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One magnet no bearing Bedini motor

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  • Originally posted by synchro View Post

    Your output voltage is approaching electro-static lifter range. High voltage works directly as horsepower when converted to electro-static lift. No need for step down or rectification. It's possible to compare watts in to work out by flying the lifter off a scale. Keep it climbing. Voltage equals power. Congratulations on your progress.
    Thanx Synchro. Very interesting point you make. I will see if I can acquire a high precision scale to add to the array of test equipment!

    "Anything the mind can conceive and believe, it CAN achieve." Napoleon Hill


    • Hi Synchro,twinbeard and redrichie.Really great to see you all exploring the faraday disk idea.I know this is something synchro has long championed and i think it has a good chance of working with the bearing spinner rigs.
      I just watched half your latest vid twinbeard,it won't let me watch it all but what i saw was amazing and i am not sure people understand the groundbreaking performance you are demonstrating.A rotor doing 3 million rpms is going to have some major uses,i am thinking cavitation heat devices and if we can protect the magnet from heat damage it could form the rotor for a jet engine anyway synchro mentioned you may have an electrostatic field around your device now your generating hv so you can check with an av plug detector,i enclose a pic of what i mean.If there is a field present,the av plug will allow you to feed back to source or utilise the field for lighting many leds.

      @all Here is a vid from Gatewurm on utube.He makes some great motors and in this vid he has two snake eggs,dualing in an "arena".It is quite amazing to see the interaction between the two magnets and the effect a high spin rate has on attraction.Jonny
      YouTube - Magnetic Vortex Arena


      • Originally posted by jonnydavro View Post
        Hi Synchro,twinbeard and redrichie.Really great to see you all exploring the faraday disk idea.I know this is something synchro has long championed and i think it has a good chance of working with the bearing spinner rigs.
        The faraday disc is actually the device that turned me on to the concept of a free energy generator. I concur, Synchro and Redrichie are on the right track with that. I think perhaps pumping the high current low voltage output into a Joule Thief made with power mosfets then stepping down and rectifying might allow one to name the output voltage of the disc as well.

        Originally posted by jonnydavro View Post
        I just watched half your latest vid twinbeard,it won't let me watch it all but what i saw was amazing and i am not sure people understand the groundbreaking performance you are demonstrating.A rotor doing 3 million rpms is going to have some major uses,i am thinking cavitation heat devices and if we can protect the magnet from heat damage it could form the rotor for a jet engine anyway synchro mentioned you may have an electrostatic field around your device now your generating hv so you can check with an av plug detector,i enclose a pic of what i mean.If there is a field present,the av plug will allow you to feed back to source or utilise the field for lighting many leds.

        How far will it let you get on the vid, Jonny? I will reupload, and see if that makes a difference. It should be a total of 8:32. Here is the source file as well:

        **edit** reupload url: <-- non functional...apparently youtube does not like duplicate uploads.
        give the original vid a retry, and if that does not work, feel free to grab a copy of the source video from my host since youtube is not being cooperative

        Since I moved to a non-total enclosure for the magnet... air gaps on 2 sides... I have not had a heat problem, and that is with just a little WD40 for lube. With a totally enclosed rotor, I would melt through a housing in a couple of hours. I think the rotor is pushing air fast enough to keep itself cool... and I agree, unless the friction is overcome, curie temperature will be a rate limiter here. I am hoping I can pressurize the rotor in a sheath of ferrofluid inside a titanium or so cylinder with a spherical cutout, and both increase the frequency and use the cylinder as a heatsink as well, similar to the ferrofluid application inside a speaker voicecoil. 150Khz is my goal... the above plus a higher voltage input and a smaller magnet (less mass to move) will let me get there, I hope. If not, I will try to get some "golf ball" dimpled magnets made to decrease the air drag... either that, or put it all in an evacuated container. @150Hkz is what Tesla settled on for the Magnifying Transmitter... I want to see why

        I will whip up one of those AV plugs and see what happens... thanks for the advice, compliments, and of course all the work you have put it prior to my even being aware any of this was possible!

        Originally posted by jonnydavro View Post
        @all Here is a vid from Gatewurm on utube.He makes some great motors and in this vid he has two snake eggs,dualing in an "arena".It is quite amazing to see the interaction between the two magnets and the effect a high spin rate has on attraction.Jonny
        YouTube - Magnetic Vortex Arena
        That is too cool.

        Last edited by twinbeard; 09-01-2010, 01:21 AM.
        "Anything the mind can conceive and believe, it CAN achieve." Napoleon Hill


        • you want 150KHz !?!?!? my god.......your house might levitate !

          seriously though..great stuff twin !!...i posted a comment on the youtube do a test with the Fluke in parallel with the shunt


          • Originally posted by rave154 View Post
            you want 150KHz !?!?!? my god.......your house might levitate !

            seriously though..great stuff twin !!...i posted a comment on the youtube do a test with the Fluke in parallel with the shunt
            Thanx, Rave

            hehehe... If I can get the house to levitate, I will fly to mars and plant a pirate flag! Gonna have to get one of Retrod1's 2" spheres to make a big enough field to protect me against the cosmic rays tho. Hahaha.

