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Danial McFarland Cook's Eectro Magnetic Battery, a 140 year old patent that predates the incandesent light bulb. Click on the link. I started a new thread to deal with this as it's way off topic.
Let me recap: My original idea was to spin a magnet inside the core of an output coil. Magnetman succeded at this as he demonstrated in his videos. My first attempt was a 3/4" Neo inside a blue plumbers tape spool, that worked exceptionally well. I ran the spool magnet with the single wrap as a pulse motor by reed switch in series with a twelve volt battery, and measured the output from another single wrap coil placed underneath. Then I powered the spinner with the underneath coil and measured the output from the spool winding. To my astonishment, the output was twice the amount from the axial spool wrap. This led me to postulate the vortex theory. Magnetman produced a video that bears this theory out, where he spins the magnet up next to an output coil, then removes the spinner and shows the voltage continuing to climb! Lo and behold!!!!
Next I scaled up and tried a shop wraped biflilar, and a 1" Neo in a PVC core. Here I encountered more unexplained effects. One, when I stopped the spinner to test for self oscillation on Jonnydavro's advice. I got a voltage reading from the bifilar power coil when cross wired for hi voltage, like the Joule thief Lidmotor has running his Light multiplier, with no power hooked up. I started the new thread on magnet coil feedback and built several Cook Electro Magnet Batteries. I got some spotty results. I then tried placing them in adjacency to the spinner as output coils and got the results that led to my overunity discvovery. I'm ready to test that now as a self runner with my 1 Farad capacitor. I charged the capacitor to peak voltage of 20, with a wall charger in just a few seconds, and ran the 1" Neo in Spiral Coil up to 24K for about a minuite. Next I plan to run it with the secondary cap and diode, which is essential, from my magnet core output coil to capacitor source. This set up began to charge the power battery, and I expect it to do the same thing with the capacitor.
Lenz's law states that when a magnet approachs a coil of wire, voltage is produced in that coil of wire. When current flows in that coil of wire the coil produces a magnetic field such that the polarity of the magnetic field produced by the coil is the same as the approaching magnet. This repels the approaching magnet.
When diametricly polarized Neo Magnets are placed inside the core of the output coil of wire, I believe that the approaching magnet sees a coil face polarity that is Bi-Polar. This is in effect because the Neo Magnet Gauss is greater then the the mono pole field strength induced by the current. The Bi-Polar field over powers the opposing force of the same pole induced in the coil, and neutralizes the Lenz drag effect while generating a current in the coil of wire. I think this is how the diametric magnet core output coil is able to deliver a C.O.P.>1.
I believe that a small electro-magnet positioned inside or at or around the face of the output coil would mask the same induced repelling coil pole. A small toroidal masking coil at the face of the output coil could be energized by reed switch, and any number of these Lenz neutralizing output coils could be stationed in adjacency to the prime mover. Anyone who understands the "Orbo effect" can appreciate how the field neutralization would mask Lenz drag from the output coil placed behind, if the toroid were built larger and charged more powerfully. Two disk neo magnets, one on top and the other at the bottem of the coil face, in opposition polarity and at a combined strength greater then the induced mono field at the coil end would neutralize the Lenz drag as well. Neutral zone positioning is necessary. One can fish for it with a multi meter. It's not that difficult to position correctly enough to generate free power!
One final addendum. The 3/4" I.D. plastic spool is 1.5 inchs long. I have two 3/4" diametric Neos locked together end to end, and the holes are taped closed at the ends. The magnets don't rotate or bounce around. Also, this produces four magnet poles, two opposite at each end. The coil is wound with around 300 feet of 32 gauge magnet wire. This is the one that works. All the other ideas are untested by me at this time. I believe at this time that my Lenz masking theory is more correct then the Lorentz or Vortex, but quien sabes? Light has a wave theory, a particle theory and the Heisenberg principle to explain the phenomenon. We may need parts from all three theories of magnatisem as well.
Also, I noticed the spinner speeding up instead of slowing down while the coil is generating power. I think this may be due to a domain reversal at the coil end due to unknown causes.
