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Bedini Schoolgirl

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  • #46
    HOLY SMOKES!! 24 hours a day?!?!?!
    i cannot believe you havnt built the home power unit yet!!

    i need to hurry up and jump on this bandwagon.



    • #47
      I am wondering whether my contraption can actually be used to charge batteries because I have been trying without any visible success. My coil does not have 800 winds or the same size as "prescribed", but JB said geometry is not an issue.

      I'm hoping that the "Free Energy Generation" book I've ordered will have more answers for me because it all looks nice on paper and in the videos. The monopole motor is spinning but that's as far as it goes and when it comes to exact replication of the effects JB is getting it al becomes a different story.
      Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


      • #48
        well, compair his years and years of testing an experience to yours... how does it compair? im willing to wager that he had MANY frustrating failures before he got it right.

        patience, it will happen... otherwise we can take a field trip to Kevins house and ask to borrow his !!! hahaha only kidding Kevin.


        • #49
          I'm just saying that it should be easier to reproduce than this for the exact reason that JB has spent his life's work on this and he had ironed out the quirks the best he could. Thus the collective consciousness/knowledge has been supplemented with that information and it should get easier to accomplish in shorter time what it took him originally.

          I look at it this way, if some poor schmuck eons ago burnt his/her hand in fire, none of us should have to put their hand into fire to prove it'll get burnt again (or to experience it) - we already have that lesson learned.
          Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


          • #50
            point taken.

            and i doubt anyone would sell a working one. as in the past, what usually happens is the person that has all the secrets dies with all the secrets, and their lifes work is wasted. (stan, nikola, gray, etc.)


            • #51
              battery charging

              Hi Amigo,

              On the smaller models, they won't do big practical charging but works well for very small batts. I would definitely learn as much as you can on these small motors before going big.

              For bigger practical use, the 5 wire coils (4 power 1 trigger) of about 18 awg and about 100' per coil are much better. Also picture about 6 of these coils around one rotor.

              It takes time to learn to tune, etc... and isn't over night. also, it is important the batts getting charged are properly conditioned. charge discharge, repeat, etc...

              There are a lot of great yahoo groups on the Bedini stuff but despite a lot of good info mixed in with the background noise, I see people trying to reinvent Bedini's circuits over and over and over and over and over.

              Just keep it simple. Learn what you can from the small model, learn to tune it get a feel for it and really meditate on it. You have to mix some intuitive feel with logic and you'll be ok. Even if you don't get over 1.0 COP doesn't matter. If you can have the best way to charge batteries in the world, increase their capacity and extend their are much more ahead than most people.
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • #52
                Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                Hi Amigo,

                On the smaller models, they won't do big practical charging but works well for very small batts. I would definitely learn as much as you can on these small motors before going big.

                For bigger practical use, the 5 wire coils (4 power 1 trigger) of about 18 awg and about 100' per coil are much better. Also picture about 6 of these coils around one rotor.

                It takes time to learn to tune, etc... and isn't over night. also, it is important the batts getting charged are properly conditioned. charge discharge, repeat, etc...

                There are a lot of great yahoo groups on the Bedini stuff but despite a lot of good info mixed in with the background noise, I see people trying to reinvent Bedini's circuits over and over and over and over and over.

                Just keep it simple. Learn what you can from the small model, learn to tune it get a feel for it and really meditate on it. You have to mix some intuitive feel with logic and you'll be ok. Even if you don't get over 1.0 COP doesn't matter. If you can have the best way to charge batteries in the world, increase their capacity and extend their are much more ahead than most people.
                I simply do not have the means to build anything larger, I live in a 2 bdrm apt. so space is a big limitation. My hope was to see similar results with any size device because JB said geometry was not an issue.

                But I totally agree, it is a learning experience and I have learnt heaps more than what I knew when I begun this journey.

                As far as the Yahoo groups, I have them all bookmarked but never actually went to read posts. I feel it will take me days to catch up on things and that's why I have chosen a smaller forum (no offense) - this one. It just has a more homey feel to it and a personal touch by the members here. You sooner develop that belonging feeling...

                Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


                • #53
                  The current hypothesis

                  Now that I know what happens when a magnet passes by a coil, I can see there were some flaws in my original characterization. Hopefully this will set that straight.

                  Looking at the first picture, we see a magnet coming in towards a coil, attracted towards the iron core. As it approaches it induces a small current in both coils (represented on the schematic as small batteries). In both cases, the current is blocked and so nothing happens.

                  Moving on to picture #2: Once the magnet passes the center of the coil, the current reverses direction. At this point, current flows in the trigger loop thus also biasing the transistor on. Also, during this whole process, the iron core of the coil has become a temporary magnet with the south pole at the top and the north pole at the bottom.

                  On to picture #3. Now that the transistor is biased on, current is free to flow from the battery through the transistor and on into the coil. This causes the magnetic field in the core to abruptly switch polarity, causing a sharp gradient in the local virtual particle flux in the near vicinity of the coil and the appearance of radiant energy. The scalar south pole may also play a part in the radiant event as well--my knowledge in this area is still woefully incomplete.

                  At any rate, the magnet gets a strong kick away (the scalar south may also be attracted in at the same time, YMMV) from the north pole that is now manifest at the top. As the magnet moves away, the current in the trigger wire stops and so the transistor stops conducting and shuts off the battery. Some of the radiant energy flows to the source battery, keeping it from running down too quickly. As the next magnet comes in, the cycle repeats.

