Hi all.Some great things going on here with the charging and pick up coil tests and one mag variations.I have been busy also, exploring alternative ways off powering the motor and can run it quite happily of a solar garden led light which will charge two 2.7v 20f supercaps in 10 minutes.I can also charge a supercap via a dynamo torch i have modified in a about one minute.The motor will run for hours on this charge.I have made a vid so you can see what i mean.
YouTube - One magnet no bearing clockwork Bedini .vid 7
@El-tigre .Have you put a small piece of reflective tape on your rotor?This will help your tacho get a more accurate reading.Have you got a pic of your rotor to show us?
@Xenomorph.Thanks for all the great information you have found.
I am still working on the darlington setup as different transistors give vastly different results and there are lots of possible combinations but i will test a few each week.Check your pm
YouTube - One magnet no bearing clockwork Bedini .vid 7
@El-tigre .Have you put a small piece of reflective tape on your rotor?This will help your tacho get a more accurate reading.Have you got a pic of your rotor to show us?
@Xenomorph.Thanks for all the great information you have found.
I am still working on the darlington setup as different transistors give vastly different results and there are lots of possible combinations but i will test a few each week.Check your pm