Last edited by synchro; 09-20-2010, 11:29 PM.
Reason: addition.
Lenz's law states that when a magnet approachs a coil of wire, voltage is produced in that coil of wire. When current flows in that coil of wire the coil produces a magnetic field such that the polarity of the magnetic field produced by the coil is the same as the approaching magnet. This repels the approaching magnet.
When diametricly polarized Neo Magnets are placed inside the core of the output coil of wire, the approaching magnet sees a coil face polarity that is Bi-Polar. This is in effect because the Neo magnet Gauss is greater then the the mono pole field strength induced by the current. The Bi-Polar field over powers the opposing force of the same pole induced in the coil, and neutralizes the Lenz drag effect while generating a current in the coil of wire. This is how the diametric magnet core output coil is able to deliver a C.O.P.>1.
Hi synchro,
Thanks for directing me to this post from another thread, sounds good and if you have some more data, mainly measurement data on input and output voltages and current I would like to read them. I know you have problems with taking photos but please try to overcome them and show some pictures too. If you have oscilloscope shot on the induced voltage by the bi-polar field, that would also be great...
@Twinbeard.Hi.You are welcome to post information on your motor here as it is relevent to this thread and you are in no way hijacking it and i am very much enjoying yours and synchros journey of discovery although your device is what i term a breakthrough device and certainly warrants its own thread,i am just suprised there has not been much interest in it as what you have is what most motor builders seek to obtain which is a way around Lenz law.
OK, cool. Who knows why there is less interest than one would think. Maybe because I just showed up on the scene and started posting all of this, and folks think I cannot know what I am talking about being so new to the scene... maybe people think I am a spook or something. So it goes.
The important part is that this stuff is getting published and publicly archived, I think.
I have built a jig for a starship coil and ordered some twisted wire but when it came it was such a nice ready made bedini coil as the ends of the wires were exposed on the spool so i have decided to use that in some other experiments and will order some more.
That is an interesting thought... using Litz on a starship. I might have to pick up some of that from the local surplus place and check it out.
I have also been working on Lidmotors Bobin Bedini and trying to get the current draw down into the microamp region and finally done it with a simple ready made minature coil which i will post more on soon and like Rave i also want to try synchros simple Keltic knot coil so there is a long to do list but not much time to do do it,Oh well.Happy experimenting everyone.Jonny
Yeah, that celtic knot is quite curious. Makes me wonder if all those old mandala type shapes are not intended to be coil patterns of one type or another.
"Anything the mind can conceive and believe, it CAN achieve." Napoleon Hill
Danial McFarland Cook's Eectro Magnetic Battery, a 140 year old patent that predates the incandesent light bulb. Click on the link. I started a new thread to deal with this as it's way off topic.
Let me recap: My original idea was to spin a magnet inside the core of an output coil. Magnetman succeded at this as he demonstrated in his videos. My first attempt was a 3/4" Neo inside a blue plumbers tape spool, that worked exceptionally well. I ran the spool magnet with the single wrap as a pulse motor by reed switch in series with a twelve volt battery, and measured the output from another single wrap coil placed underneath. Then I powered the spinner with the underneath coil and measured the output from the spool winding. To my astonishment, the output was twice the amount from the axial spool wrap. This led me to postulate the vortex theory. Magnetman produced a video that bears this theory out, where he spins the magnet up next to an output coil, then removes the spinner and shows the voltage continuing to climb! Lo and behold!!!!
I can confirm that... once the aether is spinning, it wants to keep spinning by way of inertia. The real test is to remove the rotor, remove the source power, and see how long the aether takes to wind down. This prevents a self resonating coiul from giving a false positive, as when you are moving the rotor away slowly, the effect is just like increasing the base resistance to the point where the magnet stalls, but the coil keeps on resonating. Again, I think minimal threshold frequency is critical to the vortex effect.
Your "permanent magnet core" inductor there for sure deserves further investigation. It should behave like a variable inductor by raising or lowering the core in relation to the coil, thereby changing the level of "non-dynamic saturation."
