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Bedini SG

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  • Druide
    Originally posted by Sephiroth View Post
    Sounds right wish I had a battery bank that large

    Let me know if you have a spare
    Wish I had one too...

    However, I did supply a 1000 Watts inverter with 3 fully SSG charged 100 Ah marine batteries, just to make sure I could power my fridge or my freezer in case of power failure, it worked but the batteries voltage droped quite rapidly.

    My goal is to become energy sufficient at home but I begin to realize that I'll have to invest a lot more money than I thought I'm sure that's one of the best investments I can make


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  • theremart
    Daftman mod.

    I have charged my Alum battery with solar and I have run the Bedini for 48 hours pulling .2 amp. I have found that the Alum has not charged very well at all with the Bedini for me, however, it works great with solar cells.

    The use of a reed switch has really pulled the power consumption down the way the Daftman has shown it.

    ( sorry for the mess testing using Imageshack to upload the image )

    ImageShack® - Image Hosting

    Last edited by theremart; 09-27-2008, 07:50 PM.

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  • theremart
    RE: amp hours

    Originally posted by Sephiroth View Post
    in fact, saying that, on larger batteries (around the 100ah mark and upwards) the true capacity of the battery may be misleading so yes, you will need that amount of amp hours, however a battery bank rated at 1600ah in total may not provide that amount of power.

    Research carefully before you buy!
    I agree with that, my semi batteries are 1000 amp hour batteries. However they do not yield anywhere near that. The best batteries have been the golf cart batteries, pulling 4 amps for 24 hours. Well within the c-20 rating..

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  • Sephiroth
    in fact, saying that, on larger batteries (around the 100ah mark and upwards) the true capacity of the battery may be misleading so yes, you will need that amount of amp hours, however a battery bank rated at 1600ah in total may not provide that amount of power.

    Research carefully before you buy!

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  • Sephiroth
    So, I'd need a 1667 Ah battery bank, right?
    Sounds right wish I had a battery bank that large

    Let me know if you have a spare

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  • Druide
    Battery capacity

    Hi everyone !

    I'd like to supply a 1000 Watts 120 Volts inverter with 12 Volts batteries at C-20 rate.

    So, I'd need a 1667 Ah battery bank, right?

    Thanks !


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  • Druide
    I've just finished reading this thread from the begenning, it took me a few weeks.

    I've learned so many interresting things !

    I was so pleased to read some John Bedini's posts, this man is so generous !

    I must say that everyone participating to this forum is generous too, thank you all for sharing your knowledge and experiments results with each other.


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  • Druide
    Sixth DVD in the "Energy from the Vacuum"TM Science Series

    Hi everyone,

    Here's a transcript of an e-mail I've received yesterday :

    __________________________________________________ _______________

    We are pleased to announce the Sixth DVD in the "Energy from the Vacuum"TM Science Series.

    This one features John Bedini, and is entitled "Inside Radiant Energy - Dialogues with John Bedini." In this film, John fields a whole host of questions about what his perception of Radiant Energy is, and then he demonstrates its capture and performance on the bench.

    Finally, in a candid give and take discussion, we get to see how John Bedini designs a circuit from scratch thinking about nothing but potentials. This is a completely unique experience, and there are several "AH-HA" moments when realization of this new paradigm's foundations are revealed, coupled with admiration for John for his ability to truly "think outside the box" in an almost completely uncharted field.

    In fact the existing crippled subset of electrical theory steers everyone well away from this whole arena, and John Bedini, standing on the shoulders of Tesla, has thankfully come up with a successful methodology for harnessing radiant energy that, with incredible generosity, he is sharing with all of us.

    The DVD is available at INSIDE RADIANT ENERGY - DVD#6


    Tony Craddock
    Web Administrator
    The Tom Bearden Website
    The Tom Bearden Website
    __________________________________________________ _______________

    Just can't wait to watch this new DVD !!!

    Keep on sharing open source engineering !


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  • theremart
    SSG working

    Originally posted by tjnlsn255 View Post

    I finally got it working....

    I had a bad connection between the power coil and the collector of the transistor.

    I also finally went out and got a bunch of welding rods and made a solid core for my new does that make a difference.......

    Thank you Shamus and every one for all your help

    This forum is the best! It is so so nice to have real people to talk to and get ideas!

    I will play with the SSG for a while and then its on to the Bedini Window motor and Newman motor so I can compare them and develope a motor with enough torque to drive a car alternator.

    I will over time add additional coils to the SSG and see how big a battery bank I can charge....

    Again, thank you all for your AWSOME support!

    Picture will be coming soon.....:-)

    Well done! persistence wins the day.

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  • tjnlsn255
    It is working

    I finally got it working....

    I had a bad connection between the power coil and the collector of the transistor.

    I also finally went out and got a bunch of welding rods and made a solid core for my new does that make a difference.......

    Thank you Shamus and every one for all your help

    This forum is the best! It is so so nice to have real people to talk to and get ideas!

    I will play with the SSG for a while and then its on to the Bedini Window motor and Newman motor so I can compare them and develope a motor with enough torque to drive a car alternator.

    I will over time add additional coils to the SSG and see how big a battery bank I can charge....

    Again, thank you all for your AWSOME support!

    Picture will be coming soon.....:-)

    Last edited by tjnlsn255; 09-26-2008, 10:41 PM.

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  • dambit

    Post a pic of your setup, unless you already have. It will be a lot easier to diagnose your problem.



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  • tjnlsn255
    If I have it correct, why would I switch it.... this is very confusing... it must be something else.....right?

    When I switch it I get no hum in the coil or any magnet repel at all.....

    I will continue to replace and check each item and wiring.....

    Thank you for all your is very nice to know I am not alone at this....

    I am sure I will return with more questions.....


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  • Shamus
    As far as the physical attachment points to the circuit go, yes. If it doesn't work, that means you probably have to swap where you have the leads connected to now, i.e., the one currently attached to the pot goes to the emitter and the one currently attached to the emitter goes to the pot.

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  • tjnlsn255
    Hi Shamus,

    Ok I will try it piece by piece....

    What it the correct way to have the trigger coil attached?

    Right now I have the start of the trigger coil attached to the negative of the primary battery and the emitter of the transistor.

    The finishing end of the trigger coil is attached to the pot..... is this correct?

    Thank you....


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  • Shamus
    Hi Todd,

    When troubleshooting this stuff it helps to be able to remove components easily. Also, when making measurements of components that are in the circuit they will most likely not give you correct readings because the meter may be measuring something else in that is connected to the path you're trying to measure. I've always built first attempts at circuits like this with alligator clips instead of solder for just that reason.

    So if you can, remove the components one at a time and check them outside of the circuit to see if they're still good. Then check to see if the coil windings (1) have continuity, and (2) are isolated from each other (not shorted to each other). In other words, you should be able to get a low ohm reading (using the Ohms scale of your meter ) for each pair of windings on your coil and you should get an open circuit (or high ohms) when pairing up strands from different windings.

    Assuming that all checks out OK, you would then check to see if your trigger wires are reversed (it seems your power wires are OK if you're getting N out of them when energized).

    Take it piece by piece and you'll figure out where the problem is.

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