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Bedini's Monopole Energizer

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  • #16
    good job darkwizard...

    We can obtain good torque by modified our SG....
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs. Apple CEO


    • #17
      Originally posted by ren View Post
      Its an interesting config. Sep, try tweaking your base resistance on the front end while monitoring voltage in the cap. I posted a thread about this earlier but no one replied/noticed. I found that at certain resistances voltage in the cap was higher, and it wasnt necessarily the lowest resistance. I think the thread I posted was called alternate tuning method.

      I found that it did extend run times on the front end somewhat.
      Hi Ren, Still experimenting with the configuration but don't think I can see the effect you mentioned yet... were you using a bridge rectifier? Was it a multi coil? How many pulses per magnet pass were there when the effect showed up? Do you know what the pulse duration was? Sorry for all the questions!
      "Theory guides. Experiment decides."

      “I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... Such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.”
      Nikola Tesla


      • #18
        Damn! I've just been banished back to solid state by neibours complaining about the noise! 3000 rpm is more than they can handle at 1am.

        Might have to construct a bicycle wheel rotor
        "Theory guides. Experiment decides."

        “I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... Such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.”
        Nikola Tesla


        • #19
          Originally posted by Sephiroth View Post
          Starting this thread for the discussion of John Bedini's Monopole Energizer as outlined in this patent:

          US Patent 6545444 (2003)

          (oddly google is giving me "Internal Server Error" just for this patent)

          (image hosted by Rex Research)

          Full details of the patents can be found on Rex Research

          The main differnece between the Monopole Energizer from the SSG and Schoolgirl Motor is primarily the fact that it charges a capacitor with the flyback voltage and then discharges the charged capacitor (by any means eg, mechanical contact, SCR, or relay) into a charging battery bank.

          Also, the front end isn't directly connected to the back end as in the SSG. A recovery coil is used and so the coil is normally Trifilar (one primary coil, one recovery coil, and a trigger coil) though it can have many more wires.

          It is said that this is the setup neccessary to swap the batteries indefinatly as it converts the output of the coils into a form of energy that is better suited to run inductive loads than direct output into the battery.

          It is recommended to use high farad capacitors and to discharge them around 2 volts above the charging voltage.

          If multiple coils are to be used, then their recovery windings should be wired in series assuming they are synchronous. However, if the coils are firing independant to each other, then each recovery winding will require its own bridge recifier before being wired in parellel to the capacitor.

          The trigger winding can also be substituted for another method of triggering. Bedini has been known to use a Hall Sensor.

          I think that is everything covered Other than the differences listed above it is pretty much identical to the SSG setup.
          Look at the different grounding symbols ones a normal ground ones a earth battery!
          Its important for the energy recovery check the earth battery thread.
          bedini Energizer are pumps!!!


          • #20
            I was watching the DVD again (5 gazillionth time ) and in it JB states that the monopoles machines that don't use capacitors are an advancment over the capacitor version. And a lot simpler imo.

            Is there a benifit to using the caps?


            You can view my vids here



            • #21
              One thing to keep in mind is that what John Bedini said during the filming may or may not be what he holds today. The most striking example is the pendulum; during the filming of that segment the pendulum looked very promising but in the end turned out to be not so great, at least from a battery charging standpoint.

              I've ruminated long and hard over the 'SSG is more advanced than the capacitor version' quote myself and having built a variety of Bedini machines, I'm not convinced. It could be that they are and I just can't see it; YMMV. I will say that the capacitor version is interesting and it does have at least one advantage over the SSG version: you can swap batteries from back end to front end with the capacitor version.

              One quote that I do believe is still relevant and important: "It's the spike. It's always been the spike." (emphasis mine)


              • #22
                Hi Shamus,

                I agree, and It has been a while since filming. The pendulum is a good example of long term results differing from the short term. But I am seeing good results with the SG so for the moment I will keep on that.

                I guess it is easier to switch the batteries on the capacitor version, but it can be done with the normal sg. Allbeit a little trickier perhaps

                In the end, if the batteries are charging, great.



                P.S. what is YMMV?
                You can view my vids here



                • #23
                  Is it possible to use optosensor instead of winding/reed/hall switching method?
                  I use optosensing in Lindeman's attraction motor and it worked great so I wonder cos I'm intending to build SSG.


                  • #24
                    RE: statements by Bedini

                    Originally posted by Shamus View Post
                    One thing to keep in mind is that what John Bedini said during the filming may or may not be what he holds today. The most striking example is the pendulum; during the filming of that segment the pendulum looked very promising but in the end turned out to be not so great, at least from a battery charging standpoint.

                    I've ruminated long and hard over the 'SSG is more advanced than the capacitor version' quote myself and having built a variety of Bedini machines, I'm not convinced. It could be that they are and I just can't see it; YMMV. I will say that the capacitor version is interesting and it does have at least one advantage over the SSG version: you can swap batteries from back end to front end with the capacitor version.

                    One quote that I do believe is still relevant and important: "It's the spike. It's always been the spike." (emphasis mine)
                    I believe the words have to be taken in the context of what he is saying. Just like when he says "it is not the current that charges the batteries" the context of what he is speaking it is in regards to --compared to conventional charging--- in comparison to conventional charging the systems use very little current, but yet, they still do use current.

                    I have for myself found the cap is a great sponge for energy on the charging side, and, it also is a boost for the RPMS of the motor. It seems to hold the energy till the battery is ready for it. This is why I think bedini uses such a large cap in front with solar charging...
                    See my experiments here...

                    You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                    • #25
                      Roller coaster charging...

                      I did this charging on my battery with my 6 transistor monopole energizer, the same battery that I was using on my solid state, but in testing found the voltage climb extreme after being on the solid state device.

                      The battery is 12 amp hours, the charge was 20V 2 amps for about 12 hours. Today I will test how many amp hours I can get from fully charged down to 10.5 V with a draw of .6 amps..
                      See my experiments here...

                      You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                      • #26
                        Test after that charge...

                        I got 13.5 amp hours from the battery that is rated at 12 amp hours.

                        Last edited by theremart; 10-06-2008, 01:44 AM. Reason: Problem with Imageshack
                        See my experiments here...

                        You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                        • #27
                          Trying new things.

                          Well, I now have some speaker wire that I am planning on trying as a coil for my SSG, then if it tests well might move up to the monopole with it.

                          The old Bedini_SG group on yahoo states that Roamer recomended 100ft of this to make a coil for large golf cart batteries... ( from the starters guide part II ) I will check this out and see if I can get it to work.

                          See my experiments here...

                          You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                          • #28
                            Using caps...

                            Originally posted by dambit View Post
                            I was watching the DVD again (5 gazillionth time ) and in it JB states that the monopoles machines that don't use capacitors are an advancment over the capacitor version. And a lot simpler imo.

                            Is there a benifit to using the caps?


                            The benefit is you don't have to use an inverter for the negatively charged batteries. ( per the Bedini advice ) That all seems very mysterious to me as I have not seen an experiment that proves this as of yet.

                            Since the caps also hold the voltage it seems to boost the primary side as well as create a higher pulse to the charging battery. I have notice if I use a cap with my night lite it glows much brighter than if I do not.

                            Yes I have seen that video... for 20 gazillion time too.
                            See my experiments here...

                            You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                            • #29
                              Rick has just release a 3 monopole energizer.

                              Very nice clean setup.

                              YouTube - Three Pole Monopole


                              Last edited by theremart; 04-20-2009, 04:12 PM.
                              See my experiments here...

                              You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                              • #30
                                nice huh. I posted this in the Sg thread too. Very well presented, the LEDs are a nice touch
                                "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson

