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One magnet no bearing Bedini motor

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  • Limotor's Light Multiplier

    HELP !!. I am so Aggravated . I cannot get the magnets to spin .I bought the same Coil from the same guy Lidmotor . It has the same resistance as your now but it will not spin any magnets at all . The only thing different is i have tried a 2n3904 and 2n2222a and an mps 05 . they all light the light when i spin the diametric but the magnet stops just as there is no magnetic field there at all ?? I have tried My Cylinder magnet with the ball for the bearing and i have tried the 1 inch ball magnets and i have tried the ball magnets with little Saturn magnets on the pols of the ball ? What is wrong ? It's driving me Mad . I am tempted to send it to you Lidmotor and see if it spins at your house Is there anything you can think of to help ?



    • moving the magnet

      Originally posted by fusionchip View Post
      HELP !!. I am so Aggravated . I cannot get the magnets to spin .I bought the same Coil from the same guy Lidmotor . It has the same resistance as your now but it will not spin any magnets at all . The only thing different is i have tried a 2n3904 and 2n2222a and an mps 05 . they all light the light when i spin the diametric but the magnet stops just as there is no magnetic field there at all ?? I have tried My Cylinder magnet with the ball for the bearing and i have tried the 1 inch ball magnets and i have tried the ball magnets with little Saturn magnets on the pols of the ball ? What is wrong ? It's driving me Mad . I am tempted to send it to you Lidmotor and see if it spins at your house Is there anything you can think of to help ?

      Sorry that you are having so much trouble with this. The way that I first tried this way back when, was I laid one of my rotors on it's side on the mirror then tapped the coil with 1.5 volts. It moved the magnet. It rolled it. From that I figured that maybe just maybe the centertaped coil might be configured to make a pulse circuit spinner. If the "moving the magnet" test works (and it should if you are using the same coil), then it has to be something in your circuit that is wrong. Also the magnet has to be pretty close to the coil to trigger it. Be sure and put a spinner shaft on the magnet and give it a good spin. It should run just like a spinning top. The Saturn magnet idea probably won't work on this. Too slow.



      • Light Multiplier .

        Thank you . Ok i have one Question . What kind of led are you using ? IT is one of the China 20000mcd 20ma 3.4 volt ? and the resistor is it 1/4 watt ? . I really don't want this to lick me . IT looks so simple

        EDIT*** Ok i got it to spin after almost 1 week of coisl and 40 bucks later It will only spin about 3/4 inch away . I ditched the white chine led(got1000) and replaced it with a jumbo 100,000mcd . put a 22 ohm resistor using 2n3904 and its spinning My Cylinder now at least . Whew ! Still a long ways from your setup though .Maybe its the tiny chip off the top of my magnet ? Also using a Marble for the ball on the bottom . .. Ok thanks you !

        Last edited by fusionchip; 01-07-2010, 05:08 AM. Reason: fixed it


        • Magnet source

          Originally posted by fusionchip View Post
          Thank you . Ok i have one Question . What kind of led are you using ? IT is one of the China 20000mcd 20ma 3.4 volt ? and the resistor is it 1/4 watt ? . I really don't want this to lick me . IT looks so simple

          EDIT*** Ok i got it to spin after almost 1 week of coisl and 40 bucks later It will only spin about 3/4 inch away . I ditched the white chine led(got1000) and replaced it with a jumbo 100,000mcd . put a 22 ohm resistor using 2n3904 and its spinning My Cylinder now at least . Whew ! Still a long ways from your setup though .Maybe its the tiny chip off the top of my magnet ? Also using a Marble for the ball on the bottom . .. Ok thanks you !


          Here is where I got the ring magnet rotors:

          K&J Magnetics - Products

          The little steel ball bearing for the bottom I got at Ace or Denaults hardware.

          The Led that I used was one of those Ebay china ones (100 for $8).
          It is a 17000mcd / 3.2v / 20ma type like what you first tried?? The reason that I use them is that I am a little careless and burn em up by the handfulls. Back spikes, cap zaps, wrong battery, you know the drill.
          Anyway I'm glad that you finally got yours to run and I really am sorry that you had so much trouble with it. The 'Maggie' part of the setup you should have no trouble with. I used a full spool of 45ga magnet wire for her.



          • Hi Here's a vid of my SEC combo pulse motor.It is a mix of projects and the result is a pulse motor exciter.Here is a vid and circuit diagram.
            YouTube - SEC combo pulse motor

            @Lidmotor.Try your 1.5v phone charger on your light multiplier.I think you will like it.Runs on 4mA.jonny.
            @Fusionchip.I am glad to Al that you have got your motor going.Lets see what you can do with this one Jonny
            Last edited by jonnydavro; 01-07-2010, 06:11 PM.


