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One magnet no bearing Bedini motor

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  • #91

    I replicated this device successfully YouTube - MVI 7121

    I got it to run at 12 volts (just what I had around, no AA case) and my clamp on ammeter zeroed showed about .04 amps draw and .02 amp charge. Charging the battery was a voltage of 13.05 and my resistance was around 600, but I found you can increase resistance (up to atleast 10k) once the magnet has gotten stable, and that seems to smooth things out even more, but a noted slowdown is heard. Decreasing the resistance makes the pulses too strong and usually bumps it around too violently. I greased that plastic dish with olive oil.

    The 2 capacitors on the side of the choke coil had no size specified so I used flash caps from cameras. One capacitor charged up to higher then 90 volts and the other one was at 12 when I checked it.

    Thinking out loud...
    If the middle of these magnets could be scored and made rough, you might be able to start the rotation by drawing some sort of bow string past it, or have a device that holds the magnet by the middle with some string, and when a button is pressed the string gets pulled real fast and drops the magnet... It seems that when the "Hematite zip stone" stands up, its due to an imbalance that gets amplified to the point where it goes to flip over, and thats when it falls into the magnetic groove.

    Imagine a big salad bowl. If you were to wrap magnetic wire in a spiral all over the surface of this bowl, starting in the middle and working to the outside, do you think that would be the best way to capture this magnets spin? Or would smaller rings be better pickups? or possibly just more tri-filar goodness...

    Anyway, just popping in to say I did it too! :-)


    • #92
      concept idea

      @CosmicFarmer: Well done! The number of replicators is growing! Nice


      I wanna share a conceptional idea i had to make this self-start.
      The idea is to use a separate 555 circuit to create the necessary pulses to the Bedini coil to push the magnet into the rotation and then to switch it over to the running circuit that would make use also of the magnets input into the coil:
      I have tried this and it did not work, but maybe someone else can get it to work:

      The frequency could even be ramped, then i think this would really start the magnet without touching it. Like the circuit is now, i had the hope that you would just have to gently twist it a bit and then it would fall under the influence of the coils field and follow it, but maybe this cant work.


      • #93
        Originally posted by Xenomorph View Post
        @CosmicFarmer: Well done! The number of replicators is growing! Nice


        I wanna share a conceptional idea i had to make this self-start.
        The idea is to use a separate 555 circuit to create the necessary pulses to the Bedini coil to push the magnet into the rotation and then to switch it over to the running circuit that would make use also of the magnets input into the coil:
        I have tried this and it did not work, but maybe someone else can get it to work:

        The frequency could even be ramped, then i think this would really start the magnet without touching it. Like the circuit is now, i had the hope that you would just have to gently twist it a bit and then it would fall under the influence of the coils field and follow it, but maybe this cant work.
        had the same idea before reading upon your post...
        though a bit different...
        my idea is for the 555 to trigger the transistor thus switching the master coil.
        when the magnet is up to speed (assuming it turns...hehe - it is a thought experiment after all) switch the trigger from the 555 to the trigger coil.

        just my 2 cents...


        • #94
          wouldn't the pulse train have to initially begin slowly, and as the magnet spun up, the pulse train should follow? A feverish pulse with a stationary magnet might just make it vibrate... So in order for the signal to adjust from slow to fast, a variable has to change that the timer sees.

          Hm. Possibly have spin coils seperate from the run/charge coil. Maybe all you would need is a variable speed AC signal going into a coil offset yet below the magnet, to get it spinning, and once its jumping around the drive coil takes over its normal use to finish stabilizing the magnet? Remember when the zip stone is laying down, one of its poles are facing down, and one up. Pulse the opposite pole and the mag will pop up, rotate, and slam down. Maybe if you wound a trifilar, and one wire's use is for that? The way the bedini circuit works from my understanding, is it needs the magnets movement to start the switching, yet now we are trying to force the switching to get the movement... Just seems a little backwards.

          Good luck if you can do it!


          • #95
            finally got it going

            Jonnydavro - I finally got the magnet spinning and checked a 30 guage off the shelf 200 foot spool to see what kind of generation I could get - .7 volt AC up to 2.1 volt depending on if the magnet was stationary in the middle or if it was moving out around the perimeter. The highest readings came when the magnet contacted the edge of the spool.

