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One magnet no bearing Bedini motor

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  • Leap of Faith

    Maybe magnet on a leash is a bad idea for spinners approaching the electrogravitic threshold.

    Allright I'll go ahead and order some ceramic bearings for now, and more 26ga magnet wire, and when I can get a solid parts list I'll get those too. I already have a big bag of magnets, conductors and semiconductors so those are "already in the bag" as it were.

    While the bearings are being shipped, could you do a little test for me / us? -- Please turn your device off, then try to start it using low RPM's, like a single finger flick. Then stop the magnet manually, almost immediately. Does it go into self oscillation? Do you still observe the same charging effect? What I'm trying to get at is are the ceramics necessary, or is it / can it be like a solid state bedini ?


    I have alot of iron core bifilars but I think that your using an air core as the top speed of the iron cores have a limit, the time delay of saturation. Air cores spend less time saturating, have a higher max rpm.

    Are you tapping the rotor for power? Or can I use any non magnetic that will fit in my big magnet? I think I can break a lamp in the dump and get some pieces that might do well as the axel... Unless you know a good parts supplier that ships internationally.

    Where / how did you get your carbon fiber rod? I just need a few ...

    I plan on obtaining enough parts for 3 replications, one to mess up on, one to keep at home and one to give away.

    Speaking of design, maglev might not be a choice because both poles need to be basically aligned 90 degrees away from the coil, unless your using one magnet as the bearing in the maglev, and 2 magnets on either side being the triggering magnets.

    And I think that this is in the right forum topic - you can still start a new one for your specific build if you want - but since there's a spinning 1 magnet it still fits here, even if it does have a bearing, IMHO, as the bearing can be done away with if theres a better design.
    Last edited by CosmicFarmer; 08-06-2010, 12:45 PM. Reason: s?


    • remember energy cannot be produced by a magnet, it is more like a spring than a battery. it has no energy to give so you must emulate its field with its structure, use existing forces, and follow the ratios of nature and matter. you need to forget everything you know about science to make it spin. "countless doors will open while the counted ones must close." this is my theory. reflection.


      • Self oscillator.


        I tried that radio shack coil Joule thief pulse circuit of yours twice and failed both times. Thank you for reminding me. Your projects are corner stones in this area.

        Sandwich the tube magnet between two same size shack wire spools wired in series and check the coil leads for induced voltage. This may not work because the wires are not wraped together. I tried wedging a 3/4" tube into the air core of your bifilar speaker wire coil, wired in series, and it didn't generate any power. This surprised me. Air gap may be important as well as wire gauge.

        @Cosmic farmer.

        I ordered the 1/4 inch carbon rod on line: Goodwinds: solid carbon rods, pultruded carbon tubes, fiberglass rods, fiberglass tubes, and wrapped carbon. The 1/4 brass rod from the hardware store worked just as good, but it's harder to fashion. The ceramic bearings have nothing to do with the standing self oscillation, but they're a good way to get some real thrills!

        I tried stoping the rotor at slow speed too. The flycharge is very strong after stoping at slow speed. What I found is that the coil keeps oscillating and generating current after the battery's disconected. The magnet poles are inside the poles of the coil. This is the major difference. The Bloch walls are not solid, but oscillating at 1.59 Khz. This oscillation is surrounded by copper coil wraps on each end. There's no end to it. This is the important difference, One field nested inside the other!
        Last edited by synchro; 08-06-2010, 03:03 PM.


        • What I found is that the coil keeps oscillating and generating current after the battery's disconected. The magnet poles are inside the poles of the coil. This is the major difference. The Bloch walls are not solid, but oscillating at 1.59 Khz. This oscillation is surrounded by copper coil wraps on each end. There's no end to it. This is the important difference, One field nested inside the other!
          You must have conditioned your magnet, then... because that's basically the only thing that makes sense based on what you have said. Maybe the high rpm's or high frequency did it, who knows... but I double dog dare you to replace that spinner magnet, and see if you get the same results.

          Either Way...

          My notes tell me that 180khz is the resonant point of ferromagnetism... I forget where I read that...

          ... Or maybe the initial power supplied from the battery keeps bouncing off the magnet like a spring?


          • Magnet conditioning,


            There might be something to what your saying because there is no current being generated from the speaker wire bifilar with the 3/4 inch tube wedged in the core, maybe exchanging magnets would make a difference. I wrap two tickler loops, pretty thick opposite directions, wedged them into the ends of the PVC air core and wrap them is series like Lidmotors capaciitor charger with two Shack coils and their generating voltage too. I'm going to try and motor it with the ticklers like Lidmotors Joule thief.

            I tested the Plumber Spool magnet coil, and it's putting out 2 milli volts! That's a hundred time less then the larger HV wrap, but that magnet went through spin conditioning. Perhaps it's a critical factor. I'll look into this more.
            Last edited by synchro; 08-06-2010, 06:53 PM.


            • Synchro,

              My suggestion is to stay away from altering your working machine and create a duplicate of it.

              If you do that, please start a new thread and walk us through step by step of creating a duplicate if you are inclined to do that.

