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Solid State Bedini

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  • Lidmotor's Slayer Replication---My different coil

    @ Slayer

    In my replication video I am using a bifilar coil that is a little different. It is 250 turns of 26 ga. and 650 turns of 30 ga. wrapped together but not twisted. The core is a bunch of nails. It worked great but I think that the 750 turn coil that you used Slayer would work much better. In my particular setup I may have been getting a transformer type of induction effect because of the mismatched coil windings. Whatever--- It sure put out.



    • Slayer, do you mean like this?

      If yes, then what happens is the frequency and the amp draw goes down a bit and the charging becomes slower. This is with air core.
      It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


      • Originally posted by Jetijs View Post
        Slayer, do you mean like this?

        If yes, then what happens is the frequency and the amp draw goes down a bit and the charging becomes slower. This is with air core.

        Yes thats the way I was talking about.
        But on my setup I have both battery grounds hooked togeather.
        I wounder if its because I'm using a reedswitch and a solid coil.
        Anyway thaks for the reply Jetijs.
        Last edited by slayer007; 12-23-2008, 08:25 PM.


        • You need understand what is radiant energy...

          If you put a resistor like a battery charge, you'll see only a little energy is recover in relation to energy in on the machine, but if you use a device to reconvert that radiant energy, like lead acid batt you'll see like the batt is charged very fast, out relation that energy in to the machine. The problem is that to get efficiently COP>1 or more, you need Big Deep Cycle batteris, big plates, maybe because radiant energy is like gas or spark, if you put this energy in SLI batt when the plates is very near negative and positive plate, this spark is wasted, maybe in the internal connections or near in the plates connections, spark need hit all the plates.

          I have no this Depp cycles batts, my batts are SLI, is problematic charge them fully with the SG, then how can I measure output energy?

          I've found a big 1.5 Farads capacitor, and I tested output energy vs time, and consumption my COP>1.0 many times or COP=1 in worse cases.

          Capacitor is good for reconvert this energy in usefull energy, there is another devices like Gray Tube. To reconvert the energy and use this energy for inductive loads like a pulse motor in HV.
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs. Apple CEO


          • Improved my copy of Jetijs charger.

            Well instead of having just one laptop power supply powering my charger I went to a second one splitting my 10 transistors in to two sets of 5. I then simply put both outputs to the charging battery. I am using two laptop power supplies for the primary power one at 20V 2.5 amps and the other at 20V 3 amps. I am very impressed with the results this is the fastest charge to date of my golf cart batteries. The two 6 volt golf cart batteries were both fully charged in 1.46 days. This sure beats the old 5 day method I used to use.

            See my experiments here...

            You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


            • Small thing I found.

              If you have the video "Energy From the Vacuum 2" directly before John shows the energy going thru the plastic you get a small glimpse of John Bedini's solid state charger. I found it interesting he is using air coils.... You see them wrapped up next to the charger.
              See my experiments here...

              You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


              • Hi Mart,

                Are the coils from the solid state or something just sitting next to it? I can't quite tell.

                Has anyone bought one of his commercial chargers yet and opened it up? I might get one and see what's inside.


                You can view my vids here



                • RE: coils...

                  Originally posted by dambit View Post
                  Hi Mart,

                  Are the coils from the solid state or something just sitting next to it? I can't quite tell.

                  Has anyone bought one of his commercial chargers yet and opened it up? I might get one and see what's inside.


                  A friend of mine took one of the small chargers apart and the circuit is in cased in resin I think people like you would be too inquisitive

                  I have wrapped coils as shown on the video and they work great. Now once I fix the broken transistors from my stupid stupid actions of not putting the neon bulbs on, I will be back in business.

                  See my experiments here...

                  You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                  • Cleaned up my Jetjis SS...

                    I have found I can now not use spools with the SS Jetjis setup. The coils stay much cooler.

                    YouTube - Video 61 Cleanup of the Jetijs SS circuit

                    Also last night I made a neat find..... I was able to run a neo wheel with the transistor setup Jetjis style ( no diode from E to B ). Was interesting, it would run only in a small range, but was interesting it did work...

                    I also had an idea.... I was wondering if instead of an inverter, why not use a car laptop adapter? Would this work as well as using an inverter with an power inverter?

                    I still of yet to know how to check for the negative energy, or how to convert a battery to standard to be used on the primary side....

                    Oh well major progress!

                    See my experiments here...

                    You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                    • LONG test results.

                      Load testing went from 63 amp hours to 77 amp hours after 7 cycles with 11 amp loads. Something I noticed on the last EFTV video there is I did not see a 4001 diode on the bicycle wheel which I found interesting.... as it looks like Jetijs setup. Tonight I tried another circuit with a wheel without the 4001 diode and worked well.

                      I have just completed a hybrid newman / bedini circuit still doing tests with it.

                      My next test is I want to try to use laptop car adaptors to see if I can charge as well without the inverter... from a neg charged battery.

                      A question I have is this, is the SSG output the same as a bridge rectifier accross the coil as teslas output.... also.... can one use solid state to generate negative energy as demonstrated in the last video......

                      Still trying to do experimentally what John is saying...

                      See my experiments here...

                      You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                      • More load tests results... of the Jetijs circuit.

                        YouTube - Video 63 Daftman's Bedini Newman Hybrid

                        Very happy with results.
                        See my experiments here...

                        You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                        • basic bedini radiant charger

                          Originally posted by theremart View Post

                          Can you take a standard Bedini schematic and show us where you are moving the wires around to?

                          Thanks for sharing, does it increase the charge rate?

                          hi can you give me some more information on the small circuit {the basic Bedini self oscillator circuit}

                          available here
                          i am trying to make a radiant energy charger through which i can recharge aa,aaa ,and 9v bat plus 12v 8amp battery's
                          pls help


                          • Hi and then.

                            You maybe wanna look into the Big Joule Thief Thread too,
                            it is anyhow easier to made as a Solid State Bedini, and you can get good Results for charging Batteries too.
                            Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                            • High capacitance or High Voltage?

                              I been building and testing these solid state bedini circuits and had a question about the cap dump. Bedini keeps saying that it should be mostly a high voltage dump to the battery but after doing some test with a 10uf 600v cap to the battery it does not charge as well. If I were to use a 27000mfd 20v caps I would get a slow charge but not a fast charge rate. I was wondering what is the best method to charge a 12Ah 12v battery? High Voltage or high capacitance? Also this battery has been conditioned by a Bedini monopole motor quite a few times already.



                              • RE: Joule thief

                                Originally posted by Joit View Post
                                Hi and then.

                                You maybe wanna look into the Big Joule Thief Thread too,
                                it is anyhow easier to made as a Solid State Bedini, and you can get good Results for charging Batteries too.
                                I agree with you 100%. If you need to charge larger than what the Joule thief can handle I suggest you go with Jetijs circuit. Much easier to build, and proven to work!. I have gotten the one from FEG book to work, but took me MANY more hours than the circuit Jetijs has done or the Joule thief.

                                I have done 24 with the Joule thief as a test but my single transistor got mighty warm. I had to keep it down to 1/2 amp but it did a super job of charging, just be sure to have a fuse inline...

                                See my experiments here...

                                You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.

