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Bedini SG

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  • theremart
    Originally posted by Druide View Post
    Does paralelling diodes means paralelling all the anodes and all the cathodes together ? In my setup, I've connected the anodes of 2 1N5408 to the collector of the 2N3055 and each cathode to each positive charging battery post. It seems to work OK. Is it the best way ?



    The advantages of that is each battery will charge independently. when you mix two batteries together they will try to equalize charge. so if both of them are in parallel on may be draining to get the other one up to full charge. So Bedini has recommended that you do what you have stated.


    Directory:Bedini SG:Coachingec 21 '04 - PESWiki

    For myself I don't use the diodes in my battery swapper because I want the other batteries to equalize the drained battery to the other then charge all of the batteries at the level eventually they do level out. But then again, I am not Bedini, and my batteries don't charge as well as his does


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  • Druide
    Paralleling diodes

    Does paralelling diodes means paralelling all the anodes and all the cathodes together ? In my setup, I've connected the anodes of 2 1N5408 to the collector of the 2N3055 and each cathode to each positive charging battery post. It seems to work OK. Is it the best way ?



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  • Druide
    My first Bedini SG

    Hello everybody !

    It's the first time I post on the Renewable Energy forum.

    Last night, I've finished assembling my first Bedini SG and I hooked up a brand new 100 Ah deep cycle battery (I have 3 like this one) on the front end and hooked up a dead car battery for charging. It had 7.86 Volts left, now it reads 12.12 V. This is a battery with a built-in "green eye" hydrometer and it's still dark.

    This morning, I've hooked up a crapier battery to charge that was sitting outside for more than three years (3 winters with -20 -30 temperatures), it was reading 2.70 V ! I hooked it up with a second 1N5408 diode, it rised to 14.4 V then went back to 11 V or so, now it reads 11.58 V.

    I use the SSG circuit with a 2N3055 and everything runs cool without heatsink. My coil is a bifilar 760 wounds, 315 feet, 20AWG twisted together with a copper coated soldering rods core. The rotor is a Sony reel-to-reel tape spindle aluminium flywheel 4 inches in diameter with 5 X 3 stacked round 1 inch diameter 5/32 inch thick ceramic magnets. The tape spindle serves as a shaft and is mounted vertically on 2 bearing assemblies. The current drawing is 320 - 330 mA.

    The drive battery was reading 12.54 V when I hooked it up and it now reads 12.36 V. The rotor spins at 644 RPM. I've put a piece of masking tape that slaped the coil each rotor turn and synchronised that sound by ear with a software metronome. I don't have a scope but I'm pretty sure this thing is charging dead batteries.

    I'm waiting for some larger ceramic bloc magnets to build a bicycle wheel rotor with multiple coils. I'd like to use a 1000 Watts inverter with the deep cycle batteries. Here are some poor quality pics (my camera flash doesn't work anymore) of my first project. The assembly is quite messy, I just couldn't wait anymore to see this motor working...

    I will post more details as they will come.

    Keep on sharing open source engineering !

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  • ren
    Originally posted by mrbreau View Post
    Can anyone help me?

    I've done everything I know to do with my setup and it still won't charge a battery properly. The best happens with an old discarded battery with less than six volts in it. The battery will charge to 6 - 6.5V but stops there and starts to discharge the primary battery.......seriously!

    I've even started with a fairly new battery with a minumum safe charge on it, 12.20v and watched it discharge to 10.5V in a couple hours. The primary will also discharge below the safe level of 11.89V.

    I've replaced every part, one by one, with NO improvement. I've swapped coils with very slight changes in the above performance. I've even rebuilt the entire circuit with different parts! Still no effect.

    So, the question is; What the hell is going on here?

    I hope SOMEBODY can tell me what is wrong here.


    I am not sure what your problem is Warren?

