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Bedini Schoolgirl

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  • magnetic boost

    Ok Guys, i made a video of my newly setup battery (fixed source and charge battery) in response of the remarks of "Bill H" in post 322.

    By re-tuning the magnet/coil distance together with a max. charge-current sweetspot i am now able to charge the charging battery "over" 13 volts which i could not do before.

    The trick was to not tune for max rpm. and 1 puls/magnet, but rather to tune for max. charging current (at the expense of 2 pulses/magnet, lower RPM and higher input current :-( )
    Another trick was to "boost" the coil by placing a southpole oriented magnet on the back of the core (desaturating this core?)

    Anyway, i can now load the charging battery much more effectively then before.

    Video can be found here: YouTube - Bedini 4.avi

    Regards Itsu


    • I just found a Fluke 96B ScopeMeter up the attic How does one go about connecting this up to see the pulses coming out of the SSG?

      "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

      "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


      • Hi dR-Green, Nice find on the scope meter, I wish i could find one of those.

        Not sure how to work one of those, but to see the "h" wave you need to connect the scope ground to the "emitter', and the scope probe to the transistor collector or the anode of the output diode.

        Just incase you don't have a manual for that meter, which you probably do. But anyway here's a link if you don't.

        Just make sure you have the scope set correctly. before you connect it, you don't want to damage that.



        • Thanks Farmhand, it's where to connect the probes I was wondering. I have no idea how to use this scope, or any scope for that matter, so maybe I'll wait until my dad is available to try that out. As long as I know what I'm supposed to be connecting where... But he seems to think I should be ok just experimenting with it and I'm unlikely to damage it? I think I'll wait until he's about tomorrow though just to be on the safe side.

          Yes I have the manual, it's practically brand new in the box. Good thing my dad doesn't like digital scopes Thanks for the link anyway

          "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

          "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


          • About batteries

            Hi, all. This is my first post. my question is about batteries. I'm not sure if there is a thread for this or not. If so I wasn't able to find it yet. Any way I have a working ssg and have be running some test on batteries, but would like to know what kind of cells other users are working with. I mean others types besides lead acid. I've been working with AA ni-cads and NIMH mostly. I haven't done much with lithium, li-ion, mercury and the like. Alkaline seem to be a dud. In short I've got some test results to post if anyone would like to see them, and I would like to compare my findings with others. Looking forward to a responce.



            • Originally posted by eastcoasttinker View Post
              Hi, all. This is my first post. my question is about batteries. I'm not sure if there is a thread for this or not. If so I wasn't able to find it yet. Any way I have a working ssg and have be running some test on batteries, but would like to know what kind of cells other users are working with. I mean others types besides lead acid. I've been working with AA ni-cads and NIMH mostly. I haven't done much with lithium, li-ion, mercury and the like. Alkaline seem to be a dud. In short I've got some test results to post if anyone would like to see them, and I would like to compare my findings with others. Looking forward to a responce.


              @Eastcoasttinker to the forum.
              I tried NiKad and Ni/Metal Hybride's. Lithium are a bit different and I found that some have protection built in which will not allow to charge with spike. My main focus was on flooded lead acid, even small, motorcycle or garden tractor type. They seem to work best with those systems, simple or advanced. Alkaline cell can be recharged but with caution and only few times. They aren't design for such and will die. I still use one transistor SSG for recharging small batteries since my other setups are too powerful.

              Last edited by blackchisel97; 03-08-2011, 03:28 AM. Reason: edit text
              'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

              General D.Eisenhower



              • Hi Eastcoast and from me too.

                I found, i can charge close anything, even Buttion Cells, except Lithium-Ion Akkus. They seems have an other Cycle to charge them, but i did not have a lot from them right now, to play around with it.
                Some Alkaline did pop for me too, but mainly it works, when i reduce the Duty cycle very much.
                Alkaline do need therefor more time to charge them with a lower ammount of Current.
                For the Button Cells, i used very very low Current, i stopped my SG and did let it osscilate at 1,4V and less then 10mA. Therefor it charged them up and a Clock now runs since over 2 Weeks with it.
                The first attempt i did with a Button Cell was, that i charged it with to much Power,
                and it did not take much time, that it was hot and destroyed.
                For any other Devices, i take the Batteries away from the rest of the Circuit, and only charge them alone,
                else it may damage the Rest from any Circuits.

                But there are still a lot of Batteries around, where still the Quality of the Material is very poor.
                It doesnt mean, that it cant be charged, when it is a certain Combination,
                but i need to try allways first, with how much Power i can charge them.
                Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                • Thanks for the responses. Wasn't sure this threat had much activity. Glad to see it does.
                  Blackchisel97, I've heard lithium polomers have circuity that prevent radaint charging, but I'm not sure if that includes li-ion like cell phone batt. Any thoughts?

                  Joit, I've also tried to charge button cells, but they blew up on me. I thought I might have gotten the polarity mixed up, but either way they both poped. I'll try your suggestion. Hope it works.

                  I'm going to go over my notes and post the tests I've done. Hope its useful.