Next I scaled up and tried a shop wraped biflilar, and a 1" Neo in a PVC core. Here I encountered more unexplained effects. One, when I stopped the spinner to test for self oscillation on Jonnydavro's advice. I got a voltage reading from the bifilar power coil when cross wired for hi voltage, like the Joule thief Lidmotor has running his Light multiplier, with no power hooked up. I started the new thread on magnet coil feedback and built several Cook Electro Magnet Batteries. I got some spotty results. I then tried placing them in adjacency to the spinner as output coils and got the results that led to my overunity discvovery. I'm ready to test that now as a self runner with my 1 Farad capacitor. I charged the capacitor to peak voltage of 20, with a wall charger in just a few seconds, and ran the 1" Neo in Spiral Coil up to 24K for about a minuite. Next I plan to run it with the secondary cap and diode, which is essential, from my magnet core output coil to capacitor source. This set up began to charge the power battery, and I expect it to do the same thing with the capacitor.
My first test attempt at the 1 farad capacitor source self runner resulted in the explosion of my tiny secondary capacitor. It went off like a cherry bomb! I have to find a different approach. Works fine with the battery.
I ran the spinner up to 31.2K R.P.M for a new speed record. I afixed two pole reversed neo disks to the face of the air core output coil for a Lenz masking test. I plan to try one side then the other with no magnets to compare any output difference.
My first test attempt at the 1 farad capacitor source self runner resulted in the explosion of my tiny secondary capacitor. It went off like a cherry bomb! I have to find a different approach.
Maybe isolate the primary cap from the secondary cap with a diode?
output bridge----small cap----diode----run cap perhaps?
That would handle it if the problem is too much current hitting the small cap from the big cap. If the problem is excess voltage coming from your pickup coil, you could either increase the voltage rating of the small cap or step down the coil output with a small transformer before hitting your rectifier with it.
Cheers, and hide behind some plastic or screen!
"Anything the mind can conceive and believe, it CAN achieve." Napoleon Hill
I for one am very interested in this thread. I don't post much because I don't feel I have anything to add. I am sure there are others like myself. To get an idea of the interest look at the number of views for the thread instead of the number of replies. Thanks for sharing what you guys are learning. I am learning from watching you.
Thanks again, Carroll
Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.
I think perhaps that Lenz force may work backwards, and actually help drive the tiny neo sphere spinner inside your Maggie output coil. The relationship to the induced coil poles is inside out. Two questions are: Does the spinner slow down or speed up after you connect the load? This may translate into a different indicator; A drop in input power to the prime mover when Maggie's placed under load. I remember you reporting something like this in one of your videos.
I just ran my Spiral Knot spinner up inside a 5" long 4 1/2 " I.D. P.V.C. coupling. I am preparing to cut coil walls and wrap the coupling with 32 gauge copper wire, and a 16 gauge secondary. This is what I set out to accomplish from the beginning. This "Mega Maggie" will have a mighty 1" Neo tube spinning at over 30K R.P.M. well inside the surrounding output coil. This may turn into a very powerfull OU motor generator.
Here are pictures of the PVC coupling output core and the internal nesting. Size scale appears reversed. The prime mover should still have a bi-polar relationship to the output coil, like the other Lenz masking variations. Lenz drag may turn into Lenz propulsion by way of involoution. Spin rate may beat the induced coil pole shift frequency just enough to get to get a shove instead of a repulsion!
I think perhaps that Lenz force may work backwards, and actually help drive the tiny neo sphere spinner inside your Maggie output coil. The relationship to the induced coil poles is inside out. The question is: Does the spinner slow down or speed up after you connect the load? Do you have a Laser Tach to accuratly clock your Maggie spinner? I got mine on special at Harbor Freight for around $25.
Lidmotor has a scope... he can read the output waveforms and determine frequency by that, then multiply by 60 to get RPM. This is the method alphcentauro and I are using to determine frequency... AC wavelength.
Peak to peak = one cycle. Time between peaks = period of the wave.
