RE: video
Watched the video, VERY nicely done with the split screen.
I now see that you are counting the lines on the rotor to determine the number of pulses. what did you use for marking the lines? I am thinking of taping a black paper on top of my rotor to find get the number of pulses mine is using.
I am thinking we have a target of getting the most charge for the least amount of energy being pulled from the primary battery.
Suggestion for testing this.
We pull a battery down to a resting voltage of say 12.5 V Then we test given a 2 hour period for a given pulse method. We then load the battery with a given load and bring it back down to the 12.5 point. Then we do the same with another pulse etc.... I am thinking that we should be able to see a pattern emerging of which is the best charging method.
The trouble can be if we are using sulfated batteries, this can really mess up our results.
Since I have added the VX additive to my batteries, 5 of the batteries no longer charge back up to same levels they were before
However, the others are doing fine, they are consistant and are charging very well. With these I may experiment with the choke, and the Radiant soup method. I was considering aluminum foil....
Thanks for the video, it helped me to understand the led method more clearly.
Originally posted by Sephiroth
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I now see that you are counting the lines on the rotor to determine the number of pulses. what did you use for marking the lines? I am thinking of taping a black paper on top of my rotor to find get the number of pulses mine is using.
I am thinking we have a target of getting the most charge for the least amount of energy being pulled from the primary battery.
Suggestion for testing this.
We pull a battery down to a resting voltage of say 12.5 V Then we test given a 2 hour period for a given pulse method. We then load the battery with a given load and bring it back down to the 12.5 point. Then we do the same with another pulse etc.... I am thinking that we should be able to see a pattern emerging of which is the best charging method.
The trouble can be if we are using sulfated batteries, this can really mess up our results.
Since I have added the VX additive to my batteries, 5 of the batteries no longer charge back up to same levels they were before

Thanks for the video, it helped me to understand the led method more clearly.
