Thanks seph that answer has help some more.
I am reading and trying to understand the impedance factor involved. Witch I am having a little trouble understanding it.
I did find the 2 links u sent me and am reading them.
Thank you
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Bedini SG
The more diodes the better. But not just diodes... more strands in parrellel as well. and multiple diodes in parrellel coming off each of the strands. You want the resistance to be as low as possible. It's about impedance matching as well as efficiency. and since a lead acid battery generally has around 9 milliohm resistance it is a huge task trying to get your circuit anywhere close to matching it... but the closer the better...
Impedance matching - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Maximum power theorem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Is it alright to have 24 volt on power and 12 volt on charge?
I only have 3 batteries at this moment.
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Thanks joit I got a chance to reread some on my notes
and some bedini post. thanks.
Not really sure where I got off track on this SSG maybe because I was all wrapped up in adding the xtra coils.
I really need to get his book.
Thanks Joit
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Originally posted by wwdotme View PostIs multible small diodes on the output to charge battery better than 1 big diode?
If noone has tested this I will give it a shot...
At JB's Illustrations he says something from 5 Diodes each charged Batterie(pack).
I still got 4 by me, but it works with just a Rectifier fine too.
The Reason is, the Spikes are to fast for most Didoes, even fast switching Diodes would be better.
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Is multible small diodes on the output to charge battery better than 1 big diode?
If noone has tested this I will give it a shot...
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hello guys, I'm new in Bedini SSG, heres my first Bedini SSG video on youtube:
YouTube - My first Bedini SSG
I've been reading the posts of this thread from the beginning, currently i'm on page 8 so the road must be long but i'm determine to finish it until to the last page. It's amazing to note that in the early posts of this thread I see a lot of valuable information.
gonna make more research before I post my obsevations.
Thank you guys.
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SSG Cap Pulser
Hi Renn,
Is that your SSG Cap Pulser video on youtube?
Would you be willing to post the schematic for it here in the forum?
Is free energy green?
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Originally posted by baroutologos View PostThanks Dambit for the insights.
I must confess i pursue mechanical power with energy recovery. I have read that window motor is the way to go, by this exceeds my mechanical capability at the moment.
I wanted to create an efficient pulsed motor for the FEG replication i try (the motor part). The easier way to go was the Adam's motor setup. Scale up for some mechanical output.
IMO SSG is almost the same thing in mechanical terms (with Adam's motor) with the advantage it has more sturdy and easy pulse timing circuit. that's the reason i sticked to SSG.
For the moment the weight is put on achieving as much as possible mechanic work for power consumed.
As dambit has pointed out, the SSG is not the way to go if you want mechanical power, as it was designed to charge batteries and is inneficient in terms of torque. IMO you would be better off using a powerful stepper motor to drive a genny.
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Thanks Dambit for the insights.
I must confess i pursue mechanical power with energy recovery. I have read that window motor is the way to go, by this exceeds my mechanical capability at the moment.
I wanted to create an efficient pulsed motor for the FEG replication i try (the motor part). The easier way to go was the Adam's motor setup. Scale up for some mechanical output.
IMO SSG is almost the same thing in mechanical terms (with Adam's motor) with the advantage it has more sturdy and easy pulse timing circuit. that's the reason i sticked to SSG.
For the moment the weight is put on achieving as much as possible mechanic work for power consumed.
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Originally posted by baroutologos View Post..............................
I am asking. Why in SSG we are not suppose to uses neos? By the way, neos or not, my view is fixed that the greater the magnet the better the mechanical efficiency of the SSG "motor"
Because Bedini has been doing this for over 20 years and found that ferrite magnets are the way to go. One must remember that the SG (or SSG) circuit is not designed for mechanical work, it is designed to charge batteries. The mechanical work is a small by-product of the design. The window motor is more suited for mechanical work. (as far as I know)
All of my chargers that use neo's draw more power to run when compared to an identical setup using ferrites. The charge rate is almost the same, but because the neo device draws more it is less efficient. This has been my experience anyway.
