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Bedini SG

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  • redeagle
    Originally posted by tjnlsn255 View Post
    I was hoping that a larger wheel with proper magnet spacing and additional coils would be able to take advange of a mass flywheel effect and provide additional tourqe for shaft output to run a generator....

    Any thoughts?

    A bigger wheel will give more torque. Much like putting a longer handle on a ratchet to loosen a tight nut. But you are sacrificing rpm to do it.

    It you are goin to be spinning that fast make sure your magnets are secured. the farther away from the axle they are the stronger your glue has to be.

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  • wrtner
    Originally posted by tjnlsn255 View Post
    I was hoping that a larger wheel with proper magnet spacing and additional coils would be able to take advange of a mass flywheel effect...
    this would be moving in to the Bedini/Watson territory. An interesting move.

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  • tjnlsn255
    Flywheel effect....

    I was hoping that a larger wheel with proper magnet spacing and additional coils would be able to take advange of a mass flywheel effect and provide additional tourqe for shaft output to run a generator....

    Any thoughts?


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  • wrtner
    Originally posted by redeagle View Post
    It's strictly a novelty item. But who wouldn't like the opportunity to see a giant wheel that is capable of desulphating the largest of batteries over time.

    I figure worst case senario is i get a few laughs out of a hand full of people.
    It would look great. I think you are preparing a presentation to
    British Airways, owners of the "London Eye".
    Now, that's what I call a potential Bedini SG.

    Stepping back a pace, how about an SG with rather more coils,
    in fact, one less coil than magnets?

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  • redeagle
    It's strictly a novelty item. But who wouldn't like the opportunity to see a giant wheel that is capable of desulphating the largest of batteries over time.

    I figure worst case senario is i get a few laughs out of a hand full of people.

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  • wrtner
    Originally posted by redeagle View Post
    I am considering making an 8 foot wheel for a bedini motor this winter...
    I am not sure that this thinking is right. The speed between the magnets is crucial because,
    I think, time must be allowed for the inductors to shed their load (the circuit's LR time constant).

    If you want to up your power, maybe you should stick to the same size
    wheel, and put more bifilar coils around it (each having its own electronics).

    How would the output of these new coils be fed to the same battery without causing some sort of interference?
    Last edited by wrtner; 11-23-2009, 04:23 PM. Reason: grammatical error

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  • redeagle
    replied has the same magnets that Rick sells with his kits. They are 1.95 each standard price with several levels of bulk discounts. as low as 69 cents each if you order 800. I'll be checking other vendors before I make my order. Pretty good idea about seeking paid sponsors though.

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  • wrtner
    Originally posted by redeagle View Post
    that size wheel will take about 100 magnets with 2 inches between them or 75 with 3 inches. Any ideas?
    About the cost? How about approaching magnet importers, and say
    that you work is likely to end up a cult YouTube item. Offer to put
    their name on the side if they send you the magnets free of charge.

    If you succeed, it will be the best money they have spent.

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  • blackchisel97
    Radiant and Solid State

    Hi guys,

    After some tests I found best charging from my Radiant Charger (p.47 FEG)with spare windings in parallel before the bridge, than neg. pulsed with 555 and SCR over charging battery. So, right now I have three windings in parallel. I aso made a short clip of my Solid State -
    Please ignore the noise in the background, it originates from my Radiant Charger sitting on the same bench.


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  • CosmicFarmer
    The most important thing when designing a magnetic wheel is keeping the spacing between magnets the same. Then comes bearing quality. All else falls after that.

    Magnetic wheels do inspire the makers, that is for sure. You could possibly make some M.C.Escher style waterfall with the Bedini wheel as the water paddle...

    Or transfer the force through another wheel like gearing.
    YouTube - Pulsemotor Perpertuum Pendulam Dangle with Magnetic Mouse!

    Have fun

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  • stonewater
    8 foot wheel

    that is a good idea. I have heard of 4 foot wheels. with a coil as big as a paint can. 200 circuits with a common trigger. here are some tips

    match your coils impedance to your primary battery impedance
    use solar in the day, match the panel to the current draw of the energiser when tuned plus what is needed to charge it for overnight running
    run the solar panel unregulated (no charge controller) or get ready for the charge controller coming from John soon.
    mass at the rim and at the center, with spokes. only 3 needed.

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  • redeagle
    8ft wheel

    I am considering making an 8 foot wheel for a bedini motor this winter. I know from other people's posts that the larger the wheel the more magnets they can get by the coil per second. Mainly because of reduced torque requirements. I know that size wheel will take about 100 magnets with 2 inches between them or 75 with 3 inches. Any ideas?

    I was inspired by the idea of a water wheel turning without water.

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  • ren
    Hi All.

    Here is an interesting video with a home made timing "torch".

    YouTube - Timing light


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  • sucahyo
    Originally posted by baroutologos View Post
    ANy oppinion/experience with high impedance coils anyone? Say 1 H.
    If relate output current with impedance:

    Then added the fact that capacitor will draw a lot less current when it is full, then we can assume that in order to get matching impedance between the coil and the capacitor we need a rather high impedance coil. Maybe the order can be 100 times more than the coil we use for 12V battery depend on capacitor capacity.

    Sorry for late reply, just notice it today. I think:
    - low impedance coil if radiant is recovered to battery
    - high impedance coil if radiant is recovered to capacitor

    Originally posted by wwdotme View Post
    Hi guys got a lil time to play with my pick up coil or piggyback coil on my ss Bedini today. With just a bridge rectifier connected to the pb coil I get 40V dc off the bridge rectifier.
    But when I connect a transformer in parrell with the pb coil
    I get 130V dc off the bridge
    when I connect a neo to the secondary to the
    transformer I get 185V dc off the bridge.
    And charging a battery off my ss at the same time.

    Am I collecting BEMF off the transformer back to the bridge rectifier?
    Interesting, what happen if you add neo to opposing side with opposing pole?
    Last edited by sucahyo; 11-09-2009, 04:18 AM.

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  • wwdotme
    Hi guys got a lil time to play with my pick up coil or piggyback coil on
    my ss Bedini today. With just a bridge rectifier connected to the pb coil
    I get 40V dc off the bridge rectifier.
    But when I connect a transformer in parrell with the pb coil
    I get 130V dc off the bridge
    when I connect a neo to the secondary to the
    transformer I get 185V dc off the bridge.
    And charging a battery off my ss at the same time.

    Am I collecting BEMF off the transformer back to the bridge rectifier?

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