Coil wraped magnet.
I wonder if wraping a few copper coil layers over a diametric cylinder magnet and pulsing it inside the air core of an output coil might not generate the same power as a spinner? The magnet coil could be wired in place where Jonnydavro has his primary located on the Spinner S.E.C., where it would rest inside the output coil. Here's a you tube link where a guy gets OU current pulsing a stack of Neos. YouTube - Self Running Coil test 16
Thanks for your kind words. Your videos continue to excite me very very much.
I wonder if wraping a few copper coil layers over a diametric cylinder magnet and pulsing it inside the air core of an output coil might not generate the same power as a spinner? The magnet coil could be wired in place where Jonnydavro has his primary located on the Spinner S.E.C., where it would rest inside the output coil. Here's a you tube link where a guy gets OU current pulsing a stack of Neos. YouTube - Self Running Coil test 16
Thanks for your kind words. Your videos continue to excite me very very much.