            Here is the data you requested:
            YouTube - FlowerPower additional test.

            Last edited by twinbeard; 09-01-2010, 02:51 PM.
            "Anything the mind can conceive and believe, it CAN achieve." Napoleon Hill


            • Twin,

              thanks for testing that

              i added a comment to that page as far as removing any doubts as to exactly what output you do have.

              If youre gonna use a 1 1/2 inch neo sphere....might as well go the whole hog and use a 2 inch one like "gary" does...( can take the whole street to mars with ya )


              • Originally posted by rave154 View Post

                thanks for testing that

                i added a comment to that page as far as removing any doubts as to exactly what output you do have.

                If youre gonna use a 1 1/2 inch neo sphere....might as well go the whole hog and use a 2 inch one like "gary" does...( can take the whole street to mars with ya )
                Hmm... Rectifying to DC. That going to create lots of heat. I'll give it a go, but I really do not have any doubts, after getting bitten quite well after carelessly touching an output lead. I was actually planning on trying to acquire a current probe and amp for this scope, so we could REALLY eliminate any doubt. Its power factor you are concerned about, right?

                Don't forget that the output tranny has 2 secondary winds as well. I can't go into tremendous detail on that one... it is the patented invention of an associate.

                I was wondering what a significantly larger sphere would do... say a foot in diameter? It would have a pull strength of several tons, I'm sure. Of course, to even consider that would require something like a
                stone pyramid to house it in, and there would be no bringing any ferrous metal anywhere near it, and then there would be the issue of the power necessary to bring that large a mass up to a rotational frequency sufficient to show any of these effects. Even the eddy currents that would be present in non-ferrous metals would cause a problem. Perhaps very pure scandium or titanium could be used.


                Last edited by twinbeard; 09-02-2010, 03:11 PM.
                "Anything the mind can conceive and believe, it CAN achieve." Napoleon Hill


                • yes.......from the little bit ive learned from the LOT that thane C heins has put out........ power factor in AC makes all the difference.....where as...with DC......what ya what ya got........but like you say, maybe the crash-crude diode approach isnt the way to got with this (and those diodes sure do get hot dont they ) obviously...were wasting "something" there.

                  so in that respect...the diode ( and therefore the diode bridge ) does strike one as a convenient yet wastful tool.

                  a more elegant solution as to how to "utilise" AC is required ooposed to the clumsy (yet convenient ) useage of a diode bridge.

                  hmm.....that question.......what exactly "IS"........power factor....and how can we manipulate it....and use it to our advantage.

                  (/ end rant-ramble)


                  • Originally posted by rave154 View Post
                    yes.......from the little bit ive learned from the LOT that thane C heins has put out........ power factor in AC makes all the difference.....where as...with DC......what ya what ya got........but like you say, maybe the crash-crude diode approach isnt the way to got with this (and those diodes sure do get hot dont they ) obviously...were wasting "something" there.

                    so in that respect...the diode ( and therefore the diode bridge ) does strike one as a convenient yet wastful tool.

                    a more elegant solution as to how to "utilise" AC is required ooposed to the clumsy (yet convenient ) useage of a diode bridge.

                    hmm.....that question.......what exactly "IS"........power factor....and how can we manipulate it....and use it to our advantage.

                    (/ end rant-ramble)

                    Oh, I was not talking about heat in the bridge... I have never felt any heat there. I was talking about in the resistor paralled to a DC cap... discharging the DC into a resistor will make heat quicklike.

                    Power factor is the phase relationship between voltage and current... current typically lags behind voltage. You want to sync them up, on your secondary anyway

                    The much maligned wikipedia explains it pretty well:
                    Power factor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    To be usable as AC, I am going to have to change the frequency of the output anyway, and the only way I am aware of doing that is to rectify it to DC, dump it into capacitor bank, then run ANOTHER alternating circuit at the frequency you are looking for. Personally, I would rather just leave it DC once its rectified.

                    Again, the way around this is to measure Joules, I think, instead of Watts.

                    "Anything the mind can conceive and believe, it CAN achieve." Napoleon Hill


                    • Faraday photos.

                      Here are photographs by Gerald of my Faraday Homopolar generator, and my Celtic Knot Toroid with the dimpled spinner in a cup enlarged to the right. Next to the knot toroid in the group photo is my K-mart scale, and to the far left a smaller spiral loop wraped around a coil of thin 32 gauge copper wire.

                      The Homopolar is made from a brass clock, and powered by the electric drill for testing. Under the drill head is the matching barometer to show the size of the disk. The disk has 16 3/4 inch neo's, 8 on each side, and to the right is the rotor for the homopolar generator. I had instant and overwhelming success with the Faraday generator.
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by synchro; 09-08-2010, 03:36 AM.


                      • Originally posted by synchro View Post
                        Here are photographs by Gerald of my Faraday Homopolar generator, and my Celtic Knot Toroid with the dimpled spinner in a cup enlarged to the right. Next to the knot toroid in the group photo is my K-mart scale, and to the far left a smaller spiral loop wraped around a coil of thin 32 gauge copper wire.

