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Bedini Schoolgirl

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  • Hehe, yeah it go's up to 12 000 with new bearings it's a bit of a laugh really, at 10 000 rpm thats 166 revs a second, the rotor is 50mm, so the magnets are traveling at about 26 meters a second. I'm very surprised the magnets haven't come off yet. I glued them on with hot glue. If the rotors not balanced good it ruins the bearings and won't spin so fast. It runs on up to 30 volts which kinda surprised me. Best charging is at about 7500 rpm .

    There are three power coils, but only one trigger coil, each power coil has a transister and there has to be identical resisters from the trigger winding to each transister base as well as the original pot and fixed resister, I have the fixed resister jumpered with a switch for fast spinup.

    There is probably a circuit drawing somewhere in this thread for multi coil SG.

    Oh there is a generator coil at the top of course just to see if it would work.

    I'll see if I can find a multi coil drawing and post it here.


    P.S. You could quite easily make your's into a two three or four coil SG. one that size would probably spin up to a sweet spot somewhere between 2 to 6 thousand rpm, and would work very well. but you need to make sure the magnets don't come off a bigger one like yours, mine has soft linolium type magnet strips, so i'm not too woried about it.
    Last edited by Farmhand; 12-16-2010, 10:04 AM.


    • Nice video - coild look small. I presume they are single coil ? Do you know the swg and how many turns (or the resistance and the length can be worked out.



      • Hi faramog, I think your question is directed to me,

        The wire on my little coils is very thin I have no way of knowing what the actual size is, I took it from a 24 volt fan that had a big single spool with two wires on it (bifilar), so the trigger/power (main coil) coil has four wire's and the power coils have two. I paralelled two wire's on each coil for power windings 19 ohms paralelled, I only used a single wire for the trigger and the remaining wire on the main coil powers the led string in the middle. A single winding is 35 ohms. IF I had to guess I would say AWG 36 maybe 40 it's not much thicker than a hair.

        Having said all that I think it would work better with slightly bigger wire and less winds. I was going to wind it with .5 mm wire but I don't think I would get enough winds on the little spools.

        I can't seem to find a drawing for multi coil SG I might have to look for a bit.


        • Multi coil picture....


          I have attached a multi-coil bedini picture.......

          Hopes and Dreams.....

          Attached Files


          • Yeah thats it thanks. I was starting to wonder if i could find one. Now I don't have to.



            • First Bedini (2)

              Hi all,

              Thanks to your inputs, especially from Farmhand, i was able to improve on my first Bedini.
              I hooked up a charging battery similar as the one i use as source battery.
              I also put back a potentiometer (1 K) in series with a 100 Ohm resistor, and was now able to tune the setup so that i got only 1 pulse / magnet.
              The amps drawn from the source battery is around 150mA (= 574 Ohm in the base circuit) and the trigger pulses come at about 124Hz, meaning my RPM will be around 1800.
              The voltage pulse measured on the output before the 1n4007 diode is 42V, and the charging battery is charging nicely.
              During tuning when the video was taken, the camera went a bit out of focus, i guess by the pulsing, sorry about that.
              Video from this all is to be found here: YouTube - 20101217135518.mpg

              Many thanks for all, Regards


              • Hi Itsu, that all looks good to me, the waveform looks neat. Good stuff.

                I50 Ma is very good, you must have good bearings and rotor.

                The neo's and the ferrite core seem to be working well too.

                I'm glad I could help. Congratulations.



                • Scrapping wire from ac motor

                  I have a ac motor from a pool pump. Can I use the coil wire from it to use on a monopole?


                  • Hi Gdez, I haven't tried that but as long as you can get enough wire off there I can't see why not. I'm fairly sure i remember reading a post some where by John Bedini himself where he said that the wire can be joined aswell as long as it's a good soldered joint and insulated with heat shrink or laquer or something appropriate. The size of the wire is not that critical either in the ballpark area is good enough in my opinion.

                    So pretty much yeah if you can get it out without doing irrepairable damage to it, go for it. Of course reusing some wire you already have is way better than buying new stuff. I couldn't say exactly how much you would need, 100 feet x 2 or so.

                    How thick is the wire in the motor ?



                    • I'm going to take the motor apart tommorow. i'll let you know.


                      • What happens if you charge an inductor with high inductance and low resistance and than short it? Think what happen to the field.

                        This idea to charge the other battery is not bad, but maybe you don't use the full potential of the motor. A discharged battery is = to a low resistance load.