            • Developing torque for useful work?

              This one magnet motor looks very interesting but how do we configure it to develop torque for useful work?

              Just a thought.....

              Hopes and Dreams.....



              • replication Of Lidmotor's Light Multiplier

                Lidmotor there is no reason to be sorry . That is just the ups and downs of Experimenters and inventors Projects . I appreciate you and you are a Genius!

                Here is my replication . After three different fan coils including one that i rewound so far this is the only one that spins . I ordered 4 new magnets without chip(from Flying ) and lots of different ball magnets to try . I got My magnets from the same place you did . Seems there is a shortage of them except from that place . YouTube - Light multiplier Replication.wmv
                The maggie part is real easy . The turntable motors have the pickup cois in them . SAVE THEM take them apart . Its a ready made pick up !

                Attached Files
                Last edited by fusionchip; 01-10-2010, 05:12 PM. Reason: add add


                • Success at last

                  Originally posted by fusionchip View Post
                  Lidmotor there is no reason to be sorry . That is just the ups and downs of Experimenters and inventors Projects . I appreciate you and you are a Genius!

                  Here is my replication . After three different fan coils including one that i rewound so far this is the only one that spins . I ordered 4 new magnets without chip(from Flying ) and lots of different ball magnets to try . I got My magnets from the same place you did . Seems there is a shortage of them except from that place . YouTube - Light multiplier Replication.wmv
                  The maggie part is real easy . The turntable motors have the pickup cois in them . SAVE THEM take them apart . Its a ready made pick up !

                  Glad that you finally got your 'Light Multiplier' to work. Thanks for the tip about the ready made pickup coil. Two of those stuck together would probably make an interesting JT kinda circuit.



                  • Light Multiplier recharging > ?

                    Hi . I decided to take one of the leds off and put a hefty diode on it with wires going back to the battery . Although i don't know for sure yet but what i see it the volts in the battery creeping back up . I have to put that pickup just right or its stops spinning although the second pickup is still firing another led . Time will tell . the rectified volts off the pickup is are 3+ PDC at 7 ma Correction . I had it on the 2000ua scale so its .7 ma

                    Last edited by fusionchip; 01-09-2011, 03:32 PM.


                    • back to Levitating

                      Video: Levitating magnetic Sphere; Schwebende Magnet Kugel

                      Note his method of spinning up the sphere.
                      What/how is the sphere Levitating .. the sphere is spinning like a top with
                      north/south poles facing perpendicular to the whatever it is it is Levitating over.
                      Meaning it is not Levitating by opposing poles repelling each other in a face to face manner, as we have all seen before.
                      Example of opposing poles kind of Levitating is seen here: YouTube - Kubus63's Channel

                      Jeff Cook Effect...
                      Short film demonstrating what is called "the Jeff Cook Effect," involving the levitation of a low energy magnet with a unique coil construction.

                      Jeffrey N Cook: Jeff Cook Coil How to build
                      Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                      Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                      • Levitating sphere.

                        I wonder if the nine minutes is the time it takes for the spin to bleed off? The sphere could spin indefinitly from an overhead pulse coil if that's the case!


                        • Hi all,

                          Haven't tried this with the bedini circuit yet but got it going using a reed switch:

                          YouTube - Saturn Magnet Reed Switch Motor - Lighting an LED bulb

                          This video demonstrates lighting an LED bulb on 1 AA battery using a saturn magnet reed switch motor.

                          The circuit consists of 1 AA battery inside an emergency mobile phone charger which boosts the voltage to 5.5v. The positive of the battery goes to one end of the reed switch, the other end of the reed switch to the primary coil of a bedini style coil (bi-filar, 800 turns, core of ferrite rods) with the the end of the primary coil going to the negative of the battery. The saturn magnet (a one inch neodynium magnet, with two half inch neos attached, one on either side) triggers the reed switch to pulse the primary coil. The bulb turns on with each spin of the magnet and therefore appears to flicker until the magnet is spinning fast enough to where it's no longer perceivable. This can be achieved with proper tuning which includes adjusting the placement of the coil and reed switch in relation to the magnet, and ensuring a stable and level surface.