            I tried to add a second tier and get another magnet spinning - did not make it but the first magnet increased speed to where it ended up breaking the glass jar I used. Today I tried a smaller - all plastic - jar - got the same increase in speed as soon as the second magnet was removed. I think this can be done but the top of the next layer needs to very close to the top of the first magnet. The jar I tried today was still too much higher. The upper mag seemed really close to taking off a number of times.

            Here is a video of the first try. YouTube - Jonnydavro-One Magnet Bedini Motor Replication SORRY ABOUT THE CAMERA ANGLE. First time.

            I need to find out where to put the probes to check my power consumption on the Bedini circuit. Please help.

            The second plastic jar was a bullion container and it worked really well. I was able to make a number of changes that made it quieter. When the mag picked up speed and bumped into the side it actually accelerated even more...I am not sure that the jar helps at all though as far as the pick-up coils were concerned. It placed the coils too far away from the magnet most of the time.

            Thanks for all of the suggestions to get this one going. If I can do it I am pretty sure just about anyone can.

            I took the 200 foot spool of 30 guage and since there was a portion of the core hanging below the drive coil I put the coil on top and inserted the extra core. I checked the voltage and was getting a steady 0.1 volts.

            I had gotten 10 of the snake mags and have tried most of them. Each one spins up differently. I also found that the small lid is much harder to get the mag up and spinning.

            BTW I am using the Lidmotor coil.



            • #96
              @Cosmicfarmer.Thanks for replicating,you have made a real nice job and you have a real good magnet too as like Brownsville says each one has a different personality .Sorry about missing the cap data out.I used 35v 1000uf electrolytic caps and 1N4937 diodes.You are getting a lot of bemf, 90v so i would keep a meter on it if you change your caps.What voltage are you running your motor on?
              If you are up for a bit of testing,see if you can get a load running off the relay caps,maybe a joule thief would be a good test.
              @Brownsville.I am glad you stuck with it and got there in the end.Nice one
              I know what you mean about each magnet spinning differently,have you got any that spin vertical?These seem quieter and i think they spin faster but wander about a bit.The X spinners are nice and stable but you want both types really to test.Regarding starting.You may find it easier if you turn your lid the other way so the top is completly flat and then it is easy to start with 2 hands and the X spinner is stable so you don't need the lip like you might with the vertical one.I see you are trying some interesting things,keep us informed on your progress.Happy experimenting to you both


              • #97
                Thanks JD! Good idea on magnet choice. What inspired you anyway to choose this way?

                My diodes for the relay mod I used I found in my workshop carpet... in4004. Yeah I was suprised too at the 90+ v charge, and all I can think of is that's the inductive collapse, or part of it, because back EMF wouldn't get that high? I guess my next video will show the voltage climb on that cap so I have an idea how quickly that can build up. Spin the magnet for 3 hours, 90 volts isnt that much but if it can climb that high in a few seconds... Then were talking!

                The capacitor after the diode, or the capacitor on the right of the schematic, shows 18+ volts standard operation, and the other one shows 11+ volts. When charging battery is disconnected, voltage catapulted to 65 before I put the clip back on. This is where the abnormally high voltage reading came from. So I reccommend using high voltage caps when possible just in case a spike comes through you want to keep.

                I belive this has to be the next logical step for the Bedini circuit. It just simplifies so much! And its so fun. My electronics teacher was left completely befuddled.

                Has anyone gotten around to ground powering this device? I saw lidmotor's vid where he was powering his SEC with the ground... I was able to pull 11 volts from the ground with a "free energy" circuit YouTube - Re: Free Energy From Air Circuit which was a capacitive bridge rectifier. That charge was real fluffy though. They used air antennas in that video but I find a ground rod works better and is easier to maintain. I could only get 11 volts after a ~10 second charge time.

                Yeah I got a bunch of those magnets, I guess all I needed was an excuse to buy them. I have a regular storehouse of every type of magnet I found, and only the rounded snake egg magnets work for me. The smaller hematite stones are uneven and when I get it to spin it just goes wild.

