Apparently there is a difference between N and S, such as the north pole repulsive forces are stronger then the south pole, but only slightly so. That, and I think you might have to flip your coil upside down if you reverse your magnet facing.
About caps - Correct me if I'm wrong, but larger caps charge differently then smaller ones in relation to a signal. if your capacitor is exactly as big as the pulse, then it fills up more efficiently then an oversized cap. Dr. Stiffler knows more about caps then I do.
Farads is the surface area between metal plates, and voltage is the distance between metal plates and dielectric efficiency.
Also when caps discharge to another cap, 1/4 of the energy is lost. If you use the cap to charge an inductor and nebulize it, the inductor's flyback charges the second cap much better then the DC pulse from the first configuration. Some is still lost, but its a better transfer. The root idea is the flyback gives you a better charge, and that is exactly what the SSG uses to charge stuff. This flyback is what seems to heal the batteries. If you want to think deeply, then you can compare the hot electricity from the metal near the caps to the magnetic energy from flyback, and see that even though both are claimed to be electricity, one is much different and behaves similar to, but different then, electricity. This is magnetic power, regenerative in nature. This is why flyback can heal batteries while hot current (divergent in nature) destroys em.
People have tried to use S pole motors and even alternating pole motors but I think it was experimentally found that N pole motors operate better. Something about the N side of a magnet, maybe it supports a stronger Bloch wall? ...
About caps - Correct me if I'm wrong, but larger caps charge differently then smaller ones in relation to a signal. if your capacitor is exactly as big as the pulse, then it fills up more efficiently then an oversized cap. Dr. Stiffler knows more about caps then I do.
Farads is the surface area between metal plates, and voltage is the distance between metal plates and dielectric efficiency.
Also when caps discharge to another cap, 1/4 of the energy is lost. If you use the cap to charge an inductor and nebulize it, the inductor's flyback charges the second cap much better then the DC pulse from the first configuration. Some is still lost, but its a better transfer. The root idea is the flyback gives you a better charge, and that is exactly what the SSG uses to charge stuff. This flyback is what seems to heal the batteries. If you want to think deeply, then you can compare the hot electricity from the metal near the caps to the magnetic energy from flyback, and see that even though both are claimed to be electricity, one is much different and behaves similar to, but different then, electricity. This is magnetic power, regenerative in nature. This is why flyback can heal batteries while hot current (divergent in nature) destroys em.
People have tried to use S pole motors and even alternating pole motors but I think it was experimentally found that N pole motors operate better. Something about the N side of a magnet, maybe it supports a stronger Bloch wall? ...