                          • Hi.Ive been coresponding with an experimenter on utube called 64298 who after being inspired by Retrods 2" spinning sphere experiments,wanted to try it and he is doing some neat things so i thought i would take the liberty to post some links to his vids here so more can see.
                            He is using an unusually large bifilar coil like retrod has done and my one mag bedini circuit and he is spinning a 1.5" sphere on 4.5v @ 20mA.
                            He is also experimenting with satellites and recently El-tigres suspended rotor.Jonny
                            YouTube - SPINNING SPHERE.MPG
                            YouTube - THE POWER TOWER.MPG
                            YouTube - HOLD THAT TIGER
                            YouTube - TIGER TAMED
                            YouTube - SATELLITE SPINNING SPHERE.MPG
                            YouTube - SPINNING SPHERE ENERGY EXTRACTION
                            YouTube - LENZ EFFECT.MPG
                            YouTube - BEDINI- DAVRO MOTOR GENERATOR 1.MPG


                            • @ retrod

                              Have you tried putting 4 coils around the shere and generating in parallel all 4 coils. That way your big mass will have coils generating from oposite sides and not pushing your 2 incher all over. Even more coils would help to keep it in place without having to use any other method to keep it in the middle. You could try pairs or a set of 3 coils to balance it as well when generating serious power. Taking the coils and moving them out some might lower the generation interferance or counter force associated with generating heavier loads. Maybe setting the coils to a 45 degree angle facing down might give you even more control of the super huge magnet you got. In effect, holding it down to the surface and centering it from the even pushback against the lines of force when the coil generates. this also would mean that you would have to make the generating coils very accurate and twin like or triplets if you will.
                              Using one generating coil on one side is a very dangerous thing with that big of a neo. Adding more generating coils from apposing sides should stablize that beast and allow you to see haw far you can generate with it. I would stay with pairs and add them till it becomes rock solid. You should be able to add coils in a full circle stacked right next to each other at a distance of about 1 foot or maybe farther and still generate like a banshee without killing it's orbits to much. The more points you add to the generating circuit, points=generating pairs, the more you can pull from it and have the Sphere stay stable.
                              It's time to add more coils. My original Idea was to have a ring of coils for the 45 degree marks from the neo. Looking from the side of you unit:

                              Top ring..............(\)............(/)
                              middle ring..........(-)...(neo)...(-)
                              Lower ring............(/)...........(\)
                              Side view...................(drive)

                              This way the rings act like a virtual ball bearing set around your huge neo. you could make it a three coil generation circuit I believe this way as pictured above each side being a set of 3 coils in series or paralell. With 6 coils per ring at even spaces in a circle, above and below being tighter or closer together. if it still interferes or has a cogging issue then just adjust the generation coils till you find the sweet spot. One suggestion to make here would be to make each coil set from one side mounted on wooden arms to make easier the adjusting of the distance of your coils from the neo. 1-4 feet should be enough to see if there is a break point of the generating coils feedback to the main neo. Meaning when the coils generate, since the reach of that monster is so huge that you could effectively generate without changing the speed of your main neo. I would suggest that maybe it is time to try the satalites out with that monster to see if you could have other neos around the big one that could generate and have less effect on the main neo.
                              That 2 inch neo should have quite the pole sweep. Cogging it with a 1 inch should prove that it is possible to chain these mags together and not have the satalite effect the main neo with a good amount of generation possible. Having a 1 inch around the 2 inch might be extreemly dangerous but start at 5 feet range and see if the 1 inch will spin with good force. When you try this it would be a good idea to enclose the 2 incher in a tube or open ended box for safety.
                              When using satalites the generation is from the satalites not from the main neo so the main neo will stray some. The suggestions to keep it there could be applied to the main neo for the satalite test.
                              Last edited by Jbignes5; 02-11-2010, 03:30 PM. Reason: grammar


                              • Another idea.

                                Hey guys since I have been working on a new project I came across a few good ideas that might help you in your project.

                                This idea comes from putting two magnets together poles facing each other. This effect called splatter extends out the space in between two magnets when the same poles are squished together and held there. A 360 degree lines of force squirts out from the seam of two magnets pressed together that is highly compressed and looks like a pancake:
                                ........------------------------- <-n
                                Looking down from above^

                                I know this diverges from your current setup but it might make the the satalites work better from farther and increase the speed and power of the satalites. You could stack them on the same axle one on each end and get a better ration of cogging from the main neo.

                                This is not oriented right but if you make it so the north field is 90 degrees from the south field then it should work. Also if you retard the degrees off a bit the field line would attract from top left to the south lower south pancake. Looking like a propellar. this could give you a mecahnical advantage seeing that a field comming from the main neo would be rounded and blunt and the field on the satalite would be a sharper propellar shaped giving more ability to push the stalite with more force but at a slightly slower speed.
                                It would be interesting to see what could be done with that or if I am correct about this idea....