                I guess my next project is to make a joule theif... But I doubt I can get mine as cool as Lidmotor's R2D2.

                Anyone have any experience with the "jt spinner" ? YouTube - jt "spinner"
                It looks the same and acts the same, but no batteries and a big toroid added.

                I think I'll try making colloid silver with this... having good luck with 27 volts DC though.
                Last edited by CosmicFarmer; 04-29-2009, 03:38 AM. Reason: Additional information and kindness


                • #98
                  @CosmicFarmer : I have experimented with Joe Tate ambient power modules, but the voltage i got was not very high and the current was in the micro-ampere range. Only next to a CFL it would pickup substantial energy.
                  Interesting that you have run it entirely on a ground rod.

                  Probably an earth battery could power this one magnet motor (maybe with DC/DC voltage doubling or so).
                  I got mine down to below 5 mA amp-draw (@2.8V) now too, so that opens up many possibilities.

                  With the one magnet Bedini setup i have tried connecting a ground rod to the pickup-coil capacitor too see if that would boost the charging of it, but it hasnt.


                  • #99
                    Sphere-shaped Magnet tested

                    Just a little demo on how it performs. It cannot tumble, but it needs to be seen if it compares to the snake eggs performancewise.

                    YouTube - SphereShaped


                    • Hi.Today i got a new laser tachometer to try and find out how fast the snake egg is spinning.I was using 7.5v(5x1.5v batteries) for the test and the vertical spinning egg.I found that the egg would go over 17000rpm at this voltage and 15mA.I chose this voltage as i can stabilise the egg a lot easier than when at 12v but 12v is a lot faster for sure.Here is a pic of it doing 16800rpm

                      @Xenomorph.I have also tried the balls but found them rather jerky,but they look a lot smoother in your video than mine so it would be interesting to compare the two but they are certainly a good alternative and warrant further study.I have tried today to get the spheres rpm with my tacho but i cannot keep the beam on the ball to get a reading.Maybe you could use that audio analysis method you mentioned?
                      Attached Files


                      • Aah no not yet, I havn't powered it from the ground yet. Thats todays experiment. Just got out from digging a big hole for my zinc and rewiring my house. I am pulling .857 v as soon as I hooked it up but I will let it entrain more, through a couple of days. Anyone have a good idea as a load? I'm just going to use a 100 ohm resistor because thats the lowest I have laying around. I heard if you constantly monitor something picking up earth energy it will increase for you.

                        Anyway, I was just hoping at best I'll reduce amp draw because the bedini circuit could be improved through grounding at certain points. I dont know if I will achive my goal, but here it is:

                        1 magnet motor on top of a totem like pole, under it a light and colloidal silver gen, under that a battery charging port, attached to a copper pole. 1 peice unit, just whack it in the ground and you got light, health, and power. Somehow weatherize it, and sell it to survival nuts ;-) or just keep it

                        So the trick is to get the bedini circuit to supply the pulsed hv to the ground, and use something else to pick up the power. Chances are I wont get it working right before the end of the world but atleast I'm not afraid of that swine flu.

                        Have fun!


                        • Hi.Today i did an experiment to see how economical this motor is and it will run quite happily on a 1.5v watch battery at 4mA.Here is a vid.
                          Regards jonnydavro
                          YouTube - One magnet no bearing Bedini motor 1.5 volt watch battery test vid 6


                          • Sweet Jonny!

                            Seems like you could run that off a couple of earth batteries in parallel

                            I finally got one running and my snake egg will stand straight up like yours on one end and wobble on the other end. I found a great glass bowl to run it in. Starts up real easy but is a little noisy. I need to find a plastic bowl the same shape. When I run mine so it spinns totally up right when it gets going real fast it ends up flying out of the bowl.


                            • my I suguest you try covering the core with Mu metal,, it is a magnetic shielding. look around for it,, you can find it on the net. just a thought.


                              • jd bedini

                                hi, thanks jonny for the o.m.n.b. motor, just a quick note found teflon dry glide in a spray can sprayed onto lid ,increased rpm and cut amp rate a bite cheers tai