                  • Test results

                    Note on small AA’s

                    I have been charging small AA’s for a while now, but never took reading during this period. I have noticed that most of them have increased in power (i.e. – voltage and longevity). The two types I have been working with most are NIMH and NI-Cads. The NI-Cads are from an old set of solar garden lights kicking about the yard. Some were unrecoverable while others could still hold a small charge, if at all. They now can charge up well beyond there 1.2 volt rating and have at times gone as high as 1.6 volts. The NIMH have also responded well. They provide more work or last longer than the NI-Cads, but are unable, at this time, to reach the 1.6 volt rating. However, a recent test done with a battery operated cell phone charger has shown some overall improvements with the NIMH. If the batteries can reach the 1.5 volt range, the charger is able to restore about 30% of the phones power. Anything under 1.4volts seems insufficient to run the charger for any noticeable gain. The exact test was conducted with a sprint Touch Pro PDA cell phone with a 3.7 VDC, 1340 mAH (4.95 whr) li-ion. The standing capacity on the battery was 40%. After the first discharge of two NIMHs, the phone read 70%. After the discharge of the second set, the phone read 100%; a 30% gain per set.

                    Normal Alkaline

                    So far, AA, D, C, and 9 volts have shown only a surface charge and now real charging has occurred. However, I have gotten some promising results with a 6 volt lantern battery. It lit up the flashlight well for quite a while (meaning shining it about a dark house to see how well it illuminated the area). Realistic time was about 10 min if that. I turned it on each day and noticed it getting weaker until it no longer lit. This style of battery does not have a setting on my multi meter, so it is hard to determine if life. I find that measuring the volts and using the meter’s corresponding battery setting give different reading. For example, a AA for the cell charger would read 1.3** volts, but 1.5** on the battery setting. This was the reading I stated in the above test. Not sure if others have had good results with Alkalines.

                    Button Cells

                    I have only done two tests with button cells and each ended with a ruptured cell. I thought I might have gotten the polarity wrong, so reversed the contacts, but ended up with the same results. Might try again, but this time will lower the voltage to obtain a smaller spike. Not sure if that is the reason why the first two exploded on me.

                    Mercury cells

                    I have obtained two AA mercury batteries and have tried charging them. They appear charged, but show a rapid discharge on the multi meter. Have not had a change to do much experimenting with them so it is hard to tell if the meter is right, meaning a rapid discharge of the cells.

                    Off the shelves Lithium’s

                    Again have not done a lot of testing with them. I have been able to charge them and gotten reading of 1.6 on AA and AAA cells, but have not discharge and recharge them, but they have kept their charge over an extended period of time.


                    Not sure if they are in the same class as Li-polymer. From what I understand, Li-polymer have circuitry that make them unusable for charging with the mono-pole. More research must be done to see if these batteries can receive a charge, or if it incorporates some sort of circuitry that will exclude them from the list of chargeable batteries.

                    I am in the process of conditioning some lead acids and will also post my finding once I've finish my testing.


                    • Hi.
                      Ty for your nice Report.

                      Err, a little Mistake at my Button Cells. The Power to charge them was even under 1mA at ~1,6V at my Powersource.
                      My crude Test there was to still have a finger on them to see if they do heat up in any Way.
                      Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                      • I don't reduce my charger output when charging button cell. I only limit the time. It do heat up. But it able to power mother board clock for some time.

                        The hardest to charge is 9V zinc carbon. D-size zinc carbon can hold charge for few days.


                        • button cells

                          Thanks sucahyo for the info. About how long did you let it charge and are you able to recharge them?


                          • multi coils

                            I’ve been going over the multi coil excerpts in this thread as well as the bedini sg thread. I have built the circuit, but am not seeing the results I was expecting. My first slave was a wide mouth air core coil salvaged from a radio shack learning kit. It was pre made, so I don’t know much about it, but I would say it was wound with awg 26 magnet wire. This setup appeared to work. When connected up, the rotor speed increased and the voltage spike doubled. Happy with the results I made another coil using the small spools from radio shack with awg 23 wire. The slave circuitry was mounted on the back of the spool. Things looked good. Had a neat package. However, when I connected this coil, there was a reduction in speed and a voltage drop. (scratch head). The coil is hooked up as before, so not sure what happened. Tried to go back to first setup, but interior wire from first coil has broken off. (Bummer). I guess what I’m asking for is was my first setup what I should expect from a two coil system. If so, what have I done wrong with the second?

                            Also should note that, during my first test, when the speed increased. It did so to such an extant that my magnets shot off my vcr recording head. I have since glued them on using some chemical bonding agent, but the position of the magnets are off slightly. Some say this will cause a firing problem with the main trigger while others sources say it won’t. I can chisel off the magnets if need be, but I’d prefer to leave them if I can. Just thought it might be relevant. All and all, I was just hoping for some feed back from others who have made multi coil systems, so I can get a better understanding of what to expect from it.

                            Thanks in advance

                            Attached Files


                            • Originally posted by eastcoasttinker View Post
                              Thanks sucahyo for the info. About how long did you let it charge and are you able to recharge them?
                              5 minutes for button cell and until heated up for D-Size battery. I think button cell is rechargeable until it dry.

                              I never buy D-size battery anymore. I charge once a week.


                              • Question about bedini circuit???

                                I have built my circuit according to the diagram provided but my magnet works direction is north as well as my magnets but will not spin for long when I turn it. I built it on a bike wheel. my question is what possibilities could stop it from turning? I have a 22 and 24 gauge wire with about 100 turns and it heats up very hot.

