisfactory with my current set up any comments tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.