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Solid State Bedini

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  • 12V 12 ah battery.

    Originally posted by Blue_Serge View Post
    I been building and testing these solid state bedini circuits and had a question about the cap dump. Bedini keeps saying that it should be mostly a high voltage dump to the battery but after doing some test with a 10uf 600v cap to the battery it does not charge as well. If I were to use a 27000mfd 20v caps I would get a slow charge but not a fast charge rate. I was wondering what is the best method to charge a 12Ah 12v battery? High Voltage or high capacitance? Also this battery has been conditioned by a Bedini monopole motor quite a few times already.

    I have found that my 12 ah batteries do fantastic on the Jetijs charger with 5 transistors. I charge them up to 15 / 16 V then they have a resting voltage of like 13.2 - 13.4 V on all 4 of them.

    As for the cap dump, others have hinted to me that the larger caps are better, as for the voltage other say to have the voltage dump just a few volts over the battery voltage, which from my testing is the way to go..

    See my experiments here...

    You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


    • Interesting....

      I do get a faster and better charge with the multipule transistors and putting the output directly to positive terminal. If I do the cap dump, is that just regular current flowing back to the battery from the cap? Tom Bearden in the FEG book talks about e-amp effect if you discharge the cap to the battery fast enough. Has anyone noticed this effect?


      • Originally posted by Blue_Serge View Post
        I do get a faster and better charge with the multipule transistors and putting the output directly to positive terminal. If I do the cap dump, is that just regular current flowing back to the battery from the cap? Tom Bearden in the FEG book talks about e-amp effect if you discharge the cap to the battery fast enough. Has anyone noticed this effect?
        The way I see it is that when using a cap dump setup, the battery only sees a positive (regular) electricity input whereas the caps themselves are what is converting the radient to regular power. IMO the cap dump setup is not necessary when charging regular regargable batteries, car batteries etc, but would be perfect for charging li-po's and other temperamental battery types. The types that utilise voltage spike protection.


        You can view my vids here


        • Parts list

          Is this the complete and final parts list for Jetjis quint-filer charger?

          1 - 50 ohm 25 watt resistor
          5 - 2n2055 transistors
          20 - 1n4007 diodes (4 for each transistor)
          5 strands of 450 turn 23AWG magnet wire, wound together

          Or would it be better to get this retail unit for $99 (adjustable voltages/current)?
          Solar Converters Bd-2 Battery Desulfator - Desulfators @ AltE


          • RE: which is better way to go ?

            Originally posted by cowboyrx View Post
            Is this the complete and final parts list for Jetjis quint-filer charger?

            1 - 50 ohm 25 watt resistor
            5 - 2n2055 transistors
            20 - 1n4007 diodes (4 for each transistor)
            5 strands of 450 turn 23AWG magnet wire, wound together

            Or would it be better to get this retail unit for $99 (adjustable voltages/current)?
            Solar Converters Bd-2 Battery Desulfator - Desulfators @ AltE

            I do not know. I have not had this to know how good it is.

            BUT.... on that page it does give an EXCELLENT idea about fixing a sulfated battery by using a coil.... interesting...
            See my experiments here...

            You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


            • Question about trifilar windings

              I have a question about trifilar or bifilar windings .

              When making a coil does it transfer more radiant energy if you twist the bifilar or trifilar wires together before winding on the coil?

              I have made a couple coils before with the wire just wound on there together at the same time to make a bifilar coil, but wonder if twisitng them together would be better. I don't want to waste a bunch of wire testing it out myself.

              thanks for any pointers on this.
              From the looks of the photos and videos of bedinis motors they appear to be twisted together. Would require a lot more work to do it that way. Is it worth it.



              • One more question on magnetic fields

                I was wondering when capturing the radiant energy from a collapsing magnetic field, do you get more coming in if the magnetic field is open ended so it extends into space around the coil, or will a collapsing magnetic field inside a closed loop core such as a torriod work just as well?

                much of the magnetic field stays inide the toroid core so there is not as much space exposed to magnetic filed in that case.



                • RE: twisting / coils..

                  Originally posted by vzon17 View Post
                  I have a question about trifilar or bifilar windings .

                  When making a coil does it transfer more radiant energy if you twist the bifilar or trifilar wires together before winding on the coil?

