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One magnet no bearing Bedini motor

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  • Partial magnetic levitation

    @ Jonny and all
    I decided to go back and try partial magnetic levitation on my little 'Bobin' motor. Jonny I remember that you did this some time ago and after watching Skycollection's and Scooterscottii's setup, I just had to try it.
    Here is the video of it:

    YouTube - Mag - Lev Bobin Motor.ASF

    Last edited by Lidmotor; 03-12-2010, 04:17 PM.


    • Hi Lidmotor
      fantastic motor(s). Thanks for the video.

      PS: The youtube user's name is scooterscottii (double "i")
      his channel: YouTube - scooterscottii's Channel
      his first motor vid: YouTube - MAG-LEV BEDINI motor #1


      • Scooterscottii

        Originally posted by marxist View Post
        Hi Lidmotor
        fantastic motor(s). Thanks for the video.

        PS: The youtube user's name is scooterscottii (double "i")
        his channel: YouTube - scooterscottii's Channel
        his first motor vid: YouTube - MAG-LEV BEDINI motor #1
        Thanks for the info and spelling check. It was really Scotterscottii's videos on this mag-lev approach that pushed me to try this. Skycollection has a beautiful motor that he just got up and running. Somewhere on Youtube is a video of a solar powered one of these designs where the rotor has small solar cells and coils on it and magnets are fixed.


        P.S. I found the video of the solar powered version. They are called "Mendocino" motors and there are a bunch of videos of different designs on Youtube. This one I really liked because it is shown running on indoor lighting.
        YouTube - Solar Powered Levitating Mendocino Motor
        Last edited by Lidmotor; 03-12-2010, 04:52 PM. Reason: found video


        • @Lidmotor.Hi.Great vid and motor.I really like the way you used a magnetic pivot point instead of the lift magnets.Accidental finds are great when it leads to something new and efficient .
          I must admit,I too have recently been captivated by skycollections and also scooterscottii's levitating motors and i believe skycollection has his fully levitating now with headstock magnets and i am astounded by Jorges build quality and ingenuity.
          Regarding my own motor.I have it running with near zero friction by using a double magnet configuration for each lift magnet.This has the effect of wanting to keep the rotor lift magnet inbetween the base levitating magnets so the pressure on the headstocks is minimal.I enclose a pic to show what i mean.The other side of the motor is identical.
          Hope you get rid of that cold soon Lid.It sounds like a bad one.Nice work once again.Jonny.

          Last edited by jonnydavro; 03-12-2010, 09:48 PM.


          • Very interesting disk generator for your motors

            Hey Lid & Jonny,

            I came across the concept of the Faraday disk generator...

            Homopolar generator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            which you can likely just buy a slice of copper bar or some large copper washers or a copper plumbing pipe end cap etc. to fabricate in no time. The very interesting thing about it is this...

            "If the magnetic field is provided by a permanent magnet, the generator works regardless of whether the magnet is fixed to the stator or rotates with the disc. Before the discovery of the electron and the Lorentz force law, the phenomenon was inexplicable and was known as the Faraday paradox."

            Lid, with your ultralow power consumption, you might be able to feed the output of this special generator right back in to the drive coil to self power. Alternately, you can feed the power directly to your levitating support magnet for use as an auxilliary homopolar drive for the system boosting efficiency once again... (you might try feeding the back emf to this magnet as a separate experiment anyway!!)

            entertaining stuff this....
            When you pick up a cat by the tail you learn things you cannot learn any other way...


            • Faraday disk generator

              Originally posted by el-tigre View Post
              Hey Lid & Jonny,

              I came across the concept of the Faraday disk generator...

              Homopolar generator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              which you can likely just buy a slice of copper bar or some large copper washers or a copper plumbing pipe end cap etc. to fabricate in no time. The very interesting thing about it is this...

              "If the magnetic field is provided by a permanent magnet, the generator works regardless of whether the magnet is fixed to the stator or rotates with the disc. Before the discovery of the electron and the Lorentz force law, the phenomenon was inexplicable and was known as the Faraday paradox."

              Lid, with your ultralow power consumption, you might be able to feed the output of this special generator right back in to the drive coil to self power. Alternately, you can feed the power directly to your levitating support magnet for use as an auxilliary homopolar drive for the system boosting efficiency once again... (you might try feeding the back emf to this magnet as a separate experiment anyway!!)

              entertaining stuff this....
              @el-tigre---Thanks for the info on that Faraday disk generator. It might be fun to build a little one just to see how they work. I don't know if that can be used in the pulse motors we are building but maybe.

              @Jonny---I worked all day on this mag-lev thing and got it to the point that I finally mounted it on a board. The little bobbin motors will spin the rotor so fast that 'Maggie' can drive another bobbin motor or even run an exciter.
              Neat stuff!!



              • Awesome video..

                Nikola Tesla - The Genius Who Lit the World

                Check out 16:52.... This is one of Tesla's experiments. reminded me of this thread.
                See my experiments here...

                You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                • integrated generator

                  Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
                  @el-tigre---Thanks for the info on that Faraday disk generator. It might be fun to build a little one just to see how they work. I don't know if that can be used in the pulse motors we are building but maybe.