                        The Homopolar is made from a brass clock, and powered by the electric drill for testing. Under the drill head is the matching barometer to show the size of the disk. The disk has 16 3/4 inch neo's, 8 on each side, and to the right is the rotor for the homopolar generator. I had instant and overwhelming success with the Faraday generator.
                        VERY NICE Synchro! I bet the Celtic Knot device really flies. It makes sense that the additional mass of the flywheel with the Faraday setup would actually improve the performance of the Bedini circuit as well... very curious to see output readings off your Faraday generator.

                        Also, I did a bit of testing with the inductive ammeter... not so precise in resolution, but enough to see what can be seen. Video here:

                        YouTube - I/O readings with hybrid BITT/MEG output stage transformer.

                        I also did a bit of fooling with a fractal explorer, and found some graphs that could look awfully like magnetic fields...

                        YouTube - Curious Fractals

                        "Anything the mind can conceive and believe, it CAN achieve." Napoleon Hill


                        • Homopolar generator.

                          I secured the magnet rotor to the disk axel and powered it with an Evinrude magneto spark generating coil and stator, wired backwards as pulse coil. I have a Hall effect sensor and mosfet connected to a 12v 6 amp hour battery. This setup ran my 1" spinner with a loop back to source cap and diode. I know from those trials that my input can be reduced to nano amps. This promises to make the Homopalar generator output all gravy. Twinbeard asked for some C.O.P. figures. My first test of the Homopolar disk was made with multi meter electrode pressure on the axel and brass disc edge while powered by a hand held electric drill. The digital readout bounced around too much for me to get an accurate reading, but the voltage potential is present and potentially awesome. My next step will be to attach two clock hand contacts to power a load, and measure the output accuratly. I posted a picture of the magneto coil below. It sent a ring magnet to the cieling when I touched a gator clip to the battery, and it's working better then anticipated as a pulse coil.
                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by synchro; 09-10-2010, 06:14 PM. Reason: Addition.


                          • Originally posted by synchro View Post
                            This promises to make the Homopalar generator output all gravy. Twinbeard asked for some C.O.P. figures. My first test of the Homopolar disk was made with multi meter electrode pressure on the axel and brass disc edge while powered by a hand held electric drill. The digital readout bounced around too much for me to get an accurate reading, but the voltage potential is present and potentially awesome.
                            I totally agree that the homopolar disk will be all gravy. Further, it could likely be double or triple helpings of gravy with multiple homopolars on one shaft. Not sure if I was looking for C.O.P... really just seeing if we have a steady low voltage high amperage DC source as reported with other permutations of this arrangement.

                            "Anything the mind can conceive and believe, it CAN achieve." Napoleon Hill


                            • twin.

                              @Pirate Twinbeard,

                              I searched out exactly 8 more 3/4" neo's. I broke down the barometer and rearranged the magnets so they lay flat, all 24, with the flat part of the brass disks back to back. This was another great idea, as the two balance each other due to an irregular hinge. They fit neatly into the jewelery box.

                              I weighed both the disks, 24 magnets and the rotor and axel for a whopping 8 pounds overall. The magneto coil stator has a north and south pole, the north pole side of the stator is slightly elongated. Naturally all the rotor magnets are pointing north out, so I'm useing only one side of the coil for now. The coil has an outlet for the spark plug wire. Since I'm working it backwards, it makes sense that BEMF recovery might be run back to source through a spark plug wire, through cap and diode.

                              This has just turned into a bodacious moby Faraday Homopolar dynamo. The Gauss is fearsome. I have to apologise to "Eroutt" for unfairly criticizing his Homopolar ideas as problematic. I really didn't understand the underlying principle untill I saw the video of the stationary field along the axis of a rotating magnet just a few weeks ago. I'm really stoked about this incarnation.

                              I'm certain that rotating just the disks alone between stationary magnet stators would permit faster r.p.m. and more power output.

                              Thanks to Jonnydavro for tolerating the wild swings my experimention has taken through the course of this thread. This is way off topic.
                              Last edited by synchro; 09-11-2010, 04:23 PM.


                              • Faraday.

                                I just ordered two 3 inch diameter ring magnets, shaped like big flat washers, for $60 apiece, and several 3.5 inch diameter precision tolerenced 1/8th inch copper disks at $37 dollars apiece. I plan to spin these precision copper discs between the stationary neos at very high speed with my Celtic Knot Bedini, and precision axel bearings.

                                The barometer and clock discs proved to be oblong. This went unoticed untill I placed them back to back. Bigger junk heap! Close to round as round can be is best.

                                The Magneto Coil Mosfet burned a hole through the carpet. Back to the drawing board with this too. Very powerfull pulse coil though. I believe it would help to detour the BEMF.

                                My 1 Farad digital readout speaker capacitor just arrived at the post office, so I'll have time to rig the O.U. Magnet Core Output Coil back to source to test the self runner.