              Best of wishes to the good work you are expressing,



              • Output.

                I just got four hundreths of a volt from a 28 gauge bifilar wraped in series for Hi Voltage, begining of one wire to end of the other. This coil consists of two Radio Shack green spools sloppily lash wound, on one of the older RS spools which is taller. I placed a 3/4" diametric tube inside end to end instead of cross ways, and Voila, I got a sucessfull result this time. Wire gauge is very important. 25 gauge won't cut it. This experiment would be very easy to replicate. Wiring the coil properly is everything. I can't emphasize that enough! This winding was patented as an electro magnet. Place a permanet magnet inside and it generates electricity. That would make sense to a grade school child! This magnet has never been spinning.
                Last edited by synchro; 08-06-2010, 07:50 PM.


                • Generator coil.

                  I have my 100 mf 65 volt capacitor and a Schottky diode wired cathode line to positive, between the leads of the 28 gauge bifilar wired for Hi Voltage coil charging up handsomely with the tube magnet slid inside. Nothing with no magnet! They tell us electricity dosen't come from magnts. Maybe one of them can help explain just whats going on here?
                  Last edited by synchro; 08-06-2010, 08:22 PM.


                  • Originally posted by synchro View Post
                    They tell us electricity dosen't come from magnts. Maybe one of them can help explain just whats going on here?
                    They are maybe right, when they claim, Electricity or whatever cant be produced in a Magnet,
                    but the Magnet or the Field can help at it and you even need it for, any it even maybe can amplify.
                    That whole sience is full of half truths and there are such a lot of Gaps, when you look closer in it.
                    But i agree with an other Quote somewhere here, Potential is the different from the Magnetic Fields.

                    The Field around the Magnet is kinda dynamic, it can be kinda redirected, blocked or amplified with a second Pole close.
                    Around a Magnet are more Areas, a strong one close, and as further you go,
                    it goes weaker,
                    but with an other Magnet on a thin Line, you see, that the Forces are still there.
                    But the Engineers concentrate on the closer strong Part and nothing else,
                    because one Push is enough for them for her Cycle.
                    And for the rest, they got spammed with all her specific Stuff what they have to learn for her Work.
                    Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                    • Originally posted by synchro View Post
                      Wiring the coil properly is everything. I can't emphasize that enough! This winding was patented as an electro magnet. Place a permanet magnet inside and it generates electricity. That would make sense to a grade school child! This magnet has never been spinning.
                      Hi synchro,

                      Would you mind telling the patent number you refer to above? Or you mean the Tesla flat coil pair he patented for electromagnets? If the answer is the latter, then I know it but if you mean some other patent, please tell.

                      Thanks, Gyula


                      • Hi Voltage.

                        It's not the pancake patent. This was an earlier patent. I'm still searching for it. Look at this if you haven't seen it already:

                        Bifilar Electromagnet

                        I have four 3/4 inch diametrics stacked in the core of a stronger 800 wrap 26 & 28 gauge bifilar in series for Hi Voltage. I'm charging a 4700 mf 35 volt super cap right now with it just sitting there standing still. I'll continue to search for the patent.
                        Last edited by synchro; 08-06-2010, 09:17 PM.


                        • Originally posted by synchro View Post
                          It's not the pancake patent. This was an earlier patent. I'm still searching for it. Look at this if you haven't seen it already:

                          Bifilar Electromagnet

                          I have four 3/4 inch diametrics stacked in the core of a stronger 800 wrap 26 & 28 gauge bifilar in series for Hi Voltage. I'm charging a 4700 mf 35 volt super cap right now with it just sitting there standing still. I'll continue to search for the patent.
                          Thanks, and here Tesla's Coil for electromagnets and I show this because this is not what you refer to?

                          Nikola Tesla's "Coil for Electromagnets"



                          • Tesla electro magnet.


                            Tesla has another patent, a different patent, for an end to end electromagnet with a bifilar wrap, wired like explained previously. It has an iorn ferrite core. I am exasperated trying to search for it. It's identical to the nail version in the bifilar electro-magnet article. You just have to believe me untill it shows up. It's not the pancke coil patent your refering me to that I'm describing.
                            Last edited by synchro; 08-07-2010, 05:08 AM.


                            • Output.

                              My 4700 mf 50 volt capacitor already climbed 2 hundreths of a volt from zero in an hours time. That's like nearly 50 of the smaller 100 mf's to that voltage. This is from four 3/4 inch diametric neo's inside a Rich Fredrick Bedini bifilar core, wired in series. This is going to pack a wallop at some point if it keeps climbing!


                              • a.c. ticklers.

                                I plan to move the ticklers to the 4 magnet bifilar coil generator, and run a.c. out of the magnet rotor alternator, through a laptop wall charger transformer from 120 down to 15 volts and into the exciters. Floyd tried to condition magnets by demagnatizing them and remagnatizing them to accept 60 hz a.c. How much simpler to just control the rotor speed to regulate the hz to magnet frequency, which is non-harmonic with the 60 hz?

