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One magnet no bearing Bedini motor

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  • Simple circuit diagram error

    Sounds like what you built is working OK. After reading your last post I was looking at my simple circuit diagram and found an error. I have posted that darn thing in 3 videos already. . I had to go back into each video and put in an annotation explaining that the trigger coil start (B1) goes to the transistor emitter and not to the diode like I showed in the diagram. Sometimes people make mistakes in these diagrams and I am one of them. It happens. If you don't think that you have the circuit right it might not be your fault but I have built both circuits that you have tried and they both work. I have not built the Daftman's circuit but that looks like a good one also. The "heavy duty" (zinc/acid) 9 volt batteries don't charge up well but you can use the alkalines I found out. The preferred one is a sealed lead acid for these charging circuits.
    You are right about the circuit running without the rotor turning. It goes into self-oscillation when the base resistance is high enough. They still charge just fine that way. The "Solid State Bedini" thread here is a very long one that you might want to browse through. There are many Bedini experts at this forum who can answer any of your questions if they have the time.

    I'm glad that you are having sucess with this.

    Last edited by Lidmotor; 11-01-2009, 06:39 PM.


    • Good news!!
      1- I returned the batteries to the original places.
      2- I finished cutting the welding rods and so they are taped together and inside the core.

      3- I managed a steel bearing (stores are closed but I had great "neighbor-luck")
      and now,
      I think I will need eye protection.
      This is really taking off.
      3 times it flew apart and away!

      So, now, I believe I must raise the resistance as soon as it starts, and find a plastic bowl-as-cage, just in case it takes off to quickly again.

      I guess what I learned from this is that even when there is less charge in the drive battery than in the charge battery, the circuit will still operate and the back spikes will continue to fill a battery.
      I wonder if it is filling both batteries all the time?
      I think this is interesting information after all this fooling around with slightly wrong components.

      Once I find a stable way to keep this new faster cylinder in place, I will try to quantify the recharge a bit.
      Then, I will switch to the better coil.

      thank you all again for the help.



      • @Jeanna.That is good news that you have got the cylinder running right by swopping the neo sphere for a steel ball bearing but just check that it is a good fit for the hole as i have never had them seperate and we must stay safe
        It sounds like you have tried quite a few circuit variations and may have inadvertantly stumbled on something interesting if you have both batteries charging and also you mention very low discharge of the run battery so document everything you do and if poss post your circuit diagrams here so we can see what you are doing.
        @theremart.Hi mart.Your window motor idea sounds good and you will be on new territory with this as i can't recall anyone trying this yet so it would be great to see someone try this.Great idea.
        @Lidmotor.Thanks for the info on your snake egg.Don't you think it's interesting that you can get 11000rpm's using 1.5v and only 24000 using 12v?Not very linear .
        I must admit,i too am fascinated by the sec.When i was going through the docs vids,the one that caught my eye was the one he showed lighting an Led from just an earth ground and then a few weeks later he posted a self runner so i've bought in.The common element of all these interesting devices i feel is the coil and the sec is using these in abundance. Dr Stiffler and yourself have shown there is excess energy coming into the sec so it is coming from somewhere but i have only just dipped my toe in the water with this and the only thing i have done so far apart from the 2 vids was nearly blind myself with my new leds so lesson learn't thereI have quite a few things i want to try with the sec,its just a question of finding the time.


        • Hi jonny,
          I am finding that this is very hard to regulate. It takes off at a low resistance, but then it doesn't slow down until much more resistance than needed is applied then it slows too much.
          Pretty finiky. But very addicting.
          It reminds me of my son's friends and their game toys.
          I feel like one of those kids right about now.

          The schematic is the basic introvertebrate plan.
          I had the higher charged battery in both places over the last week.
          When the fully charged battery is in the position to TAKE the charge, the emptier one - normally the drive one seems to take it. And at the same time the one the circuit was designed to charge is getting something too, because it loses much less.

          My guess is the rotor is slower. It IS slower here at those times, but that may not be necessary.

          The proper way to test this would be with a capacitor or a set of them, because then battery recovery would not be involved.