                        I went to fair and met the keppe motor guys and they said something like: you input the energy for a small time and than wait for the return of the energy from space. I read the book and is kind of interesting even if not very clear. Sound like charlatanism however.

                        My best guess is this, to charge the coil and than to short it as to make the time constant very big.

                        In my idea the time constant of the discharge should be greater than the charging. This could be accomplished having two different coils on the same core and switching mechanism.


                        • Originally posted by sebosfato View Post
                          What happens if you charge an inductor with high inductance and low resistance and than short it? Think what happen to the field.

                          This idea to charge the other battery is not bad, but maybe you don't use the full potential of the motor. A discharged battery is = to a low resistance load.

                          I went to fair and met the keppe motor guys and they said something like: you input the energy for a small time and than wait for the return of the energy from space. I read the book and is kind of interesting even if not very clear. Sound like charlatanism however.

                          My best guess is this, to charge the coil and than to short it as to make the time constant very big.

                          In my idea the time constant of the discharge should be greater than the charging. This could be accomplished having two different coils on the same core and switching mechanism.
                          Hi sebosfato, In my current state of mind that make some sense to me, even with my very comprehensive lack of actual knowledge.

                          I think I have read some idea's from Lamare similar but different.

                          That should not be that hard to test, any idea's. Phototransistors ? Optocouplers ?

                          Switching between two different length coils (same mass)(same core) for charge and discharge. Charge the short one and retrieve the field with the longer one ? Diabolical. Or the other way ? I'm interested.



                          • Hello Farmhand,

                            My idea of this is that a coil having different inductances you can create the same field having different currents. The idea is that when you energize a coil it will only have a field when the current is varying over time. If you interrupt the current in a coil for example the field will need to collapse in a very small time. Differently when you instead of interrupting you short the coil the current will have a free path to flow so the field will have a longer time to collapse. In my idea you input maybe you input 12v 1 amp and for example when you short you will have 1,2v 10 amps flowing for a bigger time cause the inductance would change if you short the coil so as the time constant... Just like the opposite of the kick back effect witch is commonly used to achieve a higher voltage by manipulating the discharge time.

                            The guys i mentioned use a reed switch and a battery. They claim their motors are more powerful than common ones, and of simpler construction and lower cost. So basically they started saying that they had more efficient motors up to 60% more than common motors, now they claim to have over unity saying that the return of the universe is greater than the disturbance you cause.

                            Basically what i think is that the second coil (bigger time constant one) should be shorted when the current reach the max to make the field as long in time as possible. While the other coil must be opened simultaneously and i think it should have also a mean to restrict the current cause when the other coil short out a big current would flow.

                            I think that a reed switch and a logic circuit would be enough, but an optocoupler switch like those steorn uses could be nice too.

                            Steorn say to use a control pulse, this aways made me think about it.

                            a capacitor would be the best short cause it behave like a negative resistance, if a big capacitor could be used the field could be made to be quite long...i guess



                            • Originally posted by sebosfato View Post
                              What happens if you charge an inductor with high inductance and low resistance and than short it? Think what happen to the field.

                              This idea to charge the other battery is not bad, but maybe you don't use the full potential of the motor. A discharged battery is = to a low resistance load.

                              I went to fair and met the keppe motor guys and they said something like: you input the energy for a small time and than wait for the return of the energy from space. I read the book and is kind of interesting even if not very clear. Sound like charlatanism however.

                              My best guess is this, to charge the coil and than to short it as to make the time constant very big.

                              In my idea the time constant of the discharge should be greater than the charging. This could be accomplished having two different coils on the same core and switching mechanism.
                              Hello sebosfato, could I pick your brain again ?

                              If I wind four identical wires on the same core, series connect two and parallel connect the other two and switch between the two sets will that have the same effect as you are describing ?


                              Oh yeah and what exactly do you mean by "time constant" does that mean that the discharge time is longer than the charge time but only considering the same energy transfer ? or something else. Please explain ?
                              Last edited by Farmhand; 12-22-2010, 07:24 PM.


                              • battery choice

                                I am going to build the school girl model. I'm first learning what the different transistors, diodes, etc. do. This forum is great, I'd rather learn from someone who knows or has made mistakes. Then I can do it right the first time.

                                My question is; does the type of battery make a difference. People seem to be using lead acid or gel batts. Is this because they are rechargable. Can alkaline batts be used for this simple set up? Does a certain amount of AmpH need to be used?

