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Bedini Schoolgirl

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  • SG simplified

    go join the bedini monopole3 group on yahoo groups. you get a complete set of instructions, sources for parts and access to all your questions answered on the SG. that group has over 1000 successful replications, build EXACTLY as designed, with as many magnets as you can 3 to 5 mag widths apart. this depends on your rim diameter.


    • measuring output curent,voltage via input

      Hi ;I want to asking you something about unclarities that I have about measuring some parameters in SSG circuits.

      1.At the output of ssg ,to find the current that charging the second battery , I understand, must using the ampmeter in series with second battery.
      My results was around 40 ma (like Rick Friedrick results from John Bedini Monopole Mechanical Oscillator Simplified School Girl SSG Presentation)

      For curiosity, I put the ampmeter without battery in series , but instead of battery at the output of ssg and the output current was over 120ma ,and rotor
      speed has going down.In the same time I had an another digital multimeter in series with primary battery to see ,input current via output current.In this last case (without battery at output,) current reading at input battery was lower like output current.(input current 100ma and output current 140 ma ).

      The same, in this configuration, output voltage (without any battery or 1 ohm resistor, just with multimeter instead) ,the reading at the multimeter ,was
      24 volt output at 12,50 volt input...

      Can somebody explain why the multimeters showing this readings?
      Is here some ghosted output?
      Or maybe some electrical current,from primary battery going through my output multimeter and cutting power from SSG ? (rotor speed going down)

      2.In the 1 Ohm test method indicated in the SSG testing,my speed is going down...this is normal?


      • @sinergicus, hello, its all normal.

        Speed is going down because adding load is reducing the current that goes to the fan.

        The output has constant power. If you have load with high impedance, the current is low and the voltage is high. If you have load with low impedance the current is high and the voltage is low. Usually the output power is lower than input power.

        The output voltage may even reach 1000V on some cases.

        charging speed will depend on output current. Try to increase the output to around 500mA to charge 12V SLA in hours.


        • @sinergicus.
          You may have to do some digging and see what John Bedini himself has said about putting a meter on the output. This is a different form of energy and modern meters are not made for this kind of output. By all means keep asking questions here, in this thread, there are good people here that will help you. But the monopole3 group is very well equipped to help you help you on all levels. I feel you must really start out basic and understand what is going on in this tricky little circuit. then you can step it up. Build exactly as the group instructions have said. Do the load tests (conditioning) on a battery and that is where you will see your output. Sometimes my meter will show weird numbers when put to the backside. It will bounce around and sometimes show over 1200V!! If you want to "see" what is going on a scope is the only way to go. I need one as well. LOL


          • Showing direct the compass position of magnetism, from magnet? ...or up side down?


            • Showing direct the compass position of magnetism, from magnet? ...or up side down?


              • Could someone please help me out here. I had made an ssg motor with some coathanger wire for the core. And it seemed to work out well. I was intrested in making a "more improved" version with welding rod for the core. I noticed that the welding rod I got retains magnetism when you rub a magnet against it where the coat hanger wire did not. Is that important? I understand from Lincoln Welding that they don"t make R60 welding rod any more. Can I go ahead and use what I have?

                Your expertise would be most appreciated.


                • core

                  Originally posted by Joen2010 View Post
                  Could someone please help me out here. I had made an ssg motor with some coathanger wire for the core. And it seemed to work out well. I was intrested in making a "more improved" version with welding rod for the core. I noticed that the welding rod I got retains magnetism when you rub a magnet against it where the coat hanger wire did not. Is that important? I understand from Lincoln Welding that they don"t make R60 welding rod any more. Can I go ahead and use what I have?

                  Your expertise would be most appreciated.
                  Hi Joen2010. You may be able to find R45 used for brazing. It will work too. The idea is to use the core which doesn't retain magnetism at least with ceramic magnets. It may do so when tested with neodymium, that's why we don't use them for SSG. They're too strong and will saturate the core. What we want is to have a sharp collapse and narrow spike. I have used rusted (very) nails, magnetite powder mixed with epoxy and "I" part of the laminate transformer core. Magnetite was best but they'll all work. Remember that basic SSG is a learning device not a final one. You'll discover how to beef it up and modify. I still have my first (actually the second) SSG made on hard drive armature and CD's and I use occasionally to charge AA batt's.