                  @Jonny---I worked all day on this mag-lev thing and got it to the point that I finally mounted it on a board. The little bobbin motors will spin the rotor so fast that 'Maggie' can drive another bobbin motor or even run an exciter.
                  Neat stuff!!

                  Hey Lid,

                  What I'm thinking is to add a small Faraday disk right on the same shaft as your levitating motor near your drive magnet and viola, it's built

                  Wow, if you can drive another motor from your output now, then you may be able to capture it to a cap instead and drive the primary from that after your spin the system up to speed with a battery you disconnect at full rpm... very cool. At least you will be able to reduce your primary power consumption by another step towards cop >1.. Keep going
                  When you pick up a cat by the tail you learn things you cannot learn any other way...


                  • @El-tigre.Thanks for posting about the Faraday disk generator.I will have a think about how it could be implemented as it requires two electrical contacts.The centre one is easy but the outer one may take a bit more thought as friction has to be avoided.Any ideas?Jonny.
                    @Lidmotor.Looks like you are reaping the rewards of the friction you have lost by going the maglev routeBeing able to run a 2nd motor of the first is quite an achievement and i would love to see a vid of that
                    I wonder if you could run a third motor of the 2nd or maybe loop some of the output.Great work.Jonny.


                    • Generator

                      Originally posted by jonnydavro View Post
                      @El-tigre.Thanks for posting about the Faraday disk generator.I will have a think about how it could be implemented as it requires two electrical contacts.The centre one is easy but the outer one may take a bit more thought as friction has to be avoided.Any ideas?Jonny.
                      Maybe a slot car brush or a small scale electric train motor brush. The fine mesh makes for a decent electrical pickup if held with an adjustable stand to just barely make contact on the surface. For the more adventurous, a drop of mercury will conduct continuously while rolling along the surface without much friction at all. (Careful handling free mercury, some other conductive liquid may be a less toxic choice)

                      I still think the best bet would be to use your levitating shaft magnet as a homopolar motor powered from your coil pickup or secondary bifilar coil output...

                      You already have the homopolar motor built and installed, just run some power wires to it and record results...

                      Keep spinnin Jonny, I wish I could conduct my own experiments but I have to wait to set up my lab again due to house sale moving delays.
                      When you pick up a cat by the tail you learn things you cannot learn any other way...


                      • Mag-Lev Bobin Motor ----Running an Exciter

                        I made a video of the little Mag-Lev motor running a Slayer Exciter. This has been a fun little project. I will probably be working more with the Exciter circuits now for awhile.

                        YouTube - Mag-Lev Bobin motor running a Slayer Exciter.ASF

                        @ el-tigre
                        All of my efforts to move the energy back into the motor and close the loop have failed. The only way my system seems to work is to let my little 'Maggie' run free and do her own thing----either light up her eyes or let her play with some other toy and expend her energy that way




                        • closing the loop

                          Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post

                          @ el-tigre
                          All of my efforts to move the energy back into the motor and close the loop have failed. The only way my system seems to work is to let my little 'Maggie' run free and do her own thing----either light up her eyes or let her play with some other toy and expend her energy that way


                          Interesting... Can you elaborate a bit on what you tried so we can track the direction of your research. Since you can use the juice on another bobbin bedini, maybe this might work... put another drive magnet on your shaft and another bobbin under that and you will have 2 inputs on the same shaft?? More than one way to skin this cat
                          When you pick up a cat by the tail you learn things you cannot learn any other way...


                          • Homopolar Over Drive.

                            The Homopolar motor is described as being extremely inefficent in all the literature. It is actually just a direct short!
                            Last edited by synchro; 03-15-2010, 10:18 PM.


                            • Dual path drive discussion

                              Originally posted by synchro View Post
                              The Homopolar motor is described as being extremely inefficent in all the literature. It is actually just a direct short!
                              Not all the literature Synchro, they are currently being evaluated by the US Navy because of their high efficiency and high power to volume ratio,

                     ... A study of the brush/rotor interface of a homopolar motor using ...
                              by B Raeymaekers - 2008 - Related articles
                              Homopolar motors have been proposed as an alternative means of propulsion for ships and submarines due to their high efficiency, high power to volume ratio,

                              A direct short off the back emf coil through a homopolar motor may not be an issue with this kind of drive, high voltage may be desirable in this case. More experimentation definitely required, too early to dismiss it as a possibility yet I think.
                              When you pick up a cat by the tail you learn things you cannot learn any other way...


                              • Plugging something back into itself doesn't work

                                Originally posted by el-tigre View Post
                                Interesting... Can you elaborate a bit on what you tried so we can track the direction of your research. Since you can use the juice on another bobbin bedini, maybe this might work... put another drive magnet on your shaft and another bobbin under that and you will have 2 inputs on the same shaft?? More than one way to skin this cat
                                Well basically all I tried to do was just plug the energy straight back into the motor and if you think about it ---that will never work. It sounds like a great idea but it just doesn't work.

                                Last edited by Lidmotor; 03-16-2010, 03:07 AM.