    The primary battery will always discharge in SG configuration, the only way around that is with self runner experimentation. If your charging battery is DISCHARGING while the circuit is running then there is likely a wrong connection somewhere. Please note I have seen old/damaged batteries initially charge on the back end only to drop later, this is normal, but a brand new battery shouldnt do this. I cant offer you too much more, unless you can tell me exactly what it is you are trying to fix? Are you saying your secondary battery doesnt charge at all?

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  • ren
    Originally posted by tai61 View Post
    thought this thread might inspire a lol my ssg ,neo magnets standard bedini cuircuit ,wheel barrow wheel and most importantantely,a commom heat sink for the 2 21194,s and the 2x 200 ohm pots. get the link. have been running it with current going to the pots and both trans collectors,funny thing is,must have been making a inductive load thru pots or something cause now ive fixed problem cant get as good results. , before input 500ma ,output close to 500ma now input 7 to 800ma out put ,3 to 400 ma.weird .seems i didnt know that that current flows from collector to trans mounting bracket .does anyone have any ideas about wots happened, cheers

    Tai, the back of the MLJ transistors is actually a common connection with the collector. You could solder the power wire and output diode to the back if you really wanted to and it would still work. So if you have two transistors connected to a common CONDUCTIVE heat sink then you are essentially connecting both collectors together. Try isolating each tranny from each other, either with mica insulators or separate heatsinks. I am assuming your second transistor is hooked up as a slave winding?

    By the way, you want the least amount of current going to the battery as possible. My best charger at the moment has 1amp input, and less than 150ma output.

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  • mrbreau
    It doesn't matter

    Thanks for the reply.

    Originally posted by Sephiroth View Post
    Hi mrbreau

    What size are your batteries and what is your amp draw?
    The battery size and configuration doesn't seem to matter. Neither does it matter what coils I use or how they are wound. For example; Yesterday I hacked a computer fan and turned it on...........finally. And odd waveform appeared but the very beginning of the waveform is the same, it looks like an *eagles beak* starting from the underside as though no spike was present.

    I now realize that there isn't much to go on from my description but THAT IS ALL I HAVE TO GO ON TOO.

    BTW; The scope is connected to both ends of the power coil. Then again, under some tutelage I've connected the probes in various places with results being the same except for WHERE on the scope they appeared.

    Incidentally, on YouTube I have four videos in which this problem can be seen. Look for *mrbreau.*

    Thanks again.

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  • tai61
    thought this thread might inspire a lol my ssg ,neo magnets standard bedini cuircuit ,wheel barrow wheel and most importantantely,a commom heat sink for the 2 21194,s and the 2x 200 ohm pots. get the link. have been running it with current going to the pots and both trans collectors,funny thing is,must have been making a inductive load thru pots or something cause now ive fixed problem cant get as good results. , before input 500ma ,output close to 500ma now input 7 to 800ma out put ,3 to 400 ma.weird .seems i didnt know that that current flows from collector to trans mounting bracket .does anyone have any ideas about wots happened, cheers
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  • Sephiroth
    Hi mrbreau

    What size are your batteries and what is your amp draw?

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  • mrbreau
    Bedini SG - Need an answer

    Can anyone help me?

    I've done everything I know to do with my setup and it still won't charge a battery properly. The best happens with an old discarded battery with less than six volts in it. The battery will charge to 6 - 6.5V but stops there and starts to discharge the primary battery.......seriously!

    I've even started with a fairly new battery with a minumum safe charge on it, 12.20v and watched it discharge to 10.5V in a couple hours. The primary will also discharge below the safe level of 11.89V.

    I've replaced every part, one by one, with NO improvement. I've swapped coils with very slight changes in the above performance. I've even rebuilt the entire circuit with different parts! Still no effect.

    So, the question is; What the hell is going on here?

    I hope SOMEBODY can tell me what is wrong here.