                  'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                  General D.Eisenhower



                  • Thanks. At least now I have a direction to go in. I will follow your good suggestions as soon as I can. By the way I like your SSG motor. Mine wasn't any where near as nice as that which is why I want a better one and yes a better learning motor at that.

                    Thanks again!


                    • Originally posted by Joen2010 View Post
                      Thanks. At least now I have a direction to go in. I will follow your good suggestions as soon as I can. By the way I like your SSG motor. Mine wasn't any where near as nice as that which is why I want a better one and yes a better learning motor at that.

                      Thanks again!
                      I was looking at different materials to make decent rotor before, even white cutting board from Walmart. You can laminate (glue) couple together, drill holes for round ceramic magnets and use roller skate bearings (clean grease). You can mount you coil on the side instead of circumference. Some of those bearings for rollerskates are pretty good. I found set on eBay once for 12$. My first coils were done with wire salvaged fro discarded TV's - degaussing coil running around the tube. Large screens have more wire.

                      Good luck with your project

                      'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                      General D.Eisenhower



                      • How many pulses?

                        Hi all,

                        Made my first Bedini (and video) using the basic setup mentioned on page 1 of this thread (no output attached).
                        Works ok, but i am puzzeled by the number and arrangement of the pulses i see on my scope.
                        I would expect to see for each of my for neo magnets 1 trigger and 1 Bemf pulse, however, the pulses vary from as much as 5 when starting up till only 2when on full speed.

                        So why is this?
                        And, what is better, the many pulses (5) or less (2) as more pulses means more power, right?
                        Or should i aim for only one pulse (need to tune better then).

                        Setup uses 4 x Neo magnets (only things i had)
                        2n3055, and 1n4004 (trigger) and 1n4007 (output)
                        Coild core is ferrit bar from old transistorradio marked "red"
                        Coils is 0.50 mm (AWG 24 power) and 0.40 mm (AWG 26 trigger)
                        Length 70 m each.

                        Video from setup/scope screen:
                        YouTube - 20101214204704.mpg

                        Thanks for any explaination (could not find it in the docu).

                        Regards Itsu


                        • Hi Itsu, The multiple pulses are normal as the SSG come's up to speed, there should be only one pulse per magnet pass when it is running at the sweet spot, If you connect a load ( charging battery ) the machine will work better.

                          Without a load the bemf or radiant spike will be reflected back into the circuit and slow it down probably. So without a load you may not see only one pulse per pass. With no load the machine will draw excess current.

                          Looks like you've done very well, though i'm not sure about the ferrite core but if it works it's all good.

                          The neo's can work if the coil can be placed far enough away to not effect saturate the core there is also the chance the neo's fields could effect each other if they are very powerfull. Ceramics are better as the coil can be placed closer to the rotor.

                          The SSG is a favorite of mine I use a bike wheel so my pulses are one per pass at about 58 Hz it's pulses are very powerfull at low frequency.

                          If I try to start mine with no neon and no load connected it ruins the transistor almost instantly.

                          I would suggest connecting a load and see how it go's then.

                          Good work.



                          • Thanks for the info Farmhand.

                            I have a second similar battery (12V 7AH) as the source battery on order which i am gonna use for charge battery.

                            lets see what changes when i have hooked up that one.
                            Guess i need to do some tuning to get to the "sweet spot" (1 puls/magnet).

                            Regards Itsu


                            • Guess i need to do some tuning to get to the "sweet spot" (1 puls/magnet).
                              No probs Itsu, You will probably need a potentiometer on the base winding to tune your SSG, a 1 K pot does the trick, it's best to put a 100 ohm or so fixed resister in series with that so the pot doesn't burn out. When you get it tuned you can just measure the resistance on the pot and replace it with a fixed resier or resisters.

                              It's possible with some setups to not be able to get to one pulse per pass, though I don't think you will have any problem doing it.

                              It can be used while pulsing at two or more pulses per pass but one is most efficient I think. I have a very small three coiler that still pulses twice per pass at 10 000 rpms. Here's a short video of it, it looks a bit like a bowl of spagetti but it was my first attempt, i'm not really electrically minded but I did make it work.. You might get a laugh out of it.

                              YouTube - AlternateFarmhand1's Channel

                              I like your scope too it's a beuty.

                              Here's a guide that really helped me when I built my Bike wheel SSG.



                              • Wow

                                Wow Farmhand, thats almost 10Krpm, scary.

                                Are those 3 coils all powering the rotor, i mean have all 3 a power/trigger coil, transistor etc?