          (I am pretty sure the batteries were quite dead. )

          So, I plan to solder the full coil in place next... if I can force myself to stop spinning just one more time, that is!

          thank you,



          • One Magnet Two Bearing Bedinish Motor

            Well I turned my setup into a motor with a shaft and two bearings. Oh well.
            I guess that makes me a control freak of sorts but I got tired of chasing the flying magnet around the room. The video below shows it running on a 10F /2volt super cap and also going into self oscillation when you stop the shaft from turning. I replaced the collector diode with an Led and made it like a Joule Thief when it is self-oscillating.
            Fun project for a Sunday.
            You are so right. All of these topics seem to be centered around coils of wire. Hummmm.

            When you get that circuit nailed down let us have a look at it like Jonny said. It sounds like there is something unusual going on there. Meanwhile wear some eye protection and clear out a space for projectiles. When my stuff got too fast I just kept reducing the input voltage until things slowed down.
            John (DadHav on Youtube) made a window motor using a snake egg and sent me a picture of it awhile back. He mounted it between a couple of very small bearings just like you see in my latest video. You get them in a Hobby store. They use then in RC things.

            Here is the 2 bearing thingamajig I made--

            YouTube - Simple Pulse Motor in self oscillation running on a super capacitor




            • Before I dissasembled my 1magnet motor, I had found out the resistance I needed to get it started (same as bedini 680) and the resistance I needed for sweet spot operation (about 2.5k) and made a switch to flip from one to another. When the magnet flies off, switch it back to "startup"... spin it again, let it stabilize, then flip on the turbo! Easier then disconnecting the battery to find out the real ohmage of my potentiometer. No pics, sorry but you might think about adding in a switch to toggle resistances.


              Your right, all these circuits have coils of wire, but also all these circuits also have resonance. The SEC uses reinforced harmonics. its a LCCC circuit. 2 capacitors are harmonically related - one is smaller and the other is 100 times larger, while the third is the tuner. In sound, if you transmit a frequency, you also have subharmonics and superharmonics, based around the carrier frequency. Example if you transmit 100hz, you will also transmit 50, 200, 300, 400, etc... but at a much lower volume. the SEC reinforces this, and does something extra with the tuning capacitor that makes it work. ( I THINK!! hahah )

              So I think the common element is "Coils of wire in resonance"
              (or pulsed magnetic fields in resonance?)

              "Everybody move your molecules, from your toes to your follicles.
              When I resonate you resonate. When I say ECHO - you vi brate"
              (bonus points to the person who can figure out what song or artist that came from)
              Last edited by CosmicFarmer; 11-02-2009, 07:47 AM. Reason: :)


              • Originally posted by CosmicFarmer View Post
                Before I dissasembled my 1magnet motor, I had found out the resistance I needed to get it started (same as bedini 680) and the resistance I needed for sweet spot operation (about 2.5k) and made a switch to flip from one to another. When the magnet flies off, switch it back to "startup"... spin it again, let it stabilize, then flip on the turbo! Easier then disconnecting the battery to find out the real ohmage of my potentiometer. No pics, sorry but you might think about adding in a switch to toggle resistances.
                I did the same while experimenting with cylinders and eggs (back in June). I found that circuit required 60mA to start and get the egg upright, than it only needed 4mA to keep it spinning and stable. Spinning cylinders was similar experience. Toggle switch came very handy instead of tweaking with pot all the time. I can't find pictures of my cylinders (I got up to four spinning with attached small neo satellites, near one coil) but I found one of a spinning "egg".

                'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                General D.Eisenhower



                • This switch idea is a very good suggestion.

                  I think I might know what the problem is. I don't have time now, but I need to add some longer attachment wires to the coil.
                  I think the transistor is too close to the spinning magnet, and when it gets revved up the magnet is keeping the transistor open. The only times I have been able to halt a fly-apart is by lifting the dish about 2 feet above the coil, which means 2 feet away from the transistor. I will try that fix later and report back.

                  btw everybody, there IS a plastic cup as protection overturned on all this, so I am safe. Thanks for mentioning your concerns.