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  • N O G
    Twin transistor setup

    Hi there, here is a photo of my twin transistor SSG energizer ,quad filler 2@22awg 4.6 ohms 2@24awg 7.6 ohms(ohms for each wire) 530 turns together on 1 inch tie wire core,mjl21194 transistors,100ohm resistor + 1k trim pot for each transistor ,8 ferrite magnets,multiple cd's glued together on a harddrive bearing,90v neos ,in5408 diodes ,theres also a little charging dynamo for 9v batteries and load tests(made from car relay coils and washermachine solinoids. The coil at the time had one extra thick wire wrapped around aswell (some spare wire of a transformer)just for playing around cap pulsing at the time i was learning things.This is one of the first SSG energizers ive made and i still use it for experimenting with.With trim pots you can experiment at large variations to judge different things.Ive used all types of voltages up to 24v with full trim pot adjustments with nothing getting hot(except the core when you push it (eddy currents) with max input amps). 100ma to around one amp is its input range at 12v .It will charge batteries at a good rate of the collector depending on input amps to the SSG.
    Last edited by N O G; 02-28-2011, 11:51 AM.

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  • dambit
    update on my enegizer.

    Hi All,

    I finally have modified my enegizer. I have added a third coil to the unit (1 trigger, 4 power, 980ish turns). I have used multiple output diodes on each transistor.
    I have noticed a large difference is charging performance. With only the two origional coils, I could barely charge my 57 Ah car battery. Now I drain it 10% and it charges back in ony a few hours. It was given to me for free because it was dead, and I am slowly getting longer use from it.


    Last edited by dambit; 05-28-2009, 11:52 AM.

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  • patmac
    My Bedini Reloaded with Two Rotors

    YouTube - Dual Rotor fly wheel Bedini SG

    More Radiant Energy, More Mechanical torque (a little)

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  • patmac
    Originally posted by dambit View Post
    Hi All,

    I've been looking over various energizer schematics/diagrams, and I have noticed that many of them have multiple output diodes paralelled together and all going to the charging battery. Does this setup improve the performance of the enegizer?

    P.S. Finally ordered the FEG book, so maybe that will privide some insight. I'm sure it will



    Yesterday I was testing the real diode's function by using them in paralel, is amazing and obvious his real function, the real mathematics model of diodes shows clearly a drop voltage in the K-A junction so in the practical this limits the max power that our power coil able give us in Back EMF way. Normally this voltage drop is about 0.6 volts, but can be higher when the junction has no recovered of inversed voltage as Bedini's Osc case.

    I have tested this diodes:

    1N4001 x 4 in paralel: works great, capactitor charged very fast.

    1N5404: voltage drop very high, in paralel is far away from 1N4001

    1N5408: equal to 5404. very big can be difficult for a pcb.

    1N4148: it's high recovery, but voltage drop......

    The 1N4001 x 4 in paralel, it's highly necessary in Bedini Osc, when you put diodes in paralel voltage drop appearentely get to hide.

    The diode connected Base-Emisor, normally 1N914 can be replaced by 1N4148 because is high recovery and is possible get higher RPM's. I had no tested yet.

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  • dambit
    Multiple output diodes???

    Hi All,

    I've been looking over various energizer schematics/diagrams, and I have noticed that many of them have multiple output diodes paralelled together and all going to the charging battery. Does this setup improve the performance of the enegizer?

    P.S. Finally ordered the FEG book, so maybe that will privide some insight. I'm sure it will



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  • mlindeblom
    I started with 2n3055's. I do not have a scope so I charged a capacitor quickly (no load on SSG) to determine peak voltage. Do this process at your own risk as it can blow parts fast. With 2n3055's, I was getting 165 volts. With MJ15024's, I was getting 225 volts.

    In normal operation, with brief load disconnects for whatever reason, the protection NE-2's would glow dull orange with 2n3055. With the MJ15024's, I would get bright pink. With three power coils using MJ15024's, I would get blinding violet.

    I used the MJ15024's as the local electronic shop did not have MJ21194's.

    I have found all John Bedini's gems worth following.

    All my transistors have run cold. There must be negative resistance or some effect taking place.

    I plan on using MJ21194's for my next build.

    Possibly in a half H bridge with a MJ21193.

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