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SCALAR SOUTH and Mechanical work
I was playing the other days with my new axial SSG.
And starting to consider about the scalar south and its contribution to the mechanical efficiency.
We all know, that between (in close proximity) two same pole magnets having their lines are parallel (not facing each other) both facing up say, an scalar opposite pole is created. (i.e when two north poles face up, between them a south pole is created)
This scalar pole according to SSG theory contributes to mechanical energy by utilizing the bemf spike that is being created when transitors shuts and no more current is applied to any given coil.
OK, fine. But how much?
According my findings and reasoning the spike - scalar pole (south) effect in mechanical terms is very limited compared to the actual repulsion of magnet-core or at least neutralization of coil-core attraction (by pulsing the coil)
Why is that?
every one i suppose old enough here has tried the NSNS combination in his SSG circuit. I have found out that (in the radial SSG, 18 magnets NSNS 60 cm diam) in this config, the motor speed is slower that the NNNN one but not much.
So, if the spike and coil pulsing-scalar pole attraction had any considerable effect than the NSNS config the rotation should be considerably slower. By this is not the case.
In the NSNS config we have two scanarios. North magnet incoming-TDC- outgoing-coil pulsing and spike. We are all familiar with that. The other scenario is South magnet incoming - coil pulsing - TDC - outgoing - spike. So the SSG in this part behaves as an attraction motor. (agree?)
This time the spike resists rotation since the energized coil (by the spike) is north and tends to drag back the outgoing magnet.
But, in actual experimentation, with the NSNS very little slow down i have observed. So, scalar pole - spike efficiency is very limited IMO.
Please, comment.
ps: Has anyone try to set SSG to run in an purely attraction mode? Incoming magnet to fire the coil?Last edited by baroutologos; 05-27-2009, 10:13 AM.
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Hi Seph!
Hmm, I am not quite conviced that the charging effect is diminished. In fact when i have a hooked DMM on the charging batt it level off to the same voltage for both rotors at the same power consumpion.
Regarding the saturation note that, in the Nd magnet rotor the coil-magnet spacing is 15-20 mm so as to have smooth operation. So from such a distance saturation is little hard to be achieved. Whereas rmp and torque is almost doubled!
On the other hand, with the ferrite magnet rotor, the gap is 2 mm or less.
I have not conducted thorough charging-discharging cycles to see charging efficiency, but as you correctly said, i am after mechanical power.
(Its beyond my skills for now to make a window motor for mechanical power)
Anyway i plan as said at putting 3 coils out of phase and see their output on both rotors.
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Mainly because strong magnets permenantly magnetise (saturate) the cores of your coils...
You can perform more mechanical with stronger magnets but unless you are using air core coils I'm pretty sure you will be sacrificing the charging effect.
Also, back emf will be alot higher with stronger magnets which will also effect the charging efficiency... but if it is just mechanical you want then that isn't much of a problem.
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AXIAL SSG with Nd magnets vs Ferrites grade 8
Explaining my setup.
two similar sized rotors (11'') with six magnets embedded on the circumferce.
The one having 6 x 30mm (disk) ferrite grade 8 10mm thick double stacked (20mm)
The other having 6 x 25mm (disk) Nd grade 38? 10mm thkc double stacked (20mm)
I used a standard Besini SSG circuit with 3 BD243c transistors and a coil of 300 feet 5 x 22awg wire and 24 (trigger)
My double confirmed findings
In the Nd rotor having an larger appropriate distance of coil core to magnets with the 0.5 amp at 15volt power consumption i achieve rotor speed about 500-600 rmp and some good torque.
In the ferrite rotor the same coil with tha same power consumption (0.5 amp at 15volt) outputs some 250-300 rmp and considerable lesser torque. (half of the other rotor i would say)
I am asking. Why in SSG we are not suppose to uses neos? By the way, neos or not, my view is fixed that the greater the magnet the better the mechanical efficiency of the SSG "motor"
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