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Bedini SG

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  • ren
    Hi Rusl,

    Try 100 ohm (1 watt or higher preferably) resistor off the base of the transistor and a 1k pot. You should hook up to one side of the pot and the center peg. Also, to limit current flowing thorough the trigger winding you can place a small globe rated for the input voltage usually. 12v 50-200ma bulb depending on build size. It will glow if you are pushing too much current.

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  • Rusl

    hi Sethiroth and thanks for warm welcome.

    You know more than I about amps/ohms than I, and I sure to learn.
    I built it from a hand drawn monopole motor diagram leaving out the charging process.
    You are right about the resistance being low, the 6volt battery I used is
    1.2amps. the diagram showed only use 10ohm resistor but it got quite hot indeed. So i put an extra 50 ohm that sorted it.
    After connecting a 12volt 3.3amp battery the heat only increased. but far more speed.
    I then replaced the 50ohm resistor with a 5k pot that i converted to 1k, but that blew eventually, not sure why yet. I have many resistors to test on it and learning well by trial and error. there is an awfull lot to understand about amperage and resistance and finding the right knowledge is key.

    I hope to have some pictures online soon, its pretty cool for a salvaged machine. All thats new is the magnet wire.

    Also I feel blessed to be able to talk about it.


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  • ren
    Hi ABCstore,

    Sounds great, what is your input current?

    You could change a number of parameters and test to see if they offer improvement. Air gap is one, resistances is another, though it sounds like you have done a little tinkering with those.

    You could try double stacked magnets, or more around the circumference. Bigger coils are another option, but probably the most expensive. If you didnt twist all your wires together, you could try adding more to the coil at the same length as well.

    BTW, I like the looks of that transistor you mentioned at the top of the page

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  • ABCStore
    I've built my first real one after playing with various brushless fan prototypes.
    22" bicycle wheel, 9 grade 5 magnets (theoretical maximum - 10 @ 1.5 width).
    Spool: 4" length x 3" diameter with 1" inner core.
    Wire: 150' of four strands #20 and one #23 as trigger.
    Core: R60 welding electrodes, stainless with copper coatings.
    4x NJW21194G transistors, 4x 100 Ohm in the base, 1kOhm potentiometer, 4 groups of 5x 1N4007 diodes. Neons used C2A, 95VAC

    Best charging occurs when I see 2 spikes on the scope. It is also the highest voltage observed (~360v).

    Any suggestions? Should I try winding coil with more wire? Right now it's filled to about one half.


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  • theremart
    Welcome to addicts corner

    We are addicted to making our next generator :-)

    I was a week making my first one found I had a 100K resistor instead of a 100 ohm resistor at my base really slowed me up

    Soon you will have cravings of more magnet wire....

    Then images of new transistors will enter your sleep.

    Then at last you will start looking at electrical items on the side of the road and think.... hmmm I wonder if there is a bearing or a motor or a resistor I can yank off of that....

    ahhh yes the fun begins congrates

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  • Sephiroth

    and congratulations on your first motor Rusl!

    50 ohms is very low resistance but it sounds like your amp draw is low enough so it should be fine .

    Good luck with it!

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  • Rusl

    Hi to all firstly

    Obviously Im new to this forum world, also new to the brilliant bedini motors i watch people build online. Hello and many thanks to you.

    Secondly a shout goes to John Bedini himself for his marvel of simplicity.

    I recently built a simplified monopole motor using scribed schematic of the bedini motor i found here, energeticforum. I was amazed to hear the system kick in after a spin. i coud see it clearly infront of me rather than online videos and talks.

    The first few attempts to get it going I was unsuccessful at , but patience and swapping afew connections, it was off. Quite noisey at first and got hot around the coil but careful positioning of the coil, and a little more than 10ohm resistance solved this problem, (40 to 50ohms). Its been spinning now for almost 24hrs on a 6volt lead torch battery with no heat or much sound. fridge is louder!

    I also took a few blasts of i dont know what voltage

    I not tested nothing yet because not sure what to test but perseverance helps, numbers not seem important to get it running. my electronic experience is little, though i built rc models and a robot once. Number crunching starts now.

    thanks again for your annonimous help and maybe not so annonimous in future. Rusl

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  • Mark
    You can use the same circuit, if you only reverse the trigger wire and leave the power wire the same the motor would still work only it would be an attraction motor because the coil would fire a north field, so it would attact the south facing magnet. If you reversed both trigger and power coil wires then it would be just like a regular ssg but with south pole facing magnets.

    I not sure how it would work on a window motor, it may depend on the circuit your using. If your using a ssg circuit it may still work but you may only be able to use one power coil, but I havent worked with the window motor yet.

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  • tjnlsn255
    Thanks Mark,

    So if I had a second SG coil and trigger for the south poles would I need a PNP SG circuit or just reverse the wires on the trigger coil?

    So I could have two SG circuits and coils with the triggers reversed from each other? One circuit and bifiler for the North magnets and One circuit and bifiler for the South magnets... very intersting ...... I will give that a try.....

    Does anyone know what happens when you run a window motor with all North or South magnets?

    Are we having fun yet......


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  • Mark
    I'm pretty sure you could run nsnsnsn with no problems other than the speed would be a little slower. On an sg when the south pole passes the coil it would not trigger it to fire unless you had another complete coil and circuit set up with the trigger and power wires reversed.

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  • tjnlsn255
    North and South Magnets Alternating?

    What would happen to the trigger coil and transistor base if I alternated magnets on my rotor N, S, N, S, N, S?

    Right now it is N, N, N, N, N, N.....

    It looks like the Window Motor requires N, S, N, S, N, S

    I would like to use the same rotor for both my SSG and Window motor. Is that possible?

    What would happen to the Window motor if the rotor magnets where all Ns?

    Or will I have to figure out a way to easily swap the magnet configuration?

    Thank you all for any and all help......


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  • Mark
    46 mil AMP 12.6V input 3500 rpm

    Tuning my new SG now. 46 mil AMP at 12.6 volts and running at 2995-3504 rpm's. Thats just over 1/2 a watt input and turning the rotor at 3500 rpm's. And I'm charging car batteries! WOW I will get another meter to varify input. Using a 15000 uf 25v cap and scr dumping at just over 13 volts.

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  • theremart
    RE: idea

    Originally posted by tjnlsn255 View Post
    Is it possible to run two SSGs with the primary battery of one SSG being the charge battery of the second one and visa versa?

    If this would work there would be no need for battery swapping, correct?

    Just a thought.....

    According to Bedini, this cannot be done as you cannot charge primary battery at the same time as discharging to target.

    I have been testing out the design of 4christonly, which claims that you can do this, Plego had some success in this means, but I am still in reasearch stage of this.

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  • tjnlsn255
    Two Bedini SSGs running each other?

    Is it possible to run two SSGs with the primary battery of one SSG being the charge battery of the second one and visa versa?

    If this would work there would be no need for battery swapping, correct?

    Just a thought.....


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  • ABCStore
    I'm thinking of trying one of these - MJW18020G
    with the setup. Any thoughts?


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