                  Anyhow, that's how I see it. Any comments and clarifications are most welcome!
                  Attached Files


                  • #54
                    sg diagraming

                    Hi Shamus,

                    These diagrams looks great and I'm doing my best to keep track of what you're showing.

                    In the middle pick you have electron current moving into the base and up through the emitter at the same time. Would those oppose each other?

                    It is personally difficult for me to follow circuits based on electron current.

                    With 3 flows around a circuit:

                    1. Pos potential moving from + on dipole towards negative.
                    2. Neg potential moving from - on dipole towards positive.
                    3. Electron current moving from - on dipole towards positive.

                    I usually look at circuits in terms of how is the positive flow moving. Then I automatically know that the electron current is opposing that.
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • #55
                      Hi Aaron,

                      You're probably right about the transistor, since it is an NPN type the current would probably flow out of the base towards the current loop on the trigger side--I don't know all that much about them, so this is another hole in my knowledge. Any pointers to good material on the subject would be most welcome. Other than that, I made diagram #2 show the current flow just before the base is biased. So I probably should have clarified that.

                      For me personally, I have to think in terms of electron flow in order to think about how the circuit works--I blame the physics classes I took at uni for that. But yes, you could draw flows going out of the positive ends of the little batteries and everything as I've described it above would still hold true.

                      On other thing of note here is the resistor. What that does, from what I can see, is narrow the amount of time that the base of the transistor is biased. So if you have a low ohmage there, the base of the resistor will see most of that negative sine wave pulse. As the ohms go up, the base will see less and less of that wave (think of the amplitude of the negative wave going towards the zero line). Once you have so much ohmage that the base doesn't bias on, then you have self-oscillatory behavior which I don't fully comprehend at the moment. But the thing to keep in mind is that this circuit isn't configured to properly handle that.
                      Last edited by Shamus; 09-12-2007, 03:32 PM. Reason: Typos :-P


                      • #56
                        One other thing that I forgot to mention is that fully understanding what's going on in this circuit is the key that will unlock the pendulum's black box.

                        Since it's been done (by John) and is in the collective unconscious, it should be a trivial thing to unlock that sucker.


                        • #57
                          Not working

                          Hi guys,
                          This is my first post. I am trying to make SSG but I am doing something wrong and cannot see what. My coil is 2" long, 680 winds of #23 and #26 and as a core I am using a 3/8" bolt. Rotor is roller blade with six 1/4" neo magnets. Other parts are 2n3055, 10 ohm and 1n4007 diode. Problem is that rotor will not rotate, I mean I don't have a motor. I start the wheel and after 3 seconds it stops. I am getting 3A at the coil. I would appreciate any help.


                          • #58
                            3A is way too much current for such a small setup. It should rather be up to 100mA or less. Check your wiring. Also do not use neo magnets, that could be one of your problems. Is your transistor alive? Maybe you have blown your transistor. Also Im thinking, that the iron bolt could be saturated by strong neo magnets and can't demagnetize very fast. Try some other core material.
                            It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


                            • #59
                              hi i am also a new member of your wonderful message board.
                              your workship and your prototypes pushed me to do one for me and try to learn what is radiant energy.
                              i have also same problem like erhan.
                              2 reasons could cause this problem
                              1- the transistor burned.
                              2- my coil wires are too thin. it is made from 0.20mm and 0.25mm wires. i dont know the exact no of the wires. but the 0.65 mm was 16 . and i think 23 is nearly 0.20 mm.

                              I can turn my wheel which is made of 7 cds glued together by a magnetic switch and a coil made from one wire 1.15 mm.
                              10 v is enough to turn my wheel with 4 magnets.
                              it is a simple motor. the swith is changing the poles. and it is turning.
                              i made this prototype to find where i do wrong with SG wheel.
                              it is not working with 2 wired coil..
                              may be the transistor is wrong. but i tried 3 different 3055 TO-3
                              the result is same.
                              how can i check if my coil is alive?
                              how can i check also transistor is alive?

                              if i am not wrong when i read your posts i understand that the transistor is doing what my magnetic switch do?
                              the current coming from thin wire reaches to transistor BASE and it opens emitor and collector legs like a switch.
                              by this way the top of the coil gets north pole and it pushes the magnet.
                              after the magnet leaves the coil the transistor cuts the current until a magnet comes infront of coil.and it goes on like this.
                              i hope i dont bother you with this long message..
                              it took my 5 minutes to turn the wheel with mono winded coil and with a magnetic switch but ...
                              2 days passed and i couldnt succed to turn this damn wheel with transistor and bi polar coils..
                              i hope you will help me other wise i will throw this from the window:P
                              have a nice day


                              • #60
                                there are number of things that you could be doing wrong. At first go to
                                Bedini_Monopole3 : Bedini_Monopole3
                                and see if your setup is wired exactly like in the picture in the link above.
                                I think, that you could use a magnetic switch instead of the other winding, because the main thing here is to capture the BEMF spike that appears when the transistor is switched off. And that happens either way. The problem with magnetic switch may be that the switch can not operate at high frequency thus limiting the maximum speed of the motor. Also you need to tune the system by placing the switch at a correct place and distance from the magnets. With a bifillar coil, you do not need to do that, the bifilar coil makes the circuit selftrigger at the exact right moment. Check your wire ends of your bifillar coil!
                                Hope this helps.
                                It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.

