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Bedini SG

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  • ren
    Originally posted by theremart View Post
    The SSG can function as either an attraction or repulsion energizer. I do not know which is more effective... I am just thinking of how to get more out of the same setup. Yes, I know this is not typical just a crazy idea...

    I think I need to stop playing with the wheel and move on over to solid state.
    But the wheel does have me hooked

    Last night I got my 300V transistor working hurray! I was only using 12V to make sure everything is working, but more to come. I think I will compare the wave forms of this transistor to the others. I would like to take the 90V coming out of my Rotoverter and feed it into my SSG. Having this push against say 36V on the charging side of the SSG.

    Yes I have seen the size of your magnets. I hate to think of the size of your notes you put on the fridge

    I have noticed with my neos, that it seems at time I am loosing transistors when I first start up the SSG, I see the amps to to jump up to max. I know then that i have just killed an transistor. My theory is that I am getting such a strong spike that the transistor just can't take it. ( note this is with my 160lb neos ) i have never had this problem with the smaller neos. This is not a consistent thing as I can go weeks at time without this happening. It seems to not happen if I have the wheel turning before I hook up the battery....

    Thanks for you input Ren !


    Lol @ the fridge magnets! Id never get them off the fridge!

    Sorry if I seemed to be attacking you at all in my last post, it was never intended that way at all!

    I admire the amount and variety of experiments you have conducted Mart, you must have a decent sized garage! I just built a little solid state device the other night and it is interesting, (and compact!) but like you say the rotor offers more possibilities.

    One question, does the Neo rotor you have (the one which blows transistors) oscillate solid state on startup sometimes. One of the air cored neo rotors I had would suck amps on startup in solidstate unless the rotor was spun before it was switched on.

    300v transistors cool Let us know how they perform.

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  • theremart
    RE: My crazy idea..

    Originally posted by ren View Post
    Hi Mart,

    In regards to your comment on reversing polarity to make use of attraction:

    The SG IS based on attraction! You already have attraction occuring in this circuit, and its done for free! The coil fires to break the back half of the cycle and eliminate magnetic drag, so the next magnet can be attracted to the core.

    I was thinking the other day if one wants a little more torque from the SG then it would make sense to increase the size of the magnet and the size of the core no? So there is stronger attraction occuring. Of course one must stay within design parameters somewhat, but Mart youve seen the size of some of the ceramic magnets you (I) can get wink wink.

    After saying all that I dont think your idea is without merit. Infact you could be onto something. If there is attraction occuring without power, then perhaps with power the attraction could be stronger and thus add more mechanical.

    When I first played around with a hall effect circuit I wasnt sure what would work better, attracting the approaching magnet and switching off around TDC or repulsing just after TDC so I tried both. It was as simple as changing coil polarity and location of the hall, both methods worked equally well for me. But at that stage I was only focused upon rotation, so I cant speak for energy collection as well. A multifilar coil (perhaps even caduceus wound?) would be fun to experiment with where one strand was timed with a hall or other method to attract and the other was simple SG to do what it does best. They would have to be out of phase of course. But I like your train of thought
    The SSG can function as either an attraction or repulsion energizer. I do not know which is more effective... I am just thinking of how to get more out of the same setup. Yes, I know this is not typical just a crazy idea...

    I think I need to stop playing with the wheel and move on over to solid state.
    But the wheel does have me hooked

    Last night I got my 300V transistor working hurray! I was only using 12V to make sure everything is working, but more to come. I think I will compare the wave forms of this transistor to the others. I would like to take the 90V coming out of my Rotoverter and feed it into my SSG. Having this push against say 36V on the charging side of the SSG.

    Yes I have seen the size of your magnets. I hate to think of the size of your notes you put on the fridge

    I have noticed with my neos, that it seems at time I am loosing transistors when I first start up the SSG, I see the amps to to jump up to max. I know then that i have just killed an transistor. My theory is that I am getting such a strong spike that the transistor just can't take it. ( note this is with my 160lb neos ) i have never had this problem with the smaller neos. This is not a consistent thing as I can go weeks at time without this happening. It seems to not happen if I have the wheel turning before I hook up the battery....

    Thanks for you input Ren !


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  • ren
    Hi Mart,

    In regards to your comment on reversing polarity to make use of attraction:

    The SG IS based on attraction! You already have attraction occuring in this circuit, and its done for free! The coil fires to break the back half of the cycle and eliminate magnetic drag, so the next magnet can be attracted to the core.

