Great work Mike! Keep it up....
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Bedini Solid State Oscillators
SG Osc to cap dump to Industrial AGM Batteries
Hello Group
Here is my latest battery bank tagged for rejuvenation
SG Oscillator voltage converter to cap dump to industrial AGM ALUM Batteries. - YouTube
Thank you!
It took quite a bit of time, but I made it through this thread and have enough notes to begin experimenting.
@mikey - I like your slow pulsing approach. It seems that might be a powerful way to (as you put it) quickly "hammer" out the sulfation on old batteries.
I like the solar adaptations mentioned around the middle of this thread too. I have found small 0.5 V x 3.6 A (1.8 watt) solar cells online for about $1 each... solar is coming way down in price.
The SS SSG is also covered in the joule ringer thread, which I am still going through. I am wondering if a 1.5 V source could drive something of use for pulsing higher voltage batteries... I think it was mentioned, but need to review my notes... I am still in the year 2009 over there... slow but sure, eh!
Anyway, thank you everyone! Cheers! -teo
PS - I have 2 alum battery conversions per the Bedini Earth Light thread completed... took me almost 4 months to get through that thread... These alum batteries are very powerful in terms of VERY long life under low load. They might do well in series at about 14-20 volts as a source for charging batteries using a variation of the SS SSG circuits. And, they charge up with the 2 amp tesla charger in about 30 minutes... wonderful!
Solid State SSG Diagram and Summary
There is one thread you need be concerned with.
The is at the bottom of page 7. It comes down to this.
Solid State Simple School Girl or SS SSG or what you will will NOT give you over unity, that is 'Free Energy'. But, what it will do is charge Lead Acid Car Batteries like a mother ****er.
You can use the Solid State SSG (no wheel just a trigger coil and as many output coils as you want. Starting with 1 trigger and 1 output 1 transistor is a good way to build your first. Then you can get more ambitious with say 6 output 6 transistors and of course the trigger coil.
Solid State means no moving parts, so the SS SSG self oscillates acting as the physical wheel. So, you get the radiant pulses to Back EMF charge your batteries, desulfate and REJUVINATE dead car batteries, saving you 70 dollars or so.
What I used to build the schematic above was 3 pairs of 17 gauge Speaker Wire! That way you get a total of 6 output/charge coils and is much easier to wind. The TRIGGER was 21-23 gauge copper wire. The TRIGGER must be a THINNER wire (higher the gauge thinner the wire).
Whatever gauge you decide or can manage to get from amazon the TRIGGER should be 3-4 gauges higher than the output coils. This will cause the oscilations due to the trigger being a thinner guage.
100-150 FEET length wire for trigger and output coils. Run the speaker wires along your hallway or outside on pavement and duct tape at every few feet to help hold together as you wind.
I used a PAPER TOIL ROLL 1/2 used as a spindle. You will make an OPEN AIR COIL (no CORE) and wind up slowly in a zigzag pattern making the coil as wide and 6 inches or so. After winding, cut away the paper towel center or just pull it out and Duct Tape the COIL Donut. You only have to tape to sides NOT THE WHOLE THING, because you want it to breathe to give off excess heat.
Make Sure you know which ends of the wires are TOP and BOTTOM of coil winding point.
Get some TERMINALS and a screw driver and some copper wire and no need to Solder anything. NEVER turn on this circuit unless you have the charge battery connected or you will blow all your transistors.
Good Luck God Bless.