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Bedini SG

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  • Jan H
    buzzing coil

    hello everyone,
    today i rewound my SG coil to get about 600-700 windings on there. And used an AM antenna ferrite core to see what would happen.
    SG charges A LOT better, but current draw has gone up from 70mA to 200mA I did add a potmeter to the trigger resistance to get it down, but that's as low as i can go.

    When i attach a neon bulb to charge output it nearly blows the bulb.
    But i also noted a weird side effect, when the rotor isn't turning the coil makes a high lets say 3khz buzzing noise, when i then change the resistance on the potmeter the frequency of the noise changes.
    This didn't happen with my first coil.

    any idea's?

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  • ren
    In regards to coil winding guys.

    For basic setups the winding isnt too important. Put your spool onto a cordless drill, hold your other spool full of wire and turn sewing machine style

    If you want a beautiful, neat coil you can make a little hand crank and take your time. Some double sided tape can help you get each layer neat. Wind (take note of clockwise or anti clock as this will determine your north and south) up the coil and then back down. You can insulate with masking/electrical tape to help keep it tight then repeat. Don Addist has a small pic tutorial here Winding Coils

    YOu can wind all the way up and then string it down (directional winding i think its called?) But I cant see any real benefit from this. Someone prove me wrong if there is.

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  • gabriolaman
    cant you wind the coil any way as long s its facing north towards the magnets?

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  • Jan H
    a few questions

    i've got some questions regarding the SG. Im currently trying to improve my current design. But i need to know a bit more about winding coils.

    How do you actually wind it? lets say i'v got my twisted wire, and i've got my spool. I'ts really hard to go from left to right in one go, When i try stacking up the wire it wants to fall off to the side. And as far as i know i cant go back and forth winding it, because that will not result in a north and south pole. Is it possible to wind a thin layer from left to right, then go straight back and repeat the process?

    also i noted something very weird. When i connect a neon bulb to the charging output, only one of the filaments in the bulb lights up, is that normal?

    if the charge output lights up a neon bulb, is that proof of the motor being in sync? I personally think rpm has to go way up?

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  • gabriolaman
    well i made what i call the poor mans sg, the coil is smaller has no trigger coil ( i didnt have lots of enamel wire )i made my own reed switch for a trigger that uses juice from the battery to fire the transistor

    i dont even know if its the real thing i plan to get proper parts just havnt been able to yet but was going crazy wanting to make one so i made this im new here and just learning what i can

    i dunno if the battery is charging from radiant energy or the recycled collapsing magnetic feild from the coil i only did a few cycles so ile have to keep going to see what happens

    videos not to great but you can see the monster

    YouTube - poor mans sg

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  • ren

    I wasnt going to dismantle a working unit, I would only scavenge the motors if it was on the tip. Thanks for info Aaron, I'll search around. Or maybe I'll just wind some coils with the same ohms.

    I just found a sight online that sells old vintage parts and spares for reel to reels.

    Oak Tree Vintage has used home audio stereo gear, antique microphones cables and connectors 8mm 16mm movie film projectors vintage guitars amplifiers amps guitar effects old transistor tube radios reproduction jukeboxes. Reel Reels turntables speaker
    Last edited by ren; 11-10-2007, 04:31 AM.

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  • Aaron
    motor info


    I tried unscrewing the nuts from the top center screw but the screw turns with it. There are 2 screws underneath the rotor and I'm not sure I can even do this without having to unmount it from the base so I'm not going to do that.

    If I was going to redo one of these motor styles, I would actually just modify a muffin fan so at least you get work from the rotor like blown air.

    It would be such a shame to tear apart a good reel to reel to get these motors...especially if they're from the 1970's because they're such good quality players.

    I just found some pics of some reel to reel motors and they look different from the one I have. I'm not 100% sure it came from a reel to reel. I thought it did.

    3191D or 3191O or 31910 is a number printed on top. The 9 'could' be an 8. I couldn't find reference to it online.

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  • ren
    I would love to get a hold of one of these tape motors. I have been looking around, my Dad was a film maker before he passed away and Im hoping to get in touch with some of his work mates to see if they have any old reel to reel motors lying on the scrap heap.

    Aaron could you hazard a guess to the size or length of coils inside? Probably not without pulling apart this little gem. I am really interested to know if it does have cores or not. I got my rotor going very fast without cores, I am not sure if they are a necessity for the radiant effect however....

    Would be good to see if anyone has dismantled one of these spools as I am unsure of the magnet configuration too. The little button fan I pulled apart had four coils but only one magnet strip going 360 degrees around.

    Also Aaron, do your two trigger coils interconnect? Like Ricks diagram from the monopole list (mods remove if inappropriate).
    Last edited by ren; 03-03-2009, 12:06 AM.

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  • Aaron
    coil resistance

    Hi Luther,

    3.4 ohms per coil.

    There are connections to the coil so that reading is accurate unless backwards through the circuit there is a connection.

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  • LutherG
    Hi Aaron,

    Thanks for the schematic - very nice. Would it be permissible to take a resistance reading across one of the power coils and one of the trigger coils sometime since the ends of the coils are out in the open? It would be very interesting to see what they measure... especially for those of us who would like to try to replicate this version... I love that jet sound when it ramps up on 24 volts! ha!

    thanks and best regards to all,


    PS: Here is my little SG on youtube:

    YouTube - Bedini Monopole Energizer (aka: SSG Energizer)

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  • Aaron
    the vid

    Yeah, it is from Skeptic33 who posted some comments on my vid here:
    YouTube - Back EMF vs Collapsed Spikes

    Not sure what to make of it. The diagram is a little hard to read...the one that pops up in the vid towards the end.

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    Guest replied
    nice CGI skills

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  • Aaron
    interesting animation of Bedini circuit

    Any comments on this vid?
    YouTube - bedini self charging motor circuit

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  • Aaron
    tape motor schematic

    Here is a schematic for the tape wheel motor.

    The leads on the tape motor were already sticking out on really good pins.
    For a muffin fan motor for example, you'd have to open it and free up the leads on each coil and route them out.

    Schematic shows example of how to hook up either a battery on output or a cap...please don't confuse this that
    I'm charging a battery one one output and a cap on the other.

    This runs only clockwise as the induced current to trigger comes from the left side, which is connected to the base.

    The bulb and pot I have are between the trigger wire and the resistor.
    Last edited by Aaron; 11-08-2007, 11:01 PM.

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  • Aaron
    another sg

    Very cool! Looks good to me. If you get results that is what counts.
    Ceramic mags work fine for this and you'll get better efficiency. It will
    run a little awkward with the south there in this particular configuration.

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