1/period = frequency. frequency * 60 = RPM.
I just ran my Spiral Knot spinner up inside a 5" long 4 1/2 " I.D. P.V.C. coupling. I am preparing to cut coil walls and wrap the coupling with 32 gauge copper wire, and a 16 gauge secondary. This is what I set out to accomplish from the beginning. This "Mega Maggie" will have a mighty 1" Neo tube spinning at over 30K R.P.M. well inside the surrounding output coil. This may turn into a very powerfull OU motor generator.
Here are pictures of the PVC coupling output core and the internal nesting. Size scale appears reversed.
"Anything the mind can conceive and believe, it CAN achieve." Napoleon Hill
The Lenz propulsion theory may help explain Lidmotor's amp draw drop effect demonstrated in this video. Lidmotor draws less input power when he's driving Maggie! I believe the spinner is going faster then the induced pole shift of the output coil and catching a forward shove instead of a repulsive drag. The spinner should get twice the propulsion inside the coil from both poles, one on each side.
We can power the primary of a bi-toroid transformer with the a.c. output from a Lenz Propulsion Generator and reduce the battery size in the electric car from a $33,000.00 government subsidized A123 nano laminate, to a handfull of AA's. These two inventions will work well together to power a.c. induction motors with out inverter and rectifier loss. They may allow us to travel long distances fuel free. We can expect new advances in electric powered aviation also.
We can power the primary of a bi-toroid transformer with the a.c. output from a Lenz Propulsion Generator and reduce the battery size in the electric car from a $33,000.00 government subsidized A123 nano laminate, to a handfull of AA's. These two inventions will work well together to power a.c. induction motors with out inverter and rectifier loss. They may allow us to travel long distances fuel free. We can expect new advances in electric powered aviation also.
Methinks you are quite right. One of the design goals with the FlowerPower was to marry the efficiently driven prime mover in the OMNBB with Thane's stack of technology. I cannot go into much further detail there... but you have seen the results already I would like to see what happens when a BITT is tacked onto the output of a Rotoverter to "rectify" the reactive power generated by that device...
"Anything the mind can conceive and believe, it CAN achieve." Napoleon Hill
I have some new findings. My most recent magnet order arrived, giving me some new toys to play with The first of my experiments concerning these has been to replace my 1/4" rotor with a 1/8" model. I am still working out the best way to make a rotor housing, since I have no acrylic tube with a 1/8" inner diameter, and my machined titanium parts are being done by a hobbyist friend in his spare time. One strategy I am thinking to pursue is to simply get an acrylic rod, and drill a hole in it. In any case, for the time being, I have a less that perfect rotor housing in the form of the same 1/4" acrylic tube I was using with the larger rotor. I expect to be able to improve upon the following numbers as I perfect the rotor housing and can add some reasonable lubrication like pressurized ferrofluid.
So, without further ado the results of using a lower mass, lower diameter rotor:
Voltage at output stage, as measured by the Tek 465M mil-spec oscope:
Amperage as measured by the RCA WV-526A inductive ammeter:
Frequency, as measured in the method used a few posts ago, with the following differences:
Since I am seeing slightly irregular spacings between AC output wave peaks, probably because we are modulating the time domain to create the scalar waves, I decided to sum the peaks and divide by divisions. Hence, at a 20 microsecond per division timebase, I am seeing 11.5 full waveforms across the 10 divisions. This gives us 1.15 waves per division. 20 microseconds divided by 1.15 gives us an average period of 17.39 microseconds per full waveform. This translates to an approximate frequency of 57,500Hz. Multiplied by 60 seconds per minute, that gives us 3450000 RPM's with the smaller rotor. I regret that I cannot find an even smaller magnet to buy anywhere
Incremental steps... a little forward at a time. What was the old saying... slow and steady wins the race? I hope to have some video showing the new findings tomorrow. My lovely bride had the camera last, I do not know where she put it, and she is sound asleep at the moment.
"Anything the mind can conceive and believe, it CAN achieve." Napoleon Hill