                  I have made a couple coils before with the wire just wound on there together at the same time to make a bifilar coil, but wonder if twisitng them together would be better. I don't want to waste a bunch of wire testing it out myself.

                  thanks for any pointers on this.
                  From the looks of the photos and videos of bedinis motors they appear to be twisted together. Would require a lot more work to do it that way. Is it worth it.


                  Erwin twist his wires, see his page.. here

                  Erwin's Work Shop

                  He states that it is to bring the impedance down.

                  The easy way is to fill your spool of wire with the three wires, so you know you have the right amount, then take it outside, tie the wire to a tree then goto the other end and twist it with a drill being careful not to over tighten. Erwin goes into more detail about this on his page..

                  I have done it because Bedini does it, have not test it to understand the difference between the two..
                  See my experiments here...

                  You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                  • RE: magnetic field.

                    Originally posted by vzon17 View Post
                    I was wondering when capturing the radiant energy from a collapsing magnetic field, do you get more coming in if the magnetic field is open ended so it extends into space around the coil, or will a collapsing magnetic field inside a closed loop core such as a torriod work just as well?

                    much of the magnetic field stays inide the toroid core so there is not as much space exposed to magnetic filed in that case.

                    That would make a nice test let us know if you do this There are millions of variations one can do, but life is so so short But I am eager to hear how others results go.
                    See my experiments here...

                    You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                    • tri-filer

                      Hi everyone,

                      I'm building the charging circuit from page 46 of the "Circuits & Schematics" book. I'm using the updated Figure 33 that came as a loose insert with the book.

                      The coil is a tri-filer and all wires are the same size according to the Fig. The Fig says #23, could find that so I'm using #22. Is this the same charger being discussed here? If so, are there any suggestions before I get started? Much appreciated if you do.

                      Thanks in advance,



                      • Greg, this topic is about many different Bedini solid state chargers, including the one you are about to build. I guess that the only thing that I can advice id to make a coil so that cores can be changed. This helps a lot
                        Also, you might want to make a coil with more than three strands. The extra strands wont influence anything (I think) but they will become handy if you decide to juice the charger up a bit so that it uses more current and is capable to charge bigger batteries faster
                        It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


                        • Coil

                          Originally posted by Jetijs View Post
                          Greg, this topic is about many different Bedini solid state chargers, including the one you are about to build. I guess that the only thing that I can advice id to make a coil so that cores can be changed. This helps a lot
                          Also, you might want to make a coil with more than three strands. The extra strands wont influence anything (I think) but they will become handy if you decide to juice the charger up a bit so that it uses more current and is capable to charge bigger batteries faster
                          Hi Jetijs,

                          Thanks for those tips. The wire shipped today and I'll also receive it today and was going to twist the three strands when received but now I'll twist four...thanks!

                          What do you suggest is a good size and proportion for the coil/spool?

                          Thanks and take care,



                          • Gregm you are welcome
                            I don't really know about the coil proportions, every single coil that I made worked just fine and there was no problems in getting the thing to oscillate. All my coils are about 100mm tall and the core is 10-15mm in diameter. I got coils with turn count as low as 200 and up to 600. They all work well. But I would suggest at least 450 turns or more. Because at higher turn count the trigger winding will induce greater greater current and turn on the transistor more easily. With small turn count you might need to "help" the coil to start oscillating by waving a magnet near the core. Of course it all depends on which circuit you will be using, there are quite a few shown in this thread
                            Good luck!
                            It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


                            • cop>1?

                              @ Jetijs ,

                              Has it been determined that any of the Bedini Solid State chargers have a cop>1? Talking to Peter Lindemann, he conveyed that the first S.G. Motor indeed had a cop>1. Do you know if it is only the motor-based chargers that go >1?




                              • Greg, I have never observed COP>1 on any of my replications. I have also not heard of COP>1 using solid state circuits. If I had to build a new Bedini charger to achieve COP>1 I would not go with solid state. I would use the Super pole magnet configuration and grounding rod connected to the positive terminal of the charging battery via a diode. Of course the batteries would need to be conditioned first. This is the config that I think would give great results and possibly get you a COP>1. I use the solid state chargers only to get some old batteries to new life and increase their capacity as much as possible
                                It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.