    I was thinking the other day if one wants a little more torque from the SG then it would make sense to increase the size of the magnet and the size of the core no? So there is stronger attraction occuring. Of course one must stay within design parameters somewhat, but Mart youve seen the size of some of the ceramic magnets you (I) can get wink wink.

    After saying all that I dont think your idea is without merit. Infact you could be onto something. If there is attraction occuring without power, then perhaps with power the attraction could be stronger and thus add more mechanical.

    When I first played around with a hall effect circuit I wasnt sure what would work better, attracting the approaching magnet and switching off around TDC or repulsing just after TDC so I tried both. It was as simple as changing coil polarity and location of the hall, both methods worked equally well for me. But at that stage I was only focused upon rotation, so I cant speak for energy collection as well. A multifilar coil (perhaps even caduceus wound?) would be fun to experiment with where one strand was timed with a hall or other method to attract and the other was simple SG to do what it does best. They would have to be out of phase of course. But I like your train of thought

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  • theremart
    RE: Neos..

    Originally posted by dambit View Post
    Here is a quick pic of my Hwave. I couldn't get the camera in sync with the scope so I have posted my video and query on youtube. My name there is SJohnM81.
    Hi Dambit,

    I love playing with neos, but as you have found as well they DEMAND that you get them placed at the right distance from the coil. I have found that tying the coil down and making sure it it does not move was a big plus with using these magnets.

    I am getting the same wave forms as you on my scope. My method of tuning with these is to put a meter on the charging battery and keep adjusting till I get the highest rate of charge ( when I am pulling off of the wall socket ) this for me typically is the highest amount of amps ( not much about 1/2 amp ) flowing to the target battery. However if i am using a battery as the source, I then go for the slow charge approach. I will tune for high RPMS of the wheel. I will find the highest rpms and let it run for hours and hours getting a nice slow trickle charge to target battery.

    I guess patience is the key with getting the most out of the SSG. Getting supercharged batteries takes several charges / discharges. I am finding the smaller batteries 7 amp hour / 12 amp hour are responding much quicker to this as oppossed to my Golf cart batteries. But at last, I am seeing some great progress, I ran a set of two of my golf cart batteries for over 37 hours pulling one amp, and I could still go longer.... with my computer battery tester I could not do this a few months ago, but now, the batteries are responding as they should. Now at last I believe I can use an inverter to power my 40V power supply to charge the other batteries. The conditioning process is getting faster now.

    Another thing i have found is I had to weed out bad batteries. Some batteries even after months and months of conditioning do nothing but drain your system.

    I am getting much better charging rate with my neos on my trifilar single coil verses using the computer battery fan. I am guessing that it is the size of the coil that makes the difference? or the sharpness of the spikes? The computer battery fan turns at 7,600 RPMs while the neo's on the fan turn at 4,000 RPM. I am seeing sharper spikes with the neo, but more heat in the coil which tells me there is waisted energy.

    I just got the Energy from the Vacuum video of Howard Johnson, and my world is now enlarged... I loved the way this man looked at magnets, his experiments really rocked my world all over again. I learned much more about neos in that video and the book was excellent.

    A wild idea I had was could one use a relay with the SSG to inverse the polarity of the coil at just the right time that the coil could act as both an attraction motor and at the right time an repulsion motor. ( was considering maybee an opto trigger to do this )...

    So many variations to play with

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  • Aaron
    Bedini SG

    There are a lot of Bedini SG type groups but this is one of the few with so many people actually DOING THE EXPERIMENTS!

    About 2 weeks ago, I had my 12v/1amp cell in the sun running my reel to reel motor keeping the batts topped off so it will just keep running through the night. Problem is, for this cell it does need some pretty bright sun. If I didn't see flowers blooming and veggies growing in my garden, there wouldn't be much proof this is even spring time here in Eastern Washington. Cold, Wet, Cloudy.

    Anyway, nice synchronicity considering what is being discussed

    Keep those experiments coming and more of it and spread the word! Chatted with John today for the first time in a while because I moved recently and been very busy with PATHS but it sounds like you are going to be hearing about some exciting projects in the near future.

    Each day it becomes more and more crucial that more people understand the reality of these circuits. Rip off gas prices that has nothing to do with any shortage, paying more for less gasoline with more alcohol added to the gas, etc...

    I can't describe what a thrill and honor it is to see all of your collaborated efforts right here in Energetic Forum, Peter's thread and the other renewable energy threads!
    Last edited by Aaron; 06-10-2008, 07:33 AM.