                  • hmm?

                    Would it or could it take the same about of energy to spin one
                    magnet or 3 stuck together?

                    Scale up could be just a matter of adding more magnetic mass?
                    Stick 3 cylinders or spheres together with a ball bearing at the bottom if the set.
                    Larger magnetic flux field spinning...

                    Would/could not any kind of magnets be stuck together in sets of 3 to
                    make this work?

                    Just thinking
                    Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                    Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                    • Magnet on a leash

                      YouTube - Video 77 Johny's magnet on a leash

                      I found a way to control the magnet by simply putting a wire thru it. High speed and lots of control.

                      I love this project!
                      See my experiments here...

                      You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                      • Its a balance between the masses. Mass of magnet vs mass of coil. If your magnet is too large then the coil will have a hard time pushing it. I would love to see a gigantic pulse motor. Adding in 3 magnets clumped together I would imagine constricts their field in some triad formation and the triggering effect on the coil might be lessened, while 2 would form a stronger dipole. Maybe steel balls ala saturn magnet would be useful.


                        • @theremart.Hi Mart.Great idea with the piece of wire.This is a good approach as it allows the magnet to choose where it wants to spin to some extent but with a measure of control and allows you to use induction without sending the magnet crazy and your torch is a pre-built satellite so another good find.
                          I think your current draw is very high though but you may need this for the good charge rate you are seeing but it would be an interesting experiment to try my circuit on your setup as this will reduce your current draw significantly,probably to 50mA or less so it would be interesting to see how the battery charges.I have encosed my circuit for your reference and am following your experiments with interest.Great work Mart .Regards jonny.


                          • Hi Jonny


                            I brought the voltage down today by adding a reed switch to the trigger line you have to about have to do that with neos... Down to 200 MA. yes I could bring it down more by adding the coil inline as you have mentioned but then again the charge rate goes down.

                            I guess one has to choose between swapping batteries or getting poor charge rates and running for long durations.

                            Do note I have 2 transistors in this setup structured like a monopole circuit. So the current rate is about right for a solid charge rate.

                            The most amazing thing to me is that the flashlight magnet spins right up when I bring it near the coil. however... it does not spin by itself near my coil Not sure why that is.

                            So how is your charge rate with this circuit? I am sure you can run for long durations with it, but does it charge any?

                            Thanks for your input!

                            Originally posted by jonnydavro View Post
                            @theremart.Hi Mart.Great idea with the piece of wire.This is a good approach as it allows the magnet to choose where it wants to spin to some extent but with a measure of control and allows you to use induction without sending the magnet crazy and your torch is a pre-built satellite so another good find.
                            I think your current draw is very high though but you may need this for the good charge rate you are seeing but it would be an interesting experiment to try my circuit on your setup as this will reduce your current draw significantly,probably to 50mA or less so it would be interesting to see how the battery charges.I have encosed my circuit for your reference and am following your experiments with interest.Great work Mart .Regards jonny.
                            See my experiments here...

                            You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                            • Originally posted by theremart View Post
                              YouTube - Video 77 Johny's magnet on a leash

                              I found a way to control the magnet by simply putting a wire thru it. High speed and lots of control.

                              I love this project!

                              Lots of friction in your wire bearing setup. You may want to try a glass or plastic rod like a swizzle stick or a ball point pen refill. Better yet, if you can score a couple of small bearings from a cooling fan you will have a a nice rig to play with.
                              When you pick up a cat by the tail you learn things you cannot learn any other way...


                              • RE: bearing

                                Originally posted by el-tigre View Post
                                Lots of friction in your wire bearing setup. You may want to try a glass or plastic rod like a swizzle stick or a ball point pen refill. Better yet, if you can score a couple of small bearings from a cooling fan you will have a a nice rig to play with.
                                Kool idea.. what I was thinking of doing is taking a sphere neo and gluing it between two ceramic skateboard bearings As I think about it I could use only 1..

                                I do have fans, as I think of it I have even better, I have vcr bearings, they are tiny enough they just may work. It is always fun trying to get the right sized bearing for the job.
                                See my experiments here...

                                You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.