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  • dambit
    Here is a quick pic of my Hwave. I couldn't get the camera in sync with the scope so I have posted my video and query on youtube. My name there is SJohnM81.
    Last edited by dambit; 07-09-2008, 04:52 PM.

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  • dambit
    I'm on the Gold Coast at the moment. I don't know anyone doing this on the coast, but I'm sure they are around. The jaycar guy says thet there are a lot of people working on the HHO stuff, but he hasn't heard of Bedini. Not suprising considering his attitude towards this kind of research.

    My sister stole my camera, and my PC is too far away so as soon as i get a new one I'll post the pics/vids.

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  • ren
    Hey Dambit,

    Yeah Jaycar is the spot for most of your supplies, the ML's are good from there. The only parts I have needed to source elsewhere are opto isolators, high voltage SCR's and of course wire + magnets. The local jaycar boys at Erina are starting to get to know me, as I am always there buying the same parts! They are pretty open minded too.

    Nah Im not the tesladownunder guy, though I love that site! Some cool time lapse photos of electrical discharges.

    Where are you located? Theres a few other aussies I have been in contact with via the monopole forums, we are starting to spread the word! Some of my replications can be seen on youtube, username "shannrenn"

    Id be interested to see your scope shots when you get a chance.

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  • dambit
    Thanks Ren,

    I'm lucky where I live as i have 4 electronics shops in the area and they have all been helpfull so far. (considering they are all sceptics) They also don't charge too much for the MJL transistors ($11), I find them much easier to solder things to than the 3055's. Jaycar is actually cheaper than farnell who charge about $14 for theirs.

    I noticed the tesla coil pic in your profile, are you the Tesla downunder guy who builds the huge ones?



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  • dambit
    I completely forgot about using a solar panel in place of a primary batt. I have one on the garage I think I'll try out.

    I have been experimenting with coil position and distance from the magnets. As I am using neos at the moment my coil cannot be as close as those using ceramics, but I have notice that when my coil is positioned in its optimal position (depends on which coil I am using) I observe the shifting into high gear effect and general performance is good (for a single coil device), however moving the coil only 1mm out of this position will cancel the high gear effect and charging performance also decreases a little.

    I have also noticed that when the device "shifts into high gear" I get the normal "H wave" on the scope when only moments earlier there it was different. The wave changes from two normal H waves followed by one short h wave to the normal one "H" per magnet pass. I will post scope shots when I can. I thought is was a setting issue with my scope but I've tried all the different timings and soforth.

    Has anyone else noticed this.


    Last edited by dambit; 06-10-2008, 03:51 AM.

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  • **~Imhotep~**
    The master returns

    This is a moment of a lifetime. I would have never thought I would have had such a opportunity to be able to tell You, Mr.Bedini how great I think you are. I have read everything you have wrote. You have helped me with my understanding of my studies. Me and my wife Shiva are in awe of you and everything you have done and created. Your technology will help to save lives in Florida, because of the unique situation where storms can take out power and the ability to get to stores for sometimes weeks. It is not just Florida either. If just a few hundred people in Louisiana would have had your technology, it would have made things easier for everyone. You are truly becoming worldwide now. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the time and effort you have put forth with all your work.

    Your biggest fans and supporters,
    Imhotep and Shiva

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  • John_Bedini
    I will be back with some new things soon.

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  • gmeat
    Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
    Good work guys.
    Remember you can make a low light SG solar motor using 4 volts to charge 12 volt batteries. The energize can run continuos for days without running down. When I'm done with my project I may post pictures and circuits on how to do this.
    What needs to be done is specialized lighting using the sg circuits, you must remember that you have a high voltage oscillator in the SG, led's love this if hooked up correctly.

    Hi John,

    Thx for dropping in on the forum ,I hope to see more of you in the future.


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  • ren
    Yay John! Awesome.

    @ Dambit, I am in Australia too mate, if you need a hand or some ideas for resources, sing out.

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  • theremart
    Hi John!

    Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
    Good work guys.
    Remember you can make a low light SG solar motor using 4 volts to charge 12 volt batteries. The energize can run continuos for days without running down. When I'm done with my project I may post pictures and circuits on how to do this.
    What needs to be done is specialized lighting using the sg circuits, you must remember that you have a high voltage oscillator in the SG, led's love this if hooked up correctly.

    I am looking forward to seeing this!

    Roll out the red carpet for John !

    I am getting ready to do an earth battery.... I was wondering if Coax would work, or if I need to stick to FM / TV